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亚博体育:阿伦再谈绿军旧事: 美帝球迷暗示听烦了

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:英超 时间:2018-09-10 18:28:24

会商主题:雷-阿伦:隆多不给我传球 里弗斯知道环境却让我打替补


[–][WAS ] Rasheed WallaceRallyPigeon 1931 points 1 day ago

At this point the Big 3 era Celtics have been beefing for longer than they played together.


[–]NetstheToBeHonestGuy 881 points 19 hours ago

To me they always talked like they won multiple championships. Idk why.


[–]CelticsWKWA 508 points 19 hours ago

Won a title , started 27-3 until KG got hurt , lost game 7 of the finals , eliminated in the second , and then lost game 7 of the ECF. The stars didn ’t align for a second title , but that was a hell of a run.

博得了一个总冠军,第二个赛季27-3 开局然后KG 受伤了,再下个赛季输失落了总决赛G7 、第四年第二轮出局、第五年东决G7 出局.虽然他们没有协力拿下第二个冠军,但这也长短常了不得的一段时候了.

[–][MEM ] Acie Lawimatthewhitecastle 26 points 18 hours ago *

i always forget they didn 't win multiple titles too. they were just so big , and it felt like they were the best for a long time. i 'm going to do the same thing with the warriors if they 're done after this year. they only won 4 ? it felt like 5 or 6 . hell , it feels like they 've won more than 3 already.

我一向会疏忽失落他们没有屡次夺冠这个事实.他们就是太强了,给人的感受就是他们是持续好几年的最强球队.假如勇士这个赛季以后拆伙了,我也会这么想他们:"他们只赢了4 个总冠军?那感受有5 、6 个啊" 苍了天,感受起来他们似乎已拿到跨越3 个总冠军了.

[–]Bulls Tankwagonshiteymate 50 points 17 hours ago

I mean , they 're gonna win 5 or 6 so no worries there

我说,勇士会博得5 、6 个总冠军的,你别担忧.


[–]NBAMajesticAsFook 270 points 1 day ago

I loved this team at the time but they all just need to get tf over it.

我那时很爱这支凯尔特人,但他们就是TMD 该让这件工作曩昔了!

[–]CelticsGreaves- 108 points 23 hours ago

Pierce did , KG did , Rondo did. Allen is talking about it once every few weeks

皮尔斯罢休了、KG 看开了、朗多也是,但阿伦每几个礼拜就会出来埋怨一下.

[–][MIL ] Bill ZopfFKJVMMP 134 points 23 hours ago

Wasn ’t Rondo talking shit at some point last season ?


[–]CelticsNE_ED 88 points 22 hours ago

It was after Ray called him out in his book

Ray clearly starts the shit


[–]Michonne844 22 points 13 hours ago

Nah those bitches started the shit when they called him out on their Area 21 show.

Ray Allen is by far the most classy of all of those guys. Nobody ever has a bad word to say about him.

He is very intelligent and insightful person , so he wasn 't falling for all the shenanigans of KG , Doc Rivers and Rondo.

Mr. Rondo is pretty intelligent too , but very petty dude. Allen is trying to sell a book , so he is gonna keep talking about it , just marketing at this point.

不不不,是凯尔特人那帮人在KG 的节目Area21 里先最先的.





[–]KnicksSeymourington 644 points 1 day ago

Anyone else wish this stuff would just stop coming out ? I mean , we get it , the Big Three didn 't like each other much , particularly Ray Allen and Rondo. It 's old freaking news now.


[–]LogenMNE 406 points 23 hours ago

Ray is bringing this shit up all the time. He definitely isn 't over it


[–][MIA ] Harold Minerparadoxofchoice 28 points 21 hours ago

As long as people keep clicking on the stories they 'll keep reporting and asking the questions every chance they get.


[–]Warriorsfantasyoutsider 57 points 17 hours ago

No one else talks about it except them , and they 're a bunch of self-important drama queen loudmouths


[–]LakersSweaty_LeBron 26 points 16 hours ago

as one wise man once said , You aint kobe !


[–]Celticsjunkyardinheritance 25 points 20 hours ago

When will Ray Allen just shut the fuck up ?


[–]MaldororHollow 26 points 23 hours ago

I 'm going to be completely honest , at this point I could not care less about anyone on that Boston team , Ray Allen needs to go away

我说真话吧,此刻我完全不Care 那支波士顿球队的人了,雷阿伦需要走开.

[–]KnicksSeymourington 102 points 23 hours ago

Ray should go live in Costa Rica or somewhere else far away , low profile , for a few years and just forget about all of this. Heal up and ease up. Get into tea ceremony or flower arrangements or something to get a load off the old psyche.






雷-阿伦:隆多不给我传球 里弗斯知道环境却让我打替补





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