作者:Leandre Ochoa
固然洛杉矶湖人队没能打入季后赛,但有些工作值得存眷.跟着2018 年NBA 季后赛开赛两周,角逐的剧烈水平急剧上升,今朝为止本年的季后赛很出色.
在东部费城76 人队终究击败迈阿密热队进入第二轮,让这座城市和阿伦艾弗森对此引觉得傲.在西部,新奥尔良鹈鹕们横扫了波特兰,早早地将他们送回老家垂钓.
在冲动人心的NBA 季后赛中,人们凡是会将眼光堆积到金州勇士队和克利夫兰骑士队,他们曩昔持续三年打进了NBA 总决赛.
勇士队简直在第一轮等闲击败了圣安东尼奥马刺队,可是接下来的季后赛中,他们需要斯蒂芬 ·库里.金州勇士队他们不但面对着库里缺阵,其他球员也正蒙受着伤病.凯文杜兰特、克莱 ·汤普森和安德烈 ·伊戈达拉别离降服脚踝、拇指和腿部的伤势作战.麦考在接近常规赛竣事时背部受伤还没有康复.
骑士队的麻烦来自状况欠好,和一样蒙受伤病影响.凯文 ·乐福在左手拇指部门韧带扯破,这是对阵印第安娜步行者队的第二场角逐中戍守时酿成的.乔治希尔因背部痉挛而期待进一步的评估.
印第安那竭尽所能来反对克利夫兰,可是在第5 场角逐中,勒布朗 ·詹姆斯投进了绝杀将年夜部门锁定在3 比2 ,这让人想起了他在2009 年东部决赛第2 场中投进的绝杀球.骑士队需要更多球员做出进献,而不是仅仅依托詹姆斯率领他们进步.
对两支球队来讲,持续三年常规赛季和NBA 季后赛的磨砺令他们很是怠倦.通往NBA 王朝球队的道路并不是风平浪静,布满伤病和患难.王朝球队品级的患难,就像湖人王朝曾履历的那样.
湖人王朝离我们其实不遥远, 他们尽力拼搏拿下"三连冠" 和08 到10 的冠军在NBA 汗青上被人铭刻.
"三连冠" 湖人轻松地击败了敌手.固然,除两场抢七系列赛(2000 年西决,开辟者VS 湖人和2002 年西部决赛——国王vs 湖人),考验了科比 ·布莱恩特和沙奎尔-奥尼尔带领的冠军球队.
争取第三个冠军的道路上蒙受了奥尼尔和德里克 ·费舍尔的伤病.奥尼尔处置脚指伤病错过了赛季初15 场角逐.费舍尔因伤缺席12 场角逐,全部赛季仅仅首发进场35 场角逐.别的还布莱恩特和奥尼尔之间的公然矛盾.可是当布莱恩特在2002 年NBA 总决赛竣事时兴奋地举起三个手指那一刻,这些(伤病、问题)也就被疏忽了.湖人队终究击败新泽西网队拿到湖人王朝的第三个冠军.
2008-09 和2009-10 赛季湖人履历了近似的岑岭和低谷.科比、加索尔和首要脚色球员在履历了前一年输给了波士顿凯尔特人的掉败以后,有良多工作需要去证实,他们也简直做到了,他们不但重返NBA 总决赛,并且击垮德怀特霍华德和奥兰多魔术队博得了七年来的第一个冠军.
湖人队打进了2010 年的总决赛,这是他们持续第三年杀入NBA 总决赛.固然球队有稍微的转变,而湖人球迷们熟习的焦点依然是完全的,不外他们较着遭受到了伤病的侵袭.
加索尔在赛季初因腿筋受伤错过了很多角逐,科比 ·布莱恩特因伤缺席了10 场角逐,这是布莱恩特2007 年以来第一次错过角逐.除超等明星,其他主要的脚色球员也遭受伤病困扰,包罗安德鲁 ·拜纳姆缺阵17 场、萨沙 ·武贾西奇缺阵15 场和卢克 ·沃顿缺阵53 场.
对持续博得奥布莱恩奖杯的球队来讲是遭受伤病困扰是必需去面临的,回首NBA 的汗青,争取冠军历来都是坚苦重重.
波士顿凯尔特人在80 年月博得了三个冠军,湖人队从1980 到1990 年七次杀入NBA 总决赛,博得五个冠军.圣安东尼奥马刺队从1997 到2016 年博得五次冠军.
汗青上的王朝球队在休赛期的操作也一样成功,此中包罗球员的调剂.即便是迈克尔乔丹带领的90 年月伟年夜的球队也需要对他们逐步老化的球员名单进行重组(固然,乔丹是从棒球同盟回来的).
1998 年公牛饱受伤病困扰,可是他们在汗青最好球员的率领不成思议的博得了60 场角逐,.他们的球队名单上有一名宿将二当家——斯科蒂 ·皮蓬,他因伤缺席了快要半个赛季.
科比 ·布莱恩特的成绩和在湖人的地位都是来自在他无与伦比的奉献精力和职业热枕.国际互联网公司首席履行官Matt Given 在一篇文章中援用了布莱恩特的话,
马刺队掉去了年夜卫罗宾逊,蒂姆 ·邓肯也退役了.80 年月的黄绿传奇们都变老了.拉里 ·柏得不再是传怪杰物,贾巴尔戴上了护目镜.公牛队确切有点老化,可是他们掉去统治力确切因为迈克尔乔丹、菲尔杰克逊和公牛队总司理杰里 ·克劳斯之间的裂缝酿成的.
人们认为假如公牛队连合一致,他们将博得90 年月所有的冠军.湖人球迷也有一样的问题:假如科比和沙克继续一路打角逐,湖人将夺很多少冠军?
20 世纪初的湖人缔造了一个王朝,他们足够年青可以继续持久连结高程度上的竞争,就像现今的勇士队.
和克利夫兰比拟,勇士看起来更能保持在NBA 中的统治地位,可是伤病问题困扰着这两支球队.谁可以或许克服坚苦翻越障碍呢?(是)王朝级此外团队.
科比 ·布莱恩特谈论胡想、尽力、不计成果,这些多是他作为球员时不漫谈起的.如许王朝的胡想,和此刻巴望成立王朝的胡想(就像金州和克利夫兰),都是一样的:继续拼搏前行,全力以赴博得更多角逐,直到你力所不及.
Los Angeles Lakers ’ dynasty teams mirror today ’s potential dynasties
by Leandre Ochoa
Los Angeles Lakers dynasties of yesteryear mirror today ’s potential dynasties.
While the Los Angeles Lakers aren ’t in the postseason , things have still been fun to watch. As the 2018 NBA Playoffs approach the two-week mark , the intensity of competition has skyrocketed , making this a great postseason so far.
Eventual Eastern Conference powerhouse , the Philadelphia 76ers , advanced to the second round defeating the Miami Heat , making the "City of Brotherly Love" and Allen Iverson proud in the process. The Western Conference saw the New Orleans Pelicans feasting on Portland in an upset sweep of the Trailblazers , sending them packing towards the Pacific Northwest to get an early start to the fishing season.
Within the excitement around the NBA Playoffs , attention usually returns to the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers , both having met in the NBA Finals each of the last three years.
Winning , even for some professionals , can get dull. After three consecutive years of an extended season , lack of focus and especially injuries can bear too much on a team ’s continued success.
The Warriors did dispose of the San Antonio Spurs in the first round easily , but going further into the playoffs , Stephen Curry must be available.
For Golden State , not only are they Curry-less , but have other players nursing injuries. Kevin Durant , Klay Thompson , and Andre Iguodala are playing through ankle , thumb , and leg injuries , respectively. Patrick McCaw , out indefinitely , still suffers from a back injury that occurred near the end of the regular season.
The Cavaliers ’ problems come from underperforming , as well as getting bit by the injury bug. Kevin Love is playing with a partially torn ligament in his left thumb , an injury caused when making a defensive play during Game 2 of Cleveland ’s matchup against the Indiana Pacers. George Hill continues to be re-evaluated for his back spasms.
Indiana has given Cleveland all they could handle , but find themselves down 3-2 on a Lebron James buzzer beater in Game 5 , reminiscent of his top of the key buzzer beater in Game 2 of the 2009 Eastern Conference Finals. The Cavaliers , who need more from the supporting cast , will only go as far as James takes them.
For both teams , the task of mulling through three straight regular seasons and the NBA Playoffs is grueling. The path to becoming an NBA dynasty is not without its fair share of injuries and pain. Dynasty-level pain. Something the ghosts of Lakers past can relate to.
Young Dynasty
It ’s not so far in the past that the previous Lakers are ghosts , but the "three-peat" era-champs along with the ’08-’10 champs had their struggles en route to their spot in NBA history.
The "three-peat" Lakers mowed down the competition with ease. The exceptions , of course , were two seven-game series (2000 WCF – POR vs. LA & ; 2002 WCF – SAC vs. LA ) that tested the once untapped-turned-tapped championship mettle of Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O ’Neal led teams.
The road to that third championship included the task of pushing through injuries to O ’Neal and Derek Fisher. Shaq was dealing with a toe deformity , causing him to miss 15 games at the beginning of the season. Fisher ’s injury caused him to miss 12 games , and started in only 35 games all season.
These injuries , including the public feud between Bryant and O ’Neal , were overlooked once the TV screen showed Bryant joyously holding up three fingers at the end of the 2002 NBA Finals. The Lakers beat the breaks off the New Jersey Nets , securing that dynasty-clinching 3rd straight title.
The 2008-09 and 2009-10 Lakers experienced similar highs and lows. Kobe , Pau Gasol , and integral role players had much to prove after their loss to the Boston Celtics the previous year , and improve they did. Not only did they make it back to the NBA Finals , but pummeled Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic for their first championship in seven years.
The Lakers ’ bid to the Finals in 2010 marked the third straight year that core made it to the final round. Although there was a slight change in personnel , the immediate core of which Lakers fans remember was still intact , but with significant injuries on their plate.
Pau Gasol missed time because of a hamstring injury early in the season , and an injured Kobe Bryant missed 10 games that season , marking the first time Bryant missed a game since 2007. On top of the injuries to their superstars , other important role players missed games , including injuries to Andrew Bynum (17 ), Sasha Vujacic (15 ), and Luke Walton (53 ).
A Tribute to Champions
Injury-riddled seasons are just a foregone conclusion for teams who make consecutive runs at winning the Larry O ’Brien Trophy. Looking back at our NBA ’s history , difficulties for championship contenders is commonplace.
The Boston Celtics in the ‘80s won three championships. The Showtime Lakers went from 1980 to 1990 advancing to seven NBA Finals , winning five. The San Antonio Spurs from 1997 to 2016 won five.
This elite group of dynasty-level teams throughout history succeeded through down times , which included roster adjustments. Even the great Michael Jordan-led teams of the ‘90s needed major retooling to their aging roster (and of course , Jordan actually coming back to the NBA from Minor League Baseball ).
The 1998 Bulls were so hampered by injuries , it ’s amazing that team won 60 games , even with arguably the "GOAT" trotting along. That roster had an aging "1B" in Scottie Pippen who missed almost half the season due to injury.
Yet , these dynasties seem to continue to , like Mike , trot along and find a way to get it done. These teams get the inevitable injury bug or hit the proverbial wall , but were still able to persevere , an attribute of a champion , much less a dynasty.
Kobe Bryant ’s legacy and his tenure with the Lakers is backed by his out worldly dedication to his work ethic. Matt Given , CEO of Intelivideo , wrote in an article for the INC.com quoting Bryant saying ,
"Those times you stay up late and you work hard. Those times when you don ’t feel like working. You ’re too tired. You don ’t want to push yourself , but you do it anyway. That is actually the dream."
The Spurs lost David Robinson and eventually , Tim Duncan to retirement. The Celtics and Lakers of the ’80s got old. Larry Bird no longer looked legendary , and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hung up his goggles. Age did catch up to the Bulls , but their reign was halted due to the public rift between Michael Jordan , Phil Jackson , and then-Bulls General Manager , Jerry Krause.
People felt that if the Bulls ’ organization complied with one another , they would have won every championship in the ’90s. The common question for Lakers fans ; how many championships would the Lakers have won if Kobe and Shaq continued to play nice ?
The Lakers of the early 2000s surely were a dynasty in the making , and young enough to continue competing at a high level , something the Warriors of today can relate to.
Between Golden State and Cleveland , the Warriors look more primed to sustain continued dominance over the NBA , but the injuries to both teams is a common obstacle. Those who overcome in the face of adversity ? Dynasty-level teams.
Kobe Bryant spoke about his dream , about the work and not the results , something Bryant probably wouldn ’t have said as an active player. The dream for the dynasties of the past and current potential dynasties , like Golden State and Cleveland , are one in the same. To continue to go on and win as much as you can. Until you cannot.
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