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亚博体育:皮尔斯盛赞科比| 打铁也能旗开得胜?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:中超 时间:2018-08-29 19:40:55

[Paul Pierce ]What you have to understand about Kobe ’s game is that by taking that many shots , he ’s meticulously wearing down the defender until he breaks them. He ’s made a career out of making guys lose confidence in their defense and then continuing to attack them. He ’s won five rings doing that.



[–][BOS ] James Youngwalterdog12 917 指標 3 天前

Kobe has the mentality of a basketball serial killer. He ’s going to come at you every single way possible and he ’s not going to let up. His mentality — his killer instinct — is what separates him from the other guys on this list , because once Kobe knows he has you , he ’s going to keep attacking you. He ’ll throw you down , beat you up and even when you ’re knocked out , he ’ll keep hitting you.


[–]WarriorsMacDerfus 462 指標 3 天前

That makes the teams that stopped him as a contender that much more impressive


[–]MavericksStackhouseLOST 523 指標 3 天前

hey there


[–]mrgrubbage 131 指標 3 天前*

Has there ever been another team that beat the back-to-back champs on either side of their ring ? Dirk was unreal that year.

edit : To be clear , I 'm talking about back to back champs before and after them. Dallas beat LA and Miami , who both won two in a row in the years before and after.



[–]Lakersmcslippinz 131 指標 3 天前

I remember when Dirk was the biggest choker.. that year redeemed his career


[–]LakersAleksso 123 指標 3 天前

Props to smush parker and kwame brown for being able to stop prime kobe



[–]HornetsYizWasHere 948 指標 3 天前

Honestly I never thought of it that way. Even on misses , the defender puts in so much work to contest that it 'll still tire them out.


[–][LAL ] Jose Calderonvictor396 519 指標 3 天前*

Stamina is invalueble in sports. Guys like Reddick and Korver make their living out of it (Kyrie said it was their super nba power more so than their shooting ).

We have a saying in my country. matar una vaca a besos which translates to killing a cow by kisses .

We always use that saying to explain Nadal 's game that wears down their oponents both physically and , mostly , mentally. Imagine what you must feel like when someone 's returning points that were supposed to be winners over and over.

Kobe is another great example. Imagine what you must feel when your playing GOAT level defense and even hitting someone trying to stop him and the mother fucker just keeps coming for more. Either your another player on his mental level and enjoy the challenge or it must be almost frustrating , let alone how tiring it is taking away one of the best defenders (and maybe a key piece of the offense ) of the opposite team.


耐力在体育活动中属在价值千金,像雷迪克和科沃尔这类人就是以此为生的(欧文也说过,耐力是NBA 球员最壮大的能力,乃至比投篮还要主要.)

在我的国度有如许一句鄙谚,"matar una vaca a besos" ,意思就是说"用一个接一个的吻杀死奶牛."



[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 309 指標 3 天前

Curry does it too. Constantly chasing someone has gotta be demoralizing. And if you didn ’t work as hard as these guys they ’re gonna get you eventually.


[–][LAL ] Jose Calderonvictor396 225 指標 3 天前

Curry is a tough motherfucker. Someone his size getting pound over and over again. I know his stronger than he looks , but still. Compare him to Korver (who i 'm a fan of ) just in size and how much attention he gets by being a superstar and the attention gets multiplied



[–]CavaliersJay_Shadow 323 指標 3 天前

That 's how NFL running games often work. Might look like your holding them to low yardage , but in the 2nd half your defense is now tired as hell and the cracks open up.

Or maybe that 's just the Browns defense.

骑士球迷:NFL 的进攻系统也是如斯,可能看起来你们是将敌手的码数限制在了较低规模,可是到了下半场的时辰你们的戍守就已怠倦不胜,然后空挡就随机露出了.


[–]Pistonssampson40 209 指標 3 天前*

Rip Hamilton is the GOAT at wearing down his defender. He would run close to half marathons every few days in the offseason , and I doubt there ’s been many players in NBA history with his level of stamina. He started a game with 1000% in the tank and finished it above 900%, even if he played all 48 mins. Meanwhile , his defender would be doubled over , sitting on the end of the bench with a towel on his head , chugging Gatorade. As far as total distance is concerned , he would run wayyy more than any other player in the league , and would repeatedly run his defender into brick wall screens (mostly from Big Ben ). That ’s what made him such a lethal midrange shooter.

活塞球迷:汉密尔顿在让他的戍守者精疲力竭方面可以说是汗青最好级别了,他休赛期天天城市跑一个半程马拉松,所以我不感觉NBA 汗青上有良多人有和他一样的耐力级别.可能最先角逐时他有百分之百的状况,然后打满48 分钟以后可能耗油才一成不到,与此同时,他的戍守者在消耗方面则是两倍的消耗,常常要低着头弯着腰盖个毛巾喝着佳得乐弥补能量.就总跑动数据而言,在同盟里汉密尔顿的数据要比其他球员多很多,并且常常在跑动中诱拐本身的戍守者进入圈套(年夜部门来自在本-华莱士),这就是他为啥作为中投弓手会如斯致命.

[–]Celticscrane444 132 指標 3 天前

Soccer also sometimes works like this. The 2009-2011 Barcelona teams — perhaps the greatest teams ever — were especially famous for their ‘tiki-taka ’ style which involved keeping the ball for 70-800% of the game and just passing the back and forth with seemingly no purpose. Many criticized them for playing a boring style , but in reality what they were doing was wearing the defense down to be able to pounce on mistakes once defenses started making mistakes. Also they had prime Messi.

凯尔特人球迷:现实上有的时辰足球也是如斯,2009-2011 的巴塞罗那队也是如斯——他们多是汗青上最伟年夜的球队——特别是"Tiki-taka" 战术,他们百分之七十到八十的时候都在传球,并且这些传球看起来仿佛毫无目标.良多人批评他们踢球气概极为无聊,可是现实上他们一向在耗损敌手,期待他们出错,一旦敌手最先出错,他们就最先疯狂进攻敌手,固然他们还巅峰梅老板.


[–]Raptorsbrickcitymang 245 指標 3 天前

When a guy scores 30 points on you and draws 3 + fouls you 're not gonna feel good as a defender. Nobody keeps track of opponent 's FG0% when they play there 's more important things to care about. When a guy gets 20 assists on you , it doesn 't feel as bad. Kobe 's got every move in the book and will find one that works eventually which is why he 's so good in the 4th. Give me Kobe all day

猛龙球迷:当敌手在你头上获得30 分然后造了你3 个犯规,作为戍守者你必然会感受不爽.打球的时辰没人管帐算你的射中率,究竟场上还更主要的工作斟酌,当一个家伙在你头上送出20 次助攻,这类感受也不会太坏,科比的技术包包罗万象,他总能终究找到阿谁技术包的来击败你,这也是为何他常常会在第四节如斯超卓的缘由,我无脑选科比.

[–][BOS ] Al HorfordUrdnotWrex1232 141 指標 3 天前

I don 't know , I think most people are probably generally aware of how a player they 're guarding is shooting. Obviously you 'd rather not be the man responsible for a player who drops 30 , but , if he throws up a ton of misses to do so , you feel a lot better about it than you would if he hit everything he shot. Kobe was really good , but missing shots isn 't.

凯尔特人球迷:我不清晰哦,我感觉年夜部门人城市意想到他们戍守对象的投篮射中率,很较着,没人想成为被获得30 分的人,可是,假如对方打铁无数获得三十多分而并不是百步穿杨,你也会感受不错,科比很不错,可是打铁也不太好吧.








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