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来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-09-30 12:10:42











哈登化身人生导师现场教学 (来源:BBC英伦网)


    When I dribble on the court and my head is up and always on a swivel. I never predetemined a move, I never come down and say I’m gonna cross over right to left now, and in hesitation, and then… No, like I come down it’s all off basketball instincts, it’s all off whatever the defender in front of me does and whatever the weakside does.


    Now you think everybody thinks the NBA is just all athletic, we’re all being able to shoot, no you still need those fundamentals from when you taught from 8-year-old, to when you’re 28, 29-year-old in the NBA. There’s a lot of moves and a lot of decision-making that you have to make within a small time frame, in order to do one of those elite guys.?


    So as I come now, my head is up, then I just…(show move) Oh, got you! That right there happens in two seconds, maybe less than that, you gotta make a quick decision. Obviouly I’m a playmaker, and I gotta make sure I get all my guys involved, but I’m a scorer as well, so as I come down as a playmaker and a scorer, myself is first, get by him, then I make the next decision.


    If he comes a step up, I’d throw a lob to Clint (Capela), if he doesn’t step up, I’d go dunk the ball. If that guy, if the big comes over and helps

    , and that guy sinks in, then I got one of my shooters in the corner, alright?


    If I don’t like that move, or if he doesn’t go for that move, then I have to find another move to create the balance that I need for a shot. Might be behind the back, in-and-out, hesi, side-step, he jumps for it, hesitation. Now I gotta make my four or five decisions that I just talked about.


    That’s another thing. You wanna make your teammates better, you wanna pass the ball, your passes gotta be effcient, they gotta be on point, on target. Wherever you are, working on your passes, it’s easy. Swag.


    But it takes a lot of work. Whatever I do in a game, I work on it, every single day. Repetition, every single day. I’m not gonna work on something that I don’t do in a game, that I wouldn’t try in a game, because it’s a waste of time. I think a lot of kids are doing that nowadays. You know, working on different moves cause you see different trainers of different whatever someone on Instagram… No, this is about going in the gym, putting the work in something that you need to work on, and want to be great at, for an hour, two hours, or however long you want to do it, and don’t just sit in the gym wasting your time. That’s what it is.






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