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亚博:马刺操作烂? 甜瓜被低估? 冷门不雅点清点

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:中超 时间:2018-08-06 19:14:17

[Serious ] What is your *ACTUAL * unpopular NBA opinion ?


This could be regarding the league or its players today or in the past , and I don ’t mean the upvote-attracting opinions. So no "Melo is still good/bad" or "Golden State is good/bad for the league".

Give me your genuinely most unpopular , likely-to-be-ridiculed , scorching-hot-take opinions.

I ’ll start. The current Sixers core is and will continue to be lauded for what it could be , but I don ’t think it will ever actually reach its potential and contend for a title.

可所以现代的,也能够是曩昔的,我不想要那些骗赞的,所以不要说那些"甜瓜仍然甜/或是他已是苦瓜了" 或"金州勇士对这个同盟好或欠好" 如许的话.


我先来吧,我认为现在76 人的焦点声势还会由于他们的潜力而饱受同盟赞誉,可是我不感觉他们真的能到达所谓的潜力上限,也不克不及争冠.


[–]PistonsLunavich 1781 指標 4 天前

I still believe in Dwight Howard and think he can push Washington those few extra steps they haven 't been able to take


[–]AlecSpaceLee 557 指標 4 天前

Despite lockroom issues , the man can still put up stats. Yeah he is over the hill , but calling him a scrub is outrageous.


[–]eternalsasuke 408 指標 4 天前

He had a 30-30 game this season

他上个赛季还拿过30 +30 哦.

[–]Rocketskarim12100 269 指標 4 天前

He ’s taking over Gortat ’s role and the Dwight can do everything Gortat does much better , with the exception of jump shots and free throws. He ’s a major upgrade.


[–][PHI ] Allen IversonAndrewHainesArt 217 指標 4 天前

And Wall doesn 't hate him (yet )

76 人球迷:要害是沃尔还没有最先厌恶他哦.


[–][BOS ] Larry BirdWoodenHammock 1001 指標 4 天前

I think the loose fitting baggy jerseys and shorts look bad.


[–]CelticsTroyAtWork 294 指標 4 天前

I think the short-shorts and tight jerseys from the 80s CAN be a great look if the wearer is confident and goes all-in. That way you look like this or this and not like this


[–]76ersTheHeliosNebula 268 指標 4 天前

Part of the problem for the Lakers pic is that their jerseys are baggy and their shorts are short. You can 't have both.

76 人球迷:这个湖人球衣有一个问题,他们的球衣都很宽松,可是他们的短裤都很短,你不克不及二者同时统筹.

[–][DAL ] Peja StojakovicJesyouJesmeJesus [S ] 842 指標 4 天前

To piggy-back off of this: I actually like the sleeved jerseys


[–]CelticsShahman292 725 指標 4 天前

Wow this is truest unpopular. I personally think the sleeved jersey were terrible.


[–]SupersonicsHaejang-guk 217 指標 4 天前

Some of them were great , others were horrible. Golden State and Cleveland both had good ones , while Boston and Houston had terrible ones that were mostly grey.



[–]rizzeck 318 指標 4 天前

Pat Riley has been a pretty bad GM/President since Lebron left and his aura is no longer enough to attract top players. They aren 't saavy enough to create a team through trades like Morey nor are they humble enough to tank and acquire picks like former GM Sam Hinke. They are directionless and the bottom is going to fall out sooner rather than later.


[–][BOS ] Jaylen BrownSoshi101 84 指標 4 天前

Agreed. Spoelstra and the way he builds team chemistry is the main reason why the Heat haven 't fallen out of playoff contention.



[–]Celtics_VZ_ 1927 指標 4 天前

I think Spurs are not blameless in the history with Kawhi and must have done something wrong.

Even though I have no realistic idea about what could it have been.



[–]Wizardsireddit270 966 指標 4 天前

I think the Spurs mistake was making Tony Parker the locker room leader after Duncan retired. A lot of former Spurs have pointed to the departure of Duncan as a changing of the guard in the team culture.


[–]Huckleberry_Sin 834 指標 4 天前

Forreal. A dude who goes around banging other team mates wives doesn 't sound like a good leader to me.


[–]Wizardsireddit270 517 指標 4 天前

Exactly.. and don 't forget this is a dude who regularly hangs out with Chris Brown , and they got into a club brawl throwing bottles at Drake 's entourage. I always thought he was a piece of shit , tbh

Parker should never have been made the locker room leader over Manu. There have been quite a few stories about his ego and him having issues with Pop behind the scenes.

奇才球迷:确切……别忘了这家伙常常和克里斯-布朗鬼混,他们还在夜店里朝着Drake 的侍从扔酒瓶,说真话我感觉帕克不是啥好货.


[–][WAS ] Moses Maloneburnerfret 423 指標 4 天前

I 'll go you one further -- the Spurs have been pretty poorly run overall the last few seasons.


[–]Mdgt_Pope 92 指標 4 天前

Why do you think that ?


[–]oakled 539 指標 4 天前

Pau 's contract , Patty Mills ' contract , loss of Jonathan Simmons


[–]Raptorsrsrsrsrs 215 指標 4 天前

Even reuniting Demar and Rudy. I 've been watching Raptors basketball for a very long time and the 2 had the least amount of chemistry I have ever seen.

Oil and water is an understatement. I do believe Pop is the only one that has any chance of making it work , but another side of me says that 's a hill way too difficult to overcome and it was lunacy to think it would work at all.



[–][TOR ] D.J. Augustinhastyconch 140 指標 4 天前

Rudy is a way different player than what he was in 2013 to be fair

猛龙球迷:诚恳说,盖伊此刻相较在2013 年已是一个完全纷歧样的球员了.


[–]HCX_Winchester 451 指標 4 天前

I think Golden State 's best feature above everyone else is off ball movement and not shooting the 3 's. They are not even close.


[–]Mr_Unbiased 187 指標 4 天前

They haven 't been revolved around the 3 since KD got there. That 's just an outdated narrative.

他们自从KD 来到球队以后就没有环绕三分线做文章了,你这个不雅点已过时了.


[–]Dphelps81 916 指標 4 天前

The NBA in the 90 's was not as great as people remember. The era of the big man slowed down the game too much. The games were choppy with no real flow. Playoff series were a foul fest , It was so bad the NBA moved the 3 point line closer to raise scoring from 1995-98. The league was weak at the wing positions while the best two wings in the league (Jordan & Pippen ) played on the same team.

90 年月的NBA 可能被大师过度赞誉了,年夜个子们把角逐节拍拖慢了,角逐打得零零星散没有啥节拍,季后赛更是犯规不竭,后来NBA 将三分线提最近增进得分,昔时同盟的侧翼的确太垃圾了,最好的两个侧翼(乔丹,皮蓬)还在统一支球队.

[–]Supersonicsjrainiersea 259 指標 4 天前

I think Jordan papered over a lot of the cracks the NBA had in the 90s , which started to show more in the early 2000s after he left. The 3 point and pace revolution of the last few years should make things more sustainable going forward , as long as it doesn 't veer too far in the other direction where games get choppy because of too many bricks from 3.

超音速球迷:我感觉乔丹粉饰了NBA 在90 年月的诸多问题,这些问题在他分开以后的新世纪早期获得了闪现,曩昔几年的三分和角逐气概的转变确切可以连结,只要别走另外一个极端就好:好比三分打铁不竭.

[–]I_RAP 157 指標 4 天前

I 'll buy this. I didn 't start watching until 2000 or so , and I feel like the game has constantly gotten more watchable and more skilled since then.

我赞成老哥们的不雅点啊,我是2000 年今后的新球迷,我感受角逐的不雅赏性正在稳步上升,并且各类篮球技能也是层见叠出啊.


[–][POR ] Shareef Abdur-Rahimgrahamtasticj 513 指標 4 天前

I think that the NBA has a huge amount of players that are on PED 's. Mainly HGH. I think it 's been that way for awhile as well. Why do you think Kobe went to Germany ? LeBron and his trips to Miami. Dwight Howard and his whole Magic team. I think the 76ers literally have every rookie shoot up before practice every week.

开辟者球迷:我感觉NBA 有良多球员都在服用药物,特别是发展激素,我感觉这一现象可能已呈现一段时候了,为啥科比要去德国?为啥勒布朗老是要去迈阿密?还霍华德和他们一整支球队的禁药蜚语,我感觉76 人每周城市在练习之前给新秀们打药.


[–]Thunderrangersrule1997 1030 指標 4 天前

Indiana and Utah overachieved last season and will have the same record next season at best


[–]Jazzbad_with_stress 292 指標 4 天前

Indiana added a lot of good pieces and didn ’t lose much , I think they ’re better unless Vic gets worse for some reason.


[–]Knicksocamocam 475 指標 4 天前

Indiana drastically improved their roster. KOQ + McBuckets backdoor cuts were some of our best plays last season , and now they 'll see that in Indiana , on top of Doug 's shooting and KOQ 's fantastic play as a back up big. Add in Tyreke as 6man.. theres no way they 're worse.


[–]Celticsfro-doh 364 指標 4 天前

Adding McBuckets is hardly drastically improving a roster. The dude is like a 10th man on most teams. Tyreke might be nice though.


[–][LAL ] Shaquille O 'NealNoResponsabilities 169 指標 4 天前

You realize that Utah played a lot of games at the start of the season without Gobert , and Mitchell still finding his feet as a rookie , right ? What 's your reason for Utah overachieving ?



[–]rushhourIV 826 指標 4 天前*

Melo could 've been the #1 option on a championship team. Dirk showed that flawed yet transcendent scoring talents can win provided their roster masks their weaknesses and they go on a supernova hot steak over the playoffs.

EDIT: I never said Melo is on Dirk 's level , but let 's not act like Dirk could win without a Tyson Chandler type to cover his defensive deficiencies. I 'm simply saying Melo was capable of going on a Dirk esque scoring tear in one playoff run in his career , and that would be enough to win if he had the right roster and him.

EDIT 2: Y 'all really think that if Melo was drafted by the Pistons , the prevailing opinion would be so negative ? He would 've played under Larry Brown. He would 've had an extremely complementary roster that would mask his defensive deficiencies , and his strengths would 've brought Detroit to the next level. The truth is that Melo on that team would 've been the #1 option and that team would 've been capable of winning a championship , which illustrates my initial point.

EDIT 3: Melo was the key player on a squad with prime Kobe , LeBron , CP3 , and Wade (Kobe had the best moment but Melo was certainly the best overall player ). He showed that he could unlock a high iq , elite level when in the right situation. Y 'all are sleeping on Melo 's prime.


PS :我没说安东尼是诺维斯基的级别,可是请认可泰森-钱德勒帮忙诺维斯基讳饰了他的戍守缝隙,我只是表达安东尼有能力打出和诺维斯基级别一样的得分表示,只需要搭配一个适合声势就有但愿博得总冠军.

PPS :假如安东尼被活塞选中,他还会遭到现在不胜的风评嘛?假如去了活塞他可以在拉里-布朗手下打球,他有一个互补的声势来袒护本身的不足,他的长处将会率领活塞达到另外一个级别,事实就是,安东尼可能会成为活塞的第一选择,活塞也将具有夺冠的实力,这就是我要表达的不雅点.

PPPS :安东尼在巅峰科比、詹姆斯、保罗和韦德的声势中担负球队焦点球员(科比那时确切是最棒的,可是安东尼整体上倒是美国队阐扬最优异的球员),在声势公道、情况准确的环境下,他展现过本身很高的篮球智商和精英级此外程度,请不要在梅罗巅峰时装睡.

[–]CelticsITsLoverBoy 298 指標 4 天前

Truly unpopular









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