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亚博体育:戈塔特狂吹年夜中锋博班| 世人等候洛杉矶德比

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-21 08:57:03


Martin Gortat on Boban: "Boban is unstoppable. ‪You got to be really focused on the guy to guard him right because otherwise he ’s going to get you 20 and 12 in eight minutes. I mean Jesus Christ that ’s better than Kareem Abdul Jabbar"

马尔辛-戈塔特谈博班-马扬诺维奇:"博班是不成反对的.你得很是专注才能准确地戍守他,否则的话他会在八分钟的时候里,在你头上获得20 分12 板.天呐,这比贾巴尔还强."

Full quote:

‪I mean Boban is unstoppable. To be honest with you I ’m just surprised how incredibly skilled he is for his size and incredibly smart , just because people have a tendency to look at the physical aspect of him heyre thinking he ’s a little funny but it ain ’t fun when he ’s out there in the court and you ’ve got to guard him. It ain ’t funny , I ’m telling you right now , ‬ ‪You got to be really focused on the guy to guard him right because otherwise he ’s going to get you 20 and 12 in eight minutes , thats what he did , he showed up every game he checked in for eight minutes and got a double double. I mean Jesus Christ that ’s better than Kareem Abdul Jabbar


"你得很是专注才能准确戍守他,否则的话他会在八分钟的时候里,在你头上获得20 分12 板.这就是他的能力,每场角逐他进场8 分钟就可以砍下两双.天呐,这比贾巴尔还强."


[–][UTA ] Joe Ingles NitroXYZ 1215 points 3 days ago

If he had the stamina to play a full game Boban would be insane. He 's actually a pretty good free throw shooter too on limited volume of course.


[–][IND ] Ron Artest ArtestDidNothinWrong 607 points 3 days ago

He once had 8 points on 0 FG attempts

阿泰斯特球迷:他有一场角逐0 出手拿到8 分.

[–]Suns TheLeBrontoRaptorss 284 points 3 days ago

Harden ?


[–]Knicks D0minican 506 points 3 days ago *

he said 8 points not 15

尼克斯球迷:人家说的是8 分,又不是15 分.

[–]Cavaliers Anbis1 20 points 3 days ago

He said on 0 FG attempts , not on 0 FG made.

骑士:并且人家说的是0 出手,而不是0 射中.

[–][CHI ] Lauri Markkanen bluexdd 105 points 3 days ago

Even 15 is kinda low for Harden

马尔卡宁球迷:哪怕15 分对哈登来讲也少了些.

[–]Nets LanaRhoades- 148 points 3 days ago

Still unplayable in playoffs for example because he cant move on defense

He played like 30 mins a game in Euroleague , its not really stamina


他之前在欧洲联赛场均上场年夜约30 分钟,那都不年夜耗体能的.

[–][DET ] Joe Dumars Honk4Tits 124 points 3 days ago

Euroleague has much less athletic players , Boban huffs and puffs after 5 minutes.


[–]Spurs Squad_Squirtle 125 points 3 days ago

He is simply too big. Imagine how much strain his heart is under. He could play more in Euroleague more because of game pace though , not opposing players athleticism.


[–]Clippers CJEntusBlazeIt_420 30 points 3 days ago

he 's skilled and has a good touch but the man is as slow as a glacier


[–]Hornets YizWasHere 79 points 3 days ago

His defense is shit though


[–]Clippers CommentingsForLosers 56 points 3 days ago

Not sure where this idea started but his defense really isn 't bad. He 's got little lateral quickness which limits him for certain matchups but he 's a solid shot blocker/disruptor whose size causes problems.


[–]Hornets YizWasHere 14 points 3 days ago

He might be the slowest NBA player I 've ever seen. He 's a solid rim protector if he 's at the right place at the right time but he literally can 't move quick enough to rotate or provide much help defense. And he 's also useless on defense in the PnR. There 's a reason he 's never been a real rotation player in the league besides his stamina.

黄蜂球迷:他也许是我见过的最慢的NBA 球迷.假如他能在准确的时候呈现在准确的位置上,那他的护框能力确切年夜有可为,可是他现实上是龟速移动啊,没法换防,也没法为球队的戍守供给几多帮忙啊.并且他在戍守对方的挡拆时毫无用途.除体能以外,他没法在同盟中博得一个真实的轮换声势位置是有其他缘由的.

[–]Rockets CanYouDigItPJTucker 375 points 3 days ago

who wants to sign my petition to end goaltending


[–]Rockets jmlinden7 79 points 3 days ago

Also defensive 3 seconds


[–]Spurs smithy006 24 points 3 days ago

Spurs will happily end the defensive 3 second rule , helps us.



[–]Nets gekkohs 363 points 3 days ago

Marcin getting utterly destroyed in practice it sounds like.


[–]Warriors OSRSLuffy 145 points 3 days ago

Why do you like getting dunked on so much ?- Wall , probably


[–]Nuggets A_RocketSurgeon 124 points 3 days ago

Can confirm. Boban is a HOFer when he plays the Nuggets.


[–]Jazz brightblade13 52 points 2 days ago

I can 't wait to watch him play against the Wait , whose job was it to sign a center ? Lakers.


[–]Heat writingandshit 96 points 3 days ago

Clippers v Lakers could actually be really interesting. Can 't exactly run Kuz or Bron at the 5 if he 's on the floor

热火球迷:快船vs 湖人的角逐真的会很因吹丝挺哦.如果博班在场上,湖人不会把库兹马或詹姆斯放到5 号位吧.

[–]Rockets Whydidideletemyaccou 115 points 3 days ago

Can 't really have Boban guard Kuz or Bron either now. Which is more dangerous ?


[–][BOS ] James Young walterdog12 671 points 3 days ago

Biggest example of a dude born in the wrong era.

Send him back 30 years and he 'd be a superstar and Mark Eaton 2.0


把他送回到30 年前,那他就是马克-伊顿(2.24 米,82 年-93 年在NBA 爵士队效率,2 次荣膺NBA 年度最好戍守球员,3 次入选NBA 最好戍守声势一阵,4 次被选NBA 盖帽王.)的2.0 版本,一个超等巨星.

[–][UTA ] Derrick Favors jacklop21 83 points 3 days ago

Boban is much better offensively , Eaton was better defensively. Both are extremely slow footed though.


[–]BIGJ0N 44 points 3 days ago

Boban would be a very good defender in an era where he didn 't have to guard the perimeter and could just sit back and defend the rim


[–]Spurs sonickarma 47 指標 21 小時前

Could you imagine him playing in the 90 's ? He would dominate.

马刺球迷:你能想象博班在90 年月的NBA 打球吗?他会制霸篮下的.

[–]Pelicans ahwjeez 41 指標 21 小時前

no... he would still be too slow



[–][MIA ] Anfernee Hardaway ChaseH9499 111 points 3 days ago

He 's not wrong. If Boban was quicker and had more stamina he 'd literally be the best center in the NBA without question. It 's his slowness that makes him a liability


[–][HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwon hakim_abdul 16 points 3 days ago

Everybody should be thankful for the parity of the league that he is not quicker and has better stamina


[–]Raptors Elvvvvv 18 points 3 days ago

I don ’t get how people are surprised with this quote. This is regular boban.


[–]ResearchExchange 14 points 3 days ago *

After watching him on the Pistons: Boban would have been a superstar had he played anytime up through the mid-80s. Maybe even later. He 'd be a Hall of Fame if he 'd played in the 50s or 60s.

He 's the only player I 've ever seen who is completely unstoppable on the block.

看了他之前在活塞的表示以后,我感觉博班假如在80 年月中期打球,那他能成为超等巨星.也许再晚点也行.假如他在五六十年月打球,那他能进名人堂.








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