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亚博: CJ& KD推特互怼| 杜兰特还球迷嘛?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-26 23:34:04

CJ & ;KD 推特互怼|杜兰特还有球迷嘛?

[McCollum ] I still think the b word is harsh and shouldn ’t be used.. He know that decision was soft but I respect it. It ’s like getting jumped with ur brothers by a gang you should ’ve beat then joining the gang that jumped u and ur brothers 2 months later & ; forgetting about your bros

麦科勒姆:我仍然感觉B 字开首的单词太刺耳了,不该该利用.杜兰特知道本身的决议很薄弱虚弱,可是我也尊敬他的决议.这就似乎你跟你的一帮兄弟被另外一个帮派给打了,并且你的帮派实力原本是应当击败敌手的,可是过了两个月以后你仍是插手了揍了你和你们兄弟们的帮派,并且还把你们的兄弟给忘了.


[–]HornetsSwagDaddyDoeren 848 指標 6 小時前

The tweet he quoted was "Hey @CJMcCollum permission to start using the B word again for KD ?" From Big Cat from Barstool

黄蜂球迷:麦科勒姆是在答复"嘿,CJ-麦科勒姆,我们此刻可以用B 字开首的阿谁单词去形容杜兰特了嘛?"

[–]Bullsvinegarfingers 76 指標 4 小時前

Can ’t imagine that ’d work out well at all. I love watching KD play but the dude is so sensitive about everything. Even that exchange with CJ on CJs podcast was uncomfortable. I don ’t get how someone on his level can be so affected by trolls on Twitter.

公牛球迷:没法想象这句话能在杜兰特心中涌起的惊涛骇浪,我很爱看杜兰特打球,可是这家伙对一切也都太敏感了吧,即便CJ 的谈吐和在CJ 的播客上他们彼此的谈吐都不是那末使人舒适,我不知道为何会有人到达他的级别还能被推特上的那些小幻术所干扰.

[–]Thunderklatcd 429 指標 6 小時前

It ’s pretty clear to me he doesn ’t respect it at all but he ’s friends with KD and KD was just on his podcast , so he ’s saying the nice throwaway thing by "I respect it." But then telling how he truly feels.

雷霆球迷:很较着,他一点都没尊敬杜兰特,可是概况上他仍是杜兰特的伴侣,杜兰特还加入了他的播客,所以他用"我尊敬这一决议" 这类标致的排场话先避开仗力,可是随后说出了本身的真实设法.


[–]eto- 537 指標 6 小時前

Kevin 's reply: So ,I would get into a gang fight , lose , plot on my brother for 2 months in our home and then go get the gang we lost to and beat him up ? U think that low of me CJ ? I just did your fuckin podcast. Snakes in the grass boy I tell ya

杜兰特的答复:所以你的意思是说我输失落了一场帮派斗争,然后两个月后丢弃了我的兄弟插手了方才击败过我的帮派?你感觉我真的这么LOW 嘛CJ ?我方才加入了你的播客呢,你特么是蛇在背后咬人?


[–][OKC ] Steven Adamsk10bcImbiggerthnadog 986 指標 6 小時前

Damn , KD perfectly illustrated why people think it was such a soft move... like , yeah KD , that ’s exactly what he ’s saying this is like. Self awareness bruv.

雷霆球迷:活该,杜兰特完善表述出为何人们感觉他是软蛋的缘由了……阿杜啊,你这句话就是CJ 表达的意思啊,人要有点自知之明啊……

[–]Rocketsihatefruitfliez 250 指標 5 小時前

lmao he really just rephrased what CJ said huh

god damn. self awareness bruv

火箭球迷:哈哈哈哈,他似乎就是把CJ 说得话又讲了一遍……


[–]Celticscimmanonrolls 84 指標 6 小時前

as if kd ever had any semblance of self awareness. lets be honest here.

凯尔特人球迷:说得似乎KD 曾伪装本身有过自知之明一样,他一向都这么真实.

[–]Spursdesertbutthole 18 指標 5 小時前

He seems to have forgotten in his response that he couldn 't win with those cats.

马刺球迷:老哥你怕是忘了昔时他被发现小号说得"不克不及和阿猫阿狗" 赢球谈吐时的反映了.


[–]Jazzwongo 88 指標 6 小時前

Wait , that 's his ACTUAL reply ???


[–]KillianDrake 111 指標 5 小時前

You can tell it bothers him because he just won 't shut up. Guilty conscience. He knows CJ is right deep down inside. But he can 't let it go , because the disrespect is DEEP - this is going to stick with him the rest of his career and ultimately the rest of his life and he becomes the butt of jokes , and his contemporaries will continue shitting on him. In the old days , we could forget - but nothing is forgotten now. It 's enshrined how KD behaved and how KD shirked his legacy to get some cheap toy rings.

你能看得出来这件工作一向在困扰着杜兰特,由于他的嘴历来都没停过.这是他的惭愧心理在捣蛋,他在心里深处认为CJ 的谈吐是对的,可是他就是不想认可,由于人们对他的不尊敬已根深蒂固——这会一向陪伴他残剩的职业生活生计,乃至会影响他后续平生,他会一向成为人们的笑柄,他的同时期球员也会不断地DISS 他,在曩昔,良多工作我们都可能健忘——可是此刻想健忘一件工作不是那末简单的,杜兰特的表示和杜兰特取得便宜戒指而抹黑本身职业地位的行动将被永远铭刻.

[–]Pacersanonballs 53 指標 3 小時前

Dirks 1 ring is more meaningful than any amount of rings KD could win with the Warriors. The public will never really respect his chips , and I get the feeling the players feel the same way but want to keep it professional. They might like him as a friend but they don 't respect it.

步行者球迷:德克的一枚戒指要比KD 所有的戒指绑在一路都要成心义,我感觉公家永久不会尊敬他的成绩,我感觉其他职业球员也是这么想的,可是他们只是想表示得职业一些,他们可能会把杜兰特当作伴侣可是他们不会尊敬他.

[–]Heatfifaman1662 126 指標 6 小時前

KD calling someone a snake. This world we live in.



[–][CHI ] Keith Bogansraspberry_man 165 指標 7 小時前

it doesn 't sound like he respects it at all !


[–]KnicksKristapsIsGod 158 指標 6 小時前

CJ is telling the truth tho. Being the 2nd best player in the league , joining a 73-win team that beat you down 3-1 in the WCF , it just doesn ’t look good. How you gon team up with the dudes that beat your ass ?

尼克斯球迷:CJ 不外是说了真话而已,同盟第二人插手一支73 胜的球队,后者还在西部决赛里一度1-3 掉队,怎样看这个选择都欠好,人家方才锤了你一顿你就去做人家队友了?

[–]Raptorsbiggz124 80 指標 6 小時前

CJ may have taken L 's on his podcasts recently but he 's speaking the truth here.

猛龙球迷:CJ 可能在本身的播客上被怼得张口结舌,可是他在这里也确切说了事实.


[–]Cavaliershobbesfanclub 1271 指標 6 小時前

The NBA is the best soap opera on tv

骑士球迷:NBA 真是电视里最都雅的一出番笕剧啊.

[–]Lakersusername2420 836 指標 5 小時前


[–]SpursBumblebee__Tuna 284 指標 4 小時前

Lol man KD is getting fuckin destroyed in the comments

马刺球迷:哈哈哈哈,KD 估量被这些谈吐干趴了.

[–]Thunderdosante 433 指標 6 小時前

His initial metaphor was a reach too. Who brings up gang wars when talking about basketball ?

雷霆球迷:CJ 一最先的比方也有点夸大了,谁会在会商篮球的时辰提到帮派啊.

[–]Cavaliers BandwagonDTime3 1092 指標 6 小時前*

Team = gang

You haven ’t seen that meme going around ?

KD sees 3 guys jump an old man , he gets involved and after he says "he didn ’t stand a chance against the 4 of us"




KD 看到三个白叟在群殴一个白叟,他走进去然后说"此刻我们有四小我了,他不成能有机遇的."

[–][BOS ] Kevin GarnettAllTheWayHome606 1483 指標 6 小時前

How does KD keep having such weird summers after winning championships ?

凯尔特人球迷:为啥在博得总冠军以后的阿谁炎天,KD 老是能弄出一些工作来.

[–][GSW ] Stephen CurryBoltonlove16 1054 指標 6 小時前

The criticism just gets to him worse than it does to other NBA players.


[–]moonchild808 183 指標 5 小時前

He probably really feels some guilt for leaving OKC so it ’s a sensitive topic.


[–]Thunderjwestbrook95 156 指標 5 小時前

He 1000% does. I also feel like he will constantly question whether his rings were worth what he 's done to his legacy.


[–]Rocketsalejo177 159 指標 6 小時前

I mean it clearly doesn 't affect his in-game performance but it 's just so puzzling.



[–]Grizzliesj10kum2 1022 指標 6 小時前

KD reading this post like


[–]SunsBigCountryBumgarner 1183 指標 6 小時前*

KD joins a fucking 73 win team and then starts bragging about it while trashing another player 's team to his face , and he expects respect.

McCollum: " ;So , what do you suggest ?" ;

Durant: " ;I suggest you just keep playing , man , and don 't worry about what goes on at the top of things. Relax." ;

McCollum: " ;We were right there at the top of things. We were the third seed last year , bro. We were right there. We were just slightly below one and two." ;

Durant: " ;But how 'd you play ?" ;

McCollum: " ;Some unfortunate situations happened in the first round." ;

Durant: " ;How 'd you play ?" ;

McCollum: " ;Some unfortunate circumstances." ;

Durant: " ;Like an eight seed." ;

Coming from the guy who disappeared in the most important games in 2016 and joined the fucking Warriors lmaoooo

Literally anyone could join the Warriors and be better than the Blazers bro

太阳球迷:杜兰特插手一支活该的73 胜球队然后疯狂夸耀,并且还疯狂贬低其他球队,就如许他还期望获得尊敬?别特么弄笑了.



KD :继续尽力,兄弟,不要关心顶级赛场上产生的工作,学会放松.


KD :可是你们季后赛打得咋样?


KD :所以你们打得咋样?


KD :你们打得和第八名一样.

你能想象这些话出自一个在2016 年季后赛里打一场最主要角逐时完全隐身并且还插手勇士的人之口嘛?哈哈哈哈.


[–]Raptorstakeyababynoharambe 510 指標 5 小時前

KD: " ;You know you guys aren 't winning a championship " ;

CJ: We can win a championship

KD: " ;I like yall two , but I mean , c 'mon " ;

Damn lol , just after he left his good duo to join Golden State


KD :你知道你们赢不了总冠军的.

CJ :我们能博得总冠军的

KD :我喜好你们的勇气,可是我的意思是,别了吧.


[–][OKC ] Russell Westbrookwcooper97 641 指標 5 小時前

God he 's like that rich little entitled shit who just brags about his parents ' success and shits on you for being a peasant.


[–]WizardsVswerve27 939 指標 7 小時前

I mean that is exactly what he did right ? Draymond was recruiting him while beating him in the WCF lmao



[–]PelicansDowntownDeaux 1454 指標 7 小時前

Y 'all giving KD too much credit to have this pre planned out. He 's a 30 year old man who argues in youtu be comments and with teenagers on social media.

鹈鹕球迷:你们还感觉他和CJ 唱双鐄呢,你们太看得起他了,他就是一个30 岁还在油管和其他社交媒体上和青少年打嘴炮的汉子呢.

[–][SAS ] Manu Ginobilipapa_sax 613 指標 6 小時前

Never forget this man was fighting in insta DM 's with a highschool kid. I lost what little respect I had for KD after that

马刺球迷:永久忘不了他在Ins 上和一个高中生孩子还来一番回嘴,从此以后我对他掉去了最后一丝尊敬.

[–][OKC ] Russell WestbrookSpiritBamba 426 指標 6 小時前

If I made north of 40 mill per year I wouldn ’t be anywhere near y ’all lol , I probably wouldn ’t look st reddit ever again.

假如我一年能拿个4000 万美元,我可能啥处所都不会呈现,对Reddit 上得帖子我真是一眼都不会看.

[–]Lakersnotcolagelosburner 680 指標 7 小時前

Is this guy for real ? lmao he was insulting CJ on the podcast and constantly ribbing at him and then gets mad when CJ fires back. What a pussy lmao

湖人球迷:这家伙当真的嘛?他在CJ 的播客上一向怼CJ 然后延续冷笑CJ ,然后CJ 还嘴以后他反倒生气了,这家伙真特么软.

[–]Pacerskostakoufos 471 指標 7 小時前

How does KD have any fans left

步行者球迷:KD 还粉丝嘛?







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