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亚博:小卡坦言不关心社交媒体| 阿杜哭晕在茅厕

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-04 19:50:10


Kawhi Leonard says he ’s unfazed at how folks reacted to his laugh on media day. Says he doesn ’t follow social media or stories so he doesn ’t know what people think. "It ’s not surprising when you ’re at this high of a caliber player ,"



[–][ATL ] Josh Smithhassbackwards 2944 points 19 hours ago

It ’s not surprising when you ’re at this high of a caliber player ,"

Flex on 'em , Kawhi




[–]RaptorsVinceJumpmanCarter 1246 points 18 hours ago

Damn straight.

This is the first time I see him not act humble lmao




[–]Spursblackjesus78 68 points 14 hours ago *

There was that time he condescended a reporter for implying he couldn ’t guard harden and play well offensively. That was right after he back to back hit a clutch three and blocked hardens game winner.

I ’d link the interview but I ’m on mobile. It was bad ass




[–][LAL ] Smush ParkerSammlung 452 points 18 hours ago

I like it personally.


[–]virgil334 59 points 18 hours ago

I think he meant it more in a general way , as in being a high caliber player , as in all players in the nba. I don ’t think he was speaking directly about himself here.

我感觉他的意思可能更具有普适性吧,NBA 所有球员都应当是高程度的篮球球员啊,我不感觉他是针对本身的问题直言相向吧.

[–]HawksStuckInAtlanta 99 points 17 hours ago

Nah , nobody would give a shit if Andre Roberson had a weird laugh. It 's definitely not just any NBA player.

老鹰球迷:必定不是啊,假如安德烈-罗伯森露出了希奇笑脸必定没人恶弄,所以他针对的必然不是所有NBA 球员.

[–]Raptorscostcosamples44 97 points 18 hours ago

Kawhi is one of the few athletes I believe when he says he doesn 't follow social media.


[–]JazzCaptainShell 45 points 14 hours ago

And the one time he did he used social media , was when he won finals MVP and the ring and took a picture with Obama using the 'Trap ' filter , GOAT.

爵士球迷:前次他用社交媒体仍是赢了FMVP 和总冠军戒指时,那时他和奥巴马合了影.


[–][LAL ] Lonzo BallEmmaTheRobot 376 points 19 hours ago

KD crying in his bedroom right now


[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 267 points 18 hours ago

KD should be taking notes on this. Kawhi comes off as bad ass with this statement , where as KD tries to act tough on the internet and only embarrasses himself.

魔术球迷:KD 真应当拿个小本本把这些话记下来,莱昂纳德在这份声明里表示得很坏,就似乎KD 一向测验考试在网上表示得很强硬但现实上不外是让本身为难而已.

[–]VishnuPradeet 20 points 17 hours ago

KD and Kawhi should do whatever they wanna do in their free time.

Some people enjoy bantering with other people on social media in their free time. There 's nothing wrong with that.

KD 和莱昂纳德应当能在本身的自由时候做任何本身想做的工作.


[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 202 points 18 hours ago

Well ya if KD said he doesn ’t pay attention to social media we ’d all clown him because we know that he pays very close attention. That ’s the part that ’s important. In all of the KD arguing with teenagers threads and alts threads the common theme is ‘is this really how you ’re gonna spend your time as a multimillionaire superstar athlete ? Surely there is better things to do with you life. How insecure do you have to be to not only actively search out randoms discussing you , but to then confront them about it ?’

The badass part about kawhi is that he ’s above that petty bullshit and doesn ’t even give it the time of day , because he ’s secure in his self image and realizes internet troll opinions aren ’t worth reading.

独行侠球迷:假如KD 说他不会在社交媒体上放任何留意力我们只会当个笑话,由于我们都知道他会留意我们的一言一行的,这才是最主要的,那一次杜兰特和少年争辩和和此外网友争辩的主题现实上就是"作为一个百万财主的超等球星你就预备华侈时候在和网友争辩上嘛?你糊口中不该该有更多更好的工作做吗?为啥你如斯不安,一向在寻觅那些会商你的人,然后和他们争辩呢?"



[–][TOR ] Kawhi Leonardadomanski 1765 points 19 hours ago

Translation: "Fuck off , peasants."



[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingramfriskydongo 349 points 19 hours ago

And he right too


[–]LakersDarkSoulsDarius 216 points 17 hours ago

He 's right but not for that reason.

It 's weird how this sub likes to talk about depression , anxiety and those types of issues. Kawhi clearly isn 't comfortable with public speaking and can be awkward , so we choose to laugh at his awkward laugh ? Anyone with social anxiety issues has probably been there before and yet we aim to make fun of the issue because he did something unlikable (in regards to the stuff with the Spurs ). It 's also why I 'm not a fan of calling him a robot , the guy just has issues expressing himself and that 's not exactly unique to him.




[–][PHI ] Tony WrotenHortonHearsAWhomst 120 points 16 hours ago

Making fun of someone ’s laugh is such a fucked up thing to do. It ’s literally our expression of joy , and people feel like it ’s okay to make fun of it. Jesus.

76 人球迷:确切冷笑他人的笑脸是一个很混球的工作,这只是表达我们高兴的表情,人们感觉可能以此为乐没甚么……天主啊!


[–]WizardsVswerve27 753 points 19 hours ago

Talk that shit kawhi


[–]YourCummyBear 372 points 19 hours ago

He 's like the one player I truly believe doesn 't give a shit what the fans think about him. The anti-KD.

不管粉丝们怎样看他,我都相信他不会对粉丝恶言相向,他就是这类球员.KD 的背面啊.

[–][LAL ] Smush ParkerSammlung 92 points 18 hours ago

People just can ’t stand witnessing a great thing like Kawhi ’s unique laugh.


[–]Nosalis2 36 points 17 hours ago

The one player ? Westbrook & Harden are two of the most hated players in the League & never respond to fans on social media like LeBron , Dame , KD , Melo , Dwight etc



[–][PHI ] Allen Iversonboybambi 519 points 19 hours ago

Damn , this is the Kawhi I wanna see

76 人球迷:活该,这才是我想看到的莱昂纳德.

[–][PHI ] Allen IversonKingPZe 105 points 16 hours ago

Cocky Kawhi about to win MVP , DPOY and snatch ROTY from Ben Simmons

76 人球迷:傲慢自豪无敌自傲版卡哇伊将博得MVP 、DPOY 和从本-西蒙斯手中夺得最好三年级新秀.


[–]Spursssrao24 371 points 19 hours ago

Darth Kawhi. I like it


[–][SAS ] Manu GinobilixPineappless 62 points 18 hours ago

Surprised at how different he is now


[–][SAS ] Danny Greenfrikcameron 36 points 17 hours ago

He seems the same as always , remember that flex before the rockets series when a reporter asked him if he can play elite offense and guard Harden and he responded "idk have you seen that before" referring to the regular season 3/block on harden to win. Idk why people are acting like kawhi is acting any different he seems the exact same

马刺球迷:现实上他和之前没啥区分啊,我还记得在对阵火箭系列赛之前当记者问他是不是能在戍守住哈登的同时打出精英级别进攻时,他答复道:"你们此前已看到过我的表示了." 意思就是提示常规赛他盖过哈登三个贸然后赢球的工作,为啥人们表示的莱昂纳德和之前完全纷歧样的模样,现实上他和之前就是一样的啊.

[–]WarriorsHattrickMarleau 172 points 19 hours ago

Good for him. Can 't imagine how exhausting social media would be if you 're a star athlete.



[–]76erskornblau 339 points 19 hours ago

Kawhi confirmed to not have social media addiction

76 人球迷:卡哇伊确认并没有得社交媒体成瘾症.

[–]PelicansBhavin411 875 points 19 hours ago

"It ’s not surprising when you ’re at this high of a caliber player ,"

To be fair , you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kawhi.


[–]Pelicanserldn123 152 points 19 hours ago

To be fair you have to be a very high caliber player to not enjoy social media.


[–][PHI ] Lou WilliamsMarcheesio 117 points 19 hours ago

NBA fans: I wonder why he is so quiet all the time.

Also NBA fans: Haha everyone look at how funny his laugh is. He 's so awkward !

76 人球迷:

NBA 粉丝:我在猜为啥他一向恬静呢.







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