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亚博:哈登欧文浓眉哥? | MVP猜测进行时

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-31 15:26:49

哈登欧文浓眉哥?|MVP 预测进行时

Who is your pick for the MVP next season ?

谁将是下赛季你心中的MVP ?

I think Anthony Davis. He ’s a scoring machine who can score from literally anywhere. He has guard-like handles and can take any matchup and use it to his advantage. With Randle and Payton in alongside him , the Pelicans transition game will be tough to stop. With Jrue and Mirotic in alongside him , they ’ll be a perimeter threat. He ’ll get them to the playoffs for the 3rd straight season.



[–]ThunderChrowanWestbrook 677 指標 2 天前

I think Harden , Kawhi and Russ have the best shots , they 're all capable of putting up MVP numbers and all have a good chance of being a top 3 seed in their conference , and don 't really have anything going against them (other than Kawhi maybe not being the same player )

the downside for the following players:

LeBron - Lakers might not be good enough

KD and Curry - play with eachother lol

Kyrie - narrative is that his team doesn 't really need him (whether it 's true or not )

Embiid - might not play enough games

AD - might not win enough games

Giannis - might not win enough games

雷霆:我感觉哈登、威少和莱昂纳德的机遇最年夜,他们都有竞争MVP 的数据,而且在彼此分区都有机遇获得战绩前三,而且步队里也没啥人会分他们的票(除莱昂纳德,他可能不再是之前阿谁球员了)








[–]JackRidoutt [S ] 191 指標 2 天前

This is an awesome response.


[–]RaptorsActual_murderer 259 指標 2 天前

I don 't get why people include kyrie in lists like this , he isn 't on that level as a player even if his game is really fun to watch. Embiid would also need to make a big leap forward but he 's young enough that it 's at least a lot more likely.


[–]Nets TankwagonMrCrushus 114 指標 2 天前

If kyrie is averaging 25/6 on over 600% TS and the Celts win 60 + games I think he 's in with a shot. If he goes nova and stays at a similar TS0% but ups his scoring to like 28-30 a game then I think he 'd be top 3.

But I think , as you say , he 's definitely the least likely of that list to win an MVP.

篮网球迷:假如欧文场均能获得25 +6 并且真实射中率在600%以上的话,凯尔特人同时能赢下60 场以上的角逐,我感觉他有机遇,假如他迎来年夜爆发,能以不异的真实射中率拿下场均28-30 分,我感觉他将是前三顺位的人选.

可是正如你所说的,他是这些人里夺得MVP 机遇最小的.

[–][PHI ] Ben SimmonsAzazel-IMX 66 指標 2 天前

The thing is , Harden bested him in all those stats beside TS0%. I 'm bot ssying he will do it again , but can kyrie pit up numbers to top an AD , Harden , Russ and Giannis. Even if he gets similar , does his narrative bog him down ?

76 人球迷:要害在在,哈登除真实射中率之外各项数据都比欧文优异,固然我的意思不是说哈登还会比欧文数据好,可是欧文能拿到跨越浓眉哥,哈登,威少或字母哥的数据嘛?就算他能获得近似的数据,球队不需要他的风评能让欧文拿不到MVP 嘛?


[–]junkit33 25 指標 2 天前

MVP 's are about narratives.

If the Celtics finish with the best record in the NBA this year , Kyrie is going to get serious consideration. His lesser stats compared to other MVP contenders will be easily written off based on how much talent the Celtics have.

MVP 就是看外界风评的.

假如凯尔特人终究以同盟最好战绩扫尾,欧文可能会进入MVP 的严厉会商当中,他相对其他MVP 候选人亏弱的数据很轻易会以凯尔特人声势先天太高而粉饰曩昔.

[–]chrisrodm 66 指標 2 天前

I really doubt harden goes back to back. would have to do something special.

I personally think its a bit nuts counting out LBJ. If its not him though , AD or someone having a breakout season.

我真的很思疑哈登能不克不及两连MVP ,除非他做一些更非凡的工作.


[–][LAL ] Sasha VujacicPairedFoot08 135 指標 2 天前

LeBron if the Lakers do well. I think even if the Lakers young guys make huge leaps individually the narrative is always going to be LeBron leading some young guys and misfits to semi contention. Narrative often is a big part of winning MVPs and I can 't think of a stronger narrative that that. Maybe if AD leads the pelicans to a better record than the warriors with Cousins or something

湖人球迷:假如湖人打得不错,我感觉会是詹姆斯夺得MVP.我感觉即便湖人的年青小伙子们可以或许获得庞大前进,外界舆论也会说是詹姆斯阐扬带领感化带着这群新兵蛋子杀入了半决赛,而MVP 评选绝年夜大都看得就是风评,我不克不及想到比这个还强势的风评导向了,固然,假如浓眉哥率领鹈鹕打出比具有考辛斯的勇士更好的战绩也许有戏吧.


[–]ClippersRoblox9GAG 134 指標 2 天前



[–]JackRidoutt [S ] 51 指標 2 天前

I doubt he will but could be a good storyline. Definitely not out of the question.

我持思疑立场,可是假如他赢了MVP 将会是一个很有趣的故事,毫无疑问他在这方面并没有出局.

[–]SpursUncle_Freddy 80 指標 2 天前

If he sustains like 950% of his 2017 Playoff form and Toronto gets the 1st seed , it ’s his award to lose imo

马刺球迷:假如他能保持2017 年季后赛950%的状况,猛龙能拿到一号种子位置,MVP 对他而言是一个很难掉去的奖项啊.


[–][BOS ] Jaylen BrownOrangeKookie 123 指標 2 天前

I 'd say Harden repeats assuming Houston wins 60 + again. However if the Lakers get a top 3 seed lebron will win it

凯尔特人球迷:假如火箭能再赢下60 场,哈登也许能赢MVP ,假如湖人是西部前三,詹姆斯将博得MVP.

[–]ClippersRoblox9GAG 26 指標 2 天前

Houston doesn ’t get 60 again lol.

快船球迷:火箭不克不及获得60 胜啊哈哈哈.

[–][POR ] Jerome KerseyNiners13-3In18 129 指標 2 天前

Why not ? Harden missed 10 games , Capela 8 games , and CP3 24 games. They still won 65. They kept their 6th man/stater for Paul/Harden being out.

The West got stronger , but not by stupid margins. Unless Paul/Harden/Capela miss half the season I see no reason they can 't win 60 again.

This team was also up 3-2 against Warriors until CP3 went down. Basically you 're guaranteeing significant injury time.

开辟者球迷:为啥不克不及?哈登上赛季缺席10 场,卡佩拉8 场,保罗24 场,他们仍是赢了65 场,哈登保罗不克不及上场的时辰,他们的第六人仍然可以或许阐扬感化.

西部变得更强了,可是也没有变得很是强啊,除非保罗+卡佩拉+哈登会缺席一般的赛季,不然我找不到来由他们不克不及再次赢下60 场角逐啊.

这支球队在CP3 倒下之前乃至获得了3-2 的领先啊,所以你是说火箭会呈现年夜范围伤病咯?







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