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亚博:湖人休赛期使人费解| 或在韬光养晦?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-26 23:45:15


Imagine the laughs if LeBron had returned to Cleveland and Rondo , McGee , Stephenson , and Beasley were their big off-season signings. The double standard we give a legend like Magic is baffling


The only deal I dislike is Stephenson , but when ESPN puts out an article claiming that the Lakers masterplan is to avoid surrounding LeBron with shooters because that 's what his previous failed teams have done (and completely ignoring the fact that his 2016 title came with a ton of good shooters on the roster ), and this sub responds by parroting that sentiment repeatedly on every thread and praising that absurdly stupid article , its pretty striking.

我最不喜好的签约就是史蒂芬森的那笔签约,不外ESPN 的写手们说湖人在避免在勒布朗四周摆浩繁弓手由于他们认为这就是勒布朗此前球队掉败的缘由(完全疏忽勒布朗在2016 年取得总冠军时具有的弓手),然后直播吧的反映就完全变了,每一个谈吐的答复都是对这篇文章不雅点的拥护和对这篇文章的奖饰.

The reality: Lakers surveyed the market and didn 't see any good shooters worth pursuing as a signing at the time (which is the same think OKC did ) so they signed some players to affordable short deals knowing they could run it back in a year and try to sign better players. This sub AND espn is so eager to push the "Cavs/GM lebron didn 't know what they were doing in Cleveland" narrative that we act like anything different than what the Cavs did is some kind of visionary purpose.

事实是:湖人查询拜访了自由球员市场发现底子没啥好的弓手值得签约(雷霆也是如斯),所以他们签下了年夜量短约由于他们大白他们可以在来岁东山再起从而签下更好的球员,直播吧还ESPN 天天都很火急的去轮骑士,似乎上赛季"骑士球员、治理层和詹姆斯底子不懂他们上赛季做了啥," 此刻已病态到了只要湖人做的工作和骑士纷歧样,良多人就会说湖人深谋远虑.

The Lakers are just intentionally in a holding pattern on purpose after PG didn 't sign , which is the same reason they didn 't go after Cousins for a one-year deal. They 'll make the playoffs this year (probably as a 3-5 seed ) if LeBron is healthy and then go after the best free agents and improve the next year.

在乔治选择与雷霆续约以后,湖人似乎决心堕入了一种韬光养晦的状况,没有给考辛斯一年合同估量也是如许的缘由,假如詹姆斯连结健康的话,他们能在这个赛季杀入总决赛(多是3-5 号种子),到了来岁他们就可以铺开四肢举动纵情追逐最好的自由球员而且晋升球队.


[–]CelticsThe_Real_Neffew 1670 指標 3 天前

This is a gap year


注:Gap Year 是距离年、空档年,是西方社会经由过程近代世界青年观光体例变迁总结出来的概念,大要意思是西方国度的青年在升学或卒业以后工作之前(近几年愈来愈多21 到23 岁、已取得学位的年青人也最先给本身一个空档年),做一次持久的观光(凡是是一年),让学生在步入社会之前体验与本身糊口的社会情况分歧的糊口体例.

[–]guccikatana 1187 指標 3 天前

A gap year... leading into Lebron 's age 35 season.

They ain 't got that kind of time.

距离年……然后勒布朗就35 岁了……


[–][GSW ] James Michael McAdooTyre77 440 指標 3 天前

But at this point , what would you have them do ? They didn 't get PG and Kawhi 's asking price was too high (mortgaging their future for a team that would be Lebron + Kawhi + the remaining unexperienced young players.)

Going into "win now" mode with just Lebron would have the same end-of-season result (no ring ) but probably be worse for the players ' development.


和勒布朗一路开启"赢在当下" 模式可能会重蹈昔时骑士复辙(没有戒指),并且可能会对年青球员的成长晦气.

[–]NuggetsLew_AIcindor 224 指標 3 天前

I guess the question becomes , does LeBron see a path to contention on L.A. even once he begins to decline ? I would say yes , otherwise I doubt he would have signed there.

I 'd also assume that even beyond Leonard , the Lakers have some kind of plan for FA next season and LeBron is fairly confident in it.



[–]Bullsfriendzonedef 362 指標 3 天前*

does LeBron see a path to contention on L.A.

People are just forgetting that lebron has a kid who want to play HS Ball in LA. Or business savvy lebron is looking ahead for a producer career in hollywood. not every decision lebron will make is about basketball and winning rings especially if he has 3 rings already. one of those rings was in a historic comeback in the finals.

sure lakers have that one year plan , but i bet lebron 's camp are not that dumb to realize that at 34 , lebron is more prone for a decline inducing injury. nobody saw kobe 's injury that led to his decline. la move is not all about rings.



简直,湖人这一年可能会有所打算,可是我赌博勒布朗的团队也必然意想到詹姆斯已34 岁了,他很有可能遭到伤病的侵袭而致使状况降落,究竟致使科比的伤病那时也没人能预感到.


[–][NBA ] LeBron JamesDaveCerqueira 125 指標 3 天前

If you follow lebron around then you know this move wasnt for the rings at all. Idk but i never got the impression that he meant to build a super team here , unless pg or leonard were a lock , which they werent. The fact that he was the first to sign with no signs of improving the rest of the team to me showed that he was making a family/bussiness decision.



[–]CavaliersKnightThatSaysNi 6316 指標 3 天前

I haven 't seen many people at all confident in the Lakers this year. It seems the consensus is "this is weird as shit , it might not work but it will be fun to see if it does"

A lot of people have also been talking about the 1yr deals being an obvious way to put them into a position to be competitive in next year 's impressive free agent market.

I don 't see the point of this post.




[–]SunsSprintPrag 204 指標 3 天前

Yea the majority of the top level posts are about this team 's meme potential , not on-court potential. Maybe OP is referring just to the main stream media ?


[–]CelticsNdbdncofowpeh 873 指標 3 天前*

Very weird. I ’m not even sure what would constitute a successful season for this team.

Making the WCF ? Being competitive in the second round ?

*Why do people think they ’re definitely going to see the Warriors in the playoffs ?




[–]eatyovegetablessssss 785 指標 3 天前

Whatever round they meet the warriors in , if they take them more than 5 , that ’s a success imo


[–]Lakerskarl_hungas 305 指標 3 天前

This is correct.



[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 271 指標 3 天前*

I think the Lakers have a lot of general goals including , but not limited to:

Acclimating LBJ with LA/LAL and vice versa

Using veteran exp (LBJ/Rondo ) to boost youth growth

Build team chemistry

Rebuild culture of winning

Weed out which 1 year "veteran" Lance/Rondo/McGee/Beasley to keep (if any )

See which "young Laker" to invest in Hart/Ball/Ingram/Kuzma while developing them. All of them will be developed , but not all must be kept.

See if Walton is the coach for the job.

Find a real "death line up". I , for one , don 't buy that anonymous LAL exec 's optimism of just throwing Kuz/Ball/LBJ/Hart/Ingram together and instantly getting gold (en state ). For all we know it could be Rondo or Lance in there instead that gets the best results. Or LAL can end up with no "death" lineup but 2 great lineups of LBJ with veterans playing tough old man game and then LBJ with all rookies at fast pace. Maybe there 's a great lineup that goes to "death" once LAL gets another star next FA ? That 's what GSW did. TL ;DR: No one knows until they test to see.

Sign or develop a 3 point specialist or 3 &D guy. Eventually one or more 3 point threats will be needed.

Find someone to take that Deng contract.

Do as well as possible for 1 year and reassess what is needed.

Land at least 1 BIG name in free agency and possibly some good smaller ones.

It 's just so many things to do. That 's probably why even a franchise like that Lakers aren 't pushing into a "championship or bust now" mentality.


1. 让詹姆斯在洛杉矶和湖人熟络起来

2. 操纵詹姆斯、隆多丰硕的虽然增进年青球员成长

3. 成立球队反映

4. 成立赢球文化

5. 肯定这些一年合同里有无值得续约的球员(史蒂芬森/隆多/麦基/比斯利)

6. 看看年青球员里哈特/鲍尔/英格拉姆/库兹马谁更值得培育,或他们都很值得被培育,可是不是他们所有人都能被留下

7. 看看沃顿是不是合适湖人主锻练这个职业

8. 找到湖人真实的灭亡声势,我其实不同意湖人高管的乐不雅不雅点——暗示只要把库兹马、鲍尔、詹姆斯、哈特和英格拉姆摆在场上就可以当即奏效然后干到勇士,可是湖人最强的五人声势也有可能上史蒂芬森或隆多啊.

也许湖人拿不出一个"灭亡声势" 可是可觉得詹姆斯排出两个不错的轮换声势,一个是一群打球硬派的宿将然后勒布朗也能够带着年青球员打快速篮球,可能来岁自由球员市场开启时湖人又添一员虎将然后构成一个真实的灭亡声势呢?这不就是勇士做得工作吗,总结一下:在上场之前没人知道事实会产生甚么

9. 签下或培育一个优良的3D 球员,球队终究仍是需要一个或多个三分要挟点的.

10. 找一个球队接盘邓

11. 尽量打好这个赛季,然后对球队将来的需求进行评估

12. 来岁最少拿下一个超等巨星,或多个小明星也能够.


[–]Pontus_Pilates 447 指標 3 天前

I thought everybody found these signings comical.


[–]Pelicanserldn123 141 指標 3 天前

Yeah it would be 1000% coverage of "Dan Gilbert doesn 't know basketball" if the Cavs made identical moves.

鹈鹕球迷:假如这些签约是骑士做得,那必然"丹-吉尔伯特底子不懂球" 的谈吐会层见叠出了.

[–]odinlubumeta 643 指標 3 天前

Ugh. The difference is most of the signings play minor roles. Heavy minutes players are Zo , KCP , Ingram , Kuzma , Lebron , Hart , Rondo. Only one of them is a player you mentioned. People keep acting like the player signed are there starting 5 and that the core is playing only a few minutes off the bench. That ’s what is baffling.

Emmmm ……我感觉区分在在这些签下来的球员可能阐扬不了太多感化,进场时候都是鲍尔、波普、英格拉姆、库兹马、詹姆斯、哈特、隆多的,这里面只有一小我是休赛期签约的球员,人们表示的这些球员要打首发一样,可是现实上这些签下来的球员只能蹲饮水机,这才是最希奇的处所.

[–]DirtySmiter 305 指標 3 天前

Exactly , there 's a post on the front page implying our lineup is: Rondo , Lance , Lebron , Beasley , Javale. In reality it 's more like: Zo , KCP , Ingram , Lebron , Javale (or Kuz with Lebron at small ball 5 ). Counter to OP 's scenario , imagine if Cavs got Ingram , Zo and Kuz. They 'd be applauding their FO./r/nba acting like 1 year backup vets on minimal contracts are for sure starting.


[–]RocketsAZRockets 249 指標 3 天前

Kind of weird to get a soon to be 34 year old LeBron so you can plan for the future.

火箭球迷:签下34 岁的勒布朗然后说要瞻望将来似乎有点希奇啊.







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