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亚博:特纳、南斯提早续约| 兰德尔该解雇掮客人

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-21 10:23:02


[Haynes ] Larry Nance has reached a four-year , 美金45 million extension with Cleveland , league sources tell Yahoo Sports.

Haynes :小拉里-南斯完成与克利夫兰骑士的提早续约,金额为4 年4500 万美元.


[–][LAL ] Stu Lantzayybreezy 837 points 11 hours ago

LOOK AT LARRY NANCE !!! Happy for my guy being happy in his hometown and getting paid for it !


[–][BOS ] E 'Twaun Moorepokexchespin 407 points 12 hours ago

A little over 11MM a year is pretty damn nice , get paid LNJ

凯尔特人球迷:均薪每一年1100 万美元很不错啊,小南斯挣了年夜钱啊!

[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryantechtav 84 points 9 hours ago

Especially considering the fact that getting a huge house in Cleveland is probably 1/5 of the price of something similar in LA



[–]LakersLonzoDaVinci 1332 points 12 hours ago

Randle needs to fire his agent


[–]Wizardsireddit270 355 points 12 hours ago

Randle is more valued than Nance and wouldn 't have taken this deal. He probably thinks he can get 美金12-15m/yr at least , which he will if he has a good season in New Orleans

奇才球迷:兰德尔比南斯有价值多了,可是前者并没有获得响应的合同,我感觉兰德尔会认为本身最少每一年可以拿到1200 万-1500 万美元吧,假如他在新奥尔良有一个好的赛季那末他应当能拿到这么多钱.

[–]LakersparaMAYBE_DO_LESS 221 points 12 hours ago

Randle still could ’ve gotten more money for this 2 year deal he signed. Jabari Parker got 美金20 million a year for 2 years.

湖人球迷:诚恳说兰德尔这个两年合同应当也要拿到更多的钱啊,贾巴里-帕克签了个两年合同每一年还能拿2000 万美元呢.

[–]LakersLonzoDaVinci 130 points 12 hours ago

Hmm. I 'm skeptical of this type of argument. Just because some players get egregiously bad contracts , it shouldn 't be an expectation that others do the same.

Like , should we fault every center for not getting 4 years , 美金64m during the 2016 offseason ?

湖人球迷:Emmmm ,我对此类不雅点暗示思疑,由于不克不及仅唯一些球员签了一些烂合同,其他球员就要拿到响应的很离谱的价钱啊.

就好比,2016 年我们需要指责每个没拿到4 年6400 万美元合同的中锋嘛?


[–][BOS ] James Youngwalterdog12 140 points 12 hours ago

Well damn Larry , good for you.


[–]poopfeast180 446 points 13 hours ago

Lmfao CLE is doing their players right. They always pay out.


[–]Cavaliersthisismyeighthtry 219 points 12 hours ago

I think it 's a reasonable contract. I was hoping more for 10/yr but this isnt too much more

骑士球迷:我感觉这是一个有来由的合同,我本来认为大要会近年均1000 万美元多一点,可是这也没多多几多啊.

[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 118 points 12 hours ago

I love Larry but that 's a lot of money for a guy who regularly misses 15-20 games a year and has career averages of 7 and 6.

湖人球迷:我很爱南斯,可是我感觉对一个常规缺阵15-20 场而且场均7 +6 而言,这份合同有点年夜.


[Charania ] Sources on @TheAthleticNBA @WatchStadium: Indiana Pacers center Myles Turner has agreed to a four-year , 美金80 million contract extension.

Charania :动静源称,步行者中锋迈尔斯-特纳和步行者告竣了一份4 年8000 万美元的续约合同.


[–][BOS ] Jaylen BrownJaylenBrown7 981 points 14 hours ago



[–][TOR ] Hakeem Olajuwonleft_earf 417 points 14 hours ago

If I was Nerlens Noel I 'd be kicking myself so hard right now


[–]aptly_named 185 points 13 hours ago

I 'm sure he does daily. He 's probably focusing right now on proving himself so he can get another good offer.



[–]sportsfan161 922 points 14 hours ago

Don ’t blame him for accepting that


[–][MIN ] Zach LaVineEgonzos 399 points 14 hours ago

How dare he accept that


[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingramfriskydongo 531 points 14 hours ago

That 's a lot of money.


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 401 points 14 hours ago

1.25 Mozgovs to be exact

黄蜂球迷:正确的说等在1.25 个莫兹戈夫.

[–][LAL ] Brandon IngramTheJimmerRange 170 points 14 hours ago

Damn that still stings.



[–]PacersItsTJG3 62 points 14 hours ago

This is exactly what he is worth imo. He may have not reached his peak yet. Even if it 's unlikely , he still has the potential to be a max player some day. Good deal for the pacers.


[–]GrizzliesDoctorDal21 280 points 14 hours ago

That 's not bad for both sides , similar to Oladipo 's deal and he 's outplaying it now


[–][BOS ] Jeff GreenWhiteyMcJJ [] 120 points 13 hours ago

Highly unlikely he makes an Oladipo-like jump though. I like Turner , but I think a better deal would be in the 16-17M range.

凯尔特人球迷:现实上他不成能告竣和奥拉迪波一样的前进奔腾,我很喜好特纳,可是我感觉最好的合同多是每一年1600 万-1700 万美元摆布吧.

[–]jacksontysonjordanG6 177 points 13 hours ago

Indiana has to overpay for talent. They ’re Indiana. Plus if he progresses , 20 mil is going to be a good deal in years 3 and 4.

步行者需要为先天多付点钱,究竟这里是印第安纳,并且假如特纳可以或许延续前进,我感觉3 到4 年的年限签下年均2000 万美元的合同很是不错.


[–]Pacerst8stymoobz 132 points 14 hours ago

Yea , not mad at that at all. He is primed to make a big leap.

People forget he is only 22 fucking years old. Dude plays his heart out and his work ethic is strong.

Our future just got a little brighter.


人们都忘了他才22 岁,这家伙诚心诚意复出而且他的工作立场很是壮大.


[–][TOR ] OG AnunobyIamSofakingRAW 179 points 14 hours ago

Could be a steal if he pans out


[–]NBASKHRAEURPL 105 points 14 hours ago

Why do people think 13/6 with elite D at 21 is bad

为啥友人们感觉一个13 +6 而且有顶尖戍守并且才21 岁的年夜个子们会很差呢?

[–][PHI ] JaKarr SampsonFreak_Fest 78 points 14 hours ago

Why do people think it ’s worth 20m a year

76 人球迷:为何会有人认为这个数据值2000 万美元.


[–]PacersItsTJG3 125 points 14 hours ago

He is for us. Our biggest FA agent signing of all time is David West. Look how much we paid for McDermott. We 're always gonna be desperate for good players.


[–]Celticssirhumphry 106 points 14 hours ago

seems like a wild overpay but what do I know.


[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 81 points 14 hours ago

Couldn 't have waited like half a year to see if the guy actually improves ?


[–][HOU ] Pat Rileymoreyball 144 points 14 hours ago

Because if he does Improve he might be worth a lot more than 20 美金 mill a year to some teams around the league

火箭球迷:由于假如他真的有显著晋升的话,此外球队给他的价钱就纷歧定是2000 万美元每一年了.







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