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亚博:唐斯顶薪续约| 巴特勒走人已成定局?

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-09-26 17:10:45


[Wojnarowski ] In a deal that cements him as the franchise ’s long-term cornerstone , Minnesota Timberwolves All-Star center Karl-Anthony Towns has agreed to a 5-year , 美金190M super-maximum extension , league sources tell ESPN.

Woj :为了巩固唐斯在球队的持久基石地位,丛林狼决议和球队全明星中锋签下一份5 年1.9 亿美元的超等顶薪合同.


[–][BOS ] Guerschon YabuseleUpvoteIfYouAgreee 3881 points 5 hours ago

Goodbye Jimmy

凯尔特人球迷:JB 拜拜了您嘞!

[–][TOR ] Pops Mensah-Bonsudragonballa 2097 points 5 hours ago

Pretty sure 99.90% of Wolves fans would pick KAT over Jimmy anyways.


[–]JazzKrakenborn 1176 points 4 hours ago

990% of NBA fans

爵士球迷:是百分之九十九的NBA 粉丝好么?

[–][CHI ] Kirk HinrichLovesSwissCheese 398 points 4 hours ago

I don ’t think that ’s a real stat


[–]Lakersboisic 237 points 3 hours ago

I don 't get why people are celebrating this as if Jimmy didn 't clearly carry Minnesota to the playoffs and that the team was garbage before him.

The circle jerk is hot rn , wonder if the energy is gonna be the same when the wolves get the 10th seed this season without him



[–]Nuggetsjdorje 149 points 3 hours ago

I don 't get why people are celebrating

Because one player is 29 and a free agent in 9 months , while the other is 22 , locked up for 5 years now , and for some reason can 't get along with the first.


一个是29 岁而且在九个月以后就要成为自由球员的球员,另外一个是此刻才22 岁,并且将来五年都锁在球队的但愿之星,并且他还和前者弄欠好关系,你说我们该选谁呢?

[–]BullsBarajas0910 38 points 3 hours ago

JB cannot be the best player on a championship team. At best you ’ll get to the first round because of him. Take it from a bulls fan. KAT can still develop into something special.

公牛球迷:JB 不成能成为一支冠军级别球队里最好的阿谁人,可是由于他你可以打进季后赛首轮,这句话是老公牛球迷说得,唐斯还机遇进化成巨星呢.


[–]RaptorsBowiescorvat2 115 points 5 hours ago

They could 've had both if they handled things better


[–]Timberwolvessivy83 289 points 5 hours ago *

How can you know that ? Some people just don 't get along


[–]CelticsBrassTaxWax 296 points 4 hours ago

Every commenter on /r/nba is a locker room insider for all 30 teams

凯尔特人球迷:论坛里的每一个评论听起来都来自30 支球队更衣室内部最深处啊.

[–]Heatsantana722 269 points 5 hours ago

So you think they already have Jimmy 's trade lined up , or did they just commit to it with KAT ?



[–]Rocketsyooston 2355 points 5 hours ago

here come the jealous NFL player tweets


[–][TOR ] Tracy McGradyRapidRaptors 1143 points 5 hours ago

NFL qbs: I can 't play defense too ! can I get something like that ?

橄榄球年夜同盟的四分卫们:"我们也不会戍守啊,我能拿1.9 亿嘛?"

[–]Hawksmangojuul 306 points 5 hours ago

Rodgers just did


[–]BucksKevin_Jim 731 points 5 hours ago

Rodgers got 美金134M with 美金100M guaranteed. KAT got 美金190M , guaranteed. It 's nowhere close.

雄鹿球迷:罗杰斯获得了1.34 个亿的合同,此中只有1 个亿是获得包管的,而唐斯获得了1.9 个亿而且是全额保障合同,这二者完全纷歧样好么?

[–]WarriorsThe_Void_Reaver 590 points 5 hours ago

Rodgers has also been established and has had success for years beforehand. KAT 's played for 3 years.


[–]TimberwolvesXANNIBAL_LECTER 416 points 5 hours ago

And when rodgers was kat 's age he was still years away from his first nfl start. Different sports man

丛林狼球迷:并且罗杰斯在唐斯这个年数还打不上NFL 首发呢,完全纷歧样的活动啊兄弟.


[–][SAS ] Manu GinobiliLoneStarDeMar 131 points 5 hours ago

Butler is gone within 2 days lmfao


[–]D_Gandy 8 points an hour ago

RIP to the Timberwolves playoff chances


[–][OKC ] Russell WestbrookDbo5666 1025 points 5 hours ago

Jimmy Butler has been eliminated from the Timberbulls


[–]Bullsinevitablescape 53 points 5 hours ago

Fade the Timberbulls too ?


[–][UTA ] Adam Keefejliv60 71 points 5 hours ago

Fade Thibs



[–]CelticsBrad-Stevens 400 points 5 hours ago

KAT bout to talk shit to Book how he got more


[–][HOU ] Pat Rileymoreyball 1111 points 5 hours ago

That ’s a lot of fortnite skins


[–]Celticscookiepizza54 202 points 5 hours ago

Well , it ’s nice that Timberwolves fans can get some good news after a rocky week lol



[–][MIA ] Dwyane WadeRandomVintage 66 points 5 hours ago

I wonder how it feels when you sign the contract. Like shit , I 'ma make 美金190m in 5 years. That 's fucking wild

热火球迷:我在想他签约时的感触感染,感受就似乎,"卧槽,我特么将来五年要有1.9 个亿了,这特么太不真实了."

[–]Timberwolvesphernoree 62 points 4 hours ago

His first biweekly check after taxes will be approximately 730k. I ’m sure that ’s when it will hit him.

And also "holy damn that ’s a lot of taxes !"

丛林狼球迷:他的第一笔薪水扣除税以后大要有73 万美金吧,我敢必定这会让他震动.


[–][PHI ] JaVale McGeeJahgee1124 546 points 5 hours ago

Did anyone realistically think they 'd choose Jimmy over KAT ?

76 人球迷:真的会有人会感觉他们会选择巴特勒而不是唐斯嘛?

[–][MIN ] Zach LaVineEgonzos 407 points 5 hours ago

No. No we did not. But being life long Minnesota fans we prepare for idiotic moves.... so.... until he actually signed there was always that chance we ’d fuck it up somehow.


[–]NuggetsPM_ME_THE_BEST_STORY 154 points 5 hours ago

Just wait , this is probably the classic sign 5 year super-max and trade scenario.



[–][ORL ] Jonathan IsaacRayshard 394 points 5 hours ago

Almost 美金40 million a year for KAT and 美金35 Million for Wiggins in the next 4 or 5 years. That is 2/3 of the salary cap on those two smh. I understand KAT but why did they sign Wiggins for such a bad contract.

魔术球迷:丛林狼在将来四到五年内差不多一年要给唐斯4000 万,然后给维金斯3500 万美元,这两小我就包圆了丛林狼三分之二的薪金空间了,我能理解给唐斯这么年夜合同,可是为啥给维金斯这么年夜的一个合同呢?

[–]RaptorsCheechers23 257 points 5 hours ago

Wiggins ' deal never hits 35 mill. Starts at 25 and goes up to 33

猛龙球迷:维金斯的合同历来没到达过3500 万美金,起薪2500 万然后涨到3300 万.

[–]Not_Jabri_Parker 74 points 4 hours ago

I still don ’t want to pay current wiggins 33M let ’s hope he improves

我也不想付给此刻的维金斯3300 万美元,等候他能前进吧.

[–]TimberwolvesJupitersClock 52 points 5 hours ago

Because Glen Taylor. He signed him before hitting as a rfa.


[–][CHI ] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 39 points 5 hours ago

Wiggins hit the jackpot


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 58 points 5 hours ago

It 's ok though because KAT promised to Glen Taylor that he 'll work hard to improve


[–]KingsFerromagneticfluid 83 points 5 hours ago

The Wiggins signing wasn 't that bad at the time , he was showing an upward trend in skill and was extremely young still. Pretty standard max deal for a number 1 pick.

I really still think he can turn it around , and Butler being on the team somehow made him worse. This year (providing Butler is gone relatively quickly ) is his year to prove he is worth it.



[–]Sunsomnicious 94 points 5 hours ago

Feel like I 've been hearing that Wiggins can still turn it around for years.

国王球迷:我咋每一年都能听到维金斯可以或许"失路知返" 呢?

[–]Timberwolvestimesquent 52 points 5 hours ago

It 's his 4th year in the league so that 's the max number for years can be - and isn 't 4 years pretty soon to write off a 23-year-old as a bust ?

丛林狼球迷:这才是维金斯进同盟的第四年,所以"很多多少年" 的最年夜值也不外是四,所以四年就把一个球员界说为水货是否是早了点.






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