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亚博:火箭胜篮网止四连败| 甜瓜已不可了? 真喷鼻

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-07 14:40:57


[Post Game Thread ] The Houston Rockets (2-5 ) defeats the @ Brooklyn Nets (3-6 ), 119 - 111.

休斯顿火箭(2 胜5 负)以119-111 击败布鲁克林篮网(3 胜6 负).

保罗32 分7 篮板11 助攻2 封盖,卡佩拉22 分13 篮板5 助攻,戈登21 分3 助攻,安东尼28 分4 篮板,格林9 分3 篮板,塔克5 分11 篮板;勒韦尔29 分4 篮板3 抢断,拉塞尔12 分3 篮板3 助攻,哈里斯18 分4 助攻,阿伦10 分8 篮板,丁威迪12 分3 助攻,内皮尔11 分2 篮板.

Melo tonight: 9/12 FGA , 6/9 3PT , 28 points.

Melo 's scored over 20 in 3 of the last 4 games , efficient in each of them. The 2/12 game got a ton of attention on this sub (of course ) but for a minimum contract he 's playing pretty well.

甜瓜今晚12 中9 ,三分9 中6 ,拿下28 分.曩昔四场角逐,安东尼有三场得分都上了20 ,每场角逐都很高效.可是他12 中2 的那场角逐却在这个专注引发了极年夜的存眷,但是相较在他的底薪合同来讲,他打得已很好了.


[–]Nets NJNetsFan5152433 301 points 2 hours ago

Remember when the Nets were up by 14 points and had the lead at halftime

篮网球迷:大师要记得啊,我们在角逐中一度领先14 分,并且半场竣事时也是领先的.

[–][BKN ] Mehmet Okur MisterBellic 24 points 3 hours ago

Well , at least Caris still looks like a star. Career-high 29 points , 4 rebs , and 3 stls on great efficiency.

篮网球迷:额,最少勒韦尔打得像个球星啊.职业生活生计最高的29 分,还4 板3 断,效力很高了.

[–]Rockets timtejas 118 points 2 hours ago

Good bounce back game. If we keep this up , I think we could even beat the Suns.

火箭球迷:这场逆转很是标致.如果我们能继续这么打,那我感觉我们乃至能打赢太阳(方才7 连败)咯.

[–]Suns rice_bledsoe 29 points 2 hours ago

Don ’t think. Believe. You WILL beat the Suns.


[–]Rockets bacteriaking 30 points 2 hours ago

Road to 77-5

火箭球迷:冲刺77 胜5 负.

[–]Rockets TheLordOfTheKappas 16 points 3 hours ago



[–]WeRightHere 90 points 3 hours ago

Michael Carter-Williams should not see another minute.


[–]Rockets ballerrrrrr98 41 points 2 hours ago

I 'd rather Zhou Qi at point than MCW


[–]Rockets sohummm 20 points 2 hours ago

The MCW signing was a real head scratcher. He 's like the anti-Morey prototype player.


[–]Hornets deemerritt 57 points 2 hours ago

I cannot stress this enough. MCW is the worst player i ever watched for Charlotte basketball. Think about how hard that is.


[–]Rockets HardenForThree 38 points 3 hours ago

The decline of Chris Paul has been greatly exaggerated.



[–]76ers Toxicpopcorn 15 points 3 hours ago

Melo really showed up tonight , damn.

76 人球迷:甜瓜今晚真的秀啊,日.

[–]Suns tayf85 2 points 45 minutes ago

Not bad for a fat guy.


[–]Stkittsdad 36 points 2 hours ago

This new role is a great fit at this point in his career.


[–][CLE ] Kevin Love Yvonaukon 28 points 2 hours ago

Amazing contract for Houston.


[–]Thunder SillyRabbit2121 44 points 2 hours ago

This was a huge game from him and gives Harden some breathing room instead of him basically having no choice but to come back tomorrow.

Very important that he bought Harden some extra rest.



[–]Rockets JerryMandering69 44 points 2 hours ago

This will not get nearly as much attention as that post about his bad statline did , unfortunately


[–][BOS ] Mickael Pietrus TheLastSecondShot 110 points 3 hours ago

r/nba is in shambles after Melo ’s performance


[–]Kekukoka 133 points 3 hours ago

Carmelo has scored 22 or more in 3 of his past 4 games. The one game in which he didn 't , the one this sub swore he had to retire after , CP3 , Gordon and Green combined to shoot 11/47.

These aren 't random one-offs. Melo 's in great form right now , and his haters are only going to look more delusional as the season wears on.

安东尼曩昔四场角逐有三场得分不低在22 分,但是就在剩下那一场角逐以后,这个专区的人说他该退役了,可那时保罗、戈登和格林加起来才47 中11 啊.


[–]Rockets byRockets 54 points 3 hours ago

And good defense too. The nets kept trying to abuse him and it didn ’t work , LaVert specifically tried to ISO him about 50 times and hardly had any luck

火箭球迷:并且他今天的戍守也很好啊.篮网一向在尽力压抑他,可是没有见效.勒韦尔还特地找甜瓜单打,大要有50 次吧,根基难以占得廉价.

[–]76ers Riodka- 22 points 3 hours ago

he 's been trying on defense really hard the last 2 games aswell , i don 't feel like he 's that great of an addition to the team but people thinking he 's the reason Rockets have been struggling are delusionnal

76 人球迷:曩昔两场角逐,甜瓜在戍守端真的很负责.虽然说我不认为他是火箭的壮大弥补,可是有人感觉是他造成了火箭现在的挣扎,这真的是错觉了.

[–]Shigaroni 13 points 2 hours ago

Seriously , so much bias against melo here. Im happy with him on the rockets.


[–]Wizards gamertag_here 713 points 2 hours ago

It doesn 't matter if the hoodie is physically on , what matters is that he 's wearing a hoodie in his mind


[–]Knicks MyLadySansa 212 points 2 hours ago

I only saw the last 6-7 minutes of the game , but he really looked like he was trying on D. He did miss those late foul shots , but it didn 't cost them. Nets could not get anything going , Rockets as a team were great defensively down the stretch.


[–]Lakers Sweaty_LeBron 71 points 2 hours ago

Fuck /r/nba , the way we shit on certain players is plain disrespectful


[–]Rockets Whydidideletemyaccou 17 points 2 hours ago

Unfortunately they 're all on our team. Harden is the worst defender of all time who only scores by 3pt fouls or traveling. Cp3 is a horrible teammate and the most overpayed guy in the league , Melo is washed up garbage.

火箭球迷:不幸的是,"某些球员" 都在我们队.哈登是你们口中汗青最差的戍守者之一,只能凭仗3 分造犯规和走步得分.而保罗又是个糟的队友,也是同盟最不划算的高薪球员,甜瓜又是已不可的垃圾……

[–][OKC ] Nick Collison tolop 12 points 2 hours ago

I do think you guys have it worse , but we get it pretty bad too , people love to see Westbrook fail :(








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