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来源:www.usportnews.com 编辑:亚博 所属栏目:综合体育 时间:2019-04-22 19:05:38
本文由U体育_综合体育2019年04月22日转载报道: 小伙伴们大家好,欢迎来到本期的“国外也有段子手”!上周的欧洲赛场精彩看点层出不穷,热刺凭借客场进球淘汰曼城,巴萨主场完胜曼联,尤文惨遭阿贾克斯逆转,而利物浦则兵不血刃斩落波尔图。周末联赛,利物浦和曼城纷纷取胜,曼联惨败埃弗顿,阿森纳不敌水晶宫,而巴萨、皇马则纷纷赢球,尤文也顺利取得意甲八连冠。好了,话不多说,让我们快来看看歪果仁们的精彩吐槽吧!

Taekucink(未知主队球迷): 曼联应该解雇索尔斯克亚,然后再立刻重新任命他为临时主帅!(United should sack Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and reappoint Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as interim manager.)

BritMachine(利物浦球迷): 这才是曼联最需要的——永恒的新教练蜜月期!(Thats all they needs - put him in a permanent honeymoon period.)

bouds19(利物浦球迷): 这就是我们要指望去战胜曼城的球队吗?莪。(This is the team we're relying on to take points off City? Fuck me.)

BadCowz(曼联球迷): 这其实是计划的一部分!好让我们看起来不是故意去输给曼城的…(This is all part of not making it look like we are throwing the game on purpose.)

gb_lmu(埃弗顿球迷): 我看炮hub时都不会举这么长…(Even pornhub can’t make erect for so long.)

toby_o_notoby(埃弗顿球迷): 我好了。(I’ve cumed.)

Ger971(曼联球迷): 我们今天输了球,然后再战胜曼城,亲手把英超冠军交给利物浦,最后再去踢欧联杯…握日尼玛...(We’re gonna lose here, beat city, hand Liverpool the title and go to the Europa league. Fuck this.)

alee1994(曼联球迷): 人生总是如此痛苦吗,还是只有你是曼联球迷时才这样?(Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a united fan?)

MarioPogbatelli(曼联球迷): 马夏尔这赛季添孩子数量,比进的球都多了吧!(Martial has had more kids this season than he's scored goals.)

Skinsaremylife(曼联球迷): 欧联杯加入了群聊,博格巴退出了群聊。(Europa league has entered the chat. Pogba has left the chat.)

Zavehi(曼联球迷): 这是在踢欧冠第3回合吗?(Is this the third leg of Champions league?)

heyum20(埃弗顿球迷): 我们有3个前巴萨队员,说不定未来还能签下梅西呢!(We have 3 of barca former or current players. Maybe we can get Messi in the future.)

TheLifeofSonny(曼联球迷): 如果我们现在有足够多的球员被红牌罚下,那是不是就只被判0-3输球了?(If we get enough players sent off, Everton only win 3 nil right?)

KieranD9503(埃弗顿球迷): 到了赛季末再看吧,我们肯定会输给伯恩利然后再虐一通热刺…(Come back at the end of the season to watch us bottle it against Burnley then thrash Tottenham.)

Mrcstrlh(未知主队球迷): 这智商得有5000了!直接不去欧冠,这样不就能避免在欧冠碰见梅西啦!(5000 IQ move, avoiding Messi by avoiding CL all together.)

Wintex(曼联球迷): 我很好奇球员们到底知不知道在无球的时候也是可以跑动的…(I wonder if the players know that they can move when they don't have the ball.)

DarkSofter(曼联球迷): 握日哦,我竟然没去健身房,就为了看这场踢成翔的比赛?(We are fucking shocking im skipping gym to watch this dogshit.)

Miniatom(曼联球迷): 还是去健身房吧老铁,看这比赛对身体的伤害比吃麦当劳大多了…(Go to the gym mate. This is worse for your health than McDonalds.)

BrendaPham5190(未知主队球迷): 自从索尔斯克亚转正之后,曼联丢的分简直比我任何一门考试都多!(ManU dropped harder than my grade since Ole's appointment.)

Flyingfetusfacepalm(曼联球迷): 看来埃弗顿和曼联想要的都是欧联杯…(Both Everton and United wanted that Europa league spot.)

lost_biochemist(阿森纳球迷): 那能让切尔西也对这个感兴趣吗?(If only we could now get Chelsea interested in that position too...)

TheBirdOrTheCage(曼联球迷): 大家别担心,当年莫耶斯签的教练合同,还有两个月就到期啦!(Don’t worry everyone. Moyes’s contact ends in just over two months.)

StewardOfGondorS(未知主队球迷): 会不会这就是曼联一直以来的诅咒…(That's gotta be some kind of curse that's on the club.)

VictorAkwaowo1(皇马球迷): 直到第86分钟才第一次射正,曼联真是让人头大!(Manchester United recorded their first shot on goal in the 86th minute I find that mind blowing.)

purple_blaze(英格兰球迷): 其实他们过去4场比赛总共就只有5脚射正而已…(They have 5 shots on target in the past 4 games.)

Zladan(多特蒙德球迷): 好了,到底是谁把他玩FIFA的视频放在我电视直播信号上了?赶快停下,我想看看真正的比赛!(OK whoever is live streaming their FIFA game to my tv please stop I want to watch the real match.)

new1sh_old1sh(切尔西球迷): 想象一下,如果你穿越回10年前的2009年告诉自己,曼城和热刺的比赛会比巴萨和曼联的比赛精彩得多…(Imagine going back in time 10 years 2009 and telling your younger self that a Man City-Spurs game would be more exciting than Barca-United.)

Rudygha(阿森纳球迷): 如果热刺真的夺得欧冠,那我就凉凉了,从此我就再也不上推特也不看足球版块了…(If spurs win the champions league, I’m done. I’ll have to stop visiting twitter and this sub for the rest of my life.)

Anydange(热刺球迷): 友情提示一下,当时热刺在小组赛第4场距离被埃因霍温淘汰出局也就12分钟…(Reminder that Spurs were 12 minutes away from being eliminated by PSV Eindhoven after four group games.)

KinneySL(那不勒斯球迷): 万万没想到,孙兴慜在一个月的时间里就成为了热刺传奇,向韩国国王致敬!(It's been amazing to watch a club legend get made over the last month. All hail the Korean King.)

AeggiesRs(未知主队球迷): 不是开玩笑,我觉得皇马真的可以考虑签下孙兴慜了…(Real Madrid could consider buying Son, I’m not kidding.)

DCx310(墨西哥球迷): 现在可以说孙兴慜就是亚洲史上最佳了吧!(Safe to say Son will go down as the GOAT Asian player?)

TheDevilsAlternate (未知主队球迷): 向那些迟到了10分钟才来到酒吧的人致敬…(PAY RESPECTS TO THOSE WHO GOT TO THE PUB TEN MINUTES LATE.)

Boltact(纽卡斯尔球迷): 竟然是阿贾克斯和热刺要踢欧冠半决赛…当时他们一个小组都差点没出线,一个是连资格赛都踢了3轮才进的正赛(…Ajax vs Tottenham..... Champo semi-final. One is almost dead in groups while the other have 3 round of qualifications.)

MS_220(未知主队球迷): 突然想到,假如梅西想要上演三冠王帽子戏法的话,可能得接连斩落英超前六球队其中的三个才行…(I just realized Messi could have to face 3 top 6 English teams in a row to complete his hat trick of trebles.)

[deleted](账户已注销): 这场球起码证明了VAR并不会减少足球的戏剧性!(Well, at least this game proves that VAR is not going to take away all of the drama from the sport.)

HoneyBadger_plz(热刺球迷): 很难向我那不看球的哥们解释我在比赛最后10分钟的心情,身为热刺球迷,而我的朋友没人看球也没人懂我…(Trying to explain to my friend how the last 10 minutes felt as a Tottenham supporter but no one watches football and gets it.)

Makingsomeeggs(热刺球迷): 很高兴昨天晚上我没有自杀了。(补充:谢谢各位的善意,对我很有帮助,很抱歉不能一一回复大家,评论太多了…)(I’m very glad I didnt kill myself last night. Edit: Thank you for the kind words everyone, certainly helps, sorry I can’t reply to everyone just so many comments.)

Syphite(曼联球迷): 哥们,我真的希望你是在开玩笑啊!千万别让负面情绪左右自己,一定要时常想起这场比赛的美妙瞬间哦!(Hope that's a joke mate, never let depression win take this moment and remember it.)

Tompoucee(阿森纳球迷): 兄弟,要照顾好自己——来自阿森纳球迷的关怀。(Take care brother. Love u from an arsenal fan.)

Michealson12(未知主队球迷): 这绝对是今年最佳比赛!集合了所有戏剧性因素,就差一张红牌了!(Match of the fucking season. That match had everything apart from a red card.)

Evo7_13(热刺球迷): 这比赛看得就像我自己也踢了90分钟比赛一样…(I feel like i played 90min after watching that game.)

rameshnat27(未知主队球迷): 作为一个中立球迷,感觉我都要吓出心脏病了,你能想象真正双方球迷的心情么…(As a neutral I was having heart attacks. Can't imagine how it must have been for the supporters.)

Nievesdelimon(未知主队球迷): 就算瓜迪奥拉还残存一点头发,这场比赛也都得被他薅没了…(If Guardiola had any hair he’d already ripped it off his head.)

Slippery_Sidewalk(未知主队球迷): 我觉得热刺一定是把凯恩给献祭了!(I think they sacrificed Kane for this.)

otter_pop_n_lock(阿森纳球迷): 每次我低头咬一口三明治就会错过一个进球,现在我3分钟前就把三明治吃完了,怎么又不进球了…(Each time I put my head down to take a bite of my sandwich I missed a goal. Now that I finished my sandwich 3 minutes ago, no goals have been scored. :(

Jesusthatsgreat(曼联球迷): 让我们祝愿成千上万名因心脏病而去世的曼城和热刺球迷永远安息…(RIP to the thousands of City and Spurs fans who have died during this match from heart failure.)

DarkDracoPad(曼联球迷): 比赛的时候我正在上班,我和老板才说了8分钟的话,结果就错过了3个进球!(I'm at work, talked to my manager for 8 minutes and missed 3 goals WTF.)

613TheEvil(希腊球迷): 当你在老特拉福德肘击梅西的脸时,梅西不会遗忘。希望你们明白,在你们输球之前看到的最后一件事,就是梅西在对你们微笑。(When you injured Messi's face with a dirty move in Old Trafford, Messi remembers. I want you to know that, the last thing you’re ever going to see is Messi smiling down at you as you lose.)


Balls_of_Adamanthium(巴萨球迷): 我看巴萨比赛最喜欢的事,就是最后阶段皮克冲上前去想混个进球…(Pique hunting for goals at the end of the game is always my favorite part of watching Barca lol.)

Kinginthenorthjon(皇马球迷): 德赫亚啊,在西班牙踢球,并不意味着你是在西班牙国家队踢球啊!(De Gea, playing in Spain doesn't mean you're playing for Spain.)

JustForReddit9167(未知主队球迷): 我的天,梅西是不是已经把曼联半支球队都给穿裆了…(My God. Messi has mugged off half of United team so far.)

leeconway92(凯尔特人球迷): 如此美妙的夜晚,总让我意淫去年我们签下的是梅西,而不是什么海耶斯...(Nights like this are why I wish Celtic had signed Messi last summer and not fucking Jonny Hayes.)

Smrifire(切尔西球迷): 梅西活剥了曼联后防线的皮…他一定是波顿家族的人!(Messi's skinning the United defence alive. He’s a Bolton confirmed.)

Elemental05(曼城球迷): 其实巴萨还会评选一个“除了梅西之外的全场最佳球员”呢!(barca has a MOTMOTM (Man of the Match other than Messi)

the_studge(英格兰球迷): 有谁能解释下,为啥囧斯能顶掉达洛特进入首发?(Can anyone explain why Jones is starting instead of Dalot?)

Sheddingpanda(利物浦球迷): 为了让他造梗呀!(For the memes.)

Redkarrot(利物浦球迷): 谁要再说梅西这身板混不了英超,我就得扇他一耳光了!(I’m gonna slap the next person that says Messi’s body couldn’t survive the Prem.)

Havish_(利物浦球迷): 连拉莫斯的攻击都奈何不了梅西,去踢英超岂不是轻轻松松?(Even Ramos’s attack has no effect, let alone the Prem.)

dmak17(未知主队球迷): 里奥-梅西,史上第一;阿什利-扬,一头山羊。(Messi: GOAT. Young: Goat.)

Mhaydar(曼联球迷): 我还真希望首发的是一只羊,而不是什么阿什利-扬…(I'd rather have an actual goat start for us instead of Young.)

Oysterclan(曼联球迷): 阿什利-扬是上天赐给所有球队的礼物,除了曼联之外。(Ashley young is a gift to all clubs except ours.)

IwishIwasGoku(未知主队球迷): 阿什利-扬得尽快再有只鸟来送一坨翔!(Young needs another dose of bird shit asap.)

Thatdani(曼城球迷): 今晚阿什利-扬和德赫亚的替罪羊之争很激烈啊!(Young and De Gea are fighting for the scapegoat.)

AF273FS(曼联球迷): 本来还能进个球的,都赖特大根!(We could have a score if there were not big dick MATS.)

apfeiff19(利物浦球迷): 只要对阵英超球队,就可以激发库鸟的招牌穿云箭技能!(Coutinho just needs to play against premier league clubs. Then he’ll score the same banger he’s scored a thousand of.)

Lenlfc(利物浦球迷): 但是…我们自己不也是英超球队么…(But... we're a Premier League club...)

Harshmangat(曼联球迷): 现在我终于明白阿森纳当年踢欧冠的感觉了…(Now I know how all Arsenal fans felt all these years in the Champions league.)

BAH03B(阿森纳球迷): 那你们还得再踢几次拜仁才行。(you need to play against Bayern several times.)

Menstrua12(拜仁球迷): 啊?那样就该是我们自闭了好吧!(Nah then we will die.)

Gizatenner(未知主队球迷): 所以曼城这是以总比分5-4晋级了?(So City go through 5-4 on aggregate?)

mccaigbro69(曼城球迷): 18岁的福登在英超进球,而28岁的我现在只能穿着内裤躺在床上躺尸…(18 year old Foden is scoring a premier league goal and I'm laying in bed in my underwear at age 28.)

TraumaAlwaysLingers(未知主队球迷): 1米73的阿圭罗竟然和1米70的福登玩起了头球接力进球…(173cm Aguero heads it to 170cm Foden to head it in lmao.)

FastySmith7(未知主队球迷): 搞不懂曼城为啥总是不丢分,但我想知道的是,为啥曼城老是能在前5分钟就进球,然后后85分钟就连一脚射正都憋不出来了?(How did City not drop points here I'll never know and how the fuck do they keep scoring in the first 5 mins then can barely manage a shot on goal for the next 85.)

ajn789(利物浦球迷): 热刺啊,如果你们实在进不了球,那最后能不能跟曼城球员打上一架…(Spurs if you aren't gonna score, can you at least give fights at the end of the game.)

NicksAunt(皇家盐湖城球迷): 看来得靠曼联来击败曼城才能帮助利物浦夺冠了…世界末日是不是要来了?(United best City to give Liverpool the league... that would truly be an omen for the end of times.)

Ctladvance(利物浦球迷): 真希望有人能像莫里森熊抱萨拉赫那样抱我…(I wish someone had hugged me like Morrison bearhug Salah.)

SurreptitiousNoun(利物浦球迷): 你看裁判之所以犹犹豫豫地不吹哨,就为不忍心打扰这二人甜蜜时光呀!(You can see why the ref was hesitant to blow the whistle, let them have their moment.)

Dildo_Warfare(利物浦球迷): 我第一次约会的时候,都不敢这么上下其手…(I was less handsy with my prom date mate.)

Hicko11(牛津联球迷): 就算这摸得再少一点,也足够去判个性骚扰了…(People have got done for sexual assault for less grabbing.)

Theholygreil(未知主队球迷): 面对那不勒斯始终守身如玉,回家面对水晶宫却愣是让对方射了三次?(Clean sheets against Napoli just to concede 3 at home to palace?)

AwaisAli(阿森纳球迷): 那不勒斯是个好人…(Napoli is in the friendship zone.)

Wakingdemons(热刺球迷): 穆斯塔菲应该去当一名国会议员啊,反正就是只拿钱不干活!(Mustafi should become a member of Parliament, he's already stealing paychecks.)

TheCardSaysMoops_(阿森纳球迷): 穆斯塔菲是让我相信自己也能踢英超的唯一理由了…(Shkodran Mustafi is the only thing giving me hope I could still make it as a Premier League footballer.)

Liquidanfield(利物浦球迷): 现在我们干脆让热刺、阿森纳、切尔西和曼联单独成立一个小联赛来争四吧!(At this point we should just do a mini tournament with spurs, Arsenal, Chelsea and United for top 4.)

cpl1(阿森纳球迷): 那估计我们还是谁也进不了前四。(All of us would find a way to lose somehow.)

ModricTHFC(爱尔兰球迷): 阿森纳拥有欧冠级别的前场三叉戟,但剩下的都是西汉姆联级别的…(Arsenal have a Champions League quality front 3 and a West Ham level rest of the squad.)

Wangchungsuarez(未知主队球迷): 这是西汉姆联被黑得最惨的一次。(Thats offensive to West Ham.)

PraiseAinsley69(曼联球迷): 每次伤心透顶时,阿森纳总能给我安慰…(Can always count on Arsenal to cheer me up.)

Eduadinho(阿森纳球迷): 彼此彼此。(So does united.)

Jayveesac(阿森纳球迷): 本赛季阿森纳两回合都未能击败的球队分别是曼城(两负)、利物浦(一平一负)和水晶宫(一平一负)…(Teams that Arsenal haven't beaten over two rounds this season: Manchester City (2L), Liverpool (1D, 1L), Crystal Palace (1D, 1L)

Thepretzelking(未知主队球迷): 每支球队不都这样么?(Every team is all like this.)

Nickmasonvevo(热刺球迷): 万万没想到,皇马今年竟然被阿贾克斯淘汰了两次…(Hard to believe Real Madrid knocked out twice by Ajax this year.)

barmyarmy19(未知主队球迷): 如果阿贾克斯在决赛输给巴萨,那皇马就要被淘汰三次了!(They would be knocked out the third time if Ajax lose to Barca in the final.)

Dantravers(英格兰球迷): 德利赫特身价又得再涨5000万了…(De Ligt: +50m.)

Goldtubb(阿贾克斯球迷): 好吧,至少现在尤文可以专注于赢下紫百合,8连冠也是新纪录了!(Well, at least Juventus can fully concentrate on winning the Scudetto now. A record 8th in a row.)

Rafterpods(利物浦球迷): 自从2017年欧联杯决赛曼联战胜阿贾克斯后,曼联在转会市场净投入了1.8亿英镑,而阿贾克斯是-1050万…现在他们一个闯进了欧冠半决赛,而另一个却被淘汰回家了!(Since the 2017 Europa League Final, Net spend for ManUtd +180 million pounds. AFCAjax -10.5 million pounds. Now here they are. One is in the semi-final and the other is going home.)

SAFFATLOL(阿森纳球迷): 阿森纳愿意把穆斯塔菲加入到买德利赫特的交易里!(Arsenal offers Mustafi in swap deal for De Ligt.)

MCV1PY(未知主队球迷): 那他们索要的价格估计就更高了!(Then the price would increase more.)

scaa1(未知主队球迷): 加油阿贾克斯,真不敢相信你们能赢啊!(Come on Ajax, I can’t believe they are winning.)

R_Schuhart(阿森纳球迷): 你如果看了比赛,就会不敢相信他们没能赢更多地球…(Can't believe they were not winning more if you’ve watched the game!)

notus_plus(波尔图球迷): 昨晚梦见了一支球队怎么也射不出来,醒来才发现这不是梦。(I dream of a team that can finish it's chances, now I find it real.)

Mightbeabotidk(巴萨球迷): 波尔图肯定会因为破坏环境而被罚款,今晚前前后后都浪费了多少资源啦!(Porto should get fined for pollution since they've wasted absolutely everything tonight, shameful.)

The_Goat_Charmer(波尔图球迷): 利物浦就像严厉的爸爸一样,哪怕你犯了一点点小错,也会很凶地惩罚你…(Liverpool is like a strict father, he'll punish you for every little shit you do.)

Dowdymeatballs(利物浦球迷): 啊,性感的萨拉赫,看你一眼就能让我怀孕了...(Just impregnate me already seeing you sexy Salah.)

Mkgilligan(葡萄牙球迷): 我的直播信号在第90分钟卡了,我们一定是在最后2分钟内连扳6球,对不对老铁们?(My stream froze at the 90 minute mark, we scored the 6 goals we needed in the last 2 minutes, right guys? right guys?)

Trestristestriges(未知主队球迷): 是的,现在你去睡觉吧,记得以后再也不要打开手机了…(Yes. Now go to bed and don't check your phone ever again.)

Java_Beans(皇马球迷): 巴萨对利物浦肯定很有意思,让我们期待范戴克对决梅西,还有利红军三叉戟大战皮克吧!(Barcelona vs Liverpool will be interesting. Let’s see what Van Dijk can do to Messi and also what those front 3 would do to Pique.)

justhere125(利物浦球迷): 我有种预感,苏牙可能会咬范戴克…(I have a feeling it will be suarez to bite vvd.)

due11(皇马球迷): 牛逼啊,利物浦最重要的4名球员都进球了!(Liverpools 4 most valuable players all scored tonight, good stuff.)

Rhayadder(巴萨球迷): 胡说什么呢,莫雷诺明明就没有上场好吧!(What are you talking about, Alberto Moreno wasn't even playing tonight.)

Dngrs(未知主队球迷): 范戴克这赛季的进球数,好像比桑切斯的两倍还多了…(vvd now has 2 times more goals than alexis sanchez this season.)

Ireliapos(波尔图球迷): 范戴克牛逼啊,简直就是荷兰德利赫特!(Van dijk is such a beast, the Dutch de Ligt.)

aussie_spastic(热刺球迷): 哦?原来今晚还有另一场欧冠1/4决赛啊!(Oh was there another Quarter Final game on tonight?)

ajjoshi110(巴萨球迷): 特伦特别传了,你的传球骚得我都得洗内裤了…(Stop it Trent. Now I have to put my shorts in the laundry cuz of that pass.)

Rudeboysux(拉齐奥球迷): 干杯!又是一年紧张激烈跌宕起伏的意甲冠军争夺战啊!(Cheers, for yet another exciting and unpredictable Serie A campaign.)

Pikzak(切尔西球迷): 官方:尤文图斯获得2019-20赛季意甲冠军。(Official: Juventus are the 2019/2020 Serie A winners.)

Sensate_(未知主队球迷): 既然尤文并不打算踢攻势足球,那为啥要派那么多进攻球员上场?(How are juve managing to push so many players forward without actually playing attacking football.)

Idkfunnyusername(西班牙球迷): 为了传中呀!(they only cross.)

Coolhunter11(巴萨球迷): 神锋皮克已经教会队友怎么去当前锋了!(Striker pique teaching his mate how to become a striker.)

Finnrj(阿森纳球迷): 好期待朗格莱把乌姆蒂蒂挤下去,这样我们就可以签下他了…(Can't wait for him to push Umtiti out, so we can sign him.)

Rikard_(巴萨球迷): 今天梅西和阿尔巴身份互换啦?(When Alba and Messi accidentally switch roles lol.)

wisdom591(巴萨球迷): 这是一次反向的梅西-阿尔巴连线!(The reverse Messi Alba connection.)

ThePillsburyPlougher(未知主队球迷): 诶?梅西怎么把球传给了镜像的自己?(...eh? Messi passing to mirror imaged messi?)

goatsodomizer(巴萨球迷): 梅西就是阿根廷阿尔巴而已!(Messi is just an Argentinian Alba.)

BCastle18(皇马球迷): 潘马邓小闲。(Big dick Benz is the perfect husband.)

JuanG12(巴萨球迷): C罗离开了皇马,只因不愿生活在本泽马的阴影之中!(Ronaldo left Real Madrid to escape Benzema’s shadow.)

Braquiador(皇马球迷): 本泽马正在经历表现最好的赛季,而皇马却是近几年的最低谷,心塞…(Benzema having his best season while RM is having its worst season in years. Kinda makes me sad.)

bolah(皇马球迷): 如果明年还要再看巴斯克斯踢2500分钟的球,我真想把自己的眼珠子挖出来…(If I have to see Lucas Vazquez playing 2500 minutes next season again I'm going to tear my eyes out.)


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