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亚博:网友热议 C罗& 詹姆斯: CR7插手本身击败过的球队

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-17 17:42:52

美网友热议C 罗和詹姆斯谁更有影响力

NBAonTNT - We had this ready just in case... Congrats Cristiano Ronaldo !

:为了以防万一我们仍是预备了这张图……恭喜C 罗!


[–]WarriorsChipotleTweets 1113 指標 1 天前

he went to a team he beat in the playoffs though

勇士球迷:他可是插手了一支他在"季后赛" 里击败过的球队哦.

[–]Sunstcrain99 625 指標 1 天前*

The Anti-KD

Edit: Think about it. Soccer is a game where you kick a ball into a rectangular goal and using your hands is prohibited . Basketball is game where you shoot a ball into a circular hoop and using your feet is prohibited.

They are equal in power yet opposing in ideals. Christ and Anti-Christ. KD and Anti-KD.



他们两小我都很有影响力,可是二者的方针分歧,杜兰特和反杜兰特、C 罗和反C 罗.

[–]76ersmanzoman96 3 指標 1 天前

Perfectly balanced , as all things should be.

76 人球迷:这是完善的平衡啊,平衡存在万物之间.

[–]iwannabetheverybestt 255 指標 1 天前

basketball you dribble with your hands

soccer you dribble with your feet



[–]BullsBlackMathNerd 6 指標 1 天前

Man CR7 more like LeBron in terms of power.. and age.

公牛球迷:兄弟C 罗和勒布朗似乎啊……不管是影响力仍是春秋……

[–]SomaliPirate-argh 88 指標 1 天前

Knockouts bro. r/soccer will kill you if you call it the playoffs.


[–]WarriorsChipotleTweets 214 指標 1 天前

who gives a shit



[–]Bullstomatosauce1 199 指標 1 天前

Futbol and basketball fans , what ’s bigger - CR7 to Juventus or LBJ to LA ?

公牛球迷:所以足球、篮球迷们听听好了,谁更重磅——C 罗去尤文图斯仍是詹姆斯去湖人?

[–][NYK ] Frank NtilikinaHirvingLozano11 254 指標 1 天前

CR7 to Juve imo.

Everyone expected LeBron to move , but before his comments after the CL final like two months ago nobody would 've guessed Ronaldo was leaving. It 's way more of a shock.

尼克斯球迷:固然是C 罗去尤文啦.

每一个人都知道詹姆斯要分开,可是在两个月前C 罗夺得欧冠以后颁发那番谈吐之前没人会感觉C 罗会分开,所以C 罗的分开更使人震动.

[–]HuskiesTO_Sports 31 指標 1 天前

Many have been saying Ronaldo was going to leave after the tax stuff with the government

也不克不及这么说,良多人在西班牙当局爆出C 罗有税收问题时就已说C 罗要走了.

[–]76ersEatinWhoppers 1 指標 1 天前

People have been saying Ronaldo was going to leave every year for a myriad of reasons , the shocking part is that it actually happened this time.

76 人球迷:现实上每一年都有人说C 罗要走了,可是最使人震动的是这件工作居然在此时忽然产生了.

[–][SAS ] Tim Duncanshoutouttoallmypearz 483 指標 1 天前

Ronaldo is way bigger than LeBron

马刺球迷:C 罗(影响力)比詹姆斯年夜啊.

[–]CavaliersDtktuga 429 指標 1 天前

I checked Wikipedia it 's actually the opposite , LeBron is 2.03m and Ronaldo is 1.85m , take that for data.

骑士球迷:我方才查了查维基百科,事实恰好相反,詹姆斯2.03m 而C 罗才1.85m ,把这个记实在簿本上.

[–]NBAi_used_to_have_pants 125 指標 1 天前

Doesn ’t matter where he goes he ’s the biggest name in Sports. His name sells anywhere. It ’s good for Serie A , it will bring them back from the darkness.

不管C 罗去哪他都是体育届名声最响的人,他的名字到哪都众所周知,我感觉这对意甲也挺好的,他能率领尤文图斯解脱暗中,重返阳光.


[–][POR ] Al-Farouq AminuKyleLousy 23 指標 1 天前

I thought Messi was the biggest name. Is Cr7 more popular because he 's better looking or because he 's better ?

开辟者球迷:我感觉梅西的名声可能更响一些?C 罗更受接待,是由于他长得更都雅仍是他更强啊?

[–][MIA ] Dion WaitersSenorButtmunch 55 指標 1 天前

Messi is the best player and the face of football for sports fans because of his ability. But I think Ronaldo is more iconic and a global brand - I don ’t think my mum could recognise Messi but she knows who Ronaldo is and would recognise him anywhere.

热火球迷:梅西是最好的球员并且是足球粉丝的门面,这一切都是由于他的能力,可是我感觉C 罗更具戏剧性而且能做一个全球性的品牌——我不感觉我妈会熟悉梅西,可是她知道C 罗是谁,而且能随时认出C 罗.

[–]WarriorsEverybodyHatesKevin 74 指標 1 天前

I think there ’s a lot of argument either way about who ’s better. I personally think CR7 is better but a lot of people will say Messi. Ronaldo is definitely more marketable , and being from Europe helps because he plays in the Euro cup so he has a little more time on screen

勇士球迷:我感觉在他们两人之间关在谁才是最好的足球球员必然会有良多争辩,小我我认为C 罗是最好的球员,可是有良多人说是梅西,C 罗毫无疑问更具市场性,并且他欧洲人的身份也帮忙了他很多,究竟他在欧洲的联赛里踢球,他在年夜屏幕上呈现的概率也更年夜.

[–]NetsMimogger 66 指標 1 天前

Majority would say Messi. Ronaldo is way more marketable though for sure. He also has way more haters

篮网球迷:年夜部门人会说梅西更强,C 罗可能更具市场,他一样有更多黑子.

[–]LakersSkorua 72 指標 1 天前

Whyd he leave madrid , I thought he had a good thing going there


[–][CLE ] LeBron Jamesjamesbond0721 152 指標 1 天前*

Think he and Perez didn 't see eye to eye on either a new contract or the club 's future , or he just wanted to try a new league. who knows

Ronaldo is getting older , and Perez is like the Ainge of soccer. It was only a matter of time before he was either going to be forced out or leave on his own accord.


C 罗也已变得更老了,而老佛爷就是足球界的安吉,C 罗是被赶走仍是自动分开只是时候问题而已.

[–]Knicksshy247er 103 指標 1 天前

Think he and Perez didn 't see eye to eye on either a new contract or the club 's future , or he just wanted to try a new league. who knows

Don 't forget about his tax issues in Spain and that he thought Real Madrid didn 't support him in the same way Barcelona supported Messi when he was going through his tax issues.

尼克斯球迷:别忘了他在西班牙的税收问题哦,C 罗感觉他在皇家马德里没能遭到和梅西在巴塞罗那一样的待遇,特别是在面临税收问题这件工作上更是如斯.

[–][CLE ] LeBron Jamesjamesbond0721 62 指標 1 天前

Ah yeah , was totally forgetting about that.

If I remember correctly , Barca even said they 'd pay Messi 's owed taxes for him. That must 've irked Ronaldo beyond belief , because he owes the Spanish government like 25 million , now , Ronaldo.



假如我没记错的话,巴塞罗那为梅西付出了欠下的税款,这必然让C 罗很不爽,由于他似乎欠了西班牙当局2500 万美元,这可是C 罗啊.

[–]Lakers_cacho6L 56 指標 1 天前

Ronaldo is the most famous athlete in the world. Anything he does overshadows any other athlete. That being said , Lebron is possibly the only athlete that is close to the Ronaldo/Messi tier of world fame.

It would be hard for me to say which team is more famous world wide. Juventuse is a top 5 European team with a ton of history and a perennial powerhouse in European football. But Seria A is also the 4th ranked European league by the UEFA coefficient and it no longer has the the reputation or the skill level it had in the 90s. The NBA however is the most watched league in the world due to it not having direct competitors like European football leagues and the Lakers are probably its most famous franchise and one of the top 2 most successful ones. They also have been bad for the past 5 + years.

湖人球迷:C 罗是这个世界上最闻名的活动员了,他做的任何工作城市让其他活动员显得暗淡无光,话虽如斯,勒布朗也是世界上独一接近C 罗和梅西的球员了.

很难说湖人或是尤文谁活着界上更闻名一些,尤文图斯有着悠长的汗青,是欧洲前五的球队,欧洲足坛的豪强,可是此刻的意甲排名欧足联第4 ,已不复90 年月的荣光了.但是NBA 是世界上篮球迷存眷最多的联赛,究竟他没有其他足球联赛吸引留意力,所以也不会有直接的竞争敌手,湖人应当是同盟里前二成功的球队,他们在曩昔五年的表示都十分糟.

[–][MIN ] Ricky Rubiotheredvip3r 50 指標 1 天前

That being said , Lebron is possibly the only athlete that is close to the Ronaldo/Messi tier of world fame.

You are forgetting Federer , he 's up there and so is Usain bolt , everyone knows who the fastest man is.



[–]sandynocheeks66 152 指標 1 天前

This is corny

都8102 年了,我们还要玩勇士秋衣这么老土的梗嘛?

[–][TOR ] OG AnunobyPormanNowell 78 指標 1 天前

NBA on TNT can be pretty corny with some of their stuff

猛龙球迷:TNT 一向都是土味的代表啊.






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