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亚博:恩比德- 我们总是被绿军揍| 真的斗士勇于直面实际

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-21 12:06:17


[Joel Embiid ]This is not a rivalry... they always kick our ass.


Real talk from Embiid :Joel Embiid on the "rivalry" between the Celtics and Sixers:"This is not a rivalry. I don 't know our record against them , but it 's pretty bad. They always kick our ass."

当记者们问到关在凯尔特人与76 人之间的匹敌时,恩比德的回覆很是直接:"我们还算不上他们的夙敌.我不清晰我们和他们的汗青交手战绩,但真的很糟.他们一向摁着我们揍."


[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant iamnotkobe 1584 points 2 days ago

It 's good Embiid has self-awareness


[–]Heat Eddie1378 37 points 2 days ago

Man has a point


[–]Raptors hamdogthecat 354 points 2 days ago



[–]Nets Bigbadbuck 72 points 2 days ago

He talks trash but he can take it when he receives it and is aware like you mention.


[–]Jazz mygingersoul 3 points 2 days ago

No I want another JR Smith in the league

爵士球迷:不!说好的做下一个JR 呢!

[–]Lakers TheMurkyMerc 3 points 1 day ago

There are probably more players like JR in the league who just dont get as much attention.

湖人球迷:或许同盟里有良多像JR 如许的人,只不外没几多人留意到而已.

[–]Huckleberry_Sin 634 points 2 days ago

He 's a real one. That 's for sure. It 's why I don 't think ppl will actually ever get annoyed by him.

The trolling is just him messing around. He 's a good dude.



[–]Thunde rjwestbrook95 270 points 2 days ago

Plenty of people find him annoying already


[–]Raptors fabrar 124 points 2 days ago

I found him funny at first , and then annoying , and now I 've come around on him again. Looks like he 's gotten a little mature and self-aware with another year and another season under his belt. I do hope he retains his sense of humour though , it really sets him apart.


[–]Lakersc ottagecheese24 23 points 2 days ago

Joel Embiid got his ass kicked today , that 's for sure. I 'm sure he 'll come back and have a monster game against the Celtics next time around.


[–]76ers xychosis 22 points 2 days ago

JoJo with some self-awareness. Man , the Celtics just hard counter us.

76 人球迷:乔乔仍是有些自知之明的.不外老天呐,凯尔特人就专克我们啊.


[–]Celtics JoseToThe 3304 points 2 days ago

Btw , Celtics have won 19 of their last 22 games against the Sixers (including the playoffs ), per Adam Kaufman.

8-2 since Ben ’s been on the 6ers.

凯尔特人球迷:随口一说,按照Adam Kaufman 供给的数据,凯尔特人曩昔22 次与76 人交手(包罗季后赛),赢了19 场.

自打本西来到76 人以后,绿军8-2 领先76 人.

[–][MIA ] Harold Miner paradoxofchoice 18 points 2 days ago

Does 8-2 count games he was active for or also injured but on the roster ? Same with embiid. Their best players have missed so much time since they joined the team.

热火球迷:这个8 胜2 负的所有角逐本西都能打吗?或说他受伤了却还在名单里?恩比德的环境也一样.76 人这两个最好的球员自打加盟球队以后,错过太多角逐了.

[–]76ers LtDanDanNoodles 103 points 2 days ago

Is 19 of 22 the number of games played since the Sixers lost to the Celtics in 7 back in that ECSF ? The one where Rose got hurt in Game 1 and the 8 seed Sixers won a playoff series.

76 人:这个22 战19 胜的统计是否是从76 人那年在东部半决赛中输失落抢七的那场角逐最先算起的?那年季后赛罗斯在对阵76 人的第一场角逐中就受伤了,然后76 人实现了黑八.

[–]Bulls BlackMathNerd 18 points 2 days ago



[–][CHI ] Derrick Rose lebronshairlinee 122 points 2 days ago

Thanks for triggering my ptsd


[–]76ers charliedarwinsfather 2169 points 2 days ago

I appreciate embiids honesty

76 人球迷:我赏识恩比德的其实.

[–]Celtics JoseToThe 119 points 2 days ago

Yeah I was just providing context. While he ’s been honed in and playing he hasn ’t seen many wins against the Celtics. Stats paint a picture of why he would say what he did. Honest indeed. Can ’t wait for next time.


[–]Warriors 12barcanvass 999 points 2 days ago

He 's a competitor. Facing the truth is the first step to getting better.


[–]solipsynecdoche 1409 points 2 days ago

No the truth isnt on the Celtics anymore

不!真谛(truth ,也有"事实" 之意)已不在凯尔特人了……

[–]PhotorazonCannon 741 points 2 days ago

The Answer left Philadelphia a while ago too



[–]firefistzoro 155 points 2 days ago

Respect to Embiid. This is what backing up your trash talk means , a lot of people think it means just winning all the time , but it also means taking back the trash talk in situations like this and showing respect/humility.

Also a sign of a guy that ’s going to make drastic improvements ASAP so he won ’t have to make more statements like this , and can keep talking his shit LOL.



[–]76ers EfficientJellyfish 12 points 2 days ago

For a guy looking to contend for MVP , it 's a good learning opportunity. Not many on the Sixers outside of Embiid were doing much at all besides Simmons. Embiid tried to take the Celtics on himself instead of playing team basketball and that 's a huge reason why we lost by so much.

76 人球迷:对恩比德这类志在争取MVP 的球员来讲,此次是很好的进修机遇.除恩比德和西蒙斯以外,其他可以或许在凯尔特人眼前年夜显身手的76 人球员其实不多.恩比德想凭一己之力带队向前,而不是带动队友阐扬,这才是我们输这么多的主因.

[–]Celtics awitsop479 144 points 2 days ago

Embiid is trending up for Celtics fans. Let ’s wait a couple weeks


[–]Celtics PepeSylvia11 10 points 2 days ago

Wtf do I love Embiid now ? Gotta applaud the honesty.


[–][ATL ] Paul Millsap Jfklikeskfc 35 points 2 days ago *

Honestly I used to think he was obnoxious but Joel seems real as fuck


[–]Raptors paranoidandromeda1 16 points 2 days ago

He 's like the rest of us. He has moments lol



[–]Rockets Whydidideletemyaccou 104 points 2 days ago

They just don 't have the spacing you need to give Boston fits. Embiid is a beast but unless you have shooters to make Boston regret rotating AND Embiid becomes a little more willing to look around in the post for open shooters , it won 't be a good matchup.

火箭球迷:76 人只是缺少击败波士顿所需的空间.恩比德简直是头野兽,可是呢,除非76 人有让凯尔特人顾忌换防的弓手,并且恩比德在低位时分球找外线的意愿再强烈一些,否则这两队就不克不及算是势均力敌.

[–]dracostark12 110 points 2 days ago *


What are you saying. Thats what Boston is great at. They have the personal to run you to the floor , if you put a big lineup they have Baynes , Thesis , Horford and williams. 3/4of them can guard forwards and guards. You go a smaller lineup they could play 3guards to keep up. I don 't think anyone understands that Boston is the most flexible and deep team.


你在乱说甚么?那两点就是波士顿的优点啊.他们有足够足够的人手来压抑你,假如你采纳年夜个声势,那他们有贝恩斯、泰斯、霍福德和威廉姆斯,这四小我里有三个可以防锋线和后卫.假如你测验考试小个声势,他们可以派上3 后卫应战.我真感觉大师还不大白一点,那就是波士顿是同盟里声势最矫捷且最有深度的球队.

[–]Heat deezee72 37 points 2 days ago

Yeah , Boston 's key strengths is that their stars are players that fit well in any lineup along with a deep and varied cast of role players.

As a result they can mix and match their core players with all sorts of solid bench players to create extremely different lineups.



[–][BOS ] Jaylen Brown Warlandoboom 10 points 2 days ago

Just wait till we go medium on you ! (Smart , Hayward , Tatum , Morris , Theis )








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