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亚博:德克评论 KD| 同盟谁敢 BB老司机?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-30 09:06:52

德克评论KD |联盟谁敢BB 老司机?

Dirk Nowitzki:"I ’m not sure why KD feels the need to respond to some of the stuff , because , I mean , Twitter is just such a place for tough guys and a lot of hate. I take it with a smile on my face. You can ’t take yourself too serious on there."



[–][IND ] Myles TurnerTheRealKingofmice 3105 指標 1 天前

Well said Dirk.


[–]76ersanser1233 818 指標 1 天前

Twitter was a mistake.

76 人球迷:推特就是个毛病.

[–]76ersDoctor-Jay 769 指標 1 天前

Social media in general was a mistake. Or at least the cons outweigh the pros , imo.

76 人球迷:社交媒体总得来讲都是个毛病,或退一步说,弊年夜在利.

[–]76ersanser1233 361 指標 1 天前*

I 'm a conspiracy theorist admittedly and I can 't help but to think how much Social Media affects peoples perceptions about the world , their personal beliefs and politics and how much of that influence is derived by independent thought.

76 人球迷:诚恳说我是一个诡计论者,我禁不住思虑社交媒体在这个世界上事实能给人们的世界不雅、他们的小我信心和政治不雅带来多年夜影响,并且这些影响事实有几多是经由过程人们的自力思虑取得的.

[–]TimberwolvesIslandSparkz 225 指標 1 天前

The only thing I do is look at shitposts....


[–]CelticsZitachis 85 指標 1 天前

Right ? People see like 10 opinions on social media and will think the world is collapsing.



[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 74 指標 1 天前

I think Dirk 's not wrong. But Dirk 's beloved and his tweets are generally positive. As such the people that respond to him are mainly positive.

I get why people are upset at and hate KD. And I also get and agree that KD feels he should still speak (rather than be Kawhiet all the time ). But I don 't get why he 's arguing with trolls/haters. Especially when KD 's the type that seems to let it get to him and starts saltin. Personally , I would ignore the haters with the occasional single reply burns to a few of the dumb ones. Rule 1 is that you never reply more than once.


我知道人们为啥对KD 的行动感应懊丧,并且都很厌恶他,可是我一样能对KD 的处境感同身受,我感觉他也需要站出来发声(最少比卡闭嘴要好很多),可是我不睬解他一向和那些喷子/给他下套的人在那边喋大言不惭,特别是KD 有的时辰会进入喋大言不惭的模式,小我而言,我会轻忽那些喷子,偶然会爆发一回让他们闭嘴,可是要害在在杜兰特太喋大言不惭了.

[–]Lakersitallmakescentsnow 19 指標 1 天前

Now we wait for KD 's response to Dirk.

湖人球迷:此刻我们等候KD 对老司机的回应吧.

[–]76ersCollangelosCollar 24 指標 20 小時前

"How many rings Dirk got again ? He should be taking advice from me"

76 人球迷:"德克得了几个戒指?"


[–]Wizardsflownominal1 93 指標 1 天前

Pretty funny though since even if KD wanted to tell him to mind his own business or something , Dirks literally the only player in the league he can 't really talk shit to. Everything people hate about KD is pretty much the reason why everyone loves Dirk.

奇才球迷:有一点很弄笑的是,即便杜兰特想要BB 司机管好本身的工作或此外啥工作,司机也是这个同盟里杜兰特独一不克不及BB 的人,人们为何厌恶杜兰特,人们就为何喜好德克.


[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingrambreakfastburrito24 978 指標 1 天前

Who talks shit on Dirk though ?


[–]MavericksTheDeadman95 [S ] 978 指標 1 天前

He also said this:

"I like having fun with it. I get hit up on Twitter every now and then in my mentions. ‘Hey , you ’re old , go away. Retire.’ Or something like that. To me , it ’s fun. You ’re not supposed to be sensitive about it. That ’s how I look at it.



"我在推特中也能找到良多乐趣,我也时不时被他人@,好比‘老家伙,你太老了,赶快滚 ,赶快退役吧.’这对我来讲很有趣啊,你不该该对此过在敏感,这就是我们的观点."

[–]Oops_ya 490 指標 1 天前

Stuff like that isn ’t even bad. Saying you ’re old or retire is more like a playful jab more than maliciousness lol

Fuck kd btw


[–]PelicansScrimpPoboy 195 指標 1 天前

I bet he is being nice about it. It 's twitter comments. I 'm sure someone on there has sent him death threats at some point. That place is for the scum of the earth.



[–]slurpthis 300 指標 1 天前

Dirk knows he 's fly so he invites that criticism on twitter.


[–][ORL ] Victor Oladipowhtge8 187 指標 1 天前

"Give that stuff to Tim Duncan"





[–][BOS ] Semi Ojeleyeojeleye_superfan 622 指標 1 天前

be like dirk , not a jerk



[–][LAL ] A.C. Greencheesefries45 878 指標 1 天前*

Dirk won with some cats. How come you couldn ’t KD

湖人球迷:德克昔时可是真的和一群阿猫阿狗赢球了,KD 你咋就不可呢.

[–]MavericksSnapLackOfTraction 362 指標 1 天前*

The ugest of cats Deshawn "I am beefin ' with LeGoat" Stevenson , Peja "I literally can 't move" Stojakovic , Jason "Spill yo drink" Kidd , Shawn "The Matrix" Marion , Jason "I am totally not jinxing it with a tattoo" Terry , Jose "I ended Bynum" Barea and the one and only Custodian.


[–]MavericksTexasCoconut 166 指標 1 天前

The disrespect to Ian Mahinmi in this comment


[–][DAL ] Dan DickauJuniper41 164 指標 1 天前

Ian "I made a end of the 3rd quarter buzzer beater" Mahinmi

Tyson "Swat shoes away for breakfast" Chandler

Corey "did that thing against the Lakers and changed the series" Brewer

Caron "Only McDonalds straws" Butler

Brendan "ehhh" Haywood

Roddy "40 points that one time" Buckets

Dominique "Did I even really exist ? can you prove it ?" Jones









[–]76ersbravof1ve 564 指標 1 天前

Dirk is the anti-KD

76 人球迷:德克就是KD 的背面.

[–]AaronBrownell 209 指標 1 天前

Obviously I don 't really know Dirk , but from all that I 've heard , seen and read , I 'd say he 's an absolute role model in every sense of the word , both on and off the court.


[–]Lakerslankywhiteguy 253 指標 1 天前

I fucking love Dirk.





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