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亚博: 76人加时险胜黄蜂| 裁判毁了角逐?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-11-11 15:35:39

76 人加时险胜黄蜂|裁判毁了比赛?

[Post Game Thread ] The Philadelphia 76ers (8-5 ) defeat the Charlotte Hornets (6-6 ), 133-132 , in OT

费城76 人(8 胜5 负)颠末加时苦战,以133-132 险胜夏洛特黄蜂(6 胜6 负).

恩比德42 分18 篮板4 助攻4 封盖,西蒙斯22 分8 篮板13 助攻2 抢断3 封盖,萨里奇18 分9 篮板2 助攻,考文顿7 分3 篮板1 助攻4 封盖,富尔茨7 分5 篮板4 助攻,雷迪克17 分2 篮板4 助攻,威尔森-钱德勒8 分5 篮板1 助攻;沃克30 分7 篮板9 助攻1 抢断,兰姆17 分3 篮板2 抢断,泽勒14 分4 篮板2 抢断,巴图姆5 分2 篮板2 助攻2 抢断,德维恩-培根15 分1 篮板1 助攻,埃尔南戈麦斯14 分4 篮板1 助攻2 封盖,蒙克12 分3 篮板4 助攻,麦基吉12 分12 篮板2 助攻,帕克4 分2 篮板2 助攻.


[–][MIN ] Ndudi Ebij branton30 362 points 2 hours ago

I had fun watching Embiid shoot free throws


[–][CHI ] Taj Gibson PrancingDonkey 41 points 2 hours ago

Hornets couldn 't guard him so...


[–]Hornets YizWasHere 158 points 2 hours ago

If you don 't like that , you don 't like 2018-2019 NBA basketball

黄蜂球迷:假如你不喜好罚球的话,那你就是不喜好18/19 赛季的NBA.

[–]Raptors Thedah 149 points 2 hours ago

80 FTs. Good lord.

猛龙球迷:80 个罚球,我滴天呐.

[–][PHI ] Ben Simmons woody715 42 points 2 hours ago

I really want physical defense back this shit slows the game down so much


[–]Pistons Beast-2 62 points 2 hours ago

Damn 22 attempts wtf

活塞球迷:靠,恩比德都有22 次罚球了,日了狗

[–]Bucks FooKLOP 76 points 2 hours ago

16 in the fourth...

雄鹿球迷:第四节16 个.

[–][PHI ] Ben Simmons woody715 17 points 2 hours ago

Dude so many fouls such a painful to watch fourth


[–]76ers cobbicus333 30 points an hour ago

Almost like they don ’t have anyone on their team that can guard a 7 ’2" monster. The sixers shot 1 more free throw than the hornets.

76 人球迷:敌手几近没人可以或许防住恩比德这个7 尺2 的猛兽啊.不外76 人的罚球也就比黄蜂多了一个罢了.

[–][PHI ] Hollis Thompson ziggy8392 14 points 2 hours ago

FTs were pretty even , which isn 't good because both teams had 40 each lol

76ren qiumi :罚球根基差不多,这很欠好啊,由于两队各有40 次罚球,哈哈哈


[–]Bucks outofscenery 218 points 2 hours ago

some say embiid is still at the line shooting free throws


[–][HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwon kyotofly 19 points 2 hours ago

Harden gave a look of surprise


[–][PHI ] Joel Embiid GeneralBearegardLee 15 points 2 hours ago

Embiid had 42 points on 18 shots. Makes my pp Harden

恩比德球迷:年夜帝18 投拿到42 分,这还真是哈登气概.

[–][PHI ] Andre Iguodala ShrekIsNotDrek 4 points 2 hours ago

My dog just sniffed my hand and I 'm now at the line shooting 2.

76 人球迷:我的狗适才闻了一下我的手,此刻我站上罚球线了.


[–]76ers LockOfTheWeek 68 points 2 hours ago

Hope Kemba is alright , guy has such a big heart. Props to him.

Games was aids to watch with all the fouls and free throws tho.

76 人球迷:但愿沃克没事啊,这哥们儿真的有一颗年夜心脏,为他拍手.


[–]76ers marsher46 20 points 2 hours ago

Embiid definitely carried us but there were some really solid contributors this game. And Dario , despite some really dumb mistakes , seems to have gotten some of his legs back.

76 人球迷:恩比德绝对地carry 全场,可是我们还其他靠得住的气力.虽然说萨里奇犯了一些笨拙的毛病,可是他仿佛脚下的感受找回来了些啊.

[–]76ers CollangelosCollar 51 points 9 hours ago

I see no love for Simmons in the comments , he had 22/8/13/2/3 and only 3 turnovers on 9/15 , controlled this game from start to finish and played elite defense.

76 人球迷:我在这些评论里就没看到对西蒙斯的关爱,他可是15 投9 中,22 分8 篮板13 助攻2 抢断3 封盖,唯一3 次掉误啊,他从始至终都节制着角逐,并且还打出了精英级的戍守.

[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingram puddingpupp 54 points 2 hours ago

Simmons defense on that last Hornet 's play was fantastic.


[–]SashDawg123 31 points 2 hours ago

his overtime was incredible.


[–]76ers The_Jrueth 70 points 2 hours ago

Id say I want to celebrate this win , but I may get called for a foul.

Seriously , that was the worst officiated game I 've seen in awhile. It didnt benefit either team , but it sure as hell affected the viewing experience as a fan.

As for the game , Jojo is undeniably an MVP calliber player , and Simmons played absolutely wonderfully on both ends of the floor. Extremely happy to come out on top of that one

76 人球迷:我本想庆贺这场角逐,可是我怕被吹犯规.


至在说角逐自己,恩比德毫无疑问是个MVP 级此外球员了,西蒙斯在攻防两头的表示也绝对是靠得住的.

[–][CHA ] Malik Monk BizGilwalker 67 points 2 hours ago

Philly: Here , take this game , we don 't want it

Charlotte: no u


黄蜂球迷:76 人:"喏,你们拿去吧,我们不想赢."



[–][CHA ] Malik Monk BizGilwalker 84 points 2 hours ago

fuck everything about this game


[–]76ers Auguschm 24 points 2 hours ago


76 人球迷:附和.

[–]AllThreadsAreSafe 80 points 2 hours ago

Those were the worst refs I 've ever seen. I legit am pissed and I pull for neither of these teams








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