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亚博:科比 25岁声誉满满| 网友群情本身的 25岁

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:英超 时间:2018-08-21 07:11:39

By the age of 25 Kobe Bryant was Already a 6x Allstar 6x All-NBA 5x All-defense and 3x NBA Champion

就在25 岁这一年,科比-布莱恩特已有六次全明星、六次NBA 最好声势、五次NBA 最好戍守声势和三次NBA 总冠军.

Kobe 's team made the finals 3 times in 4 years. Kobe averaged 30/7/6 at age 24 and from age 20-25 Kobe averaged 26/6/5

科比的湖人在4 年内3 获总冠军,科比在24 岁那年场均获得30 分7 篮板6 助攻,在20-25 岁这五年里科比场均26 分6 篮板5 助攻.


[–]WarriorsBipartizanBelgrade 3870 指標 19 小時前

By the age of 25 , MJ was already 27.

勇士球迷:在25 岁那年,乔丹早已长得像27 岁了.

[–]Trail BlazersIsMiseOzz 1683 指標 18 小時前

By the age of 25 , Greg Oden was already 43.

开辟者球迷:等他到了25 岁的时辰,格雷格-奥登早已长成43 岁了.

[–]Knicks Tankswagonkawhee 319 指標 18 小時前

With knees that have seen the likes of Genghis Khan


[–]throwaway9876543ab 723 指標 18 小時前

By the age of 25 Kobe Bryant had yet to play with Smush Parker

25 岁那年科比居然要和死神帕克并肩作战.

[–]tm1087 143 指標 16 小時前

I still can ’t believe he was a starting pg for two seasons.


[–]Lakersrionbull 79 指標 15 小時前

The unbelievable thing is that he was actually impressive and inspired hope that we actually had a pg for like our first 5 games. Then yeah it was rough



[–][NYK ] Damyean DotsonRasheediscool 1906 指標 20 小時前

By age 23 I have 1 college degree 69420 regrets no girlfriend and lots of depression

尼克斯球迷:23 岁那年我获得了年夜学本科文凭,69420 次悔怨本身没有女伴侣,和一堆掉望.

[–]yummyyummypowwidge 350 指標 17 小時前

Kobe didn ’t even go to college.

You - 1

Kobe – 0



[–]Bullsnigelfitz 144 指標 16 小時前

Educated with massive debt HS diploma with millions of dollars.

Lol Kobe.

公牛球迷:接管教育+巨额债务 高中学历+亿万资产


[–]JazzNotPornAccount2293 104 指標 16 小時前

At 23 I had no degree , no girlfriend , no money , no friends and forty grand in debt. At twenty-five I 'm a semester away from graduation , my girlfriend is planning on moving in with me at the end of the school year and I 'm down to less than 5k in debt.

A lot can change a lot faster than you think. Just keep your head up.


23 岁的我没文凭、没女伴侣、没钱、没伴侣,并且还一堆债务,然后二十五岁我成功拿到了学士学位、我的女伴侣预备在她卒业以后搬过来和我一路住,我的债务也还到了不到五千美元.



[–][TOR ] DeMar DeRozanKPIH 518 指標 20 小時前

At 25 Chamberlain was averaging 50/25

猛龙球迷:25 岁那年,张伯伦场均50 分25 篮板.

[–]red-sand 938 指標 20 小時前

Wiggins is only 23. Lots of time left. RELAX.

还记得我们说的话嘛?维金斯才23 岁,他还年夜把时候呢,放轻松啊.

[–]PelicansJMoon33 856 指標 19 小時前

If he has 3 NBA championship by the time he 's 26 I 'll eat an Andrew Wiggins jersey.

鹈鹕球迷:假如他能在26 岁的时辰取得3 个NBA 总冠军,我就把维金斯的球衣吃了.

[–][MIN ] Ricky Davis_CirocObama 45 指標 17 小時前

My good friend is still convinced Wiggins is the next Kobe. He ’s kind of an idiot , but I love the optimism lol



[–]Pelicanszacree 139 指標 17 小時前

To put that in perspective , AD is 25.

鹈鹕球迷:有一港一,安东尼-戴维斯已25 岁了.

[–]TimberwolvesCarl262 17 指標 11 小時前

For reference , AD turned 25 in March and has 6 seasons under his belt. He 's a 5x All-Star , 3x All-NBA , 3x All-Defense , 3x Blocks Leader (plus NCAA Champion ).

In Kobe 's first 6 seasons , he was a 4x All-Star , 3x All-NBA , 3x All-Defense , and 3x NBA Champion.


作为参考,安东尼-戴维斯本年三月满25 岁,并且他已打了六个赛季里,这六个赛季他四次全明星,三次NBA 最好声势,三次NBA 最好戍守声势和三次盖帽王(还一次NCAA 总冠军).

在科比的前六个赛季,他有四次全明星、三次NBA 最好声势、三次NBA 最好戍守声势和三次NBA 总冠军.


[–]sanjeevbola 254 指標 17 小時前

By the age of 23 , Derrick Rose 's knees were already 60

23 岁那一年,罗斯的膝盖早就60 岁了.

[–]TimberwolvesLanceBarney 359 指標 19 小時前

It 's amazing how much of a difference prime Shaq can be...

But for real , if the Lakers didn 't take all that time to get Kobe the help , he could 've had an insane run.




[–]Kobe_is_the_goat824 [S ] 217 指標 19 小時前

Still though a 3 year peak of 32/6/5 is amazing and after seeing what late prime Kobe did 600 + points in 3 straight playoff runs it 's hard to imagine the Kobe isn 't in the goat debate if he had help those years 05-08

科比巅峰三年场均32 +6 +5 ,并且科比巅峰尾巴的三连季后赛总共得了600 多分,细心想想假如科比在05-08 年这三年获得足够帮忙的话,他是否是可以进入史上最好的会商名单里.

[–]RaptorsSpeedFlex 155 指標 18 小時前

It seems that you really think that Kobe is the Goat

猛龙球迷:看起来你已感觉科比是GOAT 了.

[–]Kobe_is_the_goat824 [S ] 195 指標 18 小時前

Kobe is my favorite player all-time but i have him 4



[–]LakersObliviousIrrelevance 60 指標 17 小時前

I feel like Kobe doesn 't get enough credit for his defense.


[–]MavericksSternjunk 70 指標 20 小時前

Kobe could have been the GOAT if the lakers front office didn 't screw him during his prime years after Shaq and before they got Gasol.


[–]StiffCurry 273 指標 20 小時前

they didn 't screw him , they blessed him with some of the best frontcourts of all time. imagine if vince or t-mac got blessed with 8 years of prime shaq then 5 years of gasol/odom/bynum

kobe just had to deal with a 3 year stretch of mediocre teammates , while many players spend their entire career with that kind of roster










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