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亚博体育:科尔谈 NBA掉去超音速| 惋惜了这么拉风的队名

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:亚冠 时间:2018-10-04 19:13:04

Steve Kerr: SuperSonics leaving Seattle 'was a real black mark on the NBA '

史蒂夫-科尔:超音速分开西雅图就是NBA 真实的污点.


[–]loltheprocess 996 points 4 days ago

I demand that the NBA bring the SuperSonics back ! The name is just too awesome.

我强烈要求NBA 把超音速请回来!这个队名其实是太拉风了.

[–]Heat xanborghini 262 points 4 days ago

I honestly can ’t wait to see them come back and what their new logo would look like modernized

热火球迷:说真话,我也等不和看到他们回来了,他们的新LOGO 必定很是现代化.

[–]Thunder Grolgar 48 points 4 days ago *

The irony is that the two cities where the SuperSonic name is most applicable are Seattle (where SuperSonic aircraft was manufactured ) and Oklahoma City (where it was tested for 6 months in 1964 ). In the end , OKC residents were intolerant of the Sonic Booms so SuperSonic production was ended. OKC ended Seattle 's Sonics twice. https:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_sonic_boom_tests

雷霆球迷:嘲讽的是,最合适叫超音速这个名字的两个城市恰是西雅图(研制出超音速飞机的处所)和俄克拉荷马(超音速飞机曾在1964 年在这里进行了6 个月的声震测试).终究,由于俄克拉荷马居平易近没法忍耐超音速飞机的噪声,这个出产项目被终止了.这也就意味着,鹅城两次终结了超音速.


[–]Warriors DubCity_30-23-35-11 31 points 4 days ago

And this is why no one likes them


[–]NBA zxc123zxc123 603 points 4 days ago

1 、Seattle gets new team.

2 、Gets the rights to use Seattle SuperSonics.

3 、KD rejoins Seattle to win one for the Emerald City. Insists that he wasn 't disloyal to OKC so much as extra loyal to the SuperSonics.

4 、Comes back to win in the finals from down 3-1 against the 74-8 Celtics (who ironically beat Giannis from down 3-1 themselves )

Who says no ?




4.他们又在第二年的总决赛中在年夜比分1-3 掉队的环境下逆转克服常规赛74 胜8 负的凯尔特人(嘲讽的是,凯尔特人也是在1-3 掉队的环境下逆转了字母哥的球队).


[–][SEA ] Luke Ridnour cwt36 413 points 4 days ago

Keep going , I 'm almost there.


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 269 points 4 days ago

You guys throw a giant parade on a nice summer day.

Everyone doesn 't hate KD anymore.

KD gets the recognition he deserves after taking the hardest-er road.

Everything is right in the world.

And then Giannis joins the Celtics that summer.






[–][BOS ] Al Horford AGreekLegend 7 points 4 days ago

God as a Greek Celtics fan I ’m rock hard


[–]Raptors DeCant_DeGuardme 112 points 4 days ago *

So Giannis is the new KD in this timeline...


[–]Spurs Vince5970 27 points 4 days ago

KD then calls whoever 's the president at the time a bum on that president 's favorite social media platform

马刺球迷:不管阿谁时辰谁是总统,杜兰特还会在总统最喜好的社交平台上骂他"蠢货" (还在为骑士效率时代,詹姆斯客岁曾在推特上发文炮轰特朗普为‘蠢货’).

[–]sanmateokid 10 points 4 days ago

What if that president is Pop ?


[–][SEA ] Luke Ridnour cwt36 30 points 4 days ago

Just finished.



[–]Raptors SoloFunc 140 points 4 days ago

At least OKC didn 't take the name with the team , so now if a team does come to Seattle they can be named the SuperSonics.

Yeah , I 'm looking at you Memphis. why would you keep the team name as Grizzlies ? I don 't even think there are any actual Grizzlies in Tennessee.


没错,我就是在说你孟菲斯.你怎样就给本身取了个"灰熊" 的队名呢?我乃至都不相信田纳西州真的还会有灰熊存在世.

[–][SEA ] Ray Allen ValidPompadour [S ] 22 points 4 days ago

Any other name you would give a Memphis franchise ?:0 Only one I can think of is the Memphis Sounds.


[–]EVOG99 22 points 4 days ago

Memphis BBQ. Being from Vancouver , that 's a franchise name I could get behind.


[–][TOR ] DeMar DeRozan augustineiver 315 points 4 days ago

The city was so pumped to have a young phenom in Durant and to see his jerseys being sold for dirt cheap a few months after they moved was really sad.


[–]Supersonics FavreorFarva 195 points 4 days ago

The KD era could have surpassed the 70 ’s title run and the Glove/Kemp years for the most exciting run in franchise history.

Instead we had to root against him because an OKC title with Clay Bennett lifting the trophy and being praised for the move would have made me (and most other Sonics fans ) physically ill. I ’m pretty sure they put a Miami Heat flag on top of the space needle during the finals. The pettiness was fantastic.

I ’m going to the preseason game to see KD again and see my favorite Coug , Klay Thompson and I could not be more excited !

超音速球迷:超音速的杜兰特时期本可以超出70 年月的争冠期间和手套佩顿与坎普的期间,从而成为球队汗青上最使人兴奋的阶段.

相反的是,我们不能不站在他的对峙面.由于假如克莱-本内特(雷霆老板,2006 年买下西雅图超音速队,两年后将其迁往俄克拉荷马并更名为雷霆队)在俄克拉荷马举起了冠军奖杯,他当初的迁队行为是以而被奖饰的话,那我和年夜大都超音速球迷会很是不舒适的.我确信,西雅图曾在2012 年总决赛时代把热火的旗号挂在了太空针塔(西雅图地标建筑)的顶端,这类谨慎眼太爽了.


[–]Supers onicsgonzo_ball 96 points 4 days ago *

The other added tragedy is the possibility of having those sonics teams coincide with the best era of seahawks football . It would 've been the most incredible time for Seattle sports and was all taken from us.

超音速球迷:落井下石的是,假如球队没有搬走,那末杜兰特期间的超音速本有可能与西雅图海鹰队(NFL 球队)的巅峰期吻合.这本可以成为西雅图体育史上最为光辉的期间,可是它就这么从我们手中夺走了.

[–]burywmore 209 points 4 days ago

As a Trailblazer fan , losing the Sonic 's was terrible. Portland has become an NBA island , with no natural rivals. The one good thing is the Blazers being the only team in the Northwest division , who are actually in the Northwest.

作为一个开辟者球迷,掉去超音速真的感受很糟.没有了这个地缘层面的夙敌,波特兰已成了NBA 同盟里的孤岛.


[–]Jazz REXdunk 29 points 4 days ago

Basically every team in the NW division is on an island


[–]hoop_ve 71 points 4 days ago

lost the Grizzlies too


[–][POR ] Arvydas Sabonis glswenson 55 points 4 days ago

I hope so bad that Seattle and Vancouver get teams again so we can have a Cascadia Cup in the NBA.

萨博尼斯球迷:我真的很但愿西雅图和温哥华再次具有一支球队,如许我们就可以看到NBA 版的卡斯卡迪亚杯(由来自波特兰、西雅图和温哥华的球队构成的足球赛事)了.


[–]Supersonics Intoxicated_Platypus 442 points 4 days ago

Fuck Howard Schultz

超音速球迷:干他么的霍华德-舒尔茨(星巴克董事长,前超音速老板.在2006 年将球队卖给克莱-本内特).

[–]MonkeyC3PO 57 points 4 days ago

Exactly what I was going to say.

Fuck Howard Schultz !


[–]MonkeyC3PO 40 points 4 days ago

I don 't drink Starbucks because of that asshole !!


[–]Supersonicsgonzo_ball 62 points 4 days ago

I don 't drink starbucks cuz it tastes like asshole


[–]Supersonics Haejang-guk 258 points 4 days ago

And Clay Bennett , and David Stern.


[–][GSW ] Manute BolWish_Whisperer 133 points 4 days ago

Bennett explicitly said he wouldn 't move the team.

That there was nothing to worry about.


[–]Raptors DeCant_DeGuardme 30 points 4 days ago

Usually when people say there is nothing to worry about , there usually is...


[–][CLE ] DeSagana Diop thatNBAguyFIERI 400 points 4 days ago

Literally nobody outside of okc is happy about that to this day damn shame


[–]Thunder Knugles 160 points 4 days ago

I ’m happy Oklahoma got our first Pro team.

Wish it didn ’t have to be like this , but I ’m happy all the same.


[–]Clippers SDHill1980 40 points 4 days ago

You should have kept the franchise that became the Pelicans in OKC instead...the NBA should have never returned to New Orleans even after Hurricane Katrina. That 's the real fallacy in Seattle losing the Sonics...it wasn 't just OKC that benefited , NOLA did as well.

快船球迷:你们本该让鹈鹕来俄克拉荷马的……NBA 同盟就不应回馈新奥尔良,哪怕是在卡特里娜飓风以后.西雅图掉去超音速真正荒诞乖张的地方就在在此……超音速的分开不只让俄克拉荷马受益,还新奥尔良.

[–]WestDrew_Brees_9 68 points 4 days ago

How about we move the Clippers to Seattle since u already have the Lakers in LA.


[–][WAS ] Michael Jordan ttovotsttnt 77 points 4 days ago

I 'm happy for a state that got its one and only major professional sports team. I also love the name SuperSonics and they were one of my favorite teams growing up.


[–]Thunder KanyeEast_23 44 points 4 days ago

Sonics fans got screwed. That being said I 'm so happy that we got the Thunder. I used to be all about OU and college football and now my favorite sport is by far the NBA and the Thunder are my favorite sports team.

雷霆球迷:超音速球迷被阴了.话虽如斯,但我仍是很高兴我们有了雷霆.我之前是俄克拉荷马年夜学篮球队和橄榄球队的死忠粉,此刻我最爱的活动就是NBA 了,而雷霆就是我最喜好的体育球队.

[–]Supersonics BBallinStalin 35 points 4 days ago

Don 't ever feel bad about loving the thunder , it 's not like it was your decision to take the sonics from Seattle. Sorry if that sounded weird I just don 't think sonics fans should have hate for okc fans.



[–]Supersonics Jnav207 110 points 4 days ago

Love Steve Kerr even more now


[–]Supersonics FavreorFarva 56 points 4 days ago

Kerr and KD to expansion Sonics please.


[–]Warriors WakingRage 10 points 4 days ago

I wouldn 't even be mad if we lost Steve Kerr to the expansion. Seattle deserves an NBA team and a good coach to start their franchise again.

勇士球迷:如果我们的科尔去了扩军后的超音速,那我都不会生气.西雅图理应有一支NBA 球队,他们需要一个好锻练率领球队苏醒.







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