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亚博:湖人年青人先天是不是真有潜力? 是吹嘘仍是被高估|

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-07 17:42:50


Are we overrating the Lakers young talent ?


I see a lot of Lakers fans saying that Ingram/Kuzma/Hart/Ball are not worth trading for any star this year. But every time I watch them play all I see is guys getting their stats but not playing winning basketball. How can all these young guys have this much hype and not produce a winning product on the floor with the best basketball player in the world ?



[–]Thunder nuhx 2045 points 13 hours ago

Young talent in general is really overrated in the NBA. NBA fans rate young players more about what they ideally can be than what they actually are right now. They are always assuming the young talent will improve consistently year by year under ideal circumstances.

雷霆球迷:年夜体而言,年青人的先天在NBA 都是被高估的.NBA 球迷对年青人进行评价时更多地是根据他们此后抱负的成长前景,而并不是他们当下真实的实力.在某种抱负化的设定下,大师老是感觉有先天的年青人会年复一年地延续前进.

[–][CLE ] LeBron James Scatteredbrain 115 points 11 hours ago

yea like BI turning into Durant


[–][GSW ] Draymond Green jthc 115 points 10 hours ago

He ’s got the body of Durant , but not the shot. And Durant was a great shooter before he even got to the NBA.

勇士球迷:他有阿杜的身段,可是没有他的投篮.小帅进入NBA 之前就已是一位超卓的投手了.

[–]Celtics gampo 57 points 8 hours ago

Also , Durant has a really fluid handle. BI isn 't close to that.


[–]Sullan 08 45 points 5 hours ago

Also just better at literally everything else lol. Ingram is massively overrated as a future star.


[–]Spurs kawhi_tho 74 points 9 hours ago

Michael Lewis talked about this in Moneyball. Scouts love young guys because they can imagine them growing up to be anything. It 's harder to do that with a 30 year old.

马刺球迷:迈克尔-刘易斯(美国今世陈述文学作家、财经记者)在《点球成金》一书中说过这点.那些球探们喜好年青球员,是由于他们可以假想那些年青人此后的任何可能性.如果去料想一个30 岁球员的将来的话,那就难多了.

[–]BubbaTee 43 points 8 hours ago

Of course I 'll trade (Player ) for a draft pick. A draft pick could be anything ! it could even be the next (Player )!


[–]Spurs kawhi_tho 48 points 6 hours ago

This is why the Lakers fans who thought Ingram had as much trade value as Kawhi were being stupid. Best-case scenario , Ingram turns out to be Kawhi. Kawhi already is Kawhi.


[–]Lakers eldencampbell 23 points 8 hours ago

Young talent is always overrated but young Lakers talent is particularly overrated.

Kuzma is the only young Laker who plays with urgency on offense. He puts more pressure than Ingram on the defense because he makes his move/decision immediately. He 's a good finisher too.

Lonzo plays like you 're not allowed to dribble more than 3 times. He isn 't even testing that whole other dimension of passing that opens up through individual playmaking. It worries me.

I honestly don 't know what to make of Ingram. If we was a better shooter I could believe in the whole narrative of him still being so young/promising.



鲍尔就打得像是锻练不答应他运球跨越3 次一样.这可真叫我焦急啊.


[–]New Jersey Netslatman 55 points 11 hours ago

Jaylen Brown is a perfect example of this. Players almost never develop playmaking/passing skills if they don 't show signs of it at a young age.


[–][UTA ] Dell Curry DeathBySuplex 1069 points 12 hours ago

I blame 2k where players do naturally progress to an assumed peak.

Real world doesn ’t work that way.

爵士球迷:这锅2K 得背啊,究竟游戏里的球员都能天然而然地走向既定的巅峰.


[–][CHI ] Brian Scalabrine CoachDT 119 points 9 hours ago

I get called a hater for telling people this.

Like last year with Lonzo , he definitely CAN progress into an all-NBA type player , he can fix his J , improve at attacking the basket , improve his free throw shooting to become the type of guy to average like 19/11/6.

That doesn 't mean you assume thats going to happen and you have to take someone for what they are currently even if They 're only (insert arbitrary age )!. This isn 't me hating this is just me stating sometimes you get someone like Giannis that improves pretty consistently every year. Other times you get a Tyreke Evans or MCW. So assuming your young guys will just become stars is a bit silly.


就像上赛季的鲍尔,他绝对是可以或许成长为一位全明星级此外球员的,他可以改良本身的跳投,晋升攻筐的能力和罚球,从而成为一位场均19 +11 +6 的球员.


[–]pev2 260 points 11 hours ago

That 's exactly what it is. A huge portion of the r/nba subscriber base does not regularly watch basketball. They watch the playoffs and occassional high-profile regular season games .


[–][LAL ] Pat Riley OBPing 403 points 10 hours ago

I remember back in the days in NBA2K1 when Kwame Brown , Tyson Chandler , Eddy Curry were rookies (yes I ’m going waaaay back ) the three of them would eventually go on to be the next Duncan , Shaq Hakeem.

湖人球迷:我还记适当年的2K1 ,里面的夸梅-布朗、泰森-钱德勒和埃迪-库里都仍是菜鸟(没错,这都是陈芝麻烂谷子的事儿了),游戏的设定是他们仨终究别离为成长为下一个邓肯、奥尼尔和奥拉朱旺.


[–]Mavericks rvadarocket 277 points 13 hours ago

Yes , there ’s talent there , but it ’s not like they ’ve got multiple young All-Stars just waiting to happen


[–]Nuggets Wtfitzchris 76 points 10 hours ago *

Completely agree. Their young players aren 't bad , but they get overrated because they play for the Lakers. Take Ingram for example. 16/4/1 on 47/33/65 shooting splits is nothing special for a player in his third year , especially when you consider he 's below average defensively. I can 't help but think that if he played on the Magic or Kings , most casual fans would have already forgotten about him.

完全附和.湖人的年青球员是不错的,可是他们之所以被高估,是由于他们效率在湖人.就拿英格拉姆举例吧,16 +4 +1 的数据,470%、330%和650%的三项射中率对一个进入同盟已三年的球员来讲,没甚么特殊的,况且他的戍守还在平均水准之下.我就感觉吧,如果他在魔术或国王的话,年夜大都路人球迷也许已忘了他.

[–][CHI ] Brian Scalabrine CoachDT 54 points 9 hours ago

He 'd be an interesting player , if he played on the magic people would call him a worse Turkuglu or say thats his ceiling.

However he plays in LA so suddenly dude is gonna be the next KD.



[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant Leaootemivel 38 points 8 hours ago

The dude got called a bust endlessly in his rookie year and even last year people were saying that his ceiling was Travis Outlaw.


[–]Bucks Lanky_Kaleidoscope 128 points 10 hours ago

They have four young players that might not be far from becoming quality starters. Not many teams in the league have that. The Lakers genuinely do have good talent and it is definitely not out of the question one of their young players becomes an all star talent in their prime.

That said , people probably overrate the significance of that. Young talent can be squandered quickly. Once those guys have to be paid , team will have tough decisions to make. And those guys aren 't really doing that much more to help team win in short run than fairly average veterans.

Lakers are in good shape as far as young talent goes , but that doesn 't mean their team is very good at the moment and it also doesn 't mean that they are just gonna have some star studded team when those guys develop. Some could disappoint , some could surprise (more will disappoint probably cause fans are usually over-optimistic about young players ), but they all will be expensive to retain.




[–]Raptors bloopcity 114 points 12 hours ago

I think we overrate young players in general , unless they are a freak athlete/talent , most young players don 't contribute consistently until about 23. Ingram is 21 , give them time (unfortunately LeBron doesn 't have much of that ).

猛龙球迷:我感觉我们凡是城市高估年青人,除非他们是那种反常的先天或身体本质,年夜部门在23 岁之前是没法延续不变输出的.英格拉姆才21 嘛,给点时候(惋惜的是,勒布朗没有那末多时候期待).

[–]Lakers ashishvp 95 points 9 hours ago

That ’s honestly the reason why signing Lebron was so weird.

Don ’t get me wrong , it ’s fucking Lebron and I ’m stoked. But hes 34 ! He really doesn ’t fit with our rebuilding timeline.


别歪曲我啊,那可是特么的勒布朗啊,我很兴奋的.可是他都34 了!他真的不合适我们重建的时候线.

[–]Raptors bloopcity 64 points 9 hours ago

I thought you guys would ship out ingram and/or ball to get an immediate talent and try and keep Randle but this is where we are.



[–][UTA ] Joe Ingles NitroXYZ 620 points 13 hours ago

Absolutely. If they where on the Magic or Grizzlies they wouldn 't get nearly as much attention.


[–]thehumangenius23 146 points 11 hours ago

This shit bothers me. The Lakers young guys still look talented , you can still see the individual talent. But the issue with the Lakers is that they ’re not playing well as a team. None of these guys are playing defined roles and the best looking one (Ingram ) was suspended for 4 games and missed opportunity to gel with the new line ups.

Lebron is a great player but adding him to the roster has massively changed things , they even started out a little better last year than this year. My issue with the team is Luke still somehow doesn ’t know what he has in each player and line up after weeks and weeks of training camps , summer league and games.

Also , it ’s noteworthy that a lot of these runs to close deficits come when Lebron is on the bench. He ’s not fitting in with the young guys , but he ’s damn Lebron so of course you gotta base your play around him.










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