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亚博:雄鹿负绿军 7连胜终结| 欧文的戍守真的年夜有上进?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-07 13:29:37

雄鹿负绿军7 连胜终结|欧文的防守真的大有长进?

[Post-Game Thread ] The Boston Celtics (6-2 ) defeat the Milwaukee Bucks (7-1 ) 117-113 , behind Kyrie Irving 's 28 points !

波士顿凯尔特人(6 胜2 负)以117-113 击败密尔沃基雄鹿(7 胜1 负),凯里-欧文拿下28 分3 篮板7 助攻.

海沃德18 分4 篮板5 助攻,霍弗德18 分5 篮板8 助攻,奥杰莱10 分5 篮板,塔图姆12 分6 篮板4 助攻,莫里斯17 分5 篮板;阿德托昆博33 分11 篮板2 助攻,布罗咯噔16 分6 篮板2 助攻,布莱索13 分7 助攻,米德尔顿16 分4 篮板5 助攻,伊利亚索瓦8 分5 篮板.


[–][BOS ] Guerschon Yabusele UpvoteIfYouAgreee 144 points 4 hours ago

Yall... Kyries actually improving on the defensive end


[–][BOS ] Jaylen Brown FriedFlesh 161 points 4 hours ago

Kyrie ’s looking good since his haircut. Was hoping Smart would have similar results offensively


[–]JustAntherAlt 77 points 4 hours ago

Kyrie 's haircut was an upgrade. Can 't say the same for Smart.


[–]Celtics zgamer200 89 points 4 hours ago

Really hope this game is a teaching moment for Tatum. When he was full on "Mamba Mentality" in the 1st half he went 0-5 with 0 pts and really just killed our ball movement. In the 2nd half he went 4-4 for 12 points by playing within the offense and not trying to force things so much.

Not saying there 's no room in our offense for Tatum to take the occasional long 2 , but it should mostly be for when no other options are available late in the shot clock. I really want to see more of 2nd half Tatum , and far less of 1st half Tatum , going forward.

凯尔特人球迷:真但愿塔图姆能从这场角逐中罗致教训.当他上半场"曼巴精力" 斗志满满的时辰,他5 投0 中,真的是抹杀了我们皮球的运转.下半场他4 中4 拿到12 分,没有效力过猛的他把本身融入进了球队的进攻系统.


[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 36 points 4 hours ago

those fadeaway one footers from the paint need to stop.


[–]jsowavy 259 points 4 hours ago

Kyrie 's 5 made threes in a row after that three he made while stepping out of bounds is exactly why players block shots after a whistle is blown lol


[–]Clippers SlyHoooper 62 points 4 hours ago

Kyrie has improved his defense , passing and is scoring a lot better in the last 2 games. You love to see it


[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 30 points 4 hours ago

people didn 't believe celtics fans when they said that kyrie is playing better defense.


[–]Celtics Bandwagonrogue__baboon 53 points 4 hours ago

Kyrie playing defense at a high level like he did tonight is incredible , he ’s always had the tools but now that ’s he ’s putting in the effort he ’s setting himself up for the best year of his career


[–]Clippers FloopyDoopy 10 points 3 hours ago

That steal was so sweet.


[–]Celtics Twatareyousaying 75 points 4 hours ago

That was a great game , glad to see Hayward playing well again. All the wide open threes looked like shooting practice out there lol


[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 39 points 4 hours ago

biggest take away from this game is hayward 's improvement.



[–][POR ] Zach Collins Kazekid 185 points 4 hours ago

The Bucks really almost pulled that comeback off


[–]Cavaliers itssensei 66 points 4 hours ago

Ok I really don 't understand why they didn 't set up for a three point after the timeout. They had like 5 seconds left and were down by 3. Please explain.

骑士球迷:OK ,我其实是不大白为嘛他们在暂停以后没有打一个三分战术.那会儿他们还5 秒钟的时候啊,才掉队三分.请给我个注释.

[–]dsync1 36 points 5 hours ago

Brad Stevens such a good coach he managed to convince MIL they were only down by 2...


[–]Celtics QuietLocksmith 27 points 4 hours ago

Bledsoe is fucking garbage


[–][OKC ] Paul George BuffaloX35 69 points 4 hours ago

The hell were they doing going for 2 with such little time ? I can see if they could score with 9 + seconds left but they were going for a 2 with 4 seconds...

保罗-乔治球迷:时候所剩无几了,他们那是为毛冲要2 分啊?如果还九秒钟,他们也许还能得分,那我还能理解.可是他们只有4 秒还想要2 分……

[–]Raptors EGin2016 49 points 4 hours ago

They had another time out remaining. Every1 expected a 3 pointer but they went for what should 've been a easy 2.

Giannis couldn 't score and missed the ft.

Was a risky move but could 've payed off

猛龙球迷:他们那时还一次暂停机遇.大师都但愿雄鹿来个三分,可是他们选择了简单的2 分.



[–]Bucks zmichalo 8 points 4 hours ago

We shot 300% from 3 and were shooting 200% from 3 until Khris caught fire at the end. Is it really that tough to figure out why we 'd want a chance to tie or win with a 2 ?

雄鹿球迷:我们在三分线上的射中率全场只有300%,在米德尔顿最后时刻开光之前,全队三分射中率乃至只有200%.此刻想一想我们最后关头要一个2 分,真有那末难以理解吗?

[–]Bucks Laaandry 22 points 4 hours ago

Makes me pretty hopeful for a series. The Bucks match up much better this year and Middleton throughout a series would be more consistent then he was tonight.


[–]Bucks wendellsanders24 22 points 4 hours ago

Horford completely negates Lopez. At least with PHI and TOR he 's playable. Want to avoid Boston as long as possible.


[–]Bucks Lanky_Kaleidoscope 22 points 5 hours ago

Good game Celtics. Bucks really needed to make defensive adjustments earlier if they wanted to win , but I 'll take a four point road loss when Boston shoots 24-55 from deep and Bucks shoot 9-28.

Bucks base defense really wasn 't working at all vs. Horford. If they meet in the playoffs , they need to adjust.

雄鹿球迷:凯尔特人这场打得标致.我们雄鹿如果想赢球的话,真得早早作出戍守上的调剂,不外我会接管这场4 分之差的掉利,究竟波士顿三分线外55 中24 ,而我们只有28 中9.


[–]Celtics BlueJays007 12 points 4 hours ago

You guys look absolutely terrifying though. Every time I thought we ’d put it away , you guys came storming back. Don ’t think there ’s any team I enjoy watching Celtics play as much as the bucks - though tbf don ’t think any other match up is as good at making me feel like I ’m gonna have a heart attack lol


[–][MIL ] Malcolm Brogdon Bart_Dart 70 points 4 hours ago

Let ’s not meet in the playoffs again this year. Deal ? My heart can ’t handle a full series of this again


[–]Celtics nskaret 72 points 4 hours ago

I 'm fully on board with watching Playoff Middleton go off on some other poor team


[–]Celtics AnakinSL337 234 points 4 hours ago

Middleton scares me


[–]Celtics nskaret 72 points 4 hours ago

Was having flashbacks after the back to back 3s at the end there


[–]Celtics Bomayee 780 points 4 hours ago

Only Middleton can do jack shit all game and then single handedly almost fuck the Celtics up in the 4th.


[–][BOS ] Allan Ray AnzaiOne 31 points 4 hours ago

I think majority of our fanbase have PTSD about this guy bases on our last playoff series with the Bucks.


[–][BOS ] Jayson Tatum ninohero 42 points 4 hours ago

That motherfucker has me stress-eating AFTER THE GODDAMN GAME !!!!




[–]Celtics goofygoober2 244 points 4 hours ago

i knew it was coming when they showed his shooting stats for the night


[–]Celtics Wankstablook 44 points 4 hours ago

Honestly it was mostly Giannis


[–][BOS ] Danny Ainge gda19 122 points 4 hours ago

We fucked ourselves by not scoring at all in the last 3 min


[–]Spectre700 46 points 4 hours ago

I think I counted 8 missed shots in a row at the end

我感觉我数了我们在最后时刻持续投丢8 球.

[–]Celtics E10DIN 152 points 4 hours ago

There 's no excuse for the 2-3 minute stretches with 0 points. Its honestly embarassing.

Bucks look fucking terrifying. If I had to rank the East right now , Raptors/Celtics/Bucks are all clearly a cut above every other team.

凯尔特人球迷:最后2 到3 分钟0 分,这没捏词可找的.真的是为难了.


[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 27 points 4 hours ago

i 'm more concerned about the lack of paint points.


[–]Celtics cimmanonrolls 34 points 4 hours ago

i mean , they sold out the three point line to completely seal up the paint. theres a reason we nearly broke the all time three point record. most of our threes were absolutely wide open



[–] klawhileonard 90 points 5 hours ago

81-1 still on the table

雄鹿常规赛81 胜1 负依然有但愿哦.

[–]Celtics GregSays 42 points 4 hours ago

It ’d be great if they were 79-3 , with all 3 losses against Boston. Just imagine all the inane debates about which team is better.

凯尔特人球迷:如果他们赛季79 胜3 负,那三次都输给我凯那也不错啊.哈哈哈,到时辰大师城市疯狂争辩谁更强.

[–]Raptors undercovertexan 113 points 5 hours ago

Milwaukee needs a smarter PG.


[–][MIL ] Giannis Antetokounmpo LivingHitokiri 9 points 5 hours ago

Our guards always shit the bed vs Boston no clue why.


[–]Nuggets Lew_AIcindor 43 points 5 hours ago

You already know Bledsoe will do something like that in a Playoff game.


[–]Bucks FancyDabs2018 48 points 5 hours ago

He was bad in the playoffs but this was his first bad game this season


[–][MIN ] Jimmy Butler stjornuryk 25 points 5 hours ago

Are we entirely sure at this point that Bledsoe is not a double agent for the Celtics ?


[–][BOS ] Guerschon Yabusele UpvoteIfYouAgreee 41 points 5 hours ago

Well his dad does play for the Celtics


[–]76ers chicogarciamarquez 125 points 5 hours ago

Jason Kidd is a free agent.


[–]Bucks kyleb402 91 points 5 hours ago

The fact that we were even able to keep this one close is amazing to me.

They almost hit a NBA record number of threes and we still had a chance to pull it out.

Definitely a lot to learn from here.




[–][MIL ] Sterling Brown panos_akilas 24 points 5 hours ago

We meant to lose this remember , last time we started the season with a 7 game winning streak that ended in Boston we won the chip.

It 's all planned

雄鹿球迷:这场角逐我们是注定要输的,要知道,前次我们开赛7 连胜,然后被凯尔特人终结的赛季,终究我们夺冠了哦.


[–][MIL ] Sterling Brown oneupdouchebag 27 points 4 hours ago

The last season we started 7-0 was the season after we won the championship.

雄鹿球迷:老哥,前次我们7 连胜开局那是在夺冠以后的赛季……

[–][MIL ] Sterling Brownpanos_akilas 10 points 4 hours ago

oh shit , fuck , nvm then , activate plan B

雄鹿球迷:我勒个去啊,日,无所谓啦,启动B 打算!

[–]Lakers Palifaith 441 points 5 hours ago *

RIP Ilyasova 's win streak. Practice your free throws kids.








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