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亚博:麦迪现在场均能得 40分? | 巅峰 KD都不可他行吗?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-02 13:16:17

麦迪如今场均能得40 分?|巅峰KD 都不行他行吗?

Tracy McGrady on him in Today 's Game: I 'll average easily 35-40 points a game. Easily. I mean I averaged 32 without even shooting that many 3s... And you can 't impeded my progress when I 'm running... I 'm like come on man.

麦迪谈现在在同盟打球:"我可以轻松场均获得35-40 分,我的意思是曾的我不投那末多三分都能场均获得32 分……在我跑动的时辰你底子没法子拦住我……我可能会说,‘兄弟,你差一点就追上我了.’"


[–]WeRightHere 540 points 5 days ago

I can see 35.

我感觉场均35 分没甚么问题.

[–]TimberwolvesTdotGdot 81 points 4 days ago

Ok , so I think yes , he could have because prime T-Mac was an offensive beast. He averaged 32 a game in 02/03 on 390% from three.

But on the other hand , I 'm not sure I buy his logic. He shot 340% from three for his career. Maybe if he played now he would have improved that more , but besides a few outlier seasons he was pretty below average. Also , and this is the big kicker -- during his 32 per game 02/03 season he got to the line 9.7 times per game. For context , Harden got to the line 10.1 times per game last season. I don 't really see T-Mac getting many more free throws than he already did during his best season.

Could of have really hit 35 ? Probably if he wanted to , he was fucking legit. But also , not super clear that his more 3 's and more FTs story actually lines up. He might have not actually gotten to the line more , and he might not have been a good enough 3PT shooter for more threes to matter much.

丛林狼球迷:好吧,我感觉确切没有啥问题,他可能真的场均能拿这么多分数,由于麦迪在进攻端就是个怪兽,他2002-03 赛季场均获得32 分而且三分线外射中率高达390%.

可是从另外一个角度而言,我对他的逻辑其实不买账,他职业生活生计三分球射中率不外百分之三十四,假如此刻打得话可能会晋升很多,可是除几个爆发赛季他的三分球射中率都低在同盟平均值,还一点很主要——那就是在2002-03 赛季他场均32 分的阿谁赛季每场角逐不外上罚球线9.7 次,作为参考,哈登上赛季站上罚球线10.1 次,我不感觉麦迪能取得比他巅峰赛季更多的罚球.

他真的能上35 分这个年夜关吗?可能假如他想的话确切可以,究竟他真的很强.但同时,他"能投进更多三分和罚球" 的说法其实不正确,他可能成不了足够好的三分弓手、也得不到更多罚球.

[–]shortyman920 92 points 4 days ago

A few things different tho:- The heavier enphasize on 3 point shots would change his shot selection and development. McGrady would work on his 3 and pick higher value shots. If Blake Griffin can go from free throw scrub to a reliable 3pt shooter. Then Mcgrady can become a good 3pt shooter.- Pace is much higher today and that alone would add more ppg to Tmac. Not to mention his assists would go up.- With Tmac 's dribble drive ability , passing , and finishing , I could see him draw as many fouls as Harden. He has the talent and the higher pace would help.

Tmac is a generational talent and probably ranks toward the top if there was a master list of generational talents I can easily 35ppg in his prime scoring year.


麦迪有着跨时期的先天,假如有球员先天排行榜他可能会名列前茅,我感觉他的巅峰时刻场均能拿下35 分.


[–]LakersProbablyNotSeth [] 31 points 4 days ago

Last year Harden put up 30.9 ppg. Per 36 , he shot 20.4 field gosls. For comparison , in McGardy ’s best year (2002-2003 ) he shot 22.1 fga per 36.

Does the pace of play bump that up to 25 shots ? Or would he plateau ?

上赛季哈登场均获得30.9 分,每36 分钟他能出手20.4 次,作为对照,麦迪最好的阿谁赛季(2002-03 赛季)他每36 分钟出手21.1 次.

所以节拍加速能让麦迪出手25 次以上?

[–]Steve-5 370 points 5 days ago

I don 't know about 40 , but he could definitely average 35. T-Mac was a beast in his prime

我不知道他能不克不及场均获得40 分,可是他必定能得35 分以上吧,巅峰麦迪绝对是个怪物.

[–][UTA ] Dante ExumSnydernJazzSystem 683 points 5 days ago

TMac has a point.


[–]HawksThinkSoftware 401 points 5 days ago

No he has 35-40 points , didn 't you read the title ?

老鹰球迷:不不不,他说本身能得35-40 分,你特么没读题目?

[–][UTA ] Dante ExumSnydernJazzSystem 52 points 5 days ago

No , he doesn 't have it.

He said he will have it.

Big difference


他是说他将要获得35-40 分



[–]WigginsMVP 78 points 5 days ago

Offensive systems are a lot different now , he wouldn 't be getting as high a 0% of the shots he was getting in his prime if he played in a more modern system


[–]Pistonsqedsquah [] 182 points 5 days ago

You do realize that ’s good for him right ? He wouldn ’t be shooting long twos , more threes , no more two big men in the paint so he could finish at a higher percentage at the rim and most importantly no handchecking.

His shot selection gets better and so his fg0% and ppg rises.

你没熟悉到这现实上有助在他得更多分吗?他不消投那末多长两分,他能射中更多三分,此刻没有跨越两个年夜个子呆在油漆区李所以他可以以高射中率在禁区得分,更主要的是没有hand check 了.



[–]Raptorsilikeslamdunks 29 points 4 days ago

Is he a better scorer than Harden or Durant ? Why are they not averaging 35-40 ?

猛龙球迷:他是比哈登和杜兰特更好的得分手吗?为啥哈登和杜兰特场均不克不及得35-40 分?

[–]Pistonsqedsquah [] 50 points 4 days ago

TMac is a better scorer than Harden but not Durant. Durant could average near 40 if he wanted to

活塞球迷:麦迪得分能力比哈登强,可是比不上杜兰特,杜兰特假如想的话,他可以场均接近40 分.

[–]WigginsMVP 57 points 5 days ago

He wouldn 't be getting 24 shot attempts per game is what I mean

我感觉此刻这个时期麦迪可能每场角逐出手不了24 次啊.

[–]Wizardsireddit270 116 points 5 days ago

Why not ? Westbrook takes 22-24 shots per game .. put prime TMac on a bad team and he could do that too .

40ppg a little ridiculous but peak McGrady could average 35ppg for sure if he had no other stars on his team. He could score from all three levels and was a monster in transition. And he 's taller than people think (close to 6 '10 ) , there was no realistic way to stop him from getting his shots off in any given game.

奇才球迷:为啥不可?威少每场角逐都能出手22-24 次……把巅峰麦迪放在一支烂队他一样可以出手这么屡次.

场均40 分听起来确切很荒诞,可是巅峰麦迪必定能场均35 分(条件是他的球队里没有其他球星)他可以用三要挟得分而且在转换进攻方面是个怪物,他可能比大师想的都要高一些(大要六英尺十英寸),所以你也没啥实际法子去禁止他得分.


[–][HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwonkyotofly 197 points 5 days ago

If only you didn ’t land so hard on one leg on every shot my guy them injuries wouldn ’t take u out early


[–][TOR ] Tracy McGradyRapidRaptors 234 points 5 days ago

Wdym ? He was born with scoliosis , he was bound to get injured. He played to the fullest and I say he made it pretty good considering he was supposed to retire 3 years into his career.


[–]3-1LeadUnanimousMVP 140 points 5 days ago

How would Tmac average 35-40 points a game when even prime KD didn 't ? What does Tmac do better than KD as far as scoring ?

巅峰麦迪咋能得35-40 分呢?巅峰杜兰特都不可啊,莫非麦迪得分能力比杜兰特还利害?

[–]babbagack [S ] 246 points 5 days ago

KD could average 35 today as well , its just he joined a loaded team so that ain 't gonna happen at least now , isn 't necessary. wouldn 't be surprised if he eventually did had he not joined GS.

KD 现在可以场均35 分的,只是由于他插手了一支很强的步队所以(场均35 分)这类工作此刻还没产生而已,由于没有需要,假如他没插手勇士的话,他终究场均获得35 分我其实不会惊奇.


[–]WeRightHere 48 points 5 days ago *

T-Mac is more aggressive and has better handles.


[–][PHO ] Joe Johnsondestructive_optimism 40 points 4 days ago

I hate to see people sleeping on TMac man. KD is one of the greatest scorers of all time , but let ’s not pretend prime TMac wasn ’t at least neck and neck with KD. TMac had better/cleaner handles , was a better transition player , and was more explosive (both in his first step and his quick twitch , high fucking flying dunks ).

76 人球迷:我真的厌恶人们对麦迪置若罔闻的模样,杜兰特确切是汗青级此外得分手,可是不要伪装认为巅峰麦迪就不是一个和KD 接近的球员,麦迪有着更好的处置球能力,他的转换进攻更好,而且更具爆炸力(他的第一步、快速变相和高空扣篮)都很强.


[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 68 points 5 days ago

He 's not wrong. He was arguably the best player in the league at his peak.


[–]SupersonicsScizzurp 182 points 5 days ago *

No , he wasn 't. He also wouldn 't average 40. He would probably average 35 but he is going to take 25 + shots.. McGrady also took 6-7 3 's a game in his peak.

超音速球迷:不,他其实不是,他也场均得不到40 分,他可能场均能获得35 分,可是他需要投25 次以上,麦迪巅峰场均也要投6 到7 个三分.

[–]Lakerslakerswiz 55 points 5 days ago

He wasn 't. Maybe offensively , but Kobe 's defense was All-NBA level and he was a lockdown defender. T Mac never had that level of defense.







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