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亚博:甜瓜能" 帮忙" 哈登连庄 MVP?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:NBA 时间:2018-07-26 00:08:20

据媒体SportsLine 猜测,假如卡梅隆-安东尼与火箭签约,这将会致使后者新赛季的夺冠几率从4.80%降落到3.90%.Reddit 上的球迷对此进行了强烈热闹的会商,一路来看看他们都说了些甚么!


[–]Sunssuenopequeno 3438 points 18 hours ago

I was just thinking that more iso was what Houston needed.


[–]RocketscSentinel 944 points 17 hours ago

To be fair if we had Melo in game 7 his mid range would have helped when we went ice cold from three

火箭球迷:讲事理,西决G7 假如有甜瓜的中距离的话,他会在我们手感冰冷的时辰有所帮忙.

[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantTOP_5_DOA 1184 points 15 hours ago

He had 37/21/73 shooting splits in the playoffs lol he was already ice cold


[–]RaptorsLessThanCleverName 84 points 15 hours ago *

No one has mentioned it yet , but he only shot 39.30% from mid-range last year , which is 6th worst in the NBA among players with at least 4 mid-range attempts per game , so I dunno if anyone is relying on that anymore.

没人说过这个:他客岁的中距离射中率只有39.30%,是场均出手四次中距离的球员里第6 烂的,所以我不知道还能不克不及在这方面期望他.

[–]WarriorsH4SHT4GPlatapus 62 points 15 hours ago *

It would ’ve helped. Would ’ve helped the Warriors. Melo would waste precious time jab stepping for 20 seconds then try and hit a fade-away mid range jumper , and brick the fuck out of it. Melo just isn ’t good anymore , takes way too many shots , and isn ’t willing to be a 2nd or 3rd option.

会有帮忙的.会帮忙到勇士.甜瓜会华侈珍贵的20 秒在摸索步上,然后再来一个后仰化铁.他已不再超卓了,他的出手太多,还不肯意担任球队的第2 、第三选择.


[–]IdontlikeChinesefood 347 points 16 hours ago

Yeah if he could hit it , which he can 't. You also have to take into account what he can 't do.


[–]Thunderitshotinjuly 76 points 15 hours ago

Yea people acting like he would have helped don ’t understand that GSW would had went at him every single possession and scored 970% of the time.


[–][DEN ] Carmelo Anthonysaga___ 373 points 16 hours ago

You really think Melo can ’t hit midrange shots now ? It ’s literally been his entire career.


[–]SupersonicsSerenadeSwift 322 points 16 hours ago

He 's basically guaranteed to go 5-16 every game nowadays. He 'll hit 5 solid midrange shots but he 'll throw up 11 jabstep fadeaways and contested pull up 3s along the way.

他此刻根基上场均就是16 中5 的程度.他能投中5 个坚固的中距离,但他也会扔出11 个后撤步或三分线的打铁.

[–][MEM ] Kwame BrownMariota008 175 points 16 hours ago

Better than 0-27

那最少也比27 中0 强啊.

[–]SupersonicsSerenadeSwift 80 points 16 hours ago

Well if you add Melo 's 11 missed pullup 3s it would be 0-38

额,假如你算上甜瓜的11 个球的话,那就会是38 中0.


[–][POR ] C.J. McCollumnotanoxycleanrep 1366 points 18 hours ago

I think the most tragic part of this post is the fact that a roster like the Rockets only has a 50% chance to win a championship


[–][HOU ] Clint CapelaAcreshaker5454 738 points 17 hours ago

We brought possibly the best team ever to game 7. Fuck it 's sad.


[–]Celticstossin 711 points 15 hours ago

" ;Best team ever " ; until 2 months later when they got even better.

"最强的球队" 在两个月以后变得更强了.

[–][HOU ] Clint CapelaAcreshaker5454 244 points 15 hours ago

I know I gave up after hearing about Boogie.


[–]76ersL0wkeyy 40 points 11 hours ago

we all did ...:(


[–]Pistonsqedsquah 4048 points 19 hours ago

It really sucks that Houston ’s only chance was last season and now they ’re declining with the Warriors/field getting better.


[–]Mavericksryanbillya 2604 points 19 hours ago

Cant believe they missed so many threes...



[–]76ersxychosis 1069 points 19 hours ago

Yowza. Melo 's THAT bad , huh ?


[–][OKC ] Russell Westbrookricoveli 1038 points 19 hours ago

He was last year , he was out of shape , his Defense was atrocious and he can 't create his own shot anymore


[–]BullsOmegaRedPanda 519 points 19 hours ago

So out of shape. And I can 't count how many of his ballstopping , jab stepping possessions ended with him not getting enough lift in his legs and getting blocked.


[–]KnicksSmokinAxe 465 points 16 hours ago

Good friend of mine had a g/f who was a NY Knick city dancer. They worked out in the same gym as the players. They would have a chart in the gym with the entire teams body fat 0%. Melo had the 2nd most body fat in the team , after Raymond Felton.



[–]Nuggetstagprobablylag 47 points 19 hours ago

Harden is finally learning MVP is both stat and narrative driven. Carrying Melo 's ass gives him the edge next year.

哈登终究学会了想拿MVP 必需要有故事加成,"带着甜瓜赢球" 给了他庞大的优势

[–]UnwrittenRul3s 185 points 17 hours ago

Carmelo and Harden asking where 's the help on defense


[–]Bullsnigelfitz 95 points 17 hours ago

If I were Houston , I 'd make sure the contract says , " ;you 're coming off the bench." ;


[–]lololololololol59 60 points 19 hours ago



[–]RocketsSlumcatGazillionaire 70 points 17 hours ago

you laugh now...and you 'll probably be laughing later , too... sigh









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