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亚博:卡佩拉索 1亿合同: 他和亚当斯孰强孰弱?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-17 18:13:56

[Macmahon ] Capela seeking a deal similar to Oklahoma City Thunder big man Steven Adams ' four-year , 美金100 million contract.

Macmahon :卡佩拉正在寻觅一份和雷霆中锋史蒂文-亚当斯4 年1 亿近似的合同.


[–]Rocketsnot_so_bueno 1388 指標 18 小時前

Zhou , it 's your time to shine.


[–]RocketsSharpieman20 292 指標 16 小時前

Patience from Zhou !


注:Data2 知名讲解台词,来历在TI2 IG 对阵Navi 的角逐中IG 选手Zhou 紧握年夜招不放,一向在期待团战机会.

[–]Spursaventerav 198 指標 18 小時前



[–]Lakersonredditatworkagain 95 指標 17 小時前

I honestly think that dude could be solid. He 's really raw but has potential.


[–]Spurshiloljkbye 94 指標 16 小時前

He needs to put on a lot more weight


[–][TOR ] Chris Bosh_matrix 176 指標 16 小時前

He needs some milk



[–]Statshelp_TA 2187 指標 18 小時前

Who 'd you rather have for 4/美金100M

谁值得你花4 年一个亿?卡佩拉仍是亚当斯?

[–]LakersLearnedHandLOL 2589 指標 18 小時前



[–][IND ] Reggie MillerLtGuile 181 指標 16 小時前



[–]Kings TankwagonRekeHavok 104 指標 16 小時前



[–]Hornetsjocro 398 指標 17 小時前

I think the margin is razor thin but I take Adams just because he 's displayed really good offensive touch out to about 10 feet. Not like all-star level skill or anything , but that extra dimension makes it that much easier for him as a roll man.

Capela has the edge defensively , but a lot of that has to do with how our defense works - everything is predicated on generating turnovers and fastbreak opportunities. Houston plays a less aggressive style , and that makes it a lot easier to funnel drives into Capela , where he thrives in rim protection. But I think you could put Adams in that role and there would be a minimal loss in defense.



[–]Rocketsdanny321eu98 233 指標 17 小時前

as a rockets fan id rather have adams aswell. i feel like hes much better overall but capella is a great system center


[–]Bullswhothark_futhark 676 指標 18 小時前

Adams has a better mustache


[–]RaptorsDoc_Choc 297 指標 16 小時前

The advanced analytics really support this. Adams ’ mustache per 36 is up there with the all time greats from the 70s and 80s.

猛龙球迷:高阶数据撑持这一不雅点,亚当斯每36 分钟的小胡子可以和70 年月和80 年月的汗青最好们比肩.

[–]WarriorsWhenItsHalfPastFive 138 指標 17 小時前

Without going into stats , I 'd rather have Adams. He 's just way tougher imo , and has demolished teams with his post presence. Clint is a great rim protector too , but big men are more afraid to face Adams.

That being said , Clint is younger and just as good statistically , so I think he 's earned the money.



[–]Celticsward0630 1138 指標 18 小時前

Adams stats (Turns 25 tomorrow ): 62.9 FG0%, 55.7 FT0%, 13.9 ppg , 9.0 rpg , 1.2 apg , 1.0 bpg , 2.8 fouls committed per game

Capela stats (Turns 25 next June ): 65.2 FG0%, 56.0 FT0%, 13.9 ppg , 10.8 rpg ,.9 apg , 1.9 bpg , 2.5 fouls committed per game

Neither of them have attempted a 3 in their NBA careers.

They 're both very similar players. I think I 'd go with Capela based on being a little younger and seemingly a bit better of a rim protector.


亚当斯数据(明天就要25 岁了):62.50%的投篮射中率,55.70%的罚球射中率,13.9 分、9 个篮板、1.2 次助攻、1 次盖帽和2.8 次犯规.

卡佩拉数据(来岁六月满25 岁):65.20%的投篮射中率,56.00%的罚球射中率,13.9 分,10.8 篮板,0.9 助攻,1.9 次盖帽,2.5 次犯规.



[–]WarriorsCyberSikh 1462 指標 18 小時前

Adams gives up a lot of his rebounds to Westbrook. Wonder what his true rebounding rate is.


[–]Cavaliersthirstythecop 868 指標 18 小時前

Pretty unbelievable , he also averages more ORs than DRs.


[–]HawksDenim_Milksteak 544 指標 17 小時前

Hard for Westbrook to rebound his long jumpers


[–]mattchstiks3 456 指標 17 小時前

He led the league in box-outs last season with 11.5 per game. Nobody else had more than 10. If Westbrook isn 't getting boards and leading breaks , Adams would average 12-13. Adams is a much better rebounder than Capela.

Also consider , Adams was younger when he signed the contract than when Capela signs this one.

亚当斯每场角逐卡位11.5 次,除他以外同盟没有人这一数据跨越10 次,假如威少不抢篮板而且鞭策还击的话,亚当斯场均能抢12-13 个篮板,亚当斯是一个比卡佩拉更好的篮板手.

而且你要斟酌一点,亚当斯在签下1 亿合同时可要比卡佩拉要签这份合同年青啊.


[–]RocketsInvisibroBloodraven 144 指標 16 小時前

Also relevant:

Capela - 27.5 mpg

Adams - 32.7 mpg

火箭球迷:斟酌一点啊,卡佩拉场均进场27.5 分钟而亚当斯场均进场32.7 分钟.

[–]ihaditsoeasy 66 指標 17 小時前

Meanwhile the whole Warrior 's center rotation makes less than 美金7M a year including Cousins.

别说了,与此同时勇士整条中锋轮换在有考辛斯的环境下加在一路年薪还没跨越700 万美元一年呢.

[–]ThunderGobias-Ind 1306 指標 19 小時前

Makes sense but he 's probably gonna get dicked over by the fact that nobody has cap space


[–]KnickedUp 539 指標 17 小時前

Yep , unless you are one of the top 10 guys in the league , you are now at the mercy of the cap situation each offseason. Sorry Capella...take the QO....ball the fuck out and hope to get 4/80 next offseaon.

尼克斯球迷:是的,除非你是同盟前十的球员,否则每个休赛期你可能都需要受薪金空间左右了.很遗憾了卡佩拉……接管天资报价……然后下赛季亮瞎所有人的眼睛而且等候休赛期拿一个4 年8000 万美元的合同.

[–]Jazzjwinskowski 314 指標 16 小時前

If he has another year like this last one he 'll get 4/100 for sure.

爵士球迷:假如他能再打出本年如许的表示,4 年1 个亿妥妥的.

[–][CLE ] Manny HarrisSwift_taco_mechanic 185 指標 15 小時前

Would you want to give that much to capela ? He can ’t shoot and is forced off the floor in small ball lineups. Athletic bigs who cant shoot come around fairly often


[–]NetsAveryBeal 191 指標 15 小時前

He completely took out Gobert in their playoff series. That has to account for something.


[–]NBAogbobbyjindal 201 指標 15 小時前

I ’d be willing to say if you swapped Gobert and Capela for that series , Capela would ’ve looked as helpless as Gobert did at times.



[–]dogeblessUSA 519 指標 19 小時前

could Phoenix draft Doncic and just max Capela ?


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 345 指標 19 小時前

They could have. Was some talk that they would. But didn 't


[–]Rocketsis_a_socialist 214 指標 17 小時前

I still don ’t get why they didn ’t. You would get probably the most proven product in the draft and a proven product in Capela as well , as the Rockets would have potentially let him walk and just signed DeAndre Jordan for cheap (which was heavily rumored to be a possibility ).


[–]MavericksBuzzedBlood 312 指標 17 小時前

Best player available. How many stories have we heard of teams missing greats because they drafted for fit


[–][OKC ] Russell WestbrookUndergroundUnderdog4 197 指標 16 小時前

The trailblazers agree


[–]RaptorsThe_Natural_Log 110 指標 16 小時前

Which time ?


[–]CelticsCamperMagazine 140 指標 16 小時前




[–]ThunderDevastationandReform 1345 指標 19 小時前

Well the problem is that

1.) The market is no where near what it was when Adams was extended.

2.) OKC has to overpay our RFA because we don 't normally get FA to come here.

3.) He 's not as good as Adams (who is overpaid as it is )


1. 亚当斯续约的时辰自由球员市场人很少,大师都这个价.

2. 雷霆会为受限制自由球员多付点钱由于我们几近得不到自由球员的青睐.

3. 卡佩拉没有亚当斯强.


Report: Clint Capela Seeking 美金100M Contract , Rockets Offer in the '美金60M Range '

一则报导:克林特-卡佩拉在寻觅一份价值一亿的合同,火箭只能供给一份年夜约6000 万美元的合同.


[–][ATL ] Josh MagetteOlafdePolaf 636 指標 18 小時前

I 'm kinda for the Hawks giving him a good old Nets RFA overpay and just offer him the full hundo. He 'd be fun next to John Collins. Should be off the books when we have to pay our current long term young guys


[–][LAL ] Stanislav Medvedenkotheaquaticgiraffe 83 指標 17 小時前

I was thinking this the other day , a center like Capela would be amazing for Trae ’s development


[–]Bravesstixx_nixon 759 指標 18 小時前

Report: Clint Capella has signed a contract with the Golden State Warriors for 美金3 Million and 7 sourdough sandwiches.

报导:克林特-卡佩拉与金州勇士签定了一份价值300 万美元+7 个酸面团三明治的合同.


[–]PistonsMatthewStafford9 922 指標 18 小時前

Thats quite the lowball imo


[–]Mavericksaaronclements 510 指標 18 小時前

Nerlens got offered 4/美金70M last year (and turned it down lol ), so yeah this is a major lowball.

独行侠球迷:客岁我们给诺埃尔开出了4 年7000 万美元的合同(固然他谢绝了哈哈哈),所以这份合同确切有点低了.

[–]CelticsLuckysBestMan 464 指標 18 小時前

Fucking Lavine just got 78M LMAO

凯尔特人球迷:活该,拉文还值7800 万美元呢.

[–]mattchstiks3 202 指標 17 小時前

To me it seems like the Rockets need Capela more than he needs them. It 's quite difficult to sign good centres in FA when most of your cap space is tied into Paul and Harden.

Also , I 'm sure there are plenty of teams who 'd be willing to pay more than 60M for a player like Capela.


并且我肯定会有良多球队愿意付给卡佩拉跨越6000 万美元的薪水的.

[–]HolyAty 78 指標 17 小時前

Also , I 'm sure there are plenty of teams who 'd be willing to pay more than 60M for a player like Capela.

Not anymore tho. Pretty much every team filled their cap space at this point.







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