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亚博:德罗赞谈钱非全能| 众网友分享金钱不雅

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:世界杯 时间:2018-08-22 07:01:19

[Bleacher Report ] DeMar DeRozan on the public perception of famous athletes: "People say ‘What are you depressed about ? You can buy anything you want.’ I wish everyone in the world was rich so they would realize money isn ’t everything."

B/R :德玛尔-德罗赞谈和闻名球员的各类问题时说:"人们老是说‘你们这些人到底为啥会焦炙?你们可以买任何你们想要的工具.’我但愿这个世界上的每一个人都很敷裕,如许他们就可以熟悉到钱其实不是全能的."


[–][BKN ] Vince CarterBoogiesAchilles 5984 指標 19 小時前

Having money ’s not everything , not having it is


[–]RaptorsIanicRR 821 指標 18 小時前

That bar will forever resonate with me because I ’m broke as shit and it ’s true. Not that I ’m unhappy but it sure makes life a lot more stressful/difficult.

It kills me that as a high schooler is was sitting comfortably on a 15k account from working 4 years of high school and being very smart with my money. Only to be stupid and pay my entire first year of university without a salary , emptying my accounts , still needing a student loan for the other 3 years and being perpetually broke since. Damnit I should have just kept my money and gotten a stupid loan all 4 years. At least then I would have had a safety net in my account.

Sorry , rant over.


现实上我高中的时辰打工打了四年、具有1 万5 千美元的存款,对理财也有着本身的设法.我做的独一一件笨拙的工作就是用我的存款付了第一年的膏火,并且尔后也没有啥工资入账了,并且还需要承担别的三年的学生贷款,尔后我就一向处在破产状况了.活该,我就应当保存本身的钱然后贷四年的款,如许做最少能看到银行账户上有很多钱,这会让我有很多平安感啊.


[–]SpursFuckTimBeck 251 指標 16 小時前

I feel you my dude. Did something similar fucked around and ended up homeless for awhile when I was in law school.


[–]76ersWalletsgone 99 指標 12 小時前

As someone in my second year of law school right now , I can ’t even imagine how hard that must have been. I hope you ’re living comfortably now.

76 人球迷:作为一个此刻正在法令黉舍念年夜二的学生,我乃至没法想象那时的场景……我但愿你此刻能糊口的舒适一些.


[–]WarriorsIonkkll 1745 指標 19 小時前

Money doesn 't buy happiness , it buys the opportunity to pursue happiness


[–]WarriorsGGAllinsMicroPenis 904 指標 19 小時前

I think something that gets left out is that fame makes it worse , because you become isolated and run in increasingly insular social circles. It becomes alienating , and you can become lonely. And it 's a very surreal kind of loneliness , because everyone 's yelling your name , supporting you , loving you , but from a distance , like you 're looking at the world through a mobile plexiglass cell. And that kind of loneliness can , in some ways , be the worst of all. It 's like dying of thirst adrift on the ocean , staring at water 24 hours a day without a drop to drink.

If you 're rich and nobody knows who the fuck you are there 's some freedom there that NBA players and other celebs don 't get to enjoy , and thus I think that kind of rich has more happy people among its ranks.


假如你很有钱并且没人知道你是谁,你具有无穷的自由的话确切会很幸福.可是NBA 球员和良多其他名人其实不能享受如许的自由,是以我感觉前者要比后者更欢愉.

[–]Raptorsjaimonee 321 指標 18 小時前

Nicely put. I remember reading a quote from Bill Murray "I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'try being rich first '. See if that doesn 't cover most of it. There 's not much downside to being rich , other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous , you end up with a 24-hour job."

猛龙球迷:总结的不错,我还记得曾读到过比尔-穆雷的一句话:"我老是相对那些想成名或是想有钱的人说如许一句话:‘测验考试着先有钱起来’.成为有钱人除需要付税收还应付亲戚们的借钱以外没有太多的烦苦衷,可是假如你出名了,迎接你的就是24 个小时永不断息的工作."

[–]OldManHadTooMuchWine 107 指標 17 小時前

John Malkovich said that when it comes to being famous , he basically pays back every benefit he might get. Like , he might get a nice seat at a restaurant , but also has to take 10 selfies with people.



[–]Knicksconfuddly 2216 指標 21 小時前

I too wish everyone was rich


[–][TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 1019 指標 21 小時前

If everyone is rich , then no one is


[–]Celticsdfghjdfrtjhef 973 指標 20 小時前

If I have a yacht , I don 't give a fuck if everyone else also a has yacht


[–]BullsHarmonicon 481 指標 20 小時前

until the ocean is choke full of everyone 's yachts it just becomes a giant dock ?


[–]Celticsdfghjdfrtjhef 625 指標 20 小時前

Who cares , I have a yacht


[–]Hornetsstrong_schlong 399 指標 18 小時前

I wish everyone had a yacht so they would realize yachts aren 't everything.



[–]richmuhlach 840 指標 21 小時前

Yes. Give me money because I need the opportunity to realize that money isn ’t everything.


[–]76ersanser1233 903 指標 21 小時前

Money does make a difference in happiness but only up to a certain amount

76 人球迷:金钱确切能给人以幸福感,可是有上限的.

[–]Raptors99Raps 298 指標 21 小時前

IIRC , a professor in university told me it was 美金75k.

猛龙球迷:有年夜学传授说是75000 美元.

[–]HeatErectusPenor 340 指標 20 小時前*

Basically it 's whatever amount of income that allows you to live a life free of monetary stress. Living in debt , or at least pay check to pay check , that 's what affects your happiness.



[–][DAL ] Brian Cardinaldirk-41 795 指標 20 小時前

Demar grew up in Compton surrounded by hardship. He had family members killed because of gang violence. You think he doesn 't understand what it means to struggle to get by ? He has seen the whole spectrum and still feels this way.


[–]FloorSeatsAtSpaceJam 430 指標 20 小時前

His claim is not "money does not make you happy" , his claim is "it is possible to be unhappy while having a lot of money". I think we need to get the logic right here before criticizing.

话说回来,他也没说"钱不克不及让你高兴啊," 他的不雅点是"当你具有良多钱时也纷歧定会高兴." 我感觉我们在批评之前需要弄清晰逻辑.

[–][PHI ] Markelle FultzDutchEnglish 410 指標 20 小時前*

The sad reality about this thread is the fact that no one understands how depression or any type of mental health problem works just based off the comments.

If you have a mental health problem while people view and treat you like a cash cow while stating "hOw CaN yOu bE sAd ? YoU ’rE rIcH !" as if someone who is mentally unwell is supposed to be like "Oh yeah !". As if they aren ’t trying to force themselves to love their lives already.

I mean it ’s fucking disgusting and shows how little mental illness is cared about. Yeah have chemical imbalances in your brain but hey money cures it all ! As if the idea of killing yourself goes away when someone tells you that you should be happy and that you should be grateful for a life that they never lived and that they don ’t understand.

DeMar probably has people trying to use him in every way and it ’s probably been that way since he was 14. People all day talk shit to him and focus on negative shit more than positive but its cool because he ’s rich. I swear to God it amazes me how much people bullshit themselves into believing that when you ’re rich problems go away.


假如你有心理疾病,人们看你或看待你却犹如钱树子一样,他们一向古里古怪地说:"你咋难熬?你很有钱啊!" 就似乎精力焦炙的人也应当来讲一句:"你说得对." ,就似乎他们没有测验考试逼迫本身去爱本身的糊口一样,还需要你们提点他他才能意想到本身要爱本身的糊口.


德罗赞可能从14 岁最先就已用一切人们给他提议过的法子来治愈本身的焦炙,人们老是一天到晚对他喷粪,老是存眷在德罗赞的负面新闻而非正面动静,他们感觉这很酷由于德罗赞是一个有钱人,对有钱人喷粪不是很酷嘛?我向天主立誓,最令我受惊的工作莫过在这个世界上真的有良多人掩耳盗铃地相信当你富有的时辰,任何问题城市消逝.








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