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亚博:詹皇缺席总决赛时同盟八成球员未入 NBA

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-15 23:34:22


82.40% of players on NBA rosters weren 't in the league the last time LeBron missed the finals


Houston had the most players with 7/19 , while Portland had the least with none of their 18 having played in 2009/10.

此中火箭的球员最多,他们在詹姆斯未进总决赛之进步入同盟的球员一共有7 人(总人数19 人),而开辟者人则是起码的,他们在詹姆斯未进总决赛之进步入同盟的球员一个都没有.


[–]Netsmanlystonedwriter 1293 points 3 days ago

And 800% of this subreddit weren ’t allowed internet privileges yet


[–][BOS ] Semi OjeleyeInAingeWeTrust 374 points 3 days ago

No internet in the womb buddy


[–]Trail Blazerspostbyproxy 472 points 3 days ago

1000% of players on NBA rosters weren 't in the league the last time the Spurs missed the playoffs.

开辟者球迷:NBA 所有球员在上一次马刺错过季后赛时都还没进入同盟呢.

[–]bigballerbraindead 85 points 3 days ago

Vince Carter no ?


[–]SpursAclors13 331 points 3 days ago

He was drafted in 1998. Spurs missed the playoffs in 1997.

马刺球迷:他在1998 年被选中,而马刺上一次错过季后赛则是1997 年.

[–]CelticsLordHussyPants 131 points 2 days ago

jesus Christ


[–]Keksmonster 87 points 2 days ago

You mean Tim Duncan



[–]Celticsrounder55 132 points 3 days ago

I always point out how the Celtics were a hump he had to get over , aged , rebuilt again , became the largest hump to get over again

This stat however blows my mind but kind of makes sense considering Ray Allen.....a teammate on trip 2 is in the hall of fame now. The east will be weird



[–][MIA ] Anfernee HardawayChaseH9499 81 points 3 days ago

True , 2012 ECF Game 6 was the definitive turning point in his career no doubt. I still remember SAS talking about how "LeBron is more of a Pippen , more of a McHale , a second fiddle" and "there will not be a game 7 , and the Celtics will show just how weak LeBron really is"

热火球迷:对的,2012 年的东部决赛第六场毫无疑问是他职业生活生计的转折点,我还记适当时斯蒂芬-A-史姑娘一向在说"勒布朗更像皮蓬、勒布朗更像麦克海尔,只能做个年夜当家" 而且还一向说"没有第七场角逐了,凯尔特人会展现勒布朗这家伙到底有多懦弱."

[–]CelticsBlackRackTap 30 points 2 days ago

As a Celtics fan , the worst part was that it didn ’t even need to get to that point.

We could have won games 2-5 to finish the series , but the Heat somehow won the Rondo game where he put up 44/10/8 on 750% TS

凯尔特人球迷:作为一位凯尔特人球迷,最令我难熬的点在在我们本可以不消进入抢7 的.

我们本可以连赢2 到5 场然后竣事这轮系列赛,可是热火不知怎样的在隆多拿下44 +10 +8 而且750%的真实射中率环境下赢下了角逐.

[–]Celticsdarensand 237 points 3 days ago

That 's fucking crazy , really puts it into perspective how long Lebron has dominated the East. Still kind of pissed that we were never able to beat him in the East Playoffs for over 7 years and now we 'll never be able to.


[–]LakersJayveesac 276 points 3 days ago

What if all that suffering was for to beat him in the finals ?

Just kidding , Lakers in 6



[–][LAL ] Cedric CeballosCelalT 76 points 3 days ago

I don 't think Lakers loses in the finals if they manage to get past Houston and Golden State


[–][LAL ] Cedric CeballosCelalT 110 points 2 days ago

Naah bro , LeBron doesnt lose against eastern conference teams



[–]Lakersdbadefense1990 176 points 3 days ago

Warriors fans were 5 years away from being born the last time LeBron missed the Finals.


[–]5414141 85 points 3 days ago

LeBron is a legend on his own. Every legendary player has his own achievement in certain category. LBJ really made a mark in the league. Imagine what the EC players in the playoffs have to feel every time when they see him...the inevitable demise by the hands of LeThanos. It gotta be disappointing to say the least.


[–]IndigoJacob 58 points 3 days ago

And people still think the Lakers aren 't a lock for the playoffs...


[–]BullsSkoepa 2 points 2 days ago

I was in 4th grade , I ’m s freshman in college now.

公牛球迷:前次詹姆斯进总决赛我才4 年级,此刻我已是一个年夜一新生了.






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