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亚博:杜兰特是瞎子? 是死歌: JR

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:NBA 时间:2018-07-27 00:01:30

按照福布斯记者Marr Perez 报导,勇士球星库里近日介入了对电竞俱乐部TSM 的投资小组.Reddit 上的撸友们对此进行了强烈热闹的会商,来看看他们都说了些甚么!


[–]DwightSchruteBurner 270 points 15 hours ago

This will be the end of a dynasty. Curry invested in TSM instead of Golden Guardians.

这是一个时期的终结.库里投资了TSM 却没有投资勇士队本身的金州护卫

[–]Lakersyoueventrying 27 points 9 hours ago

He doesn 't have to invest in his organizations team. That would only benefit the Warriors not himself . TSM is a way bigger org

他没需要给本身球队的电竞战队投资,那只会使勇士获利,跟他没啥关系.并且TSM 是一个比GG 年夜很多的战队.

[–]RocketsThe_Rejected_Stone 40 points 15 hours ago

First unlikable thing Curry has done in his career.


[–]Desiire 1 point 8 hours ago

As a CLG fan it hurt my soul to see the tweet from him this morning.

作为CLG (火箭队的电竞战队)粉丝,我今早看到库里推特的时辰都要难熬难过死了

[–]CaptainJackJ 1 point 35 minutes ago

Investing in a good brand that will never actually win. Just invest in the Knicks



[–]HornetsIamOlderthanMe 540 points 16 hours ago

Steph Curry 's favorite LoL champion ?



[–]Kanekii39 1 point 3 hours ago

I feel like ziggs would be a better fit.


[–]RaptorsPingedSpinxz 4 points 7 hours ago

Klay is Draven


[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 338 points 16 hours ago

Durant 's is Cassio


[–][GSW ] Draymond Greeninfrequent_addiction 9 points 10 hours ago *

Without even playing lol , I 'll guess this guy is a snake

我玩都不消玩就知道这家伙必定是条蛇!注:蛇,snake ,黑杜兰特的经常使用词.

[–]76ersTheHeliosNebula 5 points 8 hours ago

It 's a she , and she 's a snake lady 、


[–]LakersMr-Greenie 147 points 16 hours ago

No , Durants is Karthus. Just wait for everyone else to do all the work and hit r. Cass is a snek yes , but mechanically totally karthus.

不不不,杜兰特是死歌.他就等着其他人把所有输出打完,然后轻轻地按一下R 收割人头.杜兰特是一条蛇没错,但从英雄机制上来讲他绝对是死歌.

[–]PacersPM_UR_ITTIE_BITTIES 46 points 11 hours ago

Also because KD is Slim Reaper


[–]whyallthefire 48 points 16 hours ago

And his midrange jump shot is probably just as annoying to play against as karthus q

而且他的中距离投篮就和死歌的Q 一样烦人

[–]fruchtzergeis 8 points 13 hours ago

Durant is Elise


[–]76ers5566y 19 points 12 hours ago

That ’s Mitchell

蜘蛛是米切尔!注:米切尔的绰号是Spider ,蜘蛛

[–]Raptorsharrisonguord 3 points 9 hours ago

Wouldn ’t Durant be Teemo ?


[–]tommytoan 1 point 7 hours ago

teemo is JR mebe

可能JR 是提莫吧

[–]CavaliersSunstriker_Rs 3 points 3 hours ago

No no , Teemo does the blinding. JR is already blind. Lee Sin ?

不不不,提莫是致盲他人,JR 本身已瞎了.所所以治糕之拳盲僧?


*Ward 是LOL 中眼的意思


[–]Netsgreenteaarizona_ 206 points 16 hours ago

In case you 're wondering TSM stands for "Team Solo Mid"

怕你们不知道,科普一下TSM 是Team Solo Mid 的缩写

[–]KnicksSilentReins 71 points 13 hours ago

They rebranded to "TSM". They got rid of "Team Solo Mid" so they can branch out to other games and not have a retarded name.

他们已更名成"TSM" 了,他们解脱了"中路Solo" 的睿智名字所以他们能进军其他游戏.

[–]LakersBoros-Reckoner 9 points 12 hours ago

They started as a league of legends team founded by their midlaner Reginald. The name was sort of egotistical but it made sense.



[–][BOS ] Rajon RondoJALbert 269 points 16 hours ago

ESPN: Steph Curry invests in rival to GSW 's LoL team. Steph leaving Golden State ?

ESPN :斯呆芬-科里投资了勇士LOL 战队的敌手战队!库里要分开勇士了吗?!

[–]tencentninja 63 points 14 hours ago

That is actually an interesting point especially since the Guardians look pretty decent atm


[–]Pacers BandwagonZigxy 16 points 14 hours ago

lol TSM and GGS are my two favorite teams... they play each other August 4th. Will be interesting for sure. Also Igoudala invested alongside Curry. All I know is... They gone.

TSM 和GG 是我最喜好的两个队,他们在八月四号有一场较劲,那时候必定很成心思.别的,伊戈达拉也投资了TSM ,所以,他和库里都要走了...嘤嘤嘤...

[–]urteck 26 points 16 hours ago

man , at first I read that as "escorts organization" O_O

老哥,我一最先把"电竞" 读成了"护卫"

[–]SpursPiniBread 27 points 16 hours ago *

Lmao i thought he became an investigator.









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