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亚博:丛林狼力克湖人赛后| 怎样巴特勒还没被买卖走啊

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-02 14:24:23


[Post-Game Thread ] The Minnesota Timberwolves (3-4 ) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (2-5 ) 124-120 , behind 32 points from Jimmy Butler !

明尼苏达丛林狼(3 胜4 负)以124-120 击败洛杉矶湖人(2 胜5 负),吉米-巴特勒拿下32 分!

吉布森8 分6 板3 帽、唐斯25 分16 板5 助、奥科吉17 分4 板3 助3 断、蒂格9 分3 板5 助2 断、迪恩9 分5 板、罗斯11 分7 板7 助、托利弗10 分4 板;詹姆斯29 分10 板7 助2 断2 帽、库兹马19 分6 板3 助、麦基13 分5 板2 断3 帽、英格拉姆24 分5 板2 助、鲍尔4 分、哈特5 分6 板、隆多13 分6 板8 助、史蒂芬森11 分4 板3 帽.


[–]Lakers Jayveesac 774 points 9 hours ago *

This is fun but can we please learn how to play defense. Stopping the opponent is also fun , guys !


[–]Lakers UpnUpvote 23 points 9 hours ago

How is 2-5 fun ?

湖人球迷:2 胜5 负咋就成心思了?

[–]Raptors VinceJumpmanCarter 275 points 9 hours ago

8 threes by the T-Wolves in the 4th. Ouch

猛龙球迷:丛林狼第四节8 记三分,疼啊.

[–][MIN ] Jimmy Butlers tjornuryk 132 points 9 hours ago

The way they were leaving Towns open had me so confused. He was shooting at a Steph Curry efficiency from 3 last season only on less attempts.


[–]Timberwolves markyellowstone 69 points 9 hours ago

but hes SOFT


[–]Rockets ballerrrrrr98 52 points 9 hours ago

Not gonna lie , I wouldn 't ever bet Jimmy to make all those threes ever again. Those were some ridiculous shots.


[–][MIN ] Andrew Wiggins Fortehlulz33 13 points 9 hours ago

5 of those from Jimmy


[–]PleaseBeQuietCunt 10 points 8 hours ago

Most of those 3s were well defended.

those were just unlucky for the lakers.



[–]Lakers BogStandardFart_Help 41 points 9 hours ago

I love Kuzma and he 's a beast on offense as a scorer but he doesnt understand how to fucking rotate on D. It 's so frustrating to watch.


[–]Lakers NarstyHobbitses 50 points 9 hours ago

Throw in some offensive sets and we might have an actual way to win games !


[–]Lakers coolylame 19 points 9 hours ago

we can 't fucking close games. All our losses have been down to poor execution in the last 5 minutes. Only the Denver win was good.

湖人球迷:我们特么的没法终结角逐啊.所有的输球场次都是由于角逐最后5 分钟疲软,只有打丹佛还不错.

[–]Bulls Falt_ssb 13 points 9 hours ago

You need a center


[–]WeRightHere 124 points 9 hours ago *

Lakers 0-4 with Rondo.

隆多进场的角逐,湖人0 胜4 负.

[–]Hawks AsheliaDalmasca4096 94 points 9 hours ago

Net +/-:

Rondo: +17



隆多:+17 ;


[–]Xyzpokeleaguerigged2 23 points 8 hours ago

Zo cant fucking score to save his lives. Whats wrong with scoring 10 or more pts ? U are an oversized Point guard !!



[–][MIN ] Tyus Jones pollinium 23 points 9 hours ago

I hate Jimmy so much I can 't believe he 's forcing me to cheer him on so hard


[–]Timberwolves DjInsanityX 147 points 9 hours ago

Jimmy is so fucking good


[–]Timberwolves OnePieceAce 54 points 9 hours ago

Keep him and fire thibs


[–]76ers lil_intro_vert_ 454 points 9 hours ago

I can ’t fuckin believe butler is still in Minny

76 人球迷:我特么真不敢相信,巴特勒竟然还在明尼苏达啊.

[–]Lakers Palifaith 547 points 9 hours ago

How come the Timberwolves haven 't traded Jimmy Buttler yet , he 's destroying their locker room ! and our playoff hopes.


[–]Celtics goofygoober2 214 points 9 hours ago

He did say they fucking need him


[–]LITW6991 104 points 9 hours ago

Obligatory they f *cking need him


[–]Timberwolves EBDBBNBBLT 31 points 9 hours ago

why exactly does Jimmy Butler want to be traded so badly ? He 's on a good team.


[–]Timberwolves twh1297 70 points 9 hours ago



[–]Wiggins MVP 72 points 9 hours ago

Exactly , how are u gonna trade someone when they just clearly showed we (bleeping ) need him.

维金斯球迷:没错,丛林狼已明白亮相了:我们XX 地需要他,你还怎样把他买卖走呢?

[–]Spurs siphillis 69 points 8 hours ago

It 's the right move , if you ignore the fact that Towns hates basketball now.


[–]Timberwolves timberwolvesguy 19 points 6 hours ago

Idk , I was at the game and he was pretty into it throughout the game. The emotions were running high.


[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingram puddingpupp 276 points 9 hours ago *

Jimmy didn 't lie. He 's gonna go and give his best every game as long as he 's in Minnesota. Jimmy G. Buckets. The G stands for 'Get me out of here '.

Great return game by Ingram besides the foul trouble. I hope this game shows how important he is defensively. As soon as BI picked up his 4th foul in the 3rd quarter and Hart subbed in for him , Jimmy really attacked Hart and I love Hart but he was no match one-on-one.

Slow start by Lebron , but his ability to flip the switch and impact the game really is fantastic to watch. Wished he 'd abstain from wine before games though.

Too many turnovers and poor defensive rebounding made it easy buckets for Wolves. Lakers need to learn how to finish games , straight up.

And KAT saw the McGee stat lol. Absolutely went at him and his effort was better than what I 've seen so far. His body language and temperment was still poor at times. Hopefully he can get better at controlling that or the Wolves risk losing him to the dark side of the force.

Nobody deserves Taj Gibson though.


这是英格拉姆的复出之战,除犯规问题,其他不错.但愿这场角逐能让大师意想到他在戍守真个主要性.他在第三节领到小我第四犯被哈特替代下场以后,巴特勒就死怼哈特,我很喜好哈特,但他1 对1 可防不住巴特勒.





[–]Cavaliers itssensei 120 points 9 hours ago

Taj and Butler were unreal... Guess Thibs was right LOL


Bron also almost got his 27/7/7

勒布朗几近又拿到了他专属的27 +7 +7.

[–]Timberwolves KATgonnaGetThatYarn 96 points 9 hours ago

Shoutout Okogie

丛林狼球迷:向 奥科吉致敬!

[–]isthisoneusedtoo 48 points 8 hours ago

Don 't sleep on KAT , he was very good tonight.


[–]Mavericks DirkNowitzkisWife 77 points 9 hours ago

Shouts to my guy KAT , 25/16/4 with 5 blocks. I only caught the first half but he got several good offensive rebounds and seemed to play much more aggressively in the paint on both ends. He got fired up blocking Lebron and getting a couple dunks , and he showed he can impose some will if he ’s fired up. I ’m rooting for him

独行侠球迷:向我的好小伙唐斯致敬,25 分16 板4 助还5 帽啊.我只看了上半场,可是他抢了几个很好的前场板,并且貌似在攻防两头的油漆区内都更有侵犯性.他帽了詹姆斯,还几个扣篮,他告知大师,假如他斗志实足的的话仍是很有安排力的.我挺唐斯!

[–]Timberwolves IDontSpeakItalian 461 points 9 hours ago

AND we ’re NOT the league laughing stock for a day ! Thanks , Bulls !


[–]Cavaliers neyvit1 197 points 9 hours ago

Um , excuse me ? We got that position on lockdown for the next 2-3 years at least.

Edit: Worth it.




[–]Lakers DetectivePapaya 22 points 9 hours ago

18 turnovers lol

湖人球迷:18 个掉误,呵呵呵呵.

[–]Knicks anthoneyk123 136 points 9 hours ago

When Magic said he plans to add another superstar he meant RJ Barrett

尼克斯球迷:难怪魔术师之前说他筹算再引进一位超巨,本来他是说RJ-巴雷特(2019 年状元秀年夜热).

[–]Supersonics KurtCobangz 318 points 9 hours ago

KCP 12 mil/1year with 6 mins

超音速球迷:1 年拿1200 万美金的波普只上场6 分钟.

[–]Cavaliers J_B16 30 points 9 hours ago

Can 't score and bad defense


[–][DAL ] Yi Jianlian jackmakesblackjacks 13 points 9 hours ago

like the other players dont have atrocious defense too...


[–]Lakers Mono789 21 points 9 hours ago

He was actually pretty good last year , idk what 's going on with him.


[–]Raptors Ok_Maize 115 points 9 hours ago

Most important stat is: 1 shared agent with LeBron.


[–]ThatNiggaFromOhio 46 points 8 hours ago

enjoy your tristan , lakers fans

好好享受你们的"特里斯坦-汤普森" 吧,湖蜜们.

[–][CLE ] LeBron James Somali_Kamikaze 36 points 9 hours ago

Can someone explain why LeBron is so passive towards the end of tight games ? It 's like he 's been drugged.


[–]Lakers NoFlanForYou 226 points 9 hours ago

Lmao we suck. LeBron is coasting hard , Kuzma is trying too hard to stick out. Lonzo isn ’t even trying to be aggressive. KCP Is an actual trash can.


[–]West FickleCheesecake1 210 points 8 hours ago

Someone needs to tell LeBron that coasting in the West means no playoffs.


[–]Lakers FBI_Taco_Truck 64 points 7 hours ago

He probably doesn 't care. Take the money. Live on the beach. Make movies. Retire


[–]Hawks AsheliaDalmasca4096 83 points 7 hours ago

But honestly , why should he care this year ?

He 's about to be 34 - if averaging 27/9/9 isn 't even enough to make the playoffs , then they have no chance at a title. There 's not even a backup center on the roster !

He shouldn 't wear himself down this year.


他就将近34 了,如果场均27 +9 +9 还不克不及进季后赛的话,那就更没但愿争冠了.湖人竟然连一个替补中锋都没有!


[–]Knicks tempname314156 48 points 9 hours ago

Is it safe to say Lebron might not even make the playoffs ?


[–]Kings KageSaysHella 29 points 9 hours ago

Lebron regretting leaving the East.


[–]berenjenaa 91 points 9 hours ago

This is the West LeBron. Even a struggling team like the Wolves has 2 Allstars and a good supporting cast.


[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant nickrad7 49 points 9 hours ago

Well jimmy butler just beat us lmao. That dude is good whoever gets him is going to b a top 4 team in their conference








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