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亚博体育:哈登卷入胶葛| 年夜胡半夜店里也要造犯规

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:欧冠 时间:2018-08-17 11:23:23

[TMZ ]Hardens name in Police Report

TMZ :哈登的名字呈现在差人陈述中.

按照八卦媒体《TMZ 》报导,一位女性称火箭球星哈登在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市的夜店拉拽她的手段,而且将她的手机扔向天花板.Reddit 的网友也进行了一番评论,来看看他们说了些甚么吧.


[–]Sunsshitidk2266 503 指標 3 天前

Pro athletes getting into trouble in Scottsdale , name a more iconic duo...


[–]SpursThe_War_On_Drugs 216 指標 2 天前

He actually drew contact while throwing the phone on the roof and was awarded two free throws.


[–]76erstrappersdelight 466 指標 3 天前

Harden needs to learn. TMZ gonna get that footage either way

76 人球迷:哈登需要长点心了,《TMZ 》不管怎样样都能拿到这个视频的.

[–]76ersmylastaccountonhere 168 指標 2 天前

ikr , not to mention i have my shit auto backup anyway. even if i lose my phone i don 't lose my photos or videos.

That being said , 美金500 plus the phone back for spectating , is a come up.

though she probably about to get a few zeros added to that. probably going to show up to court in a wheelchair , wearing a neck brace.

76 人球迷:是的,更不消说我手机里的工具都是主动备份的,就算我手机没了,手机里的视频和照片都不会丢掉啊.


不外她接下来可能要比500 多好几个零的补偿金,说不定就座着轮椅戴着颈托呈现在法庭上了.

[–]Untchj 126 指標 3 天前

Heads up for the youngins , stop taking people ’s phones. Its easy to forget but these little devices are mostly worth over 美金500. Over 美金500 in most states is a felony.

要提示那些小年青们,别特么乱扔他人手机,虽然很轻易被人疏忽可是这些小工具真的不止500 美元,跨越五百美元的犯法在年夜大都州都是重罪了.


[–][BOS ] Rajon Rondopierce_brady_ortiz 2241 指標 3 天前

She got 500 美金 from em and still is making it public lmao

凯尔特人球迷:得了500 美元还能在公家视野弄点年夜事哈哈哈哈.

[–]RaptorsKilllmonger 741 指標 3 天前

Not enough for a brand new phone these days

猛龙球迷:此刻品牌的手机可不止500 美元.

[–]KnicksQuinnett 185 指標 3 天前

This is all Tim Cook ’s fault IMO.


[–]__ezra 96 指標 3 天前

seriously , trying to change consumer behavior into thinking paying 1k for a phone is the norm. as consumers we deserve better and should stand against such retarded pricing models. why should we pay a premium on borrowed technology that Apple claims to be ‘revolutionary ’./soapbox


[–]MavericksDeandreDoesDallas 81 指標 2 天前

You know , this is bullshit. I know it ’s cool to bash Apple on reddit , but come on. Yeah , it ’s 美金1k for the top end iPhone X. The Galaxy S9 is up there too. There ’s plenty of mid tier and cheaper options on both the Apple and Android sides (iPhone 6S and SE can be regularly found unlocked under 美金250 ).

And before you talk about being "forced to upgrade" every year , that ’s also BS. The next iOS will focus on performance improvements on existing phones...it ’ll fully support the iPhone 5S , a phone that came out 5 years ago. My mom is still using hers. I ’m still using a 6s. You ’d be hard pressed to find that level of long term support elsewhere in the phone industry.

独行侠球迷:你知道的,楼上说的有点问题的.虽然在Reddit 里喷苹果是一种时尚,可是一千美元的手机可不止苹果哦,三星S9 也差不多这个价,苹果和安卓阵营都有不怎样贵的手机啊(IPhone 6S 还SE 无锁版都是250 美元以下)

在你说出那句"强迫进级" 之前,我需要强调这也是扯淡,下一个版本的IOS 系统会专注在现有的手机机能改良……对IPhone 5S 也有撑持,我妈此刻还在用5S ,我也在用6S ,很少有厂商供给如斯长时候的手艺办事了吧.


[–]InabeHimeko 151 指標 3 天前

She 's just looking to sell the contact and get the free throws.


注:此处Sell the contact 一语双关,即表达了强调身体接触,也表达了出卖手机.

[–]YuleYarn 56 指標 3 天前

Harden clearly hooked the arm , so he 's getting the FTs.


[–][LAL ] Travis KnightBabybaybeh 217 指標 3 天前

She definitely took an extra step like Harden 's stepback



[–]LakersDJyoungHeisenberg 771 指標 3 天前

that 's Harden and his people 's fault


[–]LakersTXhype 187 指標 3 天前

Exactly. Idk why people in the thread are going after the woman. Harden and crew got themselves in this unfortunate situation


[–]NBAjspsfx 486 指標 3 天前

No bro... According to the thot police of /r/nba , Harden is the victim here. And Blake Griffin will be forced to buy this woman a brand new Kia every month for 18 years.

PS... Mods please program Gold Digger to autoplay for readers when opening this thread.

兄弟,不成能的,按照Reddit 篮球版块的绿茶婊判定师果断,哈登就是受害者,格里芬在将来十八年里每一个月都要给孩子***买一辆全新起亚汽车呢!




Bruh 500 美金 is not enough for a damaged phone and injured wrist.

诚恳说500 美元用来修手机还医治受伤手段可能不太够啊.

[–][ORL ] Aaron Gordonsupremehat13 1012 指標 3 天前

She got 美金500 and her phone back. Harden and his crew got finessed

魔术球迷:她获得了500 美元,还让手机回来了,哈登和他的侍从入彀了啊.


[–][LAL ] Julius RandleEmNightShyamalan 930 指標 3 天前

Turns out that the girl was in fact Danny Ainge in disguise


[–]whyallthefire 202 指標 3 天前

chillin at home now with her phone and 500 bucks while jaylen brown and jayson tatum feed her grapes

此刻这名女子带着她的手机和500 美元回到了家中,杰伦-布朗和杰森-塔图姆正在给她喂葡萄.


[–]RocketsKwakmeister 131 指標 3 天前

As far as I 'm concerned , she climbed on the roof... she earned it.


[–]Celticsdesmedt26 41 指標 3 天前

All I 'm wondering if if he threw the phone up like a 3 point shot and stared her down like Wes Matthews


[–]Rocketsjrue3 567 指標 3 天前

How the fuck did she climb up to the roof with an injured risk


[–]LakersDJyoungHeisenberg 842 指標 3 天前

she took off her heels and used them as mountaineering axes.


[–]InabeHimeko 209 指標 3 天前


Adrenaline - she didn 't realize it hurt until she calmed down.

She made it worse by putting stress on the injury.

The police are more likely to get involved if she ended up injured so she made it up.

She has a 50 inch vertical and was wearing moon shoes.





垂直弹跳1.27 米,并且她穿戴登月鞋.

[–][GSW ] Dajuan Wagneraaahhhh 249 指標 3 天前

Alternate theory: She told the establishment that someone threw her phone on the roof , and asked if she could use the stairs to climb up.



[–]Bullsgimmealitreacola 499 指標 3 天前

I can 't wait for the shit I 'll get for this , but I can only imagine how fucking scared I 'd be if a panicky/angry guy of Harden 's size and strength was grabbing at me. And I 'm 5 '11 , so probably taller than this girl (I 'm also a girl ). But still , our wrists would be like toothpicks in his hands. Now would I have recorded these guys ? No. But is she in the wrong for doing it ? It 's not like they weren 't in public. And 500 doesn 't even cover the cost of a replacement phone , had hers been damaged , let alone her injuries. I 'd have reported it , too. But who the hell knows ? My feelings here are obviously assuming the events happened as told , which is a big assumption.


除此以外,500 美元底子不敷换一个手机,乃至维修费都不敷,更不消说她受伤的手段了.换做是我我也会报警的,可是也欠好说了,我在这里的假定都是这位密斯所说是准确的根本上,固然这个假定也很斗胆啦.

[–]WarriorsEastBayFan 115 指標 3 天前

If this was KD you 'd all be praising this woman.

Harden can 't grab someone 's wrist , damage their property , and then just pay them 美金500 to get out of it. That 's not how the world works.

If this story is true , he assaulted her. Harden and his crew started shit in a public place , and then he decided he gets to do what he wants because he 's a celebrity.

Fuck that.

勇士球迷:假如是KD 做了一样的工作,你们城市说这个女的做得好.

哈登不克不及抓着她的手段啊,并且也不克不及侵害她的财富,而且哈登只给了500 美元就想把这件工作推得一干二净,工作不克不及这么做的.










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