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亚博:湖人明夏更想要克莱| YY买卖进行时

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-09-09 07:13:10

湖人更想要克莱|YY 交易进行时

Lakers Rumors: LA Prefers Klay Thompson over Kawhi Leonard in '19 Free Agency



[–]LakersGotsmeez 1013 指標 22 小時前

His dad , who works for the Lakers , just said he 's signing a long-term deal with the Warriors. I don 't really buy this.


[–][LAL ] Mark MadsenB0NERSTORM 264 指標 21 小時前

He said that 's if he gets offered the max. He keeps saying Klay will not take a pay cut and if they ask him they 're going to somewhere that will give him the max. But he also thinks there 's no way the Warriors don 't give him the max immediately.


[–]CelticsTIMMAH2 262 指標 19 小時前

Over 40 million for Steph , 31 million for KD , and , what , 34 million for Klay on the max ? That 's 105 million dollars. That 's the salary cap. On 3 players. I don 't know if they could realistically afford that , because Draymond alone would put them 15 million over the cap and they still wouldn 't even have a starting 5.

凯尔特人球迷:库里一年跨越4000 万美元,3100 万美元是杜兰特的,然后再给3400 万美元的顶薪给克莱?那一年就已1.05 个亿了,这特么就已到工资帽了,要知道这才3 个球员啊,我不知道他们是不是真的会为此支出,由于格林还要在工资帽外花失落他们1500 万美元,并且就如许他们乃至都不克不及有一个先发中锋.

[–]skeetervalent1no 488 指標 18 小時前

Yeah it 's almost time for them to pay the tab , the party can 't last forever.


[–][CLE ] Eric Snowggghhhhhh 334 指標 18 小時前

Gives me a Hard on


[–]Travis__ 126 指標 18 小時前

Tell your doctor if you have erections that last more than 4 hours because I think it will be a while before the Cavs get into the finals again



[–]Krillin113 42 指標 16 小時前

Unless their owners says fuck it and pays the taxes for the next 2 years.

除非勇士老板来了一句"艹" 然后为后两年的球队声势付起豪侈税来.

[–]Bulls TankwagonManIWantAName 54 指標 13 小時前

Considering he 's got fuck you money , the warriors are smack dab in the middle of sillicon valley , and the NBA just started that YouTube live deal , I 'm sure there will be some funds available to pay the tax.

公牛球迷:斟酌到他挣得钱都是来自在我们这些球迷的,并且勇士身处硅谷当中,NBA 也方才最先签定和油管的和谈,我肯定他们能在付豪侈税的进程中获得很多益处.

[–]Raptorslevelsixseven 33 指標 12 小時前

Doesn 't the tax increase every year you 're in it ? I thought after a few years you 'd almost have to abandon ship because it would increase to a point where it was way too much.


[–]WarriorsChampeen17 28 指標 11 小時前

There is the repeater tax but once you reach that level it doesn 't increase anymore.

Moving into Chase the ownership will pay up as long as the Warriors are winning championships.

勇士球迷:话是如斯,简直会有反复性豪侈税的赏罚,可是正如"虱子多了也不痒" ,当你到了必然条理以后豪侈税就不会再涨了.


[–]Bananasauru5rex 17 指標 8 小時前

Becoming a new dynasty a la Lakers , Celtics , Bulls definitely pays dividends for years in the future. We just saw the best player in the game sign to a former dynasty based on their reputation and their location.



[–][TOR ] Damon Stoudamirepoohster33 52 指標 19 小時前

Gonna make OKC 's luxury tax look like peanuts.


[–]CelticsTIMMAH2 33 指標 18 小時前

Literally just looking at their current roster and giving Klay the max , they 'd be over 43 million over the predicted 美金108M salary cap in 2019. That 's a salary tax of 195 million dollars.

凯尔特人球迷:理论上说假如保存他们现有的声势而且给上克莱顶薪的话,他们会比估计的1.08 亿美元工资帽高上4300 万美元,这也意味着他们豪侈税得交1.95 个亿美美金.

[–]Raptorsdjwright14 30 指標 18 小時前

Worth. It.


[–][GSW ] JaVale McGeeashwinr136 7 指標 9 小時前

Money is temporary...winning is forever

Bob Myers , hopefully




[–]94savage 44 指標 18 小時前

When you have a chance for a 4peat , you go for it

This is a once in a lifetime team , no time to cheap out. And I 'm betting the tradeoff for the max isn 't worth the stress for Klay



[–]RocketsMMO4life 15 指標 16 小時前

How about risk of losing Green a year later ? Or locked in to pay 200M tax for the next 4 years in a row ?



[–]BucksOmnimark 20 指標 10 小時前

Lakers +Kawhi vs Warriors OR Lakers + Klay vs Warriors - Klay. If this is the calculation the FO is using , it 'd make sense to prefer Klay.

雄鹿球迷:湖人+莱昂纳德VS 勇士或湖人+克莱VS 勇士-克莱,斟酌到这简单的加减法……有来由更偏心克莱啊.

[–]CelticsiDEN1ED 14 指標 9 小時前

Warriors sign Kawhi





[–][CHA ] Dell Curryfriendsdontlast 241 指標 23 小時前

Maybe they should try to sign both


[–]Raptorsneobowman 75 指標 22 小時前

They 'd have to sign and trade at least one I think. Neither the Raptors nor Warriors would be willing to do that I bet.


[–]76ersNoCampaign7 27 指標 22 小時前

For Brandon Ingram they would

76 人球迷:我估量他们会要英格拉姆吧.

[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingramcomptonderozan 72 指標 21 小時前

Lol exactly imagine asking the raptors if they ’d rather lose Kawhi for nothing or have a young talented player instead


[–]Lakersmatticans7pointO 10 指標 19 小時前

Well contracts have to match. Who would we pair with Ingram to have them match ?


[–][GSW ] Klay Thompsonfrogman636 44 指標 18 小時前

Sign and immediately trade Klay to Toronto for Kawhi



[–][MIN ] Terrell BrandonThorvaldsonMusic 219 指標 23 小時前

Adding Klay also weakens the warriors significantly so it 's a double win


[–][ORL ] Jonathan IsaacRayshard 84 指標 23 小時前

Three team trade Klay to Lakers , Kawhi to Warriors , Hart and KCP to Raptors


[–][GSW ] Jordan BellBootStrapWill 70 指標 22 小時前

I could see teams going scoreless for a quarter with him and Dray defending at the same time



[–]Raptorsjjkiller26 24 指標 23 小時前

Exactly , not to mention he 's a perfect fit for that roster. I dont see why its that hard to believe


[–]Hornetsviewsfromda6 51 指標 22 小時前

He 's a perfect fit on any roster


[–]Warriorsdeckoturf 36 指標 22 小時前

Yea.. top 3 current SG.. One of the GOAT 3pt shooters. Top 10ish on ball defense. Low maintenance no ego. I think all teams will try to make an offer in 19.

勇士球迷:没错!今朝得分后卫里可以排前三,汗青级此外三分弓手,前十的有球戍守,低据有率并且没野心,我感觉任何一支球队城市在2019 年为克莱送上一份合同的.

[–]Westbballthegathering 57 指標 23 小時前

Kawhi Leonard is a huge mystery at this point. He won 't play for the Spurs , but seems OK with the Raptors ? His uncle is a bigger wildcard than Lavar ever was , and he 's just off a season-evaporating recurring injury. The Lakers are right to not be going full steam ahead for him. They especially don 't need a second , worse Lavar Ball.

Klay might be harder to get , but he 's very much a known quantity. Pretty clean injury history , plays two ways , stretches the floor , and seems unconcerned with... life , I guess ? I think the Lakers could use some stability after picking up Lance , McGee , et al. I can 't say that Kawhi would bring that.

It 's totally reasonable to want to get Klay. Though if the Lakers can get a guarantee from either player , they should jump on it like Thon in the Philippines.

莱昂纳德这个时辰真的是一个很年夜的谜团啊,他不为马刺打球,可是看起来和猛龙相谈甚欢?他的舅舅真的是个年夜Boss ,比拉瓦尔还要能弄工作,他也方才从困扰他一全部赛季的伤病中恢复过来,所以湖人简直不需要将全数留意力放在卡哇伊身上,特别是卡哇伊背后还一个比拉瓦尔-鲍尔还要能弄工作的团队.









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