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亚博:湖人险胜独行侠赛后| 湖人只合适打 3. 5节角逐?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-02 17:33:58

湖人险胜独行侠赛后|湖人只适合打3.5 节比赛?

[Post-Game Thread ] The Los Angeles Lakers (3-5 ) defeat the Dallas Mavericks (2-6 ) 114-113 , behind LeBron 's 29 points.

洛杉矶湖人(3 胜5 负)以114-113 击败达拉斯独行侠(2 胜6 负),詹姆斯29 分5 篮板6 助攻3 抢断.

库兹马18 分8 篮板3 助攻,麦基16 分15 篮板5 封盖,英格拉姆17 分3 篮板,鲍尔12 分4 篮板7 助攻,波普9 分2 抢断;马修斯21 分2 抢断,巴恩斯19 分4 篮板,小乔丹10 分12 篮板,东契奇14 分5 篮板7 助攻,巴里亚15 分10 助攻,鲍威尔12 分8 篮板.


[–]kakaocomeback 413 points 2 hours ago

no one won this game


[–]Lakers itallmakescentsnow 136 points 2 hours ago

We didn 't deserve that one...lol


[–][DAL ] Yi Jianlian jackmakesblackjacks 86 points 2 hours ago

Well we didn 't either


[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant JackDragon 36 points 2 hours ago

I 'm just going to pretend that after I watched Derrick Rose , I turned off the TV.


[–]sourcreamonionchipz 19 points 2 hours ago

Yeah you did. You were the better the team the majority of the game Dallas never had a lead. Just took the pedal off the gas at the end.


[–]Lakers itallmakescentsnow 29 points 2 hours ago

Lakers and closing games.-__-


[–]Celtics flintmichigantropics 30 points 2 hours ago

Wes Matthews lost it though


[–]Spurs Le-Padre 21 points 2 hours ago

no one won this game

I don 't know if you watched the game or just watched the score.. but the Lakers actually dominated the WHOLE game , Mavs never even had a lead.. But as usual , Lakers broke down in the 4th when LeBron got gassed. It was a shitty meltdown , and that 's basically the summary of the Lakers this season. They could have been 7-0 right now , if only they didn 't fuck up the entire 4th Q each and every game.

Luke 's 4th Q rotation is horrible as well. It 's really bad lol

马刺球迷:"这场角逐没有胜者." 我不知道你们看没看角逐,或只是看了比分……不外湖人真的是全场都据有统治力,独行侠从未领先……可是和平常一样,湖人在第四节崩盘,勒布朗隐身.这真的是狗屎一样地失落链子,根基就是湖人本赛季的缩影了.湖人原本到此刻可以7 胜0 负的,条件是他们每场角逐都别在第四节嗝屁.


[–][LAL ] Nick Van Exel jaydilla211 163 points 2 hours ago

Score 38 points in the first , give up 38 points in the second. Story of our fucking team

湖人球迷:第一节先拿38 分,然后再送38 分.这球队的剧情真尼玛够了.

[–]Lakers JodellFlackhamJr 110 points 2 hours ago

Let us never speak of this game again


[–]Lakers DeadToWrites 113 points 2 hours ago

Christ we almost choked that away...


[–]NBA kibretw 21 points 2 hours ago

4th quarter woes.



[–]Lakers Doctor_Moose_ 96 points 2 hours ago



[–]Raptors YaBoiWhit 12 points 2 hours ago

That team sucks at making FTs overall though...


[–][LAL ] Didier Ilunga-Mbenga honditar 13 points 2 hours ago

I always took good FT shooting for granted tbh. Having pretty much a surefire 2 points with Kobe at the line at the end of a game will spoil you

湖人球迷:我一向都感觉罚球好是应当的.本来科比在的时辰,他在角逐最后时刻上罚球线拿2 分是板上钉钉的事,此刻看来是他把我们惯坏了.

[–]Pacers kajarann 39 points 2 hours ago

nice foul lmao


[–]Heat Number333 225 points 2 hours ago

If Bron had missed the 2nd free throw...


[–]NBA 90thMinute 25 points 2 hours ago

This sub woulda loved it god damn


[–]Lakers Jayveesac 35 points 2 hours ago

Kuz and Bron were each 1/2. They make that this game 's over ... but of course they have to make every Lakers fan piss on their shorts

湖人球迷:库兹马和勒布朗都是2 中1.他俩终结了这场角逐……不外话说回来了,他们让每一个湖人球迷都吓尿了.

[–]Lakers rawchess 22 points 2 hours ago

TFW DeAndre fucking Jordan is a better FT shooter than your entire team

Feels Lakers Man


[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant DaHagerBomb 25 points 2 hours ago

Every single player on this team does not know how to play after 5 minutes left in the 4th and it is so fucking infuriating. When LeBron missed that free throw I could only laugh

科比球迷:此刻这支湖人的每一个人到了角逐第四节的最后5 分钟,都不知道该怎样打了,真特么火年夜.勒布朗罚丢阿谁球的时辰,我惟有报以呵呵.

[–]yoyowatup 13 points 2 hours ago

I mean lebron last year was the best player in the league in the Fourth and the cavs dominated close games. The young guys have to continue to move and not ball watch. Also don ’t run Brandon Ingram ISO ’s.


[–]Lakers broad_h2o 32 points 2 hours ago

Well that was an embarrassing last few minutes


[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant Tommy_ThickDick 34 points 2 hours ago

That was ugly as fuck


[–]Lakers theabdi 4 points 2 hours ago

Kobe 's disgusted by this



[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 53 points 2 hours ago

Wes wyd


[–]Lakers NeverBeenStung 17 points 2 hours ago

Seriously what the fuck was that


[–]Kings SacramentoBrowns 49 points 2 hours ago

who forgot to tell matthews that the mavs arent tanking this year ?


[–]Warriors changmas 83 points 2 hours ago

Wes Matthews is an idiot


[–]Raptors AccountSave 29 points 2 hours ago

It looked like he thought they had a foul to give.


[–]Warriors changmas 53 points 2 hours ago

Wes "JR Smith" Matthews then

勇士球迷:韦斯利-JR 史姑娘-马修斯.

[–]Mavericks Saucing 21 points 2 hours ago

Nah Lakers were in the bonus with like 5 min left in the 4th. Really no excuses for him here

独行侠球迷:没有,湖人在第四节还5 分钟的时辰就已可以犯满罚球了,马修斯真是没捏词可找.

[–]Mavericks k2abal 73 points 2 hours ago

This is what happens when your 2 ball handlers are a rookie and a second year player. It 's the same every game , go down double digits in the first , come back and make it a close game and then turn the ball over until we are down double digits again. Repeat that process. We just can 't put a complete game together.

Also really disappointed with DJ tonight , 6 turnovers and he caused some more. On the other side Wes played really well tonight. He made the comeback with the bench and really showed leadership with constantly pushing the pace on breaks and out of bounds plays. Oh and then threw away the game

独行侠球迷:当你队里的两个主控别离是一个菜鸟和一个2 年级秀的时辰,角逐就是这个模样的.每场角逐的历程都一样,先是掉队两位数,追回来比分接近,然后送出球权再度被拉年夜到两位数差距.一向反复这个节拍.我们就没法好好打完一整场.

一样地,我对小乔丹今晚的表示很是掉望,6 个掉误啊,还很多掉误因他而起.另外一方面呢,马修斯今晚的表示真的不错的,他率领板凳球员反扑,一向推动球队的还击,真的揭示了本身的带领力.哦,然后他就断送了角逐.

[–]fabosexy 44 points 2 hours ago

Oh and then threw away the game




[–]Knicks Tankwagonzetiano 12 points 2 hours ago

Dang , Luka did a great job salvaging his statline in the 4th


[–]LogenMNE 52 points 2 hours ago

Doncic showing that he can ball after a rough first half.. Amazing potential


[–]poopfeast180 15 points 2 hours ago

Doncic is good.

Rondo is horrible again.

Lakers dont know how to execute.





[–]Lakers darklord0530 11 points 2 hours ago

Saw a scary movie today in celebration of Halloween , it was called Lakers vs Mavericks

湖人球迷:我今儿这是看了一部可骇片来庆贺万圣节啊,名字叫做《湖人vs 独行侠》.

[–]Lakers doesntmatterdude 16 points 2 hours ago

Every game so far , the Lakers make sure to stress out Lakers fans. It 's bad for our health this season


[–]Velo_cityy 29 points 2 hours ago

we ’re so bad at closing games


[–]Lakers abdulwilliamsofvivid 10 points 2 hours ago

If the Mavs had put the offense in the hands of Luka from the start , we probably would have lost. So many Mavs wasted possessions with Wes and DSJ doing fuck all.

Thank you , Rick. Thank you , Wes.



[–]Lakers EvenGandhiHatesLVG 30 points 2 hours ago

Jesus we ’re pathetic


[–][LAL ] Adam Morrison alec613 14 points 2 hours ago

Lakers look like contenders for 3.5 quarters

湖人球迷:我湖只打3.5 节角逐的话还蛮有竞争力的.

[–]Lakers Palifaith 35 points 3 hours ago *

Thank god Doncic was so star struck he forgot he was a professional basketball player for the first 3 quarters. LeBron almost choking the game away again from the line sigh..


[–][BKN ] Drazen Petrovic npvuvuzela 39 points 3 hours ago

uh so did Ingram and Kuzma


[–]yoyowatup 16 points 3 hours ago

He won y ’all the damn game. Shut the fuck up. He had an amazing game and won it with a free throw and all you guys do is complain.








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