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亚博:美帝键盘侠- 锡伯杜想追鲁尔- 邓: 丛林牛行将上线?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:NBA 时间:2018-09-06 19:39:37



[–][CLE ] Dwyane Wadeswatbustist 284 points 17 hours ago

Jesus is thibs actually this dumb ? Let 's just get the old and broken squad back together and not make the playoffs smh


[–][MIA ] Dwyane WadeTito_Our_Saviour 531 points 17 hours ago

He 'll be fired within 2 years


[–]RaptorsCharwinger21 98 points 15 hours ago

I just hope Butler , KAT , and Wiggins can survive through that without the minutes taking too much of a toll on them (and hopefully can get their development back on track with a new coach ).


[–][MIN ] Terrell BrandonThorvaldsonMusic 88 points 15 hours ago

does it really matter if Wiggins cant survive through the minutes ? If he 's not playing heavy minutes what else is he good for ? What are we saving him for ?


[–]killajaxx 54 points 15 hours ago

Idk why these people are so easy to give up on wiggins. Its clear he regressed due to simply not fitting with the team or mis-utilized. Much like Oladipo in OKC

我不知道为何人们就这么抛却了威金斯.他较着就是不合适这个别系、被毛病地利用了啊,就很像那时在OKC 的奥拉迪波.

[–][MIN ] Terrell BrandonThorvaldsonMusic 14 points 14 hours ago

Dude has about as much career minutes as Khris Middleton. We 've seen a pretty large sample size of Andrew Wiggins by now



[–][GSW ] Omri Casspislavazin 26 points 14 hours ago

My pet theory is that the Timberwolves are letting him keep the job until the end of the year just so they can fire him before FA starts , so they can promise jimmy that next year will be different if he stays , hoping the allure combined with the larger contract is enough for him to stay.

我的料想是丛林狼会留着锡伯杜直到来岁炎天的自由球员市场开启之前,用裁失落锡伯杜来对巴特勒注解诚意,再辅以年夜合同的蛊惑,把JB 留下来.

[–]KangzAteMyFamily 7 points 11 hours ago

Thibs isn ’t whom Jimmy has a problem with. It ’s KAT and Wiggins.


[–][BOS ] Rasheed WallaceCasuallyHuman 7 points 11 hours ago

Maybe he just doesn 't like young players ? Had the same problems in Chicago

或许JB 就是不喜好年青球员吧?他在公牛的时辰也如许.

[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryantechtav 2 points 3 hours ago

If that ’s the case , he ’s gonna lose his shit if he comes to LA



[–]NuggetsLew_AIcindor 245 points 17 hours ago

'Pursuit ' like Deng is running away.

"追逐" 这个词,就似乎邓在逃跑.

[–]LakersGeorgeLovesBOSCO 33 points 10 hours ago

Thibs running after Deng yelling "get back here !"


[–][BOS ] Jaylen BrownOrangeKookie 758 points 17 hours ago

Thibs really wants to finish off Deng


[–][POR ] Shareef Abdur-Rahimgrahamtasticj 251 points 17 hours ago

His old players gotta have love for him. They keep coming back


[–]NetsLanaRhoades- 282 points 16 hours ago

Players love to play , people think players hate high mins but they love playing a lot


[–]NuggetsBlee10 30 points 16 hours ago

Carlos Boozer next


[–][POR ] Meyers Leonardiamthegraham 21 points 13 hours ago

Kirk Hinrich is checking his messages every 10m

辛里奇此刻每10 分钟就看看有无新短信(来招募)

[–][LAL ] James WorthyNaciremaBlack 23 points 17 hours ago

Now we just need Ben Gordon to make a comeback


[–][TOR ] DeMar DeRozanzangco 36 points 17 hours ago

All they need is Noah and they can compete for an 2011 Eastern Conference title

他们此刻只需要一个诺阿,便可以去争取2011 年的东部冠军了!

[–]Timberwolvesthe___heretic 53 points 16 hours ago

Every single one of them reached the height of their careers under Thibs. Not to say he actually had anything to do with it , but I can totally understand why they like him.


[–]ClosetJitters 77 points 16 hours ago

Thibos:"With all six 2012 Bulls , I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy."

锡伯霸:"集齐6 只2012 年的公牛,我打个响指就可以灭失落所有人,我管这叫,善良."


[–]VisualCicada 195 points 17 hours ago

Someday we ’ll look back at the spooky wolves and wonder why they let Thibs come in and destroy them


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 355 points 17 hours ago

He ’s just very committed to the joke


[–]New Jersey Netslatman 108 points 17 hours ago

Thibs is a comedic genius


[–]TimberwolvesWheedMBoise 35 points 17 hours ago

Thibs is gonna end up sending Wiggins to Atlanta for Miles Plumlee to clear cap and play Deng 39 minutes a night

锡伯杜顿时就会把威金斯拿去换老鹰的迈尔斯-普拉姆利,以给鲁尔邓腾出上场时候,让他每场球打39 分钟.








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