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亚博:猛兽锡安刺激同盟摆烂潮? 杜克三杰选谁都不亏

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:中超 时间:2018-11-11 13:30:30


If Zion Williamson continues to play like he has will we see a start to see a more shameless level of tanking ?


28/7/2 11/13 shooting in 23 minutes vs Kentucky. Anyone who watched would also see that he also passes the eye test in his first game against higher level competition.

6 '7 with a 6 '10 wingspan , 270 pounds (listed at 285 ). Built like a tank and with his athleticism and size he would be a perfect fit in the switch heavy NBA defense and easily to create a lot of mismatches on offense due to his build.

昨天杜克对阵肯塔基的NCAA 开幕战中,锡安进场23 分钟,13 投11 中,拿到28 分7 板2 助.任何看了角逐的人都能看到,他在小我首场更高级此外赛事中揭示出了肉眼可见的实力.

身高2 米01 ,臂展2 米08 ,体重245 斤(注册值为258.5 斤).他这类坦克型身段,再加上活动先天和个头,对现在换防很是频仍的NBA 而言,的确是完善匹配,并且他可以在等闲制造出良多错位进攻机遇.


[–][WAS ] Rod Strickland CallmeKap 935 points 11 hours ago

Ernie Grunsfeld and the Wiz are like 10 steps ahead of you homie

奇才球迷:我们奇才和厄尼-格伦费尔德(球队GM )今朝大要领先你们其他球队十个身位吧.

[–]Wizards AlbinoStepchild 30 points 10 hours ago

I would be beside myself if we were able to land either RJ or Zion


[–][LAL ] Elgin Baylor WordsAreSomething 44 points 11 hours ago

I mean honestly on paper I really like Wall , Beal , Duke Player , Porter , Not Dwight as a starting 5.


[–][WAS ] Rod Strickland CallmeKap 44 points 11 hours ago

Man...that would be sweet...knowing the wizards tho...we would probably have the worst record and still end up with the 4th or 5th pick in the draft and then pick up a euro bust...smh

奇才球迷:老哥啊……那这就太美了……也许我们会拿到常规赛最差战绩,可是依然只能获得4 号签或5 号签,然后选一个欧洲水货……嗯

[–]Wizards RyanLeafgOaT8 464 points 11 hours ago

Ernie 's stupid ass isn 't ahead of anyone. He 'd probably trade the pick.


[–]Wizards Dinner4Thots 236 points 10 hours ago

He ’s trade that pick for Andre iguodala


[–]Nets green_black 75 points 9 hours ago

Bojan Bogdanovic *



[–]rando1817 252 points 10 hours ago

I would say Barrett is still the best player on duke there ’s a real chance the top 3 are all from duke


[–]76ers kingp1ng 49 points 7 hours ago

We have a clear picture of RJ Barrett 's development. We 've seen players like him before (Derozan comparisons ). Definitely talented.

Meanwhile Zion is a player we haven 't seen before. An NFL linebacker that already has insane body control and hanldes at only 18 years old ?! (Hence the Charles Barkley comparisons )

76 人球迷:巴雷特的将来成长轨迹你我都是一目了然的.我们已看过了他这类球员(参照德罗赞).绝对的先天啊.

同时呢,锡安这类球员我们还没见到过.这个NFL 后卫身段的锡安才18 岁,对身体的节制和控球手艺就已如斯了得(所以可以参照巴克利).

[–]entyfresh 37 points 7 hours ago

RJ Barrett had 20 points at halftime last night. You can compare him to Derozan all you want , but he 's his own dude , and he absolutely destroyed us. Zion gets the hype for being unique physically , but Barrett is the one who was truly unstoppable. If they keep playing like they did yesterday you wouldn 't go wrong to draft either one , but I feel like Barrett 's ceiling is probably higher. As much of a freak as Zion is , his height will always limit him defensively.

巴雷特昨晚半场就拿下了20 分,你如果想把他比作德罗赞那你随便,但他就是他本身,并且他绝对摧毁了我们.大师都吹锡安说他的身体很是怪异,可是巴雷特才是真正不成反对的阿谁.假如他俩继续昨天那种表示,那他俩不管选谁都不会错,但我感觉巴雷特的上限更高.锡安虽然说也是怪兽级此外,可是他的身高会限制他在戍守真个表示.

[–]Cavaliers pericles123 125 points 8 hours ago

I think Reddish may actually be the most talented , but wow , what a trio of freshman on one team


[–]Raptors raptorsbucketnator 154 points 11 hours ago

Anybody picking Cam Reddish is got a steal. 6 '8 with 7 '1 wingspan. Elite shooter with guard skills

猛龙球迷:任何步队获得雷蒂什都是赚了.6 尺8 的身高加上7 尺1 的臂展,他是个有着后卫技术的卓异投手.

[–]Pacers SCREAMING_DUMB_SHIT 54 points 6 hours ago

I don ’t understand how they started off as the 4 seed

步行者球迷:我不大白为何杜克年夜学只是4 号种子.

[–]Raptors slamdunk23 830 points 11 hours ago

Bottom 3 teams all have the same chance at getting the number 1 pick that should help stop some of the extreme tanking

猛龙球迷:垫底的3 支球队获得状元签的概率是一样的,那样应当能几多避免些没有下限的摆烂.

[–]dk42O 458 points 11 hours ago

Could it actually have the opposite since no team wants to be the 4th worst


[–]Celtics smart4three 16 points 11 hours ago

Great we will have 6 teams tanking for those 3 spots.

凯尔特人球迷:这下好了,我们有6 支球队为了那倒数前三摆烂了.

[–]Heat deezee72 10 points 11 hours ago

Everyone will be aiming to be 3rd worst - same lottery odds , but can sell some extra tickets due not being quite so unwatchably bad.

There 's still a lot of incentive for bad teams to tank , but you at least won 't have people going full-out unwatchable like the Process Sixers in order to secure the #1 lottery seed even next to other bad teams.


鱼腩球队摆烂的动力仍是很是足的,但最少不会像昔时为了确保状元签的"进程" 球队76 人那样,烂到让不雅众完全没法看的境界啊.

[–][LAL ] LeBron James CelalT 36 points 11 hours ago

So was last year 's Atlanta Hawks more fun to watch than Phoenix Suns ?


[–]Suns mbarnar 39 points 10 hours ago

God I hope so lol



[–]Zandrick Ellison 186 points 12 hours ago

I do think there ’s going to be some shameless tanking from a few select teams coming up. Not necessarily for RJ Barrett or Zion (although that ’d be nice ) but simply to stay in the mix in the top 5. It appears to be a solid class aside from those guys as well.


[–]Raptors WasV3 23 points 12 hours ago

There is always shameless tanking in the last week of the season , hard to shamelessly tank earlier in the season


[–][CLE ] Kevin Love Iamthe_Maestro 73 points 11 hours ago

I see you 've not been watching Cavaliers basketball.


[–]host_hinkie 452 points 11 hours ago

I dont know how you could 've watched that game and not think RJ Barrett was the best player on the floor


[–]Tailsofthesix 93 points 10 hours ago

Cause RJ took 26 shots to score 33 , and Zion took 13 to score 28 in 26 min. Zion is just a dominant player

由于巴雷彪炳手26 次才获得33 分,锡安26 分钟出手13 次拿到28 分.锡安就是那种有统治力的球员.

[–]Knicks JadeGive2Rides 221 points 10 hours ago *

I don ’t get how you think it ’s that cut and dried ? I watched the whole game and I was definitely more impressed by Zion , though to me they ’re 1A and 1B rn. Zion looks like he can be an elite rebounder , he ’s a very good passer and has good handles , has a monster inside game , and has a decent foundation of a jumpshot. He scored like five less points than RJ on 13 less shots I think ? RJ could end up being Harden-esque but just last night Zion was far more impressive. I saw Barrett force so many shots and hog the ball several times. There ’s arguments to be made for both , but you ’re not going wrong with either one.

尼克斯球迷:我其实不大白那哥们儿怎样就这么笃定地感觉巴雷特最强.我看了全场角逐,绝对对锡安的印象更深入,不外我感觉这俩人都是第一档次的.感受锡安可以成为一个很是超卓的抢板高手,并且控球超卓的他也是个优异的传球手,跳投也拿得出手,他在角逐里就是个猛兽.我记得他的出手比巴雷特少13 次,可是得分仅少5 分对吧?巴雷特可能会成为哈登那种气概的球员,可是就昨晚的表示而言,锡安要亮眼很多.我看到巴雷特有太多的委曲出手了,并且有几回还很黏球.关在这俩人谁更强的话题还待会商,可是不管选谁都错不了.

[–]Knicks JC915 13 points 10 hours ago

I watched the game , I thought Barrett was better but Zion is way more skilled than he has gotten credit for.

ESPN is making him this year ’s Trae Young and people have been treating him like he ’s a more athletic Anthony Bennett because it ’s become the contrarian thing to do.


ESPN 说他是来岁选秀上的特雷-杨,而大师又感觉他是活动能力更强的安东尼-本内特,由于这已成了一种逆向投资了.

[–]Bulls BlackMathNerd 52 points 10 hours ago

I mean if you wanna take Zion #1 sure , I 'm taking Barrett.

Zion is not even the best player on that fucking Duke team which is insane.



[–]Raptors Kluey 159 points 12 hours ago

RJ Barret is better


[–][LAL ] Elgin Baylor WordsAreSomething 38 points 12 hours ago

I kinda like Reddish the most honestly.


[–]Raptors TedKordBB2 104 points 12 hours ago

Yeah , that you can get one or the other and walk away with superstar potential makes me think there will actually be a race to the bottom this year.


[–]76ers Mikey_Bagadonuts 7 points 10 hours ago

I just hope the basketball God 's bless Zion 's knees.

76 人球迷:我就但愿篮球之神保佑锡安的膝盖.







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