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亚博:球迷高喊" JB" 干扰唐斯罚球| 的确是" 丧尽天良"

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-21 20:12:54


Mav fans chant Jimmy Butler as KAT misses his free throw

独行侠球迷在唐斯罚球时高喊"吉米-巴特勒" ,然后唐斯罚丢了……

达拉斯独行侠今天坐镇主场以140-136 险胜明尼苏达丛林狼,状况回暖的唐斯拿下31 分5 篮板,可是他仍是遭到了现场球迷的"影响".在角逐还剩1 分41 秒的时辰,丛林狼以126-131 掉队独行侠5 分,走上罚球线的唐斯在现场球迷"吉米-巴特勒" 的呼叫招呼声中,首罚刷框而出.


[–]the_icon32 2101 points 6 hours ago

Imagine 20 ,000 people hearing about your petty drama with Kathy at work and screaming her name in your face while you 're trying to complete a deadline.

想象一下,有20000 人传闻了你和凯茜妹子的那档子破事儿,然后在你想要赶在截止日前交功课的时辰,这两万人当着你的面狂喊凯茜的名字……

[–]Lakers iWant_To_Play_A_Game 678 points 6 hours ago

Damn. I don 't even know who she is , but fuck Kathy


[–][SAS ] Tim Duncan justalemontree 582 points 6 hours ago

Kathy dominated the office in every way. Kathy 's back.


[–]Mavericks rgbweston 71 points 5 hours ago

She 's so good.


[–]Thunder EwokaFlockaFlame 15 points 6 hours ago

Kathy is always yelling at us how she does everything.


[–]Heat Shaquille0Neal 17 points 4 hours ago

We fucking need her

热火球迷:我们特么的需要她!(之前的吉米-巴特勒离队风浪中,沃神爆料称,JB 在那次带三队横扫球队主力以后,对着锻练组年夜喷"你们特么的需要我!" )

[–]Hawks ThinkSoftware 160 points 6 hours ago

Kathy: Who is the most talented worker in our office -- Mary. Who is the most God-gifted worker in our office -- Sarah. Who works the hardest ? Me !

老鹰球迷:凯茜:"谁是我们办公室最有先天的员工——玛丽.谁是我们办公室最被老天赏饭吃的员工——莎拉.那谁最尽力呢?我!" (仍是在那次风浪中,巴特勒在一次接管采访时年夜吐苦水:"我不是队里实力最强的球员.谁最有实力?唐斯;谁有天主付与的先天?维金斯;谁打球最尽力?我!我打球历来尽力." )

[–]bbqoyster 53 points 5 hours ago

"Who has a Harvard MBA - Mary. Who ’s got the the biggest tits - Sarah. Who sticks around jerking the boss off under the desk - Me !"

"谁有哈佛年夜学的MBA 学位——玛丽.谁的胸最年夜——莎拉.谁在桌子下面给老板打飞机——我!"

[–]legendary24_8 4 points 4 hours ago

Jimmy Butler confirmed jerking his boss off

照你这意思,是说巴特勒给老板DFJ 无疑了.

[–]Warriors PM_ME_YOUR_JUMPSHOT 8 points 3 hours ago

Sarah MVP

勇士球迷:那末MVP 是莎拉的了!

[–]Wizards LastRedCoat 41 points 5 hours ago

We fucking need Kathy



[–]Warriors FranciscoTavares 1058 points 7 hours ago

These guys lmao


[–]Nuggets hyperadhd 13 points 7 hours ago



[–]Raptors SavePoonerman 19 points 7 hours ago

That is legit fucking hysterical


[–]Raptors ahobbledehoy 22 points 6 hours ago

as a dude who sat beside two drunk dudes that started a wave in a baseball stadium , the men who starts these chants deserve a beer

阿谁策动现场球迷为唐斯"喝彩" 的哥们儿坐在两个醉汉旁边,然后他们仨在场馆内掀起了声浪,年夜锅豁啤酒!

[–]Celtics cggdas 58 points 7 hours ago



[–]Mavericks Bonerkiin 19 points 5 hours ago

I was at the game. Joined the heckle , it happened every free throw. Was hilarious every time.

独行侠球迷:我那时就在现场啊,也随着凑了热烈,每次罚球城市高喊"吉米-巴特勒".6 的不可啊.

[–][DAL ] Harrison Barnes Le_Paradoxical 292 points 7 hours ago

It was so much fun to join in on that chant


[–][OKC ] Terrance Ferguson captainsausagetits 87 points 7 hours ago

You were there ? Was it loud ?


[–][DAL ] Harrison Barnes Le_Paradoxical 181 points 7 hours ago

I ’m still there , and it was pretty loud. It ’s nice to know it paid off when KAT missed that freethrow


[–]Mavericks shindohikaru 96 points 6 hours ago

It 's going to be the official chant when KAT shoots FTs on away courts.

独行侠球迷:今后唐斯在客场打角逐有罚球的时辰,这就会成为官方"喝彩" 了.

[–]Lakers erizzluh 14 points 3 hours ago

might even be chanted at home games too

i might actually start feeling bad for kat

湖人球迷:说不定连主场也会有这类"喝彩" 呢.我真感受有点对不住唐斯了.

[–]Spurs GGezpzMuppy 573 points 6 hours ago

All Mav fans are redditors , even their owner.


[–][DAL ] Dennis Rodman wonderboy0 259 points 6 hours ago

Mavs fan can confirm , am redditor


[–]Raptors carofdoom123 29 points 6 hours ago

How do you know for sure your a redditor ?


[–][DAL ] Dennis Rodman wonderboy0 66 points 6 hours ago

Fuck KD

That good enough ?

独行侠球迷:杜兰特欠X ,如许够了吗?


[–][GSW ] Klay Thompson Nyhrox 637 points 7 hours ago

Jimmy is living in KAT 's head rent free


[–]Heat tiethy 13 points 5 hours ago

And he invited 20 ,000 Mavs fans in

热火球迷:他还约请2 万个独行侠球迷去做客……

[–]Rockets Houston_sucks 642 points 7 hours ago

That was out of nowhere best shit ever. AND HE MISSED !


[–]shaolin_acc 110 points 6 hours ago

this kinda shit is essential for basketball to take its place as a truly global sport , futbol is way ahead of us when it comes to crowd participation in this kind of drama


[–]Celtics deadfeesh 131 points 7 hours ago

if you dont like that you dont like NBA basketball

凯尔特人球迷:如果有人连这类打趣都不喜好的话,那他就是不喜好NBA 了.

[–]Lakers Shay038 330 points 7 hours ago

KAT ’s gonna have to do some big things to change his reputation. Jimmy Butler totally dad dicked him and made him look like a beta lmaoooo


[–]Lakers yuhanz 158 points 6 hours ago

The Virgin KAT vs the Chad Jimmy

湖人球迷:处男唐斯(遭到同情可是不受接待)vs 渣男巴特勒(很受接待可是人品欠安)

[–]Thunder ETERNAL_DALMATIAN 37 points 6 hours ago

KAT played very well down the stretch this game.


[–][NYK ] Renaldo Balkmanblosweed 11 points 5 hours ago

KAT already had a reputation for being soft before this. It sure as hell isn ’t changing now lol








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