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亚博:不管什么时候都加盟勇士| KD又给本身挖坑?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:意甲 时间:2018-08-18 11:23:34

Kevin Durant reveals when he knew he was signing with Warriors , business partner says that 's 'hardly factual

凯文-杜兰特揭穿他知道本身是甚么时辰签约勇士的(即2016 年5 月,刚输给勇士以后),可是他的贸易合作火伴(也就是他的掮客人,Rich Kleiman )随即暗示这其实不是一件真事.


[–]ckareddit 1127 指標 1 天前

Durant thinking about the Warriors while playing them will forever rub me the wrong way


[–]ThunderHdhsbdodksb 725 指標 1 天前

I don ’t think enough is made of how much Durant had lied about the entire signing process.

Last year he said he didn ’t watch the 2016 Finals , but 2 years ago he said he was watching with his agent telling him to get KD to the Warriors.

He said it was 1000% false that Draymond called him after game 7 despite explicit confirmation from Draymond.


客岁他暗示本身底子没看2016 年的总决赛,可是两年前他就说本身和掮客人一路看的总决赛,并且还让掮客人带杜兰特去勇士.

他曾还说在西决G7 以后1000%追梦格林没有打德律风给他,可是这件工作追梦早就在采访中确认了.

[–]Biglytuff 413 指標 1 天前

Love that Draymond straight called him a liar afterwards.


[–][LAL ] Dennis RodmanCheckMyMoves 339 指標 1 天前

It makes sense he 'd call him out in a way. KD saying it didn 't happen would mean he 's saying Draymond 's a liar and Draymond seems particularly honest about everything except his dick pic initially.

湖人球迷:追梦拆杜兰特台也是可以理解的,KD 说追梦没给他打德律风就意味着他说追梦是一个骗子,追梦究竟是一个很老实的人,除关在他露出JB 图片的注释.


[–]CavaliersThethirdtoken 225 指標 1 天前

Especially if you watched that shit live. I 'll never forget what seemed like constant turn overs by him , to give leads away. I fully blamed Durant for throwing that series away , and then he joined them. He is no longer a great to me.


[–]LakersWe_Are_Grooot 126 指標 1 天前

Well he 's still a great player , but he can 't ever be in the conversation for top 10 all time in my eyes unless he wins a redemption ring somewhere else. Even then it 's unlikely.



[–]RocketsMisterPhamtastic 205 指標 1 天前

KD digging a bigger hole for himself on the daily

火箭球迷:这可真秀啊,KD 真是日复一日给本身挖坑啊,并且还越挖越深……

[–][OKC ] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 62 指標 1 天前

He almost to China now


[–]Warriorsjustgotpregnant 447 指標 1 天前

Bro KD loves just making shit up as he goes , it 's wild. He 's acts like a 12 year old , but then defends everything he does as if he 's this wise old man looking back on prior experience to justify his outlook.

Like when he hit the dagger 3 in Game 3 of this year 's finals he was asked why he just mean mugged stone faced instead of whooping it up. He said something along the lines of I 'm older now so I don 't get emotional when I score a big basket. Like what is that ? Of course he 'll demonstrably celebrate a big basket at some point this coming season. It 's like he can only think in absolutes when trying to understand himself. The great Zach Lowe piece awhile back asked the question , What Does KD want ? Lowe is too nice to say this but he danced around the concept that KD himself really has no idea what he wants. He seems like a nice guy , and an incredible basketball player , but has the emotional maturity of like a 9 year old.


就像昔时总决赛G3 射中阿谁致命三分时,当他被接管采访时他来了这么一句话:"我此刻已成熟了,所以当我射中要害投篮时也不会过分情感化." 这说的是啥?我还记得新赛季的某个时刻他还为本身的要害球而喝彩雀跃呢!当KD 测验考试着领会本身的时辰,他的设法老是过在极端了,不久之前Zach Lowe 写过一篇文章问道:"KD 事实想干甚么?" Zach Lowe 人太好以致在没有把话挑明,现实上这句话的意思就是KD 本身都不知道本身在干啥,本身想要甚么,他老是把本身假装成一个大好人,一个不成思议的篮球活动员,可是他的心智好像一个9 岁的孩子.

[–][NYK ] Chauncey Billupsanonymous920920920 114 指標 1 天前

You summed it up pretty good. Like , it ’s popular to think "KD IS SENSITIVE" but I didn ’t think that was quite right. I couldn ’t put my finger on it , but I think it ’s what you said - "he can only think in absolutes."

He is very black and white about himself - OH BUT WHEN I CLAP BACK ON PEOPLE I ’M THE ONE THAT ’S FUCKED UP ?! It ’s like , dude it ’s ok to defuse situations with a laugh lol. He doesn ’t have to respond to criticism , it ’s fully ok to live your best life and not go to extreme lengths to protect himself from hate.

尼克斯球迷:老哥你总结的不错啊,风行的不雅点都说"KD 是一个很敏感的人" ,可是我不感觉这个不雅点其实不完全准确,我没法总结出来,可是我感觉你说得挺对——KD 对待问题和事物都过分极端.

他在看待本身的立场上老是非黑即白——"哦怎样?我回手他人我就是阿谁要被骂的人?" 其实他可以经由过程一笑来化解场合排场,他没需要必然对那些攻讦予以回手,他本可以不在乎那些去过一些很棒的糊口,而不是全力以赴去庇护本身免受危险.


[–]Knicks Tankswagondoncic2newyork 132 指標 1 天前

I 'm starting to think this Durant guy isn 't very reliable


[–]Yeezuscristo 54 指標 1 天前

Is it time to downgrade KD from tier 1 of KD news reliability ?


[–][OKC ] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 15 指標 1 天前

Funny you say that


[–]76ersNoCampaign7 109 指標 1 天前

This is what I ’ve been saying. Whether the Warriors won or not likely has nothing to do with whether KD would have gone there.

76 人球迷:这也是我想说的,不管勇士那一年赢不赢总冠军,KD 估量城市去勇士吧.

[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 140 指標 1 天前

Yep it ’s hilarious that people on here believed KD when he said that he wouldn ’t have gone if they won.

Like you ’ll join the team who broke the wins record and came up 5 points short of back to back titles. But had they won it would be too soft for you ? Lmao.

魔术球迷:是的,人们到此刻还在相信假如勇士夺冠KD 就不会插手他们的鬼话.


[–]ClippersDreamMachine12 57 指標 1 天前

Snakes have tiny brains








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