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亚博:德罗赞表达谢意| 猛龙能打圣诞年夜战啦

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-24 13:19:12


Demar Derozan ’s thank you to Toronto :Words could never express what you ’ve meant to me. I was just a 19 year old kid from Compton when we first met , but you took me in and embraced me as one of your own. I am so grateful for the Love and Passion that you ’ve given me over the past 9 years. All I ever wanted to do was duplicate it 10x over just to show my appreciation. Thank you Toronto , thank you Canada.

德罗赞称谢多伦多:文字没法表达你对我的意义,我们初遇之时,我仍是个19 岁的孩子,但你采取了我,并让我成了你的一部门,我很是感激曩昔九年里你给我的爱和豪情,我独一想做的就是以10 倍的回馈来表达我的感谢感动,感谢你,多伦多;感谢你,加拿年夜.


[ – ]DeepSeededHate 2978 指標 15 小時前

Perfectly stated. Not over done , not over dramatic. Clear sincerity.

Just another notch on DeRozan 's belt in my opinion.


[ – ]Celtics Baydayz 67 指標 15 小時前

Spurs got a real one.


[ – ]NBA FookThaMaywetters 61 指標 13 小時前

No Kyle Lowry booty love ?


[ – ][CHI ] Michael Jordan iPlowedYourMom 138 指標 13 小時前

That shits for between the sheets , not aired out in the streets


[ – ]Raptors as_hagi 781 指標 15 小時前

He will be missed. I hope he wins a title with the Spurs !


[ – ]Spurs Devilss_Advocate 405 指標 13 小時前

get that snake out of golden state and the spurs would be contending every year


[ – ]That_Vandal_Randall 323 指標 13 小時前

Harsh , but likely true. Fortunately for us , KD took the hardest road so that we all might live in comfort. We should all thank him for his sacrifice.

真毒舌啊,但多半是年夜真话.荣幸的是,KD 选择了一条最难的路,如许我们都能问心无愧地(接管勇士冠军).我们都应当感激他做出的牺牲啊.

[ – ]chiggsy 78 指標 12 小時前

He planted the trees that provide others shade. A Man Of the People.



[ – ][TOR ] OG Anunoby RossTheBossPalmer 190 指標 14 小時前

He will get a 5-10 minute long standing ovation when he returns to play Toronto. It will be deafening and beautiful.

阿奴诺比球迷:当他代表马刺回来多伦多的时辰,全部球迷会为他起立拍手5 到10 分钟.那将是震耳欲聋的,美好极了.

[ – ]teriyakigirl 6 指標 7 小時前

I really hope he comes back.Damn I 'm sad


[ – ]Raptors CaptainMuffins_ 1072 指標 15 小時前

Man I can 't wait till the Spurs play at the ACC hopefully the crowd shows their appreciation for DeMar


[ – ]Raptors SavePoonerman 45 指標 14 小時前


The place is going to go fucking bananas.

猛龙球迷:"但愿" ?TMD 到时辰那处所得炸了不成.

[ – ]Raptors RogueRevenger 222 指標 15 小時前

Whoa , that 's a great point. Now that we have a superstar we might actually get to play on Christmas

猛龙球迷:哇哦,这点说的在理.既然我们都有一个超等球星了,那也许我们真的能打圣诞年夜战了.(猛龙23 年来只打过一次圣诞年夜战……)

[ – ]Supersonics Soopsmojo 123 指標 14 小時前

On the other hand when Toronto plays in SA. Oof , that ’s gonna be raucous.


[ – ]NBA mainvolume 37 指標 11 小時前

Loud ass cheers for Green , chest rumbling boos for the Gutless Mute. That is , if he has the balls to step onto the court that game.

为丹尼-格林打Call ,可是要狂嘘阿谁没胆的哑吧.条件是他有胆子在那场角逐中站上球场.

[ – ][GSW ] Klay Thompson Shermarki 14 指標 10 小時前

Going to make KD returning to OKC look like a joke. Kawhi is going to get boo ’d like crazy and I can ’t wait to watch it.

克莱球迷:这么说来就让KD 那时重返OKC 成了笑谈了.莱昂纳德到时辰会被狂嘘的,我等不和吃瓜看好戏了.

[ – ]Warriors kid50cal 458 指標 15 小時前

Imma buy tickets for that game cuz the Crowd is going to be the loudest thing ever. Should be the Christmas game.


[ – ][TOR ] Sonny Weemswikiman2001 164 指標 15 小時前

If we get a christmas game , it 'll be in San Antonio. One , epsn doesn 't wanna clear customs , ESPN would get to run a week worth of "will SA boo Kawhi ?" segments before the game

索尼-威姆斯球迷:假如我们(猛龙)有圣诞年夜战的话,那也是客战圣安东尼奥.第一,ESPN 不想到时辰不雅众不敷数,第二,ESPN 赛前还想炒作一把‘马刺球迷会嘘卡哇伊吗’这类话题.

[ – ][SAS ] Dejounte Murray MisterShazam 89 指標 15 小時前

As a native spurs fan , they ’d be wasting everyone ’s time asking that question.



[ – ]Raptors neobowman 728 指標 16 小時前

Greatest Raptor.


[ – ]Jazz ionre 43 指標 12 小時前

I wasn 't even aware of how much he meant to Toronto (and vice versa ) until this trade happened , but I 'm now a big DeMar DeRozan fan.


[ – ]Toronto416ix 236 指標 15 小時前

Toronto will always love DeMar


[ – ]Magic Byrie_Swirving [ ] 49 指標 15 小時前

Would he still be greatest if kawhi leads you to finals and wins mvp then walks ?

魔术球迷:假如科怀率领猛龙进入总决赛并夺得MVP 然后分开,那德罗赞还会是猛龙最伟年夜的球员吗?

[ – ]Pistons thedeepestaksh 59 指標 15 小時前

I think they 'd be happy to have that debate


[ – ]East Thoroughblade 30 指標 14 小時前

They ’d take the ring but miss their king.


[ – ]Raptors BandwagonI-MISS-SUBBAN 10 指標 12 小時前

Exactly. I will always love DeMar and I wish he could be here forever but at the same time I am so happy to have Kawhi.



[ – ]Nuggets PancakeTaughtMe 347 指標 15 小時前

I know Demar meant a lot more to Toronto than Kawhi did to San Antonio and vice versa , but I ’m still surprised Kawhi hasn ’t even done anything to thank Spurs fans


[ – ]Vancouver Grizzlies GruxKing 65 指標 13 小時前

Yeah , great point. This is highly unusual , isn ’t it ? Even when it ’s a bitter trade , players always thank the fans because they know that the fans aren ’t the team...

Does anybody remember if Kyrie thanked CLE after forcing that trade a year ago ?



[ – ] jklyuiop 61 指標 12 小時前

Yes Kyrie made a Instagram post thanking the fans and the city of Cleveland.

是的,欧文那时更新了INS 感激球迷和克利夫兰这座城市.

[ – ]Knicks Tankwagonmdicke3 261 指標 14 小時前

I mean he 's done nothing but hide for months , he clearly can 't confront any sort of potential conflict









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