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亚博:鬼话新球衣: 耐克喷鼻蕉黄, 紫款黑边丑

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-04 12:53:32
When the lights go down. The show comes on. 灯光渐隐,好戏登场 摘自Reddit 译者:JOGIzxy Areyoumyfriend So glad they showed the greatest laker I grew up with and not just Kobe. I miss Sasha. 这件球衣里融入了科比时期之前的元素,那是我最先看球的时期,真好.PS :驰念莎莎(耐克宣扬片里闪现那年总决赛的武贾西奇) nbaballer8227 Those sweet clutch free throws in game 7. 那两个抢7 的罚球啊 Cypppp Kuz on the narration. I really like the redesign. Color doesn ’t look too off. I just wished they flashed Zo ’s or Kuz ’s or BI ’s new jerseys after they showed their clips , that would been dope 库兹马(给宣扬片)配的音.球衣设计的也不错.色彩么,也挺好.我就是但愿他们能在短片里零丁展现一下郎佐和莺哥的球衣. Benerinooo THEYRE BEAUTIFUL 都雅!年夜写的都雅! fartlapse I wish wish was not there 我就但愿WISH 的阿谁LOGO 可以拿失落 Luismedina1711 i personally don ’t mind lol. i ’ve been wearing soccer jerseys for awhile and the sponsors don ’t mean shit to me. i wear the jersey to support my team. 从我小我来说,我是不太介怀的,由于我有一阵子常穿足球的球衣,上面的告白我已可以或许置若罔闻了.究竟穿球衣只是为了撑持球队而已. Illionaires At least the Wish logo is simple and can color match all the jerseys. Some teams have ugly logos with colors that throw off the whole jersey 好歹我们的LOGO 和衣服色彩还挺配,设计也简单.有的球队的LOGO 的确丑到爆炸,把整件衣服的逼格都拉低了. ram0h and the nike sign 其实我说,把耐克的标记也去失落的话也蛮好 twopaz That purple is so sexy they all look amazing 这紫色看起来真性感. JulesWinnfieldJr I really hate that it has the black stripe , like why ? Its so unnecessary 我是真的厌恶那条黑线,我就问一句,有需要吗? JulesWinnfieldJr Exactly thats my biggest problem about it , I think I wouldn ’t mind the black as much if the others had side panels too ! I mean I guess since it technically is the "Statement" jersey and for most teams the statement jersey is black I guess that justifies it. I just pray the shorts makes everything look better on court 对呀对呀,我也是这么想的.如果其他款也有边就算了,要害就紫色这一款有黑边! 不外我感觉既然这款算作耐克的一个零丁系列,年夜大都球队都有黑色元素,我也就只能接管了,但愿配上短裤以后能看起来好一点. The mamba and the king 黑曼巴和小皇帝 Chuymuy1 2 goats 两位汗青最好 PrincetonMaxwel I ’m getting a Lakers jersey. Not even a fan 我都不克不及算是一个湖人球迷,不外我看了今后仍是想买一件 Hishaam00 Same here. Who ’s name are you getting ? 我也,你想买一件谁的? raidenblade_32 Ryan Kelly 我保举瑞恩凯利 thatcattristan not the goat of all goats robert sacre ? 别瞎保举,应当买萨克雷萨帝的球衣 iGwlbirdy Luol Deng 鲁尔邓的吧 FormedCloud1 Roy Hibbert 希伯特的也行啊 PrincetonMaxwel Bron 我要买詹姆斯的(层主本人的正经回覆) LamboFly2 the drop shadow is so fucking nice 暗影结果屌爆了 eaw0913 So true.. the purple with the white drop looks beautiful. 是的,紫色那件带白暗影的超等都雅 owledgeN Agreed. Nike finally did something good for once I can ’t tell if it ’s still banana yellow though because every photo seems to have different lighting. 赞成,耐克总算是干了件正经事 不外我仍是不克不及肯定阿谁究竟是喷鼻蕉黄仍是金色,由于照片拍出来的其实是禁绝 IlyaKarnain Imagine if they played together for us... Fuegoooo 想象一下他们两个都为湖人效率,skrrrrrr DisgustingSwine24 That would be more unfair than current warriors lol 这会比此刻的勇士还欺侮人啊哈哈哈 Xc0liber69 Rest of the league will just give up lol 同盟的其他球队直接选择抛却



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