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亚博: TT看低绿军猛龙 76人| 来人给他做个药检

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:欧冠 时间:2018-09-29 12:41:25

Tristan Thompson: "We ’re still 4-time Eastern Conference champions , so until you take us down from that , teams ain ’t got much to say. Boston , Philly , they ain ’t got much to say. Boston had homecourt Game 7 and lost. Philly , you guys almost got swept. Toronto - we know that story" 、

特里斯坦-汤普森:"我们依然是四届东部冠军,所以在你们把我们拉下马之前,那些球队也没甚么好说的.波士顿凯尔特人和费城76 人,他们没甚么好说的.凯尔特人主场抢七输给了我们.费城几近被横扫.至在说猛龙,我们都知道怎样回事."


[–]elMaderas94 2319 points 1 day ago

Can ’t get eliminated from the playoffs if you don ’t make the playoffs


[–][CHI ] Lauri Markkanen 12temp 254 points 1 day ago

Genuinely curious if a reporter has the balls to bring this question up if they end up not making the playoffs.


[–]Warriors cooperred 95 points 1 day ago

There should just be a reporter whose job is to ask these kinds of questions.


[–]Thunder HitboxOfASnail 60 points 23 hours ago

Isnt that what all reporters are really suposed to do ?

Instead we get questions like "so how does it feel to lose the NBA finals" after they just lost the nba finals...


相反,昔时我们输失落NBA 总决赛以后,还人问"那末输失落总决赛的感触感染若何" 这类问题.

[–]Thunder Ragnar_OK 28 points 20 hours ago




[–]plizak-normal 2426 points 1 day ago

I heard lebron James had a part in that

我传闻骑士之所以这么牛X ,是有勒布朗-詹姆斯的功绩的.

[–]username--_-- 61 points 1 day ago

Nope , the Cavs played for Lebron.


[–][CLE ] LeBron James bobKOTOR 46 points 1 day ago

Judging by their recent finals performance I ’d say they didn ’t play for Lebron


[–][UTA ] Adam Keefejliv60 898 points 1 day ago

LeBron played for the Cavs ?


[–][ORL ] Aaron Gordon supremehat13 949 points 1 day ago *

Yeah it 's hard to imagine Lakers legend LeBron James playing anywhere else


[–]Warriors VampireBatman 241 points 1 day ago

I heard legends that he played in some place called "Miami" centuries ago.

勇士球迷:我听闻过他几个世纪前在一个叫"迈阿密" 的处所打球的传说.

[–]HuskiesImTrang 188 points 1 day ago

Some say he even played with dinosaurs.


[–]Cavaliers realfakemormon 50 points 1 day ago

Wait who ? James Jones ?


[–]username--_-- 23 points 1 day ago

Mike Jones



[–][GSW ] Stephen Curry JonTheCatMan11 3379 points 1 day ago

None of those teams will knock Cleveland out of the playoffs. He ’s right.


[–][MIA ] Dwyane Wade Tito_Our_Saviour 1491 points 1 day ago

Tristan must be in his crack phase according to the Kardashian time line


[–][CLE ] Kendrick Perkins dementor0113 953 points 1 day ago

This isn 't going to age well


[–][CLE ] Anderson Varejao spembert 370 points 1 day ago

It ’s not , but I respect the foolish confidence. If you come out thinking you ’re going to lose , then you ’re going to lose.


[–]Raptors JevvyMedia 6 points 1 day ago

This isn 't confidence. He knows Lebron isn 't on his team. He 's just shit talking.


[–][CLE ] Kendrick Perkins dementor0113 401 points 1 day ago

If we come out thinking we 're gonna win we 're gonna lose


[–][CLE ] Anderson Varejao spembert 66 points 1 day ago

That ’s a loser mentality. You should be confident enough to think you have a chance against anyone.


[–]SaysNotBad 190 points 1 day ago

no mentality is going to help this team


[–][CLE ] Anderson Varejao spembert 29 points 1 day ago

Our team isn ’t that bad lmao. This isn ’t the 2010-2014 team with bad coaches and mostly bad players. We have young guys with talent , we have good locker room vets , and an all star.

瓦莱霍球迷:我们骑士也没那末差吧,哈哈哈.这又不是2010 年到2014 年那支锻练程度差、年夜部门球员能力菜鸡的烂队.我们有不乏先天的年青人,还镇得住场子的宿将,还一个全明星球员.

[–]Trail Blazers notDAME 69 points 1 day ago

man i love browsing reddit comments on any post where an athlete expresses confidence

yall get so upset over it lmfao


[–]Knicks vincoug 55 points 1 day ago

Dude , no one 's upset. We just think it 's funny.



[–]Thunder MrWiltErving 672 points 1 day ago

Someone Drug test him


[–]Raptors SneakyPanda7 289 points 1 day ago

He 's from Brampton no need we already know

没需要.他来自Brampton (加拿年夜城市,枪枝、福寿膏泛滥),我们都知道怎样回事了.

[–]dumbydino 98 points 1 day ago

TT the definition of waste yute


[–][TOR ] Jason Kapono EfficientShelter68 123 points 1 day ago

Chill TT plays for team Canada every year , he 's a good yute. Wiggins is the real wasteman.

杰森-卡波诺球迷:沉着,TT 每一年城市为加拿年夜男篮出战,他算是不错的了.维金斯才是真实的废柴.

[–]Raptors KawhiGotUsNow 67 points 1 day ago

Truth lol. Canadians should hate Wiggins more than we hate TT. People only hate TT because he ’s a cheater and a kardashian.

猛龙球迷:年夜真话哈哈哈.比拟我们厌恶TT ,加拿年夜人应当更厌恶威金斯.大师厌恶TT ,纯洁是由于他是个骗子,并且仍是卡戴珊家族成员.


[–]BLIZZARDFACE 1474 points 1 day ago

FINALLY , the dude who averaged 7ppg in the conference finals & 6ppg throughout the playoffs has his say. TELL EM , TT

终究啊,这个总决赛场均7 分全部季后赛场均6 分的哥们儿总算发话了.告知他们,TT.

[–]Bulls CaptainKurls 186 points 1 day ago

This comment is like saying we should judge Draymond off his point totals per game


[–][CLE ] Ricky Davis TurningAway 172 points 1 day ago

I mean , I get the joke , but using ppg as a measure for Tristan is ridiculous. When he was good , he was an absolute terror on the offensive boards for other teams , he certainly wasn 't out there to score.


[–]Bulls ultralightdick 79 points 1 day ago

Put some respect on his name , without him they don 't win a championship in Cleveland ever



[–]Kings chickens_beans 195 points 1 day ago

Embiid is gonna feast on this man


[–]Bulls Teju_Jagua_Epsilon 41 points 1 day ago

When you trust in the process , food will present itself on your table. Eat , joel. Have your fill.


[–]ColdWorldGotHotter 118 points 1 day ago

This is like the guy screaming "hold me back" as he is standing behind someone lol

Except that someone is now in LA

TT 这就像是站在某小我的死后大呼着"拦住我" ,只是这小我已到了洛杉矶.

[–]Kings chickens_beans 15 points 1 day ago

I like this because my name is actually Joel


[–]Raptors costcosamples44 111 points 1 day ago

I don 't think any Raptor player has talked shit or even remotely suggested that they are the team to beat , I don 't know why he is being defensive

我感觉不会有猛龙球员如许乱放炮,乃至都不会把骑士当一回事,其实是不知道TT 干吗这么冲.

[–]Raptors 589096 174 points 1 day ago

Can 't wait for raps to blow out Cavs in first game


[–]Warriors rya11111 10 points 1 day ago

Lol kawhi is gonna eat him alive


[–]Spurs iro3 147 points 1 day ago

it would be funny if the cavs win tho


[–]Raptors weezy_fenomenal_baby 127 points 1 day ago

it could happen tbh

the raptors still have to figure out lineups and chemistry

but on the other hand...the cavs have to figure out how to play basketball



[–]Thunder bewarethegap 123 points 1 day ago

Tristan gotta focus on being a productive basketball player without Lebron to carry the weight before he talks this spicy. Lol


[–]Suns FultonHomes 46 points 1 day ago

I get that you have to still be confident after a star player leaves the team but this is ridiculous. Those three teams that he named are gonna blow them tf out this season.

太阳球迷:在巨星离队以后,TT 得连结决定信念,这一点我理解,但他这么说仍是太荒诞乖张了.他提到的那三支球队本赛季会把骑士虐出翔的.

[–]Knicks AwkwardSmallTalkYes 15 points 1 day ago

Not like the Cavs lost any significant contributors this offseason , so I 'm sure he 's right.

看模样他们在本年炎天并没有掉去一个重量级球星啊.所以我相信TT 说的没错.

[–]Cavaliers Trehosk 10 points 1 day ago

We can ’t be knocked out of playoffs if we knock ourselves out. Smart.


[–]RocketsHpntkmike 27 points 1 day ago

...... guys , should we tell him ?


[–]Knicks _Kofiko 12 points 1 day ago

Let the man dream









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