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来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:世界杯 时间:2018-10-21 11:55:40

[Post Game Thread ] The Portland Trail Blazers (1 - 0 ) defeat The Los Angeles Lakers (0 - 1 ), 128 - 119.

波特兰开辟者以128-119 击败洛杉矶湖人.

英格拉姆16 分4 板2 断、詹姆斯26 分12 板6 助、麦基13 分8 板3 帽、隆多13 分4 板11 助、库兹马15 分5 板、哈特20 分4 板3 断2 帽;努尔基奇16 分9 板2 断、迈克勒姆21 分4 板、利拉德27 分6 板4 助、特纳13 分3 板6 助2 断、斯陶斯卡斯24 分2 板2 助.


[–]76ersThat_Guy_JR 133 points 22 hours ago

Portland has a really fun team.

76 人球迷:开辟者这队很有点意思啊.

[–]Warriors SexTraumaDental 492 points 22 hours ago

Paul Allen smiling from above


[–][POR ] Arvydas Sabonis glswenson 134 points 22 hours ago

We can only hope.


[–]Trail Blazers surgingchaos 715 points 22 hours ago

Death , taxes , and the Blazers beating LA.:D


[–][POR ] Meyers Leonard iamthegraham 347 points 22 hours ago

16 straight against the Lakers

18 straight home openers

awwww yisss

迈尔斯-伦纳德球迷:对阵湖人16 连胜

主场开幕战18 连胜


[–]Trail Blazers surgingchaos 112 points 22 hours ago

I was so stoked for this game simply because I knew we would spoil LeBron 's debut.:D


[–]Lakers NarstyHobbitses 65 points 21 hours ago

Every fucking game against you guys at home , we lose.

Doesn 't matter that it 's not even the Rose Garden anymore lmao. The curse remains.


不外不妨,那边已不叫玫瑰花圃(波特兰开辟者的主场球馆,2013 年改名为摩达中间 )了,哈哈.但魔咒仍在.

[–]Lakers dylanwally 153 points 22 hours ago

every time we play you guys , I just expect the L


[–][POR ] Brandon Roy NevermoreSEA 118 points 22 hours ago

The Blazers would probably go 82-0 if they only had to face the Lakers.

布兰登-罗伊球迷:如果开辟者每一个赛季只用打湖人的话,那我们也许能拿到82 胜0 负.

[–]Lakers Jordan_IsThe_Goat 83 points 22 hours ago

Even back then with kobe and Shaq I was scared against Portland. The atmosphere is just different. Scary and brutal. Always know it ’s a loss. You can put Jesus and Jordan on the lakers and we ’ll lose

湖人球迷:哪怕是OK 组合的年月,我也怕打开辟者.他们的主场空气纷歧样啊,可骇又残暴.就知道老是个输.就算你把天主和乔丹放到湖人队里,我们仍是个输.

[–]Trail Blazers PlayOnPlayer 112 points 22 hours ago

Really ? Because I distinctly remember that Lakers team killing my childhood dreams three years in a row. Back then it was death , taxes , and losing in the playoffs to the Lakers.


[–]Lakers alex94xela 41 points 22 hours ago

I think in the reg season we lose but in the playoffs we barely scrape by.



[–][BOS ] Rajon Rondo EL_9 642 points 22 hours ago

Collins is an absolute stud


[–][POR ] Brandon Roy NevermoreSEA 97 points 22 hours ago

Welcome to the Zach Collins era.


[–][POR ] Brandon Roy NevermoreSEA 51 points 21 hours ago

Watching Zach develop has been such a treat. I 'm so excited to see how good he 'll be with another few years of development.


[–]Trail Blazers irelli 67 points 22 hours ago

Yep. Dude 's offensive game is still a work in progress , but his defense is ridiculous for someone so young.


[–][POR ] Damian Lillard Familyguy35 286 points 21 hours ago

He lowkey might be taking Nurks spot. He is a modern stretch center that can protect the rim.


[–]Trail Blazers TheKinglnTheFourth 181 points 21 hours ago

We still need Nurk though. Against some of the bigger centers in the league


[–]Jazz Bandwagontreepo92 78 points 21 hours ago

I do love that he had 16 points in 17 minutes tonight.

努尔基奇可是17 分钟拿到16 分的,爱死他了.

[–]Spurs JSanchez383 447 points 23 hours ago

Actually some of the worst officiating I ’ve seen


[–]EGin2016 419 points 23 hours ago

Portland out there playing 5v7 on the court and still come out with the W

波特兰在场上5 打7 ,然后仍是拿下了成功.


[–]Trail Blazers MrDurden32 2182 points 21 hours ago

"These Lakers are just like the Rockets , they only want to shoot 2 and 3 point shots"

-Chris Webber

开辟者球迷:"这帮湖人球员啊,就像火箭一样,他们只想投两分和三分." ­——克里斯-韦伯点评道

[–]Wizards bakonydraco 13 points 19 hours ago

To be fair , he didn 't have a timeout to review his lines.


[–][TOR ] Mengke Bateer SenorJiang 585 points 20 hours ago

The Rockets are pretty keen on 1-point shoots too tbh

蒙克-巴特尔球迷:说真话啊,火箭对1 分也很有执念……

[–][MIN ] Sam Cassel lHuruHara 29 points 20 hours ago

Hey Harden !


[–]Celtics iamng3 185 points 20 hours ago

He 's not wrong.


[–]76ers Hodor_4_President 58 points 20 hours ago

Nah man. Go for the 4 point play every time. Jack up a three and fall down so it looks like the defender closed out on you dangerously.

76 人球迷:不是的老哥.是每次都冲着4 分去的.强投三分然后摔倒,如许的话就会给人一种戍守队员对你造成加害的感受.

[–]Warriors dp1389 2113 points 21 hours ago

"The West Coast is the toughest pision in this league."

Lmao jesus christ C-Webb

勇士球迷:"西海岸是同盟里竞争最剧烈的分区." 哈哈哈哈,克里斯-韦伯都说了些啥子玩艺儿.

[–]Hawks JezuzFingerz 560 points 21 hours ago

Javale fouls Stauskaus grabbing a rebound

"See , now this is how Lebron is going to make this team great."


[–]Hornets Xhoquelin 93 points 21 hours ago

Shaqtin a Fool MVP >no MVP

黄蜂球迷:沙克福的MVP 总比没有MVP 要强吧.

[–][POR ] Damian Lillard Familyguy35 1187 points 21 hours ago

He also lied out his ass on the Dame story lmfao.

This bum said Dame wears 0 (its letter O you fucker ) cus nobody believes in him. Most generic bs. Its cus- "Grew up in Oakland , college in Ogden , and my NBA team is in Oregon"

Dude is bad man


这个二货说利拉德穿0 号(干尼玛哦,现实是由于字母O )是由于没人相信他.这哥们最能一本正经地胡扯了.

而现实上是由于利拉德说过"在Oakland 长年夜,年夜学在 Ogden ,而NBA 球队在Oregon"


[–]Trail Blazers ap-ness 503 points 21 hours ago

Yeah that pissed me off lol I like CWebb but man was straight up talking out his ass..."I know this kid !! I 've followed his story !!" obviously not friccin moron

开辟者球迷:是的,这也把我弄毛了,哈哈哈.我很喜好克里斯-韦伯,但他措辞都是不外脑的……"我领会这孩子,我存眷过他的故事!!" 很较着不是的,你这傻X.

[–][GSW ] Baron Davis SETTLEDOWNSIR 222 points 21 hours ago

He probably got mixed up with Gilbert Arenas , who has said that he wears zero because people said thats how many minutes he was going to get in college.

拜伦-戴维斯球迷:或许他把利拉德和阿里纳斯弄混了.究竟年夜将军之前说过本身之所以穿0 号,是由于有人说0 就是他在年夜学时代能拿到的上场时候.


[–]Trail Blazers JackBauersGhost 1316 points 22 hours ago

Does anyone know if this is LeBrons Laker debut ? Not sure if they mentioned it during broadcast


[–]Trail Blazers nanoprecise 581 points 21 hours ago

Nah , it was Stauskas ' debut for sure.


[–][GSW ] Stephen Curry Kuroyukito 570 points 22 hours ago

Welcome to the Western Conference , Lebron James.


[–]Wizards Vswerve27 517 points 22 hours ago

Damn LeBron really did not give a fuck about that loss lmao dude was happy as hell


[–]Cavaliers why_you_salty_though 185 points 22 hours ago

It 's a regular season game ... Is he supposed to be devastated ?


[–]Heat SmokingFrog 950 points 22 hours ago

He Gone


[–]Heat The58683Shoe03582Man 180 points 22 hours ago

Utah bound


[–]Warriors The_Battler 61 points 22 hours ago

LeBron should join the Suns


[–]Suns fithworldruler 9 points 21 hours ago



[–][BOS ] Jaylen Brown OrangeKookie 412 points 22 hours ago

Rondo can 't play with these cats


[–]AsheliaDalmasca4096 12 points 22 hours ago

This game went exactly like we all expected. Lakers can 't shoot 3s and desperately need a backup center.


[–]Trail Blazers rtb001 16 points 21 hours ago

The have a great backup center. What they need is a starting center.


[–][BOS ] Jaylen Brown JB7FTW 655 points 22 hours ago

Hart is starting next game , Lebron said so



[–]Warriors Frostmoth76 125 points 22 hours ago



[–]foxsleftear 912 points 22 hours ago

Holy shit , look at Stauskas ' shot chart from tonight. SAUCE CASTILLO IS BACK ON THE MENU , BOYS

我勒个擦,看看斯陶斯卡斯今晚的投篮统计(11 中7 ).孩儿们,你们可以吃卡斯蒂略酱了!

[–]Trail Blazers xetura 1172 points 22 hours ago

At one point in the game , sources said , Sauce turned to Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum and screamed ,"You fucking NEED ME ! You can 't win WITHOUT ME !" Sauce left teammates and coaches largely speechless. He dominated the game in every way. The Sauce is back.

开辟者球迷:有动静称,角逐中的某一时刻,斯陶斯卡斯回身冲着利拉德和CJ-麦科勒姆年夜吼,"你们踏马的需要我!没有我你们就赢不了!" (讥讽巴特勒此前带三队赢首发声势狂喷全队)他的队友和锻练组哑然掉声.斯陶斯卡斯全方位地统治了角逐.卡酱又回来了.

[–]hipsterasshipster 109 points 22 hours ago



[–]Trail Blazers Marcopolo325 12 points 22 hours ago



[–]Spurs NukeEagle 129 points 22 hours ago

Stauskas is the best NBA player of all time.

马刺球迷:斯陶斯卡斯是NBA 史上最好球员.

[–][SEA ] Shawn Kemp Phuddy 17 points 22 hours ago

Nik Stauskas was unconscious tonight what got into him


[–][POR ] Rudy Fernandez Piano9717 56 points 22 hours ago

I 'm stoked for Nik and Zach this season. They looked really good tonight--maybe we can finally have an actual bench for once.


[–]Trail Blazers Nightbynight 22 points 22 hours ago

Every time Stauskas goes to the Bench , my dick gets a little softer. I don ’t want him out there too long because I wanna see the young guys develop plus he ’s aging and I hate seeing him push himself. But Holy Hell I love seeing him play. Good job signing him Portland , best move ever. Also great game from both teams overall.









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