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亚博:林书豪开季表示上佳| 但愿他重回勇士担负第六人

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-12-12 20:53:03


Jeremy Lin is Playing Superbly.


Overall 10 ppg in 17 mpg , 470% shooting. And this is off a horrific start in his first six games. In his last six he is averaging 15 ppg in 21 mpg , shooting 540%, 420% from the 3-pt. (That 's a per 36 of 26/7 , like Linsanity.) He is driving to the rim as always , but playing more within himself , more patient. He is getting to the foul line with frequency , and shooing 880%. He 's led the Hawks in scoring in 3 of the last 5 games. Some say he 's playing garbage time , but he has been equally effective in both regular time and garbage time. Plus he is clearly playing a leadership role on the Hawks as envisioned. And he plays defense.

本赛季场均进场17 分钟,获得10 分,射中率为470%,并且这一切仍是成立在他赛季头六场角逐状况欠安的环境下.曩昔的六场角逐,他场均进场21 分钟,可以获得15 分,射中率为540%,三分射中率为420%(转换成每36 分钟,可以获得26 分7 助,就像昔时的林疯狂期间一样).他仍是一如既往地冲击篮网,可是打得加倍自在,更有耐烦.他可以或许频仍地制造犯规站上罚球线,射中率为880%.曩昔五场角逐,他有3 场是老鹰队内的得分王.有人说他这些数据是在垃圾时候打出来的,可是他在垃圾时候和常规时候的效力是一样的.并且在老鹰队内,他明显正在饰演着大师所假想的魁首型脚色.另外,他还能戍守.


[–]Kings jamadelo 1110 points 2 days ago

Love this guy. Really want him to succeed.


[–][CLE ] Kevin Love kevinlovedagoat 288 points 2 days ago

Me too . He 's always been in my top 5 favorites cause of how genuinely cool he is. So fun , and his linsanity run was amazing. I wanna see him ball out

乐福球迷:我也是啊.他一向都是我最喜好的5 个球员之一,由于他人真的很好,球风也很有不雅赏性,昔时的那波林疯狂其实是不成思议.我想看到他打出花样.

[–]observer32 37 points 2 days ago

Just want a healthy season for him


[–]Bucks thebluehighway 54 points 2 days ago

Real gym rat.


[–][CHA ] Malik Monk BizGilwalker 306 points 2 days ago

I will always root for Jeremy. Hope he 's able to get back on track and stay healthy.


[–]Hornets facemelt 59 points 2 days ago

Loved him in Charlotte


[–]Spurs f1uk3r 39 points 2 days ago

He was great in Charlotte , still think they should have re-signed him. Also his hair game was beyond 9000 in his Charlotte year


[–]Hornets BatumTss 23 points 2 days ago *

We obviously wanted to re-sign him , but I think it 's tough for him to turn down a bigger contract , and to play for a coach who coached him during Linsanity , as well as a starting position in a big city like New York. It was his dream , and literally a dream for any PG to start in the NBA.

黄蜂球迷:我们那会儿明显是想和他续约的,可是我感觉吧,他很难谢绝他人供给的一份更年夜的合约,很难谢绝去为昔时林疯狂期间的锻练打球,很难谢绝像纽约这类年夜城市的首发机遇.那是他的胡想,这也是任何想要在NBA 打上首发的控卫的胡想.


[–]Supersonics ColonelSandurz42 353 points 2 days ago

I think D-Rose 's 50 point game has inspired Lin

超音速球迷:我感觉罗斯的50 分鼓励了林书豪.

[–]Warriors liniel 171 points 2 days ago

For sure. He said that in his tweet about it.


[–]Bulls Dr_Disaster 6 points 2 days ago

I love Rose and Lin. I wanted Lin to be Rose 's backup on the Bulls for so long because their slashing style were really similar. Both of these guys playing so we 'll right now makes me happy.


[–]Knicks TestUserIgnorePlz 113 points 2 days ago

Lin has always been a better PG than most NBA fans will admit , but he 's never been as good as his fans would like you to believe. I would love to see him at the 6th man on a playoff team.

尼克斯球迷:林书豪一向都是一个比年夜大都NBA 球迷所认知的更强的控卫,但他也没有他的球迷所说的那末强.我但愿能看到他为一支季后赛球队打第六人.

[–]Lakers many_dongs 13 points 2 days ago

As a Lin fan this is accurate


[–]Bucks amak316 17 points 2 days ago

Literally no one is as good as his fans think he is , and no one is as bad as his haters think he is. Public perception is weird , but he 's always been a net positive on and off the court for any team he 's played for.


[–]Celtics DJ_mike_marra 49 points 2 days ago

He 's always been a solid PG. Just injury prone as fuck unfortunately


[–][LAL ] Vlade Divac weeyummy1 13 points 2 days ago

kinda due to his playstyle


[–][SAS ] Kawhi Leonard RyuBo 120 points 2 days ago

i feel like he is the most unluckiest person in the nba , charlotte is never again the same being without him , i think he should go to a championship team and be a 6th man.

莱昂纳德球迷:我感觉他是NBA 最不走运的人,黄蜂没了林书豪以后就没了昔时的风度,我感觉林书豪应当去一支冠军球队担负第六人.

[–]reddish40 72 points 2 days ago

The Warriors after Livingston leaves


[–]Knicks RiceOnTheRun 61 points 2 days ago

Holy shit if he came back to win one with his hometown team I ’d cry tears of joy.


[–]Knicks Teenageboy69 15 points 2 days ago

He could probably be like the 8th man on a championships team.

尼克斯球迷:也许他只能在一支冠军球队打第8 人.

[–]Miceland 73 points 2 days ago

i think he would be the best bench player for the warriors right now


[–][GSW ] Jordan Bell mathmage 13 points 2 days ago

Iguodala would still be the best bench player for the Warriors. Lin running PnRs with the second unit would be an interesting change of pace , though.


[–][GSW ] Jeremy Lin Cindjor 80 points 2 days ago

I 've been saying that for a few years now. Lin could totally run the 2nd squad since he 'd be able to lead them and break down bench defenses so easily. He 's been making too much money to go home though.

a Lin Chinese New Year jersey ? That would sell out in China



[–][DEN ] Chauncey Billups GenericName5151 58 points 2 days ago

If Lin came back to the Warriors , Asian Bay Area fans would go insane lol


[–][GSW ] Jeremy Lin woodelf 15 points 2 days ago

I 'd love him back next season


[–][DEN ] Dikembe Mutombo TopographyDog 17 points 2 days ago

ye i ’m no huge fans of the warriors but i wouldn ’t even be mad if they somehow signed Lin , absolutely love the guy and would love to see him get all the success he deserves



[–]Lakers awesomobeardo 182 points 2 days ago

I 'm always sad that he didn 't get to play with a legit coach in LA. Byron really underutilized him , and I think any other coach would 've made him a re-sign target for us.


[–]Lakers KingDavid920 92 points 2 days ago

Playing Ronnie fucking Price over Jeremy Lin. Lol gotta love the tank commander.


[–]Lakers awesomobeardo 38 points 2 days ago

I 've been blocking that name from my memory for so long. I 'm angry again.


[–]wsthepurpo 搜索引擎优化flife 56 points 2 days ago

Fuck Byron

MMP 斯科特.

[–]Lakers dlm891 26 points 2 days ago

I 'd love to have Jeremy Lin back. We could have a Ball-Lin PG duo.


[–]Lakers awesomobeardo 17 points 2 days ago

And Jeremys ' game fits this roster more than Rondo


[–]Lakers spyson 14 points 2 days ago

Lin is a better shooter and fits better with us.


[–]killabeesindafront 6 points 2 days ago

Was watching linsanity highlights. Good times



[–][CHA ] Jeremy Lin -M7- 31 points 2 days ago

As a Lin fan , I love that he ’s getting his numbers and his body back. However , garbage time is one of the main reasons why his numbers are so high. Lin ’s playmaking isn ’t as good as it used to be and that ’s been an issue when I watch him play. I ’m definitely glad he ’s back though and I ’m looking forward to watching his improvement as the season moves on.


[–]Hawks Ice_Effect 26 points 2 days ago

I hate to break this to the people here , but OP is definitely inaccurate. He has definitely not been as effective in regular time as he has been in garbage time. Most of his numbers this year have come in the 4th quarter.

He 's definitely getting better though , as he was beyond trash at the start of the year. He 's finally at the point where I don 't cringe when he enters the game.



[–]J9XXX 3 points 1 day ago

Well , his 4th quarter numbers have always been really good relative to his first 3. The Hawks are just bad.


[–]Adamdidit 14 points 2 days ago

A bunch of people in this thread: Jeremy Lin would make a great 2nd unit leader on a good team.

Also a bunch of people in this thread: Him playing well is mostly because its against 2nd unit players.



[–]Knicks SensuousPhosphate 6 points 2 days ago

Protect Jeremy Lin at all costs , Linsanity always in our minds and in our hearts.


[–][ATL ] Dominique Wilkins coug117 5 points 2 days ago

Can 't wait to trade him (no offense lin fans , I think y 'all would agree )








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