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亚博:进不了季后赛? 网友热议下赛季马刺排名

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-22 09:53:04


Rudy Gay on possibility of the Spurs not making the playoffs:"Why were we expected to be so much better last year ? Because Kawhi may have come back ? He didn ’t , and we were still a playoff team , really a couple of wins away from being a third or fourth seed in the West."



[–]NBAmypepperplantsdie 3034 指標 11 小時前

Yep I mean nothing really to argue against here


[–]NuggetsEricStoltz-MaskMorty 886 指標 10 小時前

The only thing I would argue with is that he says they were a couple games back from the 3 seed , but doesn 't mention that they were only a game ahead of the 9 seed. I do think they will get in this year , but I don 't think it 's ridiculous to think otherwise. At least 2 good teams will miss the playoffs in the West.

掘金球迷:我想杠的独一一件工作就是他说球队距离3 号种子只有几场之差,可是他没有说起别的一件工作,那就是他们距离9 号种子也就差一场角逐,我确切认为他们能进季后赛,可是我不感觉斟酌他们出局是一种很荒诞的工作,在西部最少会有两支很棒的球队出局.

[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 300 指標 11 小時前

Denver and LA , two teams that didn ’t make the playoffs last year also will be in the playoffs probably. So two teams that made it this year will likely be out. While they do add Derozan they also lost two pretty good role players in Danny Green and Kyle Anderson


[–]WarriorsSharksFanAbroad 186 指標 10 小時前

Think the Nugs are more likely than not to make the playoffs ? Would love to see the odds for all western conference teams.


[–]Mavericksdawajtie_pogoworim 161 指標 10 小時前


[–]CelticsHorsNoises 82 指標 9 小時前

The Spurs could very easily be better than the Pelicans. They lost Rondo and gained Elfird Payton and Julius Randle. They 're def a little better than last year but really not that much. The Spurs still have Pop and he could coach 5 scarecrows to playoffs and I wouldnt be surprised.



[–]crzfst 212 指標 9 小時前

Sorry but i don 't see Wolves winning 52 games. I don 't even see them making playoffs.

抱愧,丛林狼赢52 场不成能的吧,我乃至感觉他们进不了季后赛.

[–]BucksTTMB 102 指標 9 小時前

I agree that 52 is pushing it , but why don 't you think they 'll make the playoffs ? They made the playoffs last year with their best player missing a third of the season.

雄鹿球迷:我赞成赢52 场太扯淡,可是你为啥感觉他们进不了季后赛呢?上赛季他们杀进了季后赛,并且仍是在他们最好的球员缺席了三分之一个赛季的环境下进得季后赛.

[–]Wizardsjohnwall46 51 指標 9 小時前

With Thibs being the coach and running the players to the ground , along with reports of chemistry issues in the locker room , I ’m also betting the wolves miss the playoffs in favor of the other teams.


[–]BucksDjhsjdofnfn 69 指標 9 小時前*

For no reason ?

If Wiggins and KAT don ’t take a step back and Jimmy plays even 10 more games , the Wolves will be better than last year. Pretty simple.


假如维金斯和唐斯不前进,只需要巴特勒多打10 场球,丛林狼就可以比上赛季好,这是个很简单的命题.

[–]HowIsItGoingToday 56 指標 8 小時前

I think people on r/nba way underrate how good Jimmy Butler is. Him and KAT carried Minny to a top 5 offense.

He has injury issues , but when healthy he is a great 1st option.

All the drama surrounding the Wolves make people underestimate how good they are.

Both them and Denver suffered bad due to injuries to key players last season. If healthy , both those teams could challenge for homecourt.

我感觉Reddit 里的人都太低估吉米-巴特勒,他和唐斯两小我撑起了丛林狼同盟前五的进攻.





[–]Lakersositola 55 指標 11 小時前

The thing is , the spurs got better , but so did everyone else in the west except the kings and maybe the Blazers


[–]76ersflydales 77 指標 10 小時前

I think the Blazers are one of those cases where they gonna get PTSD from getting swept. I mean they battled hard for the 3rd seed only to get crushed by the Pelicans with no Cousins in the first round. I don 't think they have any reasons to firmly believe they 'll do better this year , and that 's a pretty high psychological hurdle.

我感觉开辟者被横扫以后就得了PTSD ,他们确切为3 号种子拼尽全力,可是却被没有考辛斯的鹈鹕摧毁,我不感觉他们有任何来由相信本身这个赛季会变得更强,他们的心理障碍此刻有点深啊.


[–]Bullshebelehoo 1011 指標 11 小時前

Who would have thought even 2 years ago that Rudy Gay will become the most vocal player of the Spurs.

After all these years , it 's really good (and actually surprising ) for him to find an organization to embrace like that.



[–]williedbest 366 指標 10 小時前

He really has lengthened his career as a solid veteran presence. Didn 't imagine that happening a few years ago


[–]D_Gandy 157 指標 9 小時前

It 's insane that I watched Rudy in High School and then at Uconn , now he is nearing the very end of his career and it makes me feel very mortal. Feels like life has flown by me and I can 't slow it down. I just can 't comprehend how fast 15 years can fly by in what feels like an instant. I 'm scared the next 15 will be even faster.





[–]RocketsAdmiralAtLaw 906 指標 11 小時前

This is why the argument that Kawhi for DeMar has weakened the Spurs is so idiotic. Compared to last season , they didn 't trade Kawhi for DeMar , they traded nothing for DeMar.

This year 's Spurs team is going to be damn good , and anyone who 's surprised by that in December is a fool. Don 't get me wrong , the West is all about the Warriors and Rockets - but I wouldn 't be the least bit shocked to see the Spurs finish 3rd.

I would be absolutely stunned to see them miss the playoffs.

火箭球迷:这也是为何那些"把莱昂纳德买卖走换来德罗赞减弱马刺" 的不雅点是如斯笨拙的缘由了,相较在上赛季,他们其实不是拿莱昂纳德换来了德罗赞,他们现实上拿了空气换来了德罗赞.

所以马刺这个赛季必然会变得很强,假如有人会为此感应受惊,那末他必然是一个蠢蛋,别急着说我错的,西部仍然是火箭和勇士的二人转——可是假如马刺拿到3 号种子我最少不会震动.


[–]RaptorsJamesHar_en 336 指標 10 小時前

I mean they traded Danny for DeMar and lost Kyle but I still think they 're good enough to make it


[–][SAS ] Manu GinobiliEfetiesevenge 216 指標 10 小時前

Also we added Belinelli but everyone seems to forget about that


[–]SpursBroJackson_ 55 指標 10 小時前

But they ’re also getting back a healthy Rudy Gay. He missed 25 games last season.

马刺球迷:别忘了我们还迎回了健康的鲁迪-盖伊,他上个赛季错过了25 场角逐.

[–]BucksDjhsjdofnfn 61 指標 10 小時前

Danny Green has been on the decline , so not a huge loss


[–]Spurssef_reno 108 指標 10 小時前

His absence will be noticed. He ’s really good at defense and average at 3 ’s. Two things that the spurs current roster is lacking now.


[–]BucksDjhsjdofnfn 100 指標 10 小時前

Until Pop suddenly has DeMar nailing 3 ’s and playing lockdown defense



[–]Spursfabripav 79 指標 11 小時前

Rockets got quite worse defensively. They lost Ariza and added Melo. Wouldn 't be surprised to see the Spurs get the 2nd seed


[–]Spurscilinderman 91 指標 10 小時前

Ok , pump the brakes a little bit now. Playoffs are very likely but 2nd seed seems delusional , we 'd need like +55W for that. I think 50W-32L and 4th-6th seed is reachable though.

马刺球迷:Emmmm ,季后赛有可能,可是二号种子太扯了,我们最少需要赢55 场以上,我感觉50 胜32 负排名西部4-6 是比力公道的.







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