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亚博:最好格里芬? 是给力芬率队绝杀 76人| 控卫芬才

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-25 08:28:45

[Post Game Thread ] The Detroit Pistons (3-0 ) defeat the Philadelphia 76ers (2-2 ) in OT , 133-132 , behind Blake Griffin 's career high of 50 points

底特律活塞(3 胜0 负)颠末加时酣战以133-132 险胜费城76 人,布雷克-格里芬拿到创职业生活生计新高的50 分.

雷吉-杰克逊23 分3 篮板3 助攻、布洛克17 分、德拉蒙德14 分16 篮板2 助攻3 抢断2 盖帽、伊斯-史姑娘21 分3 助攻;恩比德33 分11 篮板7 助攻3 盖帽、考文顿16 分8 篮板2 助攻、萨里奇14 分8 篮板5 助攻、富尔茨13 分6 篮板、雷迪克30 分6 篮板6 助攻、麦康纳10 分3 篮板8 助攻.


[–]Trail Blazer sasianmangg 2382 points 2 hours ago

The first 50 banger of the year is Blake fucking Griffin. Wow

开辟者球迷:赛季首个50 分家然是特么的布雷克-格里芬拿到的.哇!

[–]Pistons J_KMOS 360 points 2 hours ago

Why is this surprising , when healthy Blake Griffin is a star , the only question about him ever has been his health


[–]Mr_Unbiased 120 points 2 hours ago

Blake Overpaid according to r/NBA Griffin


[–]Nuggets Syysmies 155 points an hour ago

The contract is still really bad for an injury prone 29 year old who has been trending down in his effectiveness even when healthy.

掘金球迷:对他这么一个已29 岁又轻易受伤的球员来讲,他的合约仍是糟的,究竟即使健康时,他的效力也是有所下滑的.

[–]Mr_Unbiased 64 points an hour ago

If you want to tell me the contract will be bad in 2-3 years sure you have a great argument. But as of right now , he 's warranting it.

He 's a really good player , but the contract isn 't good.


[–]Bulls Shade1260 81 points 2 hours ago

Blake shooting 500% from 3 is just unstoppable


[–][GSW ] Draymond Green jthc 334 points 2 hours ago

Yep. It kills me when people repeat the Blake only dunks cliche. Have you seen this guy the last few years ? He 's got one of the most well-rounded skillsets at the 4. Legit point forward , like a muscled Ben Simmons with a jumpshot.

追梦-格林球迷:对!有些人总说"格里芬只会扣篮" 之类的老一套,真的是秀逗了.你看过他这几年的表示吗?他可是同盟手艺最周全的4 号位之一啊,正宗的控球型年夜前,就像有了跳投技术以后的增肌版本-西蒙斯.

[–]76ers hashtagboner 97 points an hour ago

Blake Griffin is such an athletic freak of nature even if he lost every single shot in his game other than the dunk he would still be a star in the league.

76 人球迷:格里芬的活动能力真的是反常,哪怕他只会扣篮,一个投篮都进不了,他也仍然是同盟里的球星.

[–]cosmicshake41 43 points an hour ago

Well yeah , that was his game when he first came into the league


[–]platocplx 53 points an hour ago

seriously he has all the offensive tools , can win off the dribble , Has a good post game , guys range has progressed insanely. He has a complete ass game. Just always been his health. Healthy he ’s one of the best power forwards in the league.


[–][CLE ] Kyrie Irving 2016Winner 856 points 2 hours ago

He looks so fucking dominant when he ’s on wow


[–]Pacers XZTALVENARNZEGOMSAYT 474 points 2 hours ago

I wish he was healthy his whole career


[–]NBA petepostlethwaite 224 points 2 hours ago

When Blake hurts , we all hurt


[–]Warriors Stalin_2020 72 points an hour ago

Bless. All. Knees.


[–]Pistons Lapidoth 102 points 5 hours ago

bLaKe Is WaShEd Up

活塞球迷:还人说"格里芬已不可了" 呢

[–][TOR ] Kyle Lowry Batmanana5 51 points 5 hours ago

cAsEy iS tRaSh



[–][HOU ] Chris Paul clutch-city2k15 897 points 2 hours ago

Whoever had Blake being the first player this season to score 50 , congratulations on winning NBA bingo.

保罗球迷:如果有人押了格里芬成为赛季首个50 分得主,那真得恭喜他中了年夜彩!

[–]Timberwolves the___heretic 135 points 2 hours ago

Wonder what the Vegas odds on that were.


[–]Pistons throwaway_5256 62 points an hour ago

Even if someone bet on it they probably died of a heart attack lol it took every ounce of his will to get there

He had 28 at the half and should have had 30 + if he hit his free throws. But he didn 't clinch 50 until our last possession.


格里芬上半场就拿了28 分,假如罚球中了,就是30 +.可是他直到最后一个回合才拿到50 分.

[–]Thunder _Iroha 38 points an hour ago

50th point was an And1 and a game winner , crazy

雷霆球迷:第五十分仍是靠"2 +1" 获得的,并且是制胜分,太疯狂了.

[–]Raptors 905UserNotFound 2001 points 2 hours ago

/Dwane Casey looks at Blake Griffin

Casey: Score 50 for me Demar

Blake: but my name 's-

Casey: did you get taller ?


凯西:德罗赞,给我砍50 分



[–]Knicks urasha 483 points 2 hours ago

And lighter ?


[–]unklebuckets 19 points 2 hours ago

Whiter ?


[–]Nets LanaRhoades- 9 points 2 hours ago

Actually Blake looked as tall as DeMar tonight for some reason


He was even bringing the ball up and shit like a guard


[–]Pistons SignificantChapter 9 points 5 hours ago

Where the haters at ? Saw a lot of them after the trade



[–]Thunder selddir_ 1430 points 2 hours ago

The news of Blake Griffins death has been GREATLY exaggerated. What a game.


[–][PHI ] Ben Simmons woody715 82 points 2 hours ago

Amen. The man could not be stopped. WHAT A GAME


[–]Nets Bigbadbuck 75 points 2 hours ago

He 's really become a complete player. Man his ball handling and passing is insanely good for his size.


[–]Raptors pleasefeedthedino 80 points 4 hours ago

Point Blake is the best Blake. Kudos to Case for seeing it and letting him do his thing.


[–]Raptors DeComp10 71 points 5 hours ago *

Dwayne Casey just ran the same play he ran for JV against the bucks for Blake Griffin to not only tie , but get the and-1 this time ! holy shit THATS MY COY BABY

Edit: Blake giving Casey the nod in the postgame interview for play too



[–][DET ] Andre Drummond Yankees3Fan7 39 points 5 hours ago

Blake Griffin is My Hero


[–]NBA BlisteringMustang23 51 points 5 hours ago

Detroit legend Blake Griffin


[–]fuckyouraesthetic 49 points 5 hours ago

Is Blake Griffin the best player in the NBA ?


[–][DET ] Ben Wallace mynameisjake7 35 points 5 hours ago



[–]Suns Tankwagonfireinmysky 42 points 5 hours ago

I don ’t want to overreact but is Blake griffin the greatest player of all time ?


[–][DAL ] Dirk Nowitzki MR_KRABS_IS_A_ROBOT 35 points 5 hours ago

Definitely the greatest to ever wear #23 in the Central Division

诺维茨基:绝对是中部门区里穿过23 号的最好球员.

[–]Pistons DinnerCereal 136 points 5 hours ago

Blake Griffin can have my children


[–][DAL ] Dirk Nowitzki DaddyDoncic 166 points 5 hours ago

You just want the child support check.

诺维茨基球迷:你是想讹扶养费吧.(炎天有报导称,布雷克-格里芬将为他和前女友生下的两个孩子付出每个月3.2 万美元的扶养费)


[–]F7U12_ANALYSIS 416 points 5 hours ago

GOTY thus far. When we talk about the best players in the league , somewhere along the way we stopped talking about Blake Griffin. Tonight he reminded us he 's still elite. It 's way , WAY too early but if he keeps this up he 's in the MVP conversation.

今朝为止的年度最好角逐.当我们会商起同盟顶尖球员的时辰,不知啥时辰起就不再说格里芬了.今晚他提示我们他依然是顶尖的.虽然说此刻说这些还为时尚早,可如果他继续这类势头,那他就会进入MVP 候选人的会商之列了.

[–]Celtics goofygoober2 142 points 5 hours ago *

It ’s always an issue with health for Blake though , if he can get through the season without any major hiccups I can see him doing well


[–][TOR ] Fred VanVleet plushPudding 28 points 5 hours ago

blake vs JJ redick. the mvp contest of the decade

范弗里特球迷:格里芬vs 雷迪克.十年MVP 之争.

[–]Celtics 0per 126 points 5 hours ago

best nba game ive seen in a looooong time

凯尔特人球迷:这是我很长时候以来看过的最好NBA 角逐.

[–]76ers Pandiwi 364 points 5 hours ago

What a fucking game

76 人球迷:真特么爽!

[–][TOR ] T.J. Fordstancehunters 361 points 5 hours ago

Game of the year


[–]Lakers EvanH98 935 points 5 hours ago

Legit game of the year candidate


[–]76ers MadBeamer 210 points 5 hours ago

I said this yeterday about the spurs game yet here I am , fantastic game wow

76 人球迷:昨天马刺的角逐我也是这么说的,但此次我还要这么说.角逐其实太都雅啦!

[–]Spurs KDbitchmade 156 points 5 hours ago

We got a GOTY everyday....this season is alright !


[–]Pistons subMJM 112 points 4 hours ago

Warriors/Jazz was pretty fucking fire too. This has been a great start to the season.


[–]HoodedNinj4 593 points 5 hours ago



[–]Pistons eggnogeggnogeggnog 208 points 5 hours ago

is it a coincidence he followed kawhi east ????


[–]Raptors ItzCStephCS 106 points 4 hours ago

We will have a riot here in Toronto if he injures Kawhi again lmao


[–]Pistons RomeluBukkake 567 points 5 hours ago

82-0 still on the menu boys

活塞球迷:伴计们,我们本赛季82 胜0 负的但愿还在.

[–]Pistons Doc_Hammertime 114 points 5 hours ago

Start planning the parade


[–][PHI ] Robert Covington sjekky 227 points 5 hours ago

Why I do feel like career highs happen against us a lot

76 人球迷:为毛我总感受我们常常被敌手拿职业生活生计新高呢?

[–]76ers TornadoApe 248 points 5 hours ago

I don 't even like basketball

76 人球迷:累觉不爱.

[–][DEN ] Jamal Murray illmatic23- 59 points 5 hours ago

Yeah I don ’t like regular basketball either. I prefer DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETROIT BASKETBALL


[–]Pistons BatesNorman 67 points 5 hours ago

Honestly same for the Pistons usually


[–]Heat oiwin123 74 points 5 hours ago

That was probably the worst game ive seen drummond play my god he got destroyed all game


[–]Timberwolves HelloJimB 16 points 5 hours ago

Thank god Blake won the game. I was rooting for the Pistons , after Andre got ejected for a bullshit tech. I hope they are the dark horse for the East.



[–]foxsleftear [S ] 263 points 5 hours ago

Fultz only played 21 minutes , but he went 6-9 from the field , 1-2 from 3 , and had 6 rebounds , too. He 's slowly becoming more confident in his shot , which is great to see.

富尔茨才打了21 分钟,可是他全场9 中6 ,三分2 中1 ,还6 个篮板.他正在渐渐对本身的投篮注入决定信念,这走势很喜人.

[–]Bulls Falt_ssb 87 points 5 hours ago

he looked great ! i dont know why brown barely played him after halftime


[–]76ers hehehehahahaha 110 points 5 hours ago

I dont know what the fuck brett brown has been doing since the beginning of the season

76 人球迷:我特么也不知道布雷特-布朗这个赛季在弄毛.

[–]76ers DrSpaceman26 15 points 5 hours ago

Brett Brown: "we need to develop Fultz even if it costs us a few games now"

Also Brett Brown: benches Fultz for all of the fourth quarter and OT

76 人球迷:布雷特-布朗:"即便要牺牲几场角逐,我们此刻也要培育富尔茨."








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