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来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:英超 时间:2018-12-24 07:20:29


Anthony Davis: “I’d take legacy over money .

I’d take legacy over money,” Davis told Yahoo Sports after posting game highs of 30 points and 20 rebounds to go with five assists in Friday’s loss. “I want to have a legacy. All my people that look up to me, the younger kids, I want them to know about AD’s legacy. Championships, the things I do in the community, being a good teammate, playing hard. All that stuff matters the most to me. Don’t get me wrong, money is amazing. But I think in that sense, money or legacy, I think my legacy will win that battle every time.”




[–]Warriors justsomeguy5 235 points 19 hours ago

I'm confused. I can't quite tell yet if this means HE GONE or if this means HE STAY?

Someone help me out..



[–]mf_memes 70 points 18 hours ago

Translation : I gone.


[–][SAC] De'Aaron Fox scdirtdragon 15 points 15 hours ago

It means he's signing with the Warriors for vet minimum next year lol


[–]Suns myredditaccount991 3111 points 19 hours ago

He gone.


[–]Lakers acedeez 12 points 13 hours ago

to the Lakers


[–][PHI] Matt Geiger Clorst_Glornk 1083 points 17 hours ago

supermax has failed us


“超等顶薪”(supermax)即“指定老鸟合约”(Designated Veteran Contract),球队可以供给自家培育的优异球员耽误新秀合约、薪资最高可到达球队薪资上限350%的合约。

[–]_Than0s 19 points 14 hours ago

My erection is turning purple and gold right now.


[–][MIA] Dwyane Wade Plebstradamus 572 points 18 hours ago

I cannot understand the hate AD is getting for the mere suggestion that he might join LeBron. His team is NOT GOOD. The way the top teams in the league are set up, he has no chance of competing. Joining a Lakers team that is pretty good to make it great is not a cop out in the modern NBA- it is the only way to win. If he wants to win, why the fuck should he stay in NOLA?


[–]Lakers 12D3 188 points 18 hours ago

Well it comes from two big things...

People value loyalty. Rarely do people look favorably on someone leaving for the bigger, better deal when they are under contract.

People hate the Lakers. If this was rumors about him going to the Sixers or Celtics, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad.




[–][PHI] Joel Embiid CrAppyF33ling 20 points 18 hours ago

People hate Celtics almost as much as the Lakers. Don't quote me on that. However I think the three teams he'd get the most hate if he went is probably GSW, Lakers, and Celtics.


[–][LAL] D'Angelo Russell GhettoDefender 40 points 17 hours ago

On reddit the Celtics definitely get more hate. But within the league itself, the Lakers are more disliked


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram comptonderozan 446 points 18 hours ago

Lmao fuck loyalty, if AD tore his achilles today he’d be traded for some first round picks the moment the pelicans are allowed to.


[–]Cavaliers NiceVu 189 points 17 hours ago

Ie IT.


[–]Null-Tom 55 points 15 hours ago

You’re a sucker if you are loyal to your job. Employers all see employees as replaceable, they are nothing more than a cog in a machine.The whole family/loyalty thing in any career is bullshit.


[–]East Side221 20 points 16 hours ago

People only value loyalty when it benefits them. Raptors had no problem trading their most loyal player for a better one. Ask any Celtic fan if they wish they kept Thomas instead of getting Irving.



[–]jtsports272 503 points 18 hours ago

he's already a super rich mega millions superstar he doesnt need more money he needs playoffs wins


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram comptonderozan 220 points 17 hours ago

He’d make more money in LA/ Boston playing winning basketball than he would getting the supermax in new orlean.


[–]jtsports272 33 points 15 hours ago*

well he wont make enough to compensate money lost by not taking supermax

however , what does it matter? playing in a winning team where you dont have to carry every single game feels so much better makes you able to play at a higher peak when you know you can slack off sometimes



[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram comptonderozan 145 points 16 hours ago

He doesn’t even have a signature shoe and he’s been a top 10 player for like 4-5 years.

Cmon man, playing in LA with Lebron is crazy just look at what Lebron did to Kyries career and name now imagine Lebron playing with another top 10 player but in LA instead of Cleveland.

Kyrie has never been a top comfortable top 3 PG in the league and there’s been players putting up better numbers (Lillard, IT, CP3) who dont/ didn’t get the love he did.




[–]Celtics lewlkewl 235 points 19 hours ago

Kinda crazy that the whole point of the latest CBA was to let small market teams to be able to retain talent, but almost every star player has prioritized legacy or location over money. They have every right to do that, but curious if changes will come with next CBA

凯尔特人球迷:最新的劳资协议(Collective Bargaining Agreement,简称CBA)本是为了让那些小球市的球队留住人材,可几近每一个头牌球星都把成绩或说球队地址看得比金钱更重,这就有点疯狂了。他们有权利那末做,可我却是好奇下一次劳资协议会有甚么改变。

[–]Lakers jonsnowKITN[S] 64 points 18 hours ago

I don't think it will make a difference tbh.


[–]Raptors FlameOfWar 62 points 18 hours ago*

But who knows. If guys like Harden, Westbrook, Wall, Towns, and Booker didn't have that extra incentive, maybe they wouldn't have re-signed.


[–]Warriors porb121 118 points 15 hours ago

small markets like Houston and DC


[–]Pelicans Guyote_ 56 points 15 hours ago

Houston is a small market? Lmfao


[–]Rockets jmlinden7 26 points 13 hours ago

Houston is the 4th largest city in the US. We might be up to 3 now since Chicago keeps losing people



[–]Lakers raidenblade_32 264 points 19 hours ago

It's because he knows he can earn more with legacy than just merely cash.


[–]New Jersey Netslatman 192 points 17 hours ago

Or maybe it's because either way he's making a shit ton of money, so why not get both


[–]Bulls Karl_Marx_ 16 points 16 hours ago

Or maybe...he wants to win and is already making enough money for a lifetime.


[–]Knicks BluLuxning 71 points 19 hours ago

Hey if you want a legacy come to NY and help us win a championship :)








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