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亚博:金钱毁失落人际关系| 年夜嘴此人仍是很 Real的

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-23 18:15:53

金钱毁掉人际关系|大嘴这人还是很Real 的

Charles Barkley: Money ruins all your relationships. No matter what you do for your family , it 's never enough. All your friends think because you 're rich , you should bail them out of every situation. The only time I had any peace and quiet was on the basketball court.



[–]kayano_ai 781 指標 1 天前

He talked about this before on NBA on TNT. He said that when your friends know that youre rich they expect you to pay the bill every time. Seems annoying but I can see it happening

他之前在TNT 的NBA 节目上说过这个不雅点.他说当你的伴侣们知道你很有钱以后,他们就会但愿每次都是你来买单.看上去很烦,但我感觉这事儿仍是存在的.

[–]BobbaRobBob 278 指標 1 天前

Yeah , one of my distant relatives plays professional poker and won the world series tournament once. He has a multi-year contract which pays him a few million to play poker and appear at events.

But so many people ask him to do stuff for them , ignoring that he has his own direct family , his own private lifestyle , taxes on his property/restaurant , his contributions to charity , emergency funds , previous investments , etc that he has to commit to first.

And so , it becomes an upkeep rather than a truly comfortable and retired lifestyle.




[–]MrValdemar 39 指標 1 天前

I still like Steve Harvey 's take on it. My dad told me the best thing I could do for the poor is don 't be one of them.

我仍是喜好Steve Harvey (美国黑人主持人)的不雅点,"我爸告知我我能为贫民做的最好的事就是,别成为他们."

[–]Cavaliers AShinyTorchic 4958 指標 1 天前

People flame chuck all the time for his takes but this seems like he hit the nail on the head.


[–]CorneliusHussein 1441 指標 1 天前

I think he plays a character like most TV personalities but that doesn 't change the fact the man was a NBA player and knows what they 're all going through. Sure he says some ridiculous shit on TV but hes still Charles Barkley at the end of the day. You can still flame his takes and agree with this..

我感觉像良多电视人物一样,他是在决心塑造某种人设.但有一点没法改变的是,他曾是个NBA 球员,知道他们都履历了些甚么.没错,他没少在电视上乱放炮,但他终归是查尔斯-巴克利.你可以不爽他的不雅点,但此次你得认同……

[–]BobbaRobBob 111 指標 1 天前

Unlike his basketball analysis , Chuck 's takes on real life shit is always on point. Sure , there are dumbass moments but he always keeps it real.



[–]Mavericks BobbyFischerG 1490 指標 1 天前

When you 're rich everyone wants a piece , you 'll find that you have uncles and couisins you never knew you had.


[–][BOS ] Jaylen BrownYe_Biz 1753 指標 1 天前

Mo Money Mo Problems


[–]Mavericks SUBPARFUBAR 269 指標 1 天前

I 'd trade every relationship I have for a cool hunnad milly.


[–]Skibibbles 365 指標 1 天前

That 's how you end up miserable.


[–]Mavericks SUBPARFUBAR 28 指標 1 天前

Sure but I can spend a few years buying everything I 've ever wanted. When that 's over I can OD on my own time. Beats going to a job I hate every day for the next 50 years.

独行侠球迷:没错,可我可以或许买本身想买的工具啊.钱花光了我就用药自行了断,总比今后50 年天天做着不喜好的工作好吧.

[–]WizardsPM_ME_KNEE_SLAPPERS 732 指標 1 天前

I 've seen families torn apart over inheritance money. It 's crazy.


[–]Trail Blazers Proteus_Marius 935 指標 1 天前

Lottery winners often find themselves in the same predicament.


[–]Wizards PM_ME_KNEE_SLAPPERS 623 指標 1 天前

I read a documentary on a guy who already owned a business and was considered wealthy before he won a large jackpot. He tried to help people with his new found money and even hired a PI to investigate if everyone who wanted money was legit. People ended up killing his grand daughter trying to get his money. It was terrible. All this happened to someone that knew how to deal with large amounts of money.


[–][BOS ] James Young walterdog12 668 指標 1 天前*

It 's the one thing most rookies are almost never prepared for it seems. You see it every year with rookies (not even just the top lottery picks ) going out and buying like a 4 million dollar car house , a car , and a house for their parents , and just like that nearly half their money 's gone and they haven 't even hit summer league yet.

I know the league has like 1 or 2 (I think mandatory ) pre-draft classes/talks you have to sit through from former NBA players talking about money and how they blew it and financial advisors and whatnot , but honestly I doubt any of that works as intended.

这是几近所有NBA 菜鸟球员都没有事前预备的一课.你看看,每一年都有新秀(不止是那些顺位靠前的)去买一栋400 万美金的房子,再给怙恃买房买车.就这么的,快要一半的财富已花光了,那会儿乃至连夏日联赛都还没开打.

我知道同盟似乎会在选秀前给新秀上一两次课,会让你坐着听那些前NBA 球员谈论金钱,已他们若何浪费一空的,还一些理财建议,但我真思疑这些课程是不是阐扬了预期的感化.


[–]Bulls bjankles 1626 指標 1 天前

My brother went to a super elite college , and made some very rich friends. Like , 'nine figures ' rich. I 've met them a few times , and a big part of how they make it work is to simply act like regular people when it comes to money. They don 't offer to pay for things , they don 't spend more than the people around them spend , they never , ever talk about it. Honestly even once you know , you totally forget how rich they are after spending a bit of time with them. I think that might be the best you can do in their situation.

公牛球迷:我哥去了一所很是精英的黉舍,和一些有钱人做了伴侣.那种"九位数" 富人.我见过他们几回,他们可以或许相处和谐的一个要害仅在在,触及到金钱时,就像正常人一样去做.他们不会说强行买单,不会比身旁的伴侣花更多的钱,历来都不谈起这些.说真话,即使你之前知道他们有钱,但你也和他相处一段时候后,会完全忘了那些人很富.我感觉他们的这类体例是最好的.

[–]Jazz Maclin26 1394 指標 1 天前

That wouldnt really work for professional athletes. It takes 5 seconds to 谷歌 their contract information.

爵士球迷:这类体例可不合用在职业球员.你只要5 秒钟就可以搜刮到他们的联系信息.

[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant Dongsquad420BlazeIt 476 指標 1 天前*

FWIW Kawhi was still driving that Blazer 1997 Chevy Tahoe and clipping coupons. If he wasn ’t a recognizable figure , you wouldn ’t know he was rich.

科比球迷:不管如何,莱昂纳德还在开着他那97 款的雪佛兰塔荷,并且还剪优惠券.假如他不是一个名人的话,你都不会感觉他是个有钱人.

[–]76ers Tr3xd3x 240 指標 1 天前

No way Kawhi is clipping coupons lol

76 人球迷:别闹,卡哇伊还剪优惠券,哈哈哈哈哈

[–]76ers timacles 43 指標 1 天前

They just dont make scissors big enough for his hands

76 人球迷:怕是没有他手那末年夜的铰剪吧.


[–]Rockets MisterPhamtastic 241 指標 1 天前

Although not at the same scale I grew up very poor and now I clear about 20K a month at 27 , I hide this fact with potential partners and old friends by not buying stupid shit and dumping money into ETFs instead.

火箭球迷:虽然说我没到阿谁境界,但我小时辰很穷,此刻27 岁每一个月大要赚2 万美金,这事儿没告知那些老伴侣,我没乱买工具,而是投资了开放型基金.

[–]Disco__Lemonade 245 指標 1 天前

hey its me your cousin

you game ? wanna help fund my startup ?


[–]Rockets MisterPhamtastic 200 指標 1 天前

Show me your tits

My cousins and I are close


[–]Pistons soneran 89 指標 1 天前

I am no longer your cousin








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