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亚博体育:状元艾顿季前赛猛无敌| 内线时期就要回归?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-12 11:25:35


Deandre Ayton 's preseason stats so far: 20.5/11.3/1.8 on 62.5 FG0% and 78.3 FT0%.

德安德烈-艾顿今朝为止的季前赛数据:场均20.5 分11.3 板1.8 助,射中率62.50%,罚球射中率78.30%.

[King ] Deandre Ayton preseason among rookies: #1 in points , rebounds , free throws , field goal attempts and blocks Preseason among ALL NBA PLAYERS: #1 in points , rebounds , free throws , field goal attempts and blocks in 29.8 MPG.

德安德烈-艾顿季前赛场均进场29.8 分钟各项数据在本届新秀中的排名:得分、篮板、罚球、出手次数和盖帽数均位列榜首;

德安德烈-艾顿季本赛季季前赛场均进场29.8 分钟各项数据在全数NBA 球员中的排名:得分、篮板、罚球数、出手次数和盖帽数均位列榜首.

Ayton has been dominant so far , against every team he has been a positive in +/- even in blow out losses. His rebounding translated immediately as expected , but he 's also been incredible on offense and much better than advertised on defense.

His per 36 numbers are bonkers at 25pts , 14rebs , 2ast , 3blk , 1stl


他每36 分钟可以拿下25 分、14 板、2 助、3 帽和1 断的可不雅数据.

DeAndre Ayton shows up big in a win @ Golden State: 18pts , 7rebs , 4asts , 2blks , 2stls on 7/11 shooting and 4/5 from the line.

德安德烈-艾顿在太阳克服金州勇士的角逐中表示抢眼:获得18 分7 板4 助2 帽2 断,投篮11 中7 ,罚球5 中4.


[–]grumpy_toews 218 points 1 day ago

I think Ayton is already good enough offensively that it 'll stop teams from going small for an extended period if he 's even marginally adept at defending the pick and roll. You can 't guard him with 4 's.

It 'd be a real shame if the Suns managed to find a point guard to distribute to their great shooter , athletic cutting wing , and potential dominant center. Real shame.

我感觉艾顿在进攻端已很是超卓了,假如他能稍稍精进一下本身防挡拆的能力,那就可以禁止其他球队过量利用小球声势.4 号位的球员是没法防住他的.


[–]Suns snitchesgetblintzes 13 points 1 day ago

Yeah , this is a major reason why McD was fired. His inability to find at least a competent PG that can distribute to his #1 FUCKING DRAFT PICK is inexcusable

Suns fans are worried Sarver will give up the farm for a mediocre PG but we may have to overpay a bit. Sticking with our current PGs is going to be more of a detriment to Ayton 's development if anything.



[–][SEA ] Shawn Kemp Milkmoney1978 147 points 1 day ago

Hope your agent reads this Kemba


[–]DownvoteLazyComments 32 points 1 day ago

In your opinion , who sh/would the suns give up for Kemba


[–]Cavaliers cavaleir 26 points 1 day ago

Not familiar enough with the Suns ' roster to give a real answer , but Kemba is expiring. I wouldn 't give up much. Maybe a decent younger guy and a 2nd , maybe a little more if he 's willing to sign long term.


[–]Warriors futureslave 311 points 1 day ago

I saw him last night in person. Such a force. He never stops moving and had some easy cuts to the basket. He ’s just gigantic too. There ’s no reason he won ’t be a dominant player.


[–]zkhan1287 31 points 1 day ago

Ayton vs Embiid will be so fun to see.


[–][IND ] Reggie Miller sexualramen 22 points 1 day ago

Robinson vs. Hakeem , the wheel of time turns once again

雷吉米勒球迷:这可是罗宾逊vs 奥拉朱旺,光阴之轮再次动弹了!


[–]Warriors JJF30 244 points 1 day ago

Reminds me of when Shaq said he didnt know the difference between the preseason and the reg season and thought these games mattered


[–]Suns koiz_01 116 points 1 day ago

I never saw Shaq 's preseason games , but Ayton hasn 't been forcing anything. Its amazing hes putting up these numbers with little effort.


[–]Timberwolves tobtae 65 points 1 day ago

on such good percentages too , it 's safe to say you guys probably got yourself a star in the making so long as he remains healthy. very excited to see the big men become dominant again in todays nba with KAT , Jocic , Embiid , AD , Kristaps and now Ayton hopefully.

丛林狼球迷:诶,别忘了他还那末高的射中率啊,可以说你们太阳也许找到了本身的明日之星,只要他连结健康就好.看到唐斯、约基奇、恩比德、戴维斯和波尔津吉斯这些年夜个球员再次在现在的NBA 中闪现出统治力,真的很是兴奋,但愿还能加上艾顿.

[–]Suns cantmakeusernames 125 points 1 day ago

I can 't get over how much better he looks since Summer League. I know his stats were fine then , but watching him I was really frustrated with how lost he looked on both ends of the court.

He 's legitimately been our best player in every preseason game so far , and he 's looked like it too. I know it 's only preseason so I 'm trying not to get too excited about the stats right now (they 're pretty damn exciting though ), but I 'm definitely hyped about his rate of improvement.

It 's also exciting that , even though he has been the best player on the court (in preseason ), he still has a lot that he can improve on. Hasn 't even attempted a 3 yet , lots of room for growth on defensive positioning , doesn 't really have any face-up moves other than a pull-up , etc.

Really looking forward to watching him throughout this season , especially with Booker coming back.





[–]Suns internetrichnigga 630 points 2 days ago

Phoenix Suns are a basketball team again


[–]Suns Scoolfish 386 points 2 days ago

How cool is it to have actual NBA caliber players

太阳球迷:具有一个高水准的NBA 球员真的是太爽了.

[–]Suns sunsbr 241 points 2 days ago

And actual coach


[–]Nuggets EricStoltz-MaskMorty 181 points 2 days ago

Now you just need a GM.


[–]Suns HSPumbloom 194 指標 22 小時前

I mean , we are 1-0 in the post McD era... so do we really need a GM ?

太阳球迷:呃……此刻我们在后麦克唐纳(太阳前总司理)时期1 胜0 负……所以我们真的还需要一个司理吗?

[–]Raptors VinceJumpmanCarter 253 points 1 day ago

Western Conference Orlando Magic got their dominant big man


[–]Suns ThomB96 128 points 1 day ago

I prefer being called the NBA Minnesota Vikings

太阳球迷:我更喜好叫我们NBA 里的明尼苏达维京人队(NFL 球队).


[–]West bballthegathering 32 points 2 days ago

Ayton is the real deal. He played like he 's been there before. All Phoenix needs is a GM to put supporting pieces around him.

艾顿这个签真的很靠谱.感受他似乎之前打过NBA 似得.此刻菲尼克斯只需要一个总司理来环绕艾顿打造球队了.

[–]Wizards Vswerve27 334 points 1 day ago

So slept on for a #1 pick


[–]Suns cicadaenthusiat 169 指標 11 小時前

Not at all the Doncic hype just got a little out of control.


[–]Nihilistic_Marmot 12 points 1 day ago

I think Ayton is going to be a top 10 player in the league at some point in his career.

We can see all these young athletic big men coming in the league the last half decade or so. There 's going to come a point when the league pivots , likely when the warriors start to fade , and teams with the premier power forwards and centers start to rise to the top. Giannis , AD , Embiid , Ayton...these guys are the future.



[–]Lakers AmnestyTHAT 12 points 1 day ago

This dude is gonna be the best center in the league in 2 years.


[–]laumar23 17 points 1 day ago



[–]Suns vinram925 47 points 1 day ago



[–]Sunsjnicholass 31 points 1 day ago

Don 't you dare put that voodoo on us


[–]Jazz bigg_pete 400 points 1 day ago

That 's pretty good , Ay


[–]Cavaliers U2_is_gay 20 points 1 day ago

Ay lmao



[–][TOR ] Kyle Lowry ShaolinCheesecake 514 points 2 days ago *

Looks like big men are back

AD , Embiid , Ayton , KAT , Porzingis , and Jokic

What a time to be a fan




[–]9Yogi 20 points 1 day ago

Myles Turner , Mo Bamba , Lauri Markannen , Rudy Gobert , Clint Capella and still more young guys with potential left.


[–]BlackHandSerb 66 points 2 days ago

Yeah it ’s going to be crazy especially since they ’ll all be pushing themselves

There ’s a few other raw talents that can join this list



[–]fiveFryedFlies 89 points 2 days ago

And Zhou qi of course


[–]Suns Runnerred 269 points 2 days ago

One Achilles tear and everyone forgets Boogie :,(


[–]Lakers retardvark 24 points 1 day ago

He 's probably the most overlooked number 1 overall pick in a while


[–]Suns Kablaow 23 points 1 day ago

Because he is on the Suns.


[–]Suns beer_down 143 points 2 days ago

And 18/7 is a BAD game from Ayton...

I fucking love this guy

太阳球迷:拿到18 分7 板对他来讲竟然还算打得欠好……


[–]Suns Scoolfish 88 points 2 days ago

He played fantastic defense tonight , imo. On both the switches and at the rim.


[–]Pistons qedsquah 145 points 2 days ago

Him being bad at defense was greatly exaggerated.


[–]Suns toothbrush_potato 42 points 2 days ago

The thing is , he looks much better than he did during summer league. I had read he 's a quick learner , but I mean , I wasn 't expecting him to look this good after only a few months.


[–]Jazz bigg_pete 62 points 2 days ago

I ’m officially on the Ayton hype train. Dude is legit

爵士球迷:我正式插手吹"艾" 家族了.这哥们儿牛啊.

[–]Suns BigCountryBumgarner 75 points 2 days ago

Where is your Luka now


[–][DAL ] Dirk Nowitzki RamRiz1302 52 points 2 days ago

On the mavs airplane getting rest








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