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亚博:丛林狼番笕剧开播| 唐斯 JB谁走谁留?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:亚冠 时间:2018-09-21 17:08:14

森林狼肥皂剧开播|唐斯JB 谁走谁留?

[Sang ] Hoo boy. Scoop just confirmed what I think we all suspected after the Shams report: KAT ’s terms are specifically for Jimmy to be off the roster. So yeah , this ain ’t about money. This is something crazy personal between them.

Sang :兄弟们HIGH 起来!我的耳目方才告知我在Shams 那篇报导以后大师都在思疑的工作:唐斯续约的前提就是巴特勒走人,这和钱不妨,他们两个之间有不成和谐的矛盾.

[Wojnarowski ] I know the main crux of the issue is between Karl-Anthony Towns and Butler... and it was not addressed this summer."

Woj :我知道首要的问题就在唐斯和巴特勒之间……可是本年炎天这个问题并没有被摆上台面.


[–]TimberwolvesDjInsanityX 2286 points 1 day ago

Is this real life ?


[–]Raptorsneobowman 860 points 1 day ago

I love the NBA


[–]Lakersape_cage 400 points 1 day ago

is it because....

ANYTHING IS POSSSSSSIBBBLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[–]Warriorscooperred 77 points 23 hours ago

I swear each offseason is just full of surprises. Even when you think one summer couldn 't possibly have drama , BAM , there 's drama


[–][deleted ] 283 points 1 day ago *

This is a fucking disaster. Minny turning into a trashfire of an organization , feel bad for the loyal fans up in the twin cities they deserve better after all these years


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 1477 points 1 day ago

Hahahahaha I 'm dying


[–]Lakersape_cage 456 points 1 day ago

this can be read 2 ways



[–][BOS ] Robert Parishthehospitalbombers 310 points 1 day ago

Take this with a huge grain of salt , but here 's a rumor that Jimmy stole KAT 's girlfriend.


[–][LAC ] Reggie Evansdeepwebteddy 1020 points 1 day ago

kat has ruined thibs ’ timberbulls dream , he is now going to punish kat by making him play 55 minutes every game

快船球迷:唐斯摧毁了锡伯杜组建丛林牛的胡想,所以他决议赏罚唐斯——每场角逐让唐斯打55 分钟.

[–]LakersWestsideMoonWalker 486 points 1 day ago

Thibs better trade for JR to ensure OT


[–]ColdWorldGotHotter 997 points 1 day ago

Well this makes it even easier lol trade jimmy asap


[–]too66fast 505 points 1 day ago

Yess , to the Knicks for Noah


[–]76erszaydb 610 points 1 day ago

Completing the TimberBulls by adding Noah is the obvious solution imo.

76 人球迷:经由过程买卖来诺阿完成丛林牛补完打算才是最较着的解决方式啊.

[–][NYK ] Tracy McGradyyoloqueuesf 194 points 22 hours ago

Keep Timberbulls going

Kick Jimmy off the team

Win Win





[–]DudeOnAJourney 622 points 1 day ago

Jimmy Butler 's trade value decreasing even more , RIP Wolves


[–]SpursHereComesJustice 320 points 1 day ago

I can offer you 1 Pau Gasol , he was a Bull too !



[–]LakersTheBronJamesHarden 622 points 1 day ago

where is Melo in all of this ? this is the type of shit Melo likes ! oh yeah and get Dwight Howard in here too !


[–][TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 1272 points 1 day ago

Ayy p they want me to comment on the Timberwolves



[–]Warriorswafino1 370 points 1 day ago

Jimmy G Buckets:"Ayo KAT stop playing Fortnite so much and let 's hit the gym."

KAT:"First of all , how dare you ? Second of all... HOW DARE YOU , get this fucker off my team !"


JB :"唐斯别玩碉堡之夜了,我们一路去健身房HIGH 起来!"


[–]SupersonicsHaejang-guk 1496 points 1 day ago

Jimmy:"Play defense you lazy manbaby !"

KAT:"Lol no I 'm a star I don 't have to try on D"

Wiggins:"Damn straight"





[–][HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwonkyotofly 954 points 1 day ago

Derrick Rose: "Man how am I the best player on this team ?"



[–]TimberwolvesDjInsanityX 149 points 1 day ago

I understand Jimmy being frustrated with KATs defense , but there ’s gotta be more to this story. There ’s a vast majority of bad defenders in the league and you don ’t see them being attacked a star player on their team.

Why wouldn ’t Thibs try to get this resolved sooner ? This fails it ’s on him. This fucking franchise.



[–][TOR ] DeMar DeRozanaugustineiver 187 points 1 day ago

highly highly doubt this is about playing video games in his spare time. Jimmy just doesn 't seem to get along with people


[–]Knickscyph3x 75 points 1 day ago

Its def cuz KAT and Wiggins suck at defense , despite having the athleticism to be at least decent. Not hyperbole to say they 're two of the worst at their positions



[–]Celticsward0630 1237 points 1 day ago

Trade them both. This is Wiggins ' team now.


[–]Raptorsmommathecat 560 points 1 day ago *


Edit: lol how the fuck this stupid comment gave 468 upvotes , y 'all are wild.


编纂:你们这些家伙居然给这个笨拙的评论468 个赞,真的是太狂野了.

[–]Nuggetsdmendo54 174 points 1 day ago

RIP the hype of the great Maple Jordan


[–]Timberwolvestimberwolvesguy 114 points 1 day ago

Honestly , that ’s what pisses me off most about Wiggins. Dude had insane hype and has the athleticism and skill set to be a true baller. Instead , he ’s being lazy and only focuses on offense.


[–][MIN ] Tyus Jonespollinium 98 points 1 day ago

I of course want to be competitive. I 'd love to see a title in my lifetime - preferably in my youth

but I would still have a lot of fun watching Wiggins on a garbage team again chucking up tons of shots and getting free dunk lanes since other teams are so far ahead they don 't play defense



[–]TimberwolvescvKDean 142 points 1 day ago

Those were the glory days man. Wiggins as the go to man in 14-15. Also the season where Timberwolves Legend Mo Williams scored 52 on all jumpers against the Pacers , improving our record to 6-31.

丛林狼球迷:那才是我狼的辉煌岁月好么?维金斯在14-15 赛季迎来了年夜爆发,阿谁赛季在丛林狼名宿莫-威廉姆斯的纯跳投率领下,我们克服步行者而且他也获得52 分,帮忙球队获得了6 胜31 负的好成就.


[–]LakersLonzoBBBall [S ] 298 points 1 day ago

I just don 't understand how you have all summer to resolve this beef but you wait til September 18th ?



[SN ] Tom Thibodeau would rather leave the Timberwolves than rebuild following a Jimmy Butler trade



[–][OKC ] Russell Westbrookmrpengo88 3096 points 12 hours ago

Finally some good news for Wolves fans.


[–][HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwonkyotofly 604 points 12 hours ago

Not sure how ThibmerBulls fans feel about this tho


[–][MIN ] Tyus Jonespollinium 396 points 12 hours ago

if we lose Jimmy , Thibs , and that moniker while retaining Taj and Rose this will actually be the best possible case

though idk if Derrick Rose will produce without Tom at the helm



[–]SupersonicsStoneColdAM 233 points 11 hours ago

Thibs probably would ’ve ended Rose ’s career if he coached him for a full season.



[–]Gay4Shai 491 points 12 hours ago

I like that they 're openly implying they don 't expect to compete immediately with whatever they get back for Jimmy. They really know how to run up a guy 's trade value up in Minnesota huh


[–]TimberwolvesGreedyWarlord 200 points 12 hours ago

Also its not like the Wolves won 't still have an all star center and a decent scoring wing still plus whoever they get for JB.

丛林狼球迷:并且他们其实不需要另外一个全明星中锋和强悍得分侧翼,所以不会用JB 去买卖这些工具的.

[–][HOU ] James HardenWillMafingerdo 117 points 11 hours ago

This is why I think the clippers actually makes sense as a trade partner. The wolves need solid role players more than young guys / picks and the clips are a team of role players with no star.


[–]LakersSchroodingersDawg 40 points 8 hours ago *

That KAT + Wiggins team was a 30 win team before Butler , in an easier Western Conference.

You ’d need a hell of a return for Butler to even sniff close to 45 wins. And 45 wins won ’t get you into the playoffs

Now LA has LeBron , Spurs have Demar , and Nuggets have Millsap for a whole season.

Unless the Wolves get back another top 15 player , there ’s no way you guys are making playoffs.

湖人球迷:之前唐斯加维金斯在略微宽松一点的西部也只能率领球队拿到30 胜.

然后巴特勒回归以后丛林狼才委曲45 胜,45 胜在将来可不克不及包管你进季后赛哦.


除非丛林狼再找一个前15 的球员,不然季后赛没戏.


[–]Warriorsraorao 684 points 12 hours ago

can 't get fired if you already qui


[–][NOP ] Jannero Pargoflaccidplatypus 922 points 12 hours ago

I think Thibs needs to realize that this might be his last head coaching gig and certainly his last GM/President gig for a team he ever has. Dude comes across as the most stubborn personality in the NBA with very little awareness to the damage he 's done to a franchise. It 's probably time for you to join George Karl in the dustbin of former NBA coaches.


[–]TimberwolvesBradForS34 123 points 12 hours ago

at least we have a bench now.

question is , who do we hire ?



[–]TimberwolvesIronManJ 205 points 11 hours ago

David Blatt.


[–]Kingsredwashing 39 points 10 hours ago

He does want to come back to NBA but he just signed with Olympiakos and built a team for them , I don 't think he 'd leave right now. It would look bad for him.

国王球迷:他确切很想回NBA ,可是他方才才和奥林匹斯俱乐部签约而且帮忙他们扶植球队,我不感觉他此刻就会分开,这对他很欠好.


[–]Timberwolvesergonelsa 252 points 12 hours ago

Wolves fans feasting right now. Both their problems gone


[–][MIN ] Karl-Anthony Townsanal_moose1229 160 points 12 hours ago

Time for another 13 year playoff drought.

丛林狼球迷:哎,是时辰回到下一个持续13 年不进季后赛的光阴了.

[–]Maximus-Festivus 32 points 11 hours ago

Odds Butler gets traded to the Clippers , Thibs returns to being Doc ’s assistant and they turn into a contender.








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