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亚博:字母哥有、壮| 美帝的练习有可取的地方

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-30 19:01:11


Giannis lookin pretty swole



[–][SAS ] Tim Duncanrattatatouille 541 指標 1 天前

House Antetokounmpo looking nice.


[–]Vanjovan 230 指標 1 天前

How tall are they all ? Kostas looks the same height as Ginnis and Alex already looks the same height as Thanasis. Imagine if they still grow....


[–]BucksKevin_Jim 67 指標 1 天前*

How tall are they all ?

Giannis , 23yo: 6 ’11" with a 7 ’3" wingspan.

Kostas , 20yo: 6 ’10" with a 7 ’2" wingspan

Alex , 16yo (last known measurements are from last year ): 6 ’5 with a 7 ’2" wingspan. It looks like he is 6 ’8 in the picture. God knows what his wingspan is now...

edit: typo

雄鹿球迷:字母哥,23 岁,身高2.1 米,臂展2.2 米;

考斯塔斯,20 岁,身高2.08 米,臂展2.18 米;

亚历克斯:16 岁(丈量成果来自客岁),1.98 米,臂展2.18 米,在图里看起来有2.03 米,天知道他的臂展有多宽……

[–][MIL ] Bill ZopfFKJVMMP 193 指標 1 天前

I feel terrible for their mother.

Can ’t believe she managed it five times.



[–][WAS ] Michael Jordandeadla104 591 指標 1 天前

Bruh it 's not like she 's busting out 5 foot babies. They were probably normal size


[–][MIL ] Bill ZopfFKJVMMP 130 指標 1 天前

I refuse to believe any of those babies weighed less than 10 pounds.

Shit doesn ’t even make sense how you can pump out an eight pound baby and 16/17 years later that baby is fucking 6 ’8 +.


活该,假如生出来才8 磅摆布,再过个16 或17 年就长到一米九我感觉是不成能的.

[–]GigaJuice 245 指標 1 天前

I mean... After the first 2 , the last 3 probably just walked out.



[–]Knicksambitiontowin56 339 指標 1 天前

How the fuck is this even guardable anymore


[–]KnicksJust-FYI 206 指標 1 天前

At some point in the near future people will regard Tim Hardaway Jr. as a visionary. His is the only defense that makes sense: try and get your hands up to protect your face , and just hope the Alphabet flies right over.


[–]PistonsGod_Damnit_Shit 265 指標 1 天前

Smdh how this dude not get a team USA invite ??? Thats a serious snub , 1 of the best young players in the country 4 shure


[–]Lakerswayne_tp 485 指標 1 天前

He ’s Greek ?



[–][MIL ] Sterling Brownpanos_akilas 1292 指標 1 天前



[–]Spurs4675029 429 指標 1 天前

Base was there


[–][PHI ] Ben SimmonsET_Tony 308 指標 1 天前

Him and Embiid have put on crazy amount of muscle and weight. Embiid looked like fucking slenderman at College

76 人球迷:他和恩比德在同盟里都挂了良多肉啊,恩比德在年夜学的时辰看起来就像骷髅人.

[–]76ersCruisinTortoise 408 指標 1 天前

for real

76 人球迷:这是真的.

[–][ATL ] Sly Williamsrewat5 260 指標 1 天前

Damn he was a fucking skeleton


[–]Sunslanimilbuston 169 指標 1 天前

Seems like he used his free time from all the missed games productively.


[–]yendrush 136 指標 1 天前

At 7 ' it is extremely hard not to appear thin. He probably had decent muscle mass but it is so stretched out. Put that on a 5 '10" guy and he would look strong as fuck.


[–]Bullsjpark28 118 指標 1 天前

Put that on a 4 '10" guy and he 'd look even stronger !


[–]BucksRuvio00 84 指標 1 天前

Put it on a dog and you 've got yerself a meme !



[–]RocketsHyperactivity786 174 指標 1 天前

Giannis is the ideal for how you want your skinny rookies to fill out their frames - just gradually do it more and more each summer , with noticeable improvements every time.


[–]LakersHardAsHeck 111 指標 1 天前

someone get BI on this plan


[–]LakersILOVEBASKETBALL24_8 615 指標 1 天前

I mean , in one picture he 's playing basketball and loosely holding his arms and in the other he 's flexing carrying heavy weights.... but there is a difference yes. This just exaggerates it


[–]CorneliusHussein 208 指標 1 天前

I get your just giving food for thought but it 's still a huge difference pump/flexing aside. Like big enough of a difference to mention it in awe


[–][BOS ] Kyrie IrvingSektsioon 821 指標 1 天前

The guy came into the league as a lean slenderman just 5 years ago. Now he ’s a fucking unit.


[–][DAL ] Peja StojakovicJesyouJesmeJesus 284 指標 1 天前

Hoping Kostas can do the same


[–]coolpens11 47 指標 1 天前

Why didn ’t KD ever do this ?


[–][BKN ] Jeremy Lintajemniczyptak 232 指標 1 天前

Because it ’s nearly impossible for a 7-foot tall person to get swole. To greatly oversimplify things , it ’s a matter of mathematical proportions. The longer your limbs are the larger your muscles have to be to become swole , and that 's not considering the various health factors that having a body that long brings into play. Giannis is , even by NBA standards , a genetic anomaly. There ’s a reason that he ’s called a freak.

篮网球迷:由于让一个七尺长人长成一个年夜肌霸几近是一个不成能完成的使命,简单而言这就是数学比例上的问题,你越高、躯干越长,你想成为肌霸所需要的肌肉维度就越年夜,并且这还没斟酌用如许体魄打篮球所带来的伤病隐患,所以字母哥哪怕是以NBA 的尺度来看都算一个基因怪物,所以叫他怪物不是没来由的.

[–]SupersonicsAlfalfa_Centauri 332 指標 1 天前

Plus , have you ever seen a buff snake ? Didn 't think so.




[–]LakersKobeBeanRambis 47 指標 1 天前

If anyone else is curious , this is what you get when you 谷歌 buff snake



[–]rubyith 141 指標 1 天前

He doesn ’t really have a jump shot. Unless he worked on that this offseason than he ’s unguardable


[–][MIL ] Giannis Antetokounmpowickedfarts 177 指標 1 天前

He has a pretty decent mid range. He 's been working on it the last few years and he 's had games where he goes off from 3.

I wouldn 't go as far to say he doesn 't have a jump shot. He 's not Ben Simmons over here.



[–]Saulcio 262 指標 1 天前

I really like how nba teams really take seriously preparation and fitness. I am spanish and i remember pau arriving to the nba as an actual noodle arm and his brother sightly overweight too. Now both of them are tanks.

现实上我很喜好NBA 球队对预备和健身看得很重的表示,我是一个西班牙人,我记得加索尔刚到NBA 瘦的和面条一样,而他的弟弟看起来都超重,此刻这两小我都壮得和坦克一样.

[–]Celtics BandwagonPmmeauniqueusername 201 指標 1 天前

are we acting like they don 't start taking ped 's in the nba ?

凯尔特人球迷:所以我们要伪装他们在NBA 没有最先吃药嘛?

[–]RaptorsVeryCanadian 145 指標 1 天前

Could be , but these are the best athletes on the planet , being paid millions solely to be the best athletes on the planet , surrounded by some of the best athletic trainers out there , eating customized meal plans.


[–][BKN ] Vince CarterLiaM_CS 255 指標 1 天前

Might be the best physical specimen in the league now. Definitely a comparable body and athleticism to LeBron.


[–][TOR ] Fred VanVleetMenBearsPigs 62 指標 1 天前

LeBron is much more solid and "balanced".

Giannis has an advantage by being more of a longboi , but imo LeBrons body is the OVERALL best for basketball.

He can be fast and athletic , but also go to work in the post and out muscle guys.









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