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亚博体育:火湖年夜战禁赛成果出炉| 莺歌禁赛场次太少?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-22 16:03:13


[Wojnarowski ] Sources: NBA suspensions – Brandon Ingram 4 games ; Rajon Rondo 3 games ; Chris Paul 2 games.

Woj :动静源:NBA 禁赛成果——布兰登-英格拉姆禁赛四场、隆多禁赛三场、保罗禁赛两场.


[–][PHI ] Ben SimmonsSaggyBerries 665 points 2 hours ago

That video was a game changer

76 人球迷:阿谁清楚视频看起来逆转了战局啊.

[–]LakersLakersLAQ 338 points 2 hours ago

I feel like it would have been 2 for both CP and Rondo before the slow-mo video. Then they saw the video and they were like ,"lets just add one to Rondo"


[–][DEN ] Nikola Jokicspiderpigface 1207 points 2 hours ago

Less than I expected but overall pretty fair


[–]Blackmanwdaplan 246 points 2 hours ago

NBA: where shit happens


[–]Lakerssebasq 219 points 2 hours ago

*Spit happens



[–]Celticsdarensand 367 points 2 hours ago

Ratings erneh. The NBA lowkey loves this sort of shit.

凯尔特人球迷:都是为了收视率啊,NBA 现实上由于这类工作都在暗自偷笑呢!

[–][GSW ] JaVale McGeeashwinr136 207 points 2 hours ago

Now they can hype up the rematch and get even more precious revenue


[–]LakersThat_Weird_Kid 14 points 2 hours ago

I was at the game and it was one of the most hype games I 've ever been to. Super entertaining , not gonna lie.



[–][TOR ] Pops Mensah-Bonsudragonballa 68 points 2 hours ago

Why less than expected ? There 's precedence for this. Ibaka and Lopez both threw legit punches and only got a game each. Same for Afflalo punching Belly.

In fact I 'm surprised Chris Paul even got 2 games.



[–]Nuggetsbirds_over_humans 20 points an hour ago

I thought a good comparison for this fight was the nuggets-knicks brawl where carmelo got 15 games. Different commissioner though.

掘金球迷:我感觉这个和昔时掘金和尼克斯的打斗事务挺像的,那时安东尼可是禁赛了15 场,完全纷歧样的判罚啊.

[–]Lakerstsuba5a 40 points an hour ago

people on here yesterday saying BI was going to get 15 games lmao

湖人球迷:昨天还人们说英格拉姆禁赛15 场呢哈哈哈.

[–]CelticsCelticBird23 875 points 2 hours ago

In the David Stern era , he probably would 've.

凯尔特人球迷:在年夜卫-斯特恩的范畴里,他可能真得会被禁赛15 场.

[–]LakersCutLonzosHair2017 326 points 2 hours ago

Would be in line with the Melo suspension. Not a bad assumption.


[–]CelticsHalfThatDrap 139 points 2 hours ago

Silver ’s not trying to push buttons before the CBA negotiations

凯尔特人球迷:萧华在NBA 劳资构和之前不会测验考试去鞭策过在严酷的治理.


[–]LakersRay3142 138 points 2 hours ago

Did some quick math on the reported fines:

@BobbyMarks42: Here are the financial implications from the altercation between Houston and the Lakers: Brandon Ingram will be fined 美金158 ,816 for the four games suspended. Rajon Rondo will be fined 美金186 ,207 for three games suspended. Chris Paul will be fined 美金491 ,782


BobbyMarks42 :火箭和湖人的球员再经济上的损掉:英格拉姆由于四场禁赛被罚158816 美元、隆多禁赛三场损掉186207 美元,克里斯-保罗损掉491782 美元.

[–]till-kaboom 39 points an hour ago

Damn , CP3 is getting a half a million each game. Unreal

活该,想一想CP3 一场角逐就拿50 万美元,真的太不真实了.

[–]HeatAlexRosaTur 75 points 2 hours ago

World Peace got 7 for elbowing a head. Just stop.

热火球迷:世界和平师长教师昔时挥肘也禁赛了7 场,他昔时就是为了反对敌手.

[–]GenericUsername10135 139 points 2 hours ago

Well he got like 76 for punching fans so there is that.

他昔时挥拳粉丝还被禁赛了76 场.

[–]Lakersspahghetti 78 points 2 hours ago

I mean they weren 't fans of his...



[–]RocketsKickToYourHead 657 points 2 hours ago

Makes sense. The actions of Ingram made him deserve more , but at the same time he 's a first time offender , so I 'm happy with the leniency.


[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 254 points 2 hours ago

Your comment gave me a different perspective. Well said.


[–]Lakersjohn6547 71 points 2 hours ago

Bobby Portis got 8 and he put Mirotic in the hospital. It was just people talking out of their ass predicting 15-20 for that.

湖人球迷:波蒂斯由于把米罗蒂奇打进病院被禁赛8 场,这就是人们猜测英格拉姆要被禁赛15-20 场的缘由吧.

[–][LAL ] Josh Hartngine4 159 points 2 hours ago

Not related. Chicago suspended Portis , this is the league. Your points right though , league is always light on suspensions



[–]Lakersdevranog 1246 points 3 hours ago

James harden also gets to start the next game at the free throw line


[–]datway_ 351 points 2 hours ago

Smh Hitler wins again


(注:哈登前几年在Reddit 上被黑的过分分,以致在有人会恶作剧:"大师黑哈登就似乎哈登是希特勒那样无恶不赦." )


[–]Spursthehumblebeast 630 points 3 hours ago

very surprised Ingram didnt get more


[–][LAL ] Magic JohnsonCrowanWestbrook 1051 points 3 hours ago

It ’s adjusted for weight


[–][CHI ] Cameron PayneSim888 215 points 3 hours ago

He 's lucky it wan 't adjusted for length !


[–][GSW ] Stephen CurryStephKDKlayDray 103 points 3 hours ago

Mo Bamba out for 82 games confirmed

勇士球迷:官宣——班巴将被禁赛82 场.


[–]LakersSkorua 103 points 3 hours ago

Slap on the wrist


[–]HawksThinkSoftware 70 points 2 hours ago

Spit to the face


[–][GSW ] Baron Davisjetveritech 46 points 2 hours ago

Finger to the eye


[–]Warriorschaoism 19 points 2 hours ago

Punch to the face ?


[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantWonderboyg 4 points an hour ago

Sucker punch from behind







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