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亚博:所丰年轻球员都被高估? | 欧文被高估?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-13 16:49:44


Who in your opinion is the most overrated player in the league ?



[–][PHI ] Robert Covingtongulfwang 566 指標 12 小時前

every young player

76 人球迷:所有的年青球员.

[–]PacersThe_One_X 52 指標 7 小時前

This is the correct answer. Take you pick out of any player under 24 years old , and most people are probably rating them on their potential more than on what they are.

步行者球迷:我感觉你说得很对,良多时辰当你选择了一个24 岁以下的球员,良多人城市将他们的潜能视作无穷年夜……远超他们本身的现实能力.

[–]EbonyWargreymon 46 指標 6 小時前

Everyone except Giannis lol


[–]LakersILOVEBASKETBALL24_8 63 指標 8 小時前

Yup. More than half the guys we expect to be great will fade into the crowd soon enough



[–]Senseisntsocommon 402 指標 12 小時前

On here , Jokic. However outside of here Jokic might be underrated.

在Reddit 里,我感觉是约基奇,但是在这以外我感觉约基奇可能被低估了.

[–]Nuggetssorakaisthegoat 74 指標 11 小時前

Where 's all these people overrating Jokic ?


[–]Senseisntsocommon 162 指標 10 小時前

Go to any thread talking about best center and you have people listing him as third. That 's overrating


[–]LakersR_Slickerz 32 指標 10 小時前

Lol , who do you have over him ? I got only boogie...you can make argument for Embiid , Towns , hell even Gobert (even tho i think it 's ridiculous )...but who else ? Not being top 5 is severly underrating him , dude was 24/12/6 over the last month and almost single handedly led them to playoffs over the final stretch

湖人球迷:哈哈哈,你能说出几个比他强得嘛?我数来数去也只有考辛斯……你可能会在恩比德、唐斯、好吧还戈贝尔(现实上我感觉这很荒诞)……可是还谁呢?不在同盟前五较着是低估了他,上个月他才场均能拿下24 +12 +6 的数据,并且几近依托本身一小我吊住了掘金冲向季后赛的道路.

[–]RaptorsDaPhoToss 104 指標 9 小時前

Embiid is CLEARLY over Jokic. Embiid is one of the best defensive bigs in the league while still being great offensively. Jokic is better offensively but the gap isn 't huge like the gap in their defence.


[–]Trail BlazersCletus_Starfish 53 指標 9 小時前

I 've seen multiple people say that he 's as good as prime Larry Bird. Jokic is really good , but that 's fucknuts.



[–]rizzeck 173 指標 10 小時前

KAT. I think he is going to be less like Durant/AD and more like Lamarcus Aldridge. Still a star , but not a generational talent.


[–][CHI ] Michael JordanThexJwubbz 28 指標 8 小時前

I see people talking about him being in the top 10. They look at the fact that he scores a lot while being close to having a 50/40/90 season and forget his shortcomings on both sides of the ball. Looked really unimpressive in the last month or so of the season leading into that mediocre series against Houston. He doesn ’t look like a leader right now , or even someone you can build a team around. There ’s just a lot of question marks.

公牛球迷:我看到有人在会商唐斯是不是能位居同盟前十,他们只看到了唐斯的得分数据和他接近180 俱乐部的射中率,可是他们却健忘了他在攻防两头都有致命缺点.看他在季后赛对阵火箭的角逐的存在感吧,的确不要太低.他此刻看起来仍然不是一个及格的带领者,乃至不是建队焦点之一,他身上问题太多了.


[–]76ersWelcomeToCostco16 195 指標 10 小時前

John Wall. His game is flawed and he avoids the criticism other players get for relying on athleticism

76 人球迷:约翰-沃尔,他的角逐真的是粗拙,他也一向避免接触到和其他球员近似的"你怎样依靠身体" 的攻讦.

[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 75 指標 9 小時前

Where have you been the last 3 years ? You must not be reading /r/NBA threads

奇才球迷:老哥你这三年都在干啥?我猜你必然没看Reddit 上的帖子,这几年黑沃尔的人不要太多啊.

[–]RaptorsBatmanana5 275 指標 11 小時前

Devin Booker. Dude 's an insanely talented scorer (25 on slightly above average TS ) but from watching this guy he doesn 't do anything else at a high level. He honestly reminds me of the Raptors with DeMar , but a better shooter obviously and not nearly as atheltic. I think he 's gonna be good , but I don 't see the superstar potential. Would love to be proven wrong though honestly

猛龙球迷:德文-布克,这家伙有着很强的得分能力(场均25 分,真实射中率还高在平均值),可是除得分他看起来并没有其他工具在高水准之上的,他让我想起了昔时在猛龙的德罗赞,可是可能要比德罗赞投篮更好,可是身体本质却要比德罗赞差一些,我感觉他会很棒,可是我不感觉他有超等球星的先天,但愿有朝一日他能打我的脸吧.

[–]JazzMonkeyfeng 34 指標 7 小時前

I feel like Donovan Mitchell is already more famous than Devin Booker. Please correct me if I am wrong.



[–]Rocketsplaytio 306 指標 13 小時前

Perhaps an unpopular opinion but everybody is saying Kawhi is the best player in the East and the man has barely played in the last 14 months.


[–][WAS ] Gilbert Arenasf5_szn 128 指標 13 小時前

you 're overreacting to him missing time , kawhi is the best player in the east , no need to overthink this.

he showed he was the same player in his 7 games this year , once he gets his rhythm and timing back the raptors will take off.

its not like he 's sitting on his ass being injured doing nothing.





[–]Supersonicssam90201 460 指標 13 小時前



[–][DAL ] Tyronn Luebrian27610 383 指標 10 小時前

2k gave him a fucking 87 overall this year... while giving kemba an 85 lmao

独行侠球迷:2K 乃至给了塔图姆87 分的高评分……要知道肯巴-沃克才85 分哈哈哈.

[–][LAL ] Brandon IngramBriocheFT 308 指標 12 小時前

I think he 's overrated because people act like he 's a superstar lock. I think he had a great rookie season and i expect him to be real good , but that 's why i think he 's overrated


[–]Celticsnikebauerr 62 指標 12 小時前

For sure. No one that young should be dubbed a superstar lock , especially with only one season of tape.

But the most overrated in the league ? I don 't know about that. He just had one of the best rookie seasons for a teenager in the history of the NBA and a historically good playoff run for a rookie. He 's going to get over hyped as all rookies do but I feel like he has earned most of his praise.

Overrated by some Celtics fans , definitely , but I don 't think it 's homerism to believe he has as good a chance as anyone 23 and younger to become a superstar


可是关在同盟最被高估的球员?我不感觉他是,他具有着NBA 汗青上最棒的新秀赛季之一,而且以新秀身份打出了一个极为出彩的季后赛,他在季后赛里表示得比所有新秀都强,我感觉他配得上本身所遭到的赞誉.

他确切被良多凯尔特人粉丝赞誉,可是我相信他能在一众23 岁以下球员里脱颖而出成为超等巨星.


[–]an1234567890 90 指標 11 小時前

Kyrie Irving imo. A lot of people think he is better than Westbrook or that he is a top 2 PG in the league , while I think he is more of a Tier 2 PG , in the same tier as Wall and Lillard.


[–]NBAbondom3417 196 指標 12 小時前


Boston literally has a better O rating in the playoffs and dude is talked about on Westbrook/CP/Curry level by some. He 's never lead a team anywhere and his impact numbers are mediocre at best yet talked about as a top 10 player. He 's not close.



[–]NBASpencer_Ballen 106 指標 13 小時前

I 've always thought Demar Derozan was overrated. Borderline top 20-25 player that people were occasionally talking about as a top 10 talent.

我感觉德玛尔-德罗赞被高估了,他不外是前20-25 的守门员而已,良多人居然会商他是否是具有同盟前十的先天.

[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 174 指標 13 小時前

Overrated ? He was ranked 39th by ESPN 's expert panel last year , behind Jae Crowder.

No one talks about him as a top 10 talent except people who want to call him overrated. He got some mild MVP top 10 consideration because he was the lead option on a 59 win team , but nobody says he 's a legit superstar.

Overrated would be somebody who doesn 't constantly get shit on for his middling efficiency/lack of defense (which are valid concerns ).

高估?你恍如在弄笑.客岁他被ESPN 排名第39 ,这还在杰-克劳德后面.

没人说他具有前十的先天,除人们说他被高估的时辰,他确切置在了MVP 前十的会商当中,那只不外是由于他是一支59 胜的球队的第一选择,可是也没人说他是超等球星啊.


[–][CLE ] LeBron Jamesnzahir 83 指標 13 小時前

If I am just going with an overrated star: Lillard

Not very efficient from the field , not a great defender. People talk about this guy like he is a top 10 guy. Rather have curry , russ , kyrie , and cp3 for sure.

He is right up there with Wall and Lowry




[–]an1234567890 83 指標 11 小時前

He does have a 590% TS and doesn 't turn the ball over much , so pretty efficient if you ask me...



[–][DEN ] Nikola JokicDenverNuggetz 30 指標 13 小時前

Paul George , don ’t @ me


[–]KnicksSpentitinGenoa 83 指標 12 小時前

he ’s one of the hardest matchups on both sides of the court lol







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